include: deprecate syscalls leftovers
[cavatools.git] / cachesim / queues.c
2 //
3 // queues.c
4 //
5 // Created by pete on 1/29/16.
6 // Copyright © 2016-2020 Pete. All rights reserved.
7 //
10 #include <stdlib.h>
11 #include <string.h>
12 #define EXTERN extern
14 #include "types.h"
15 #include "queues.h"
18 /*
19 simpleQueues 1.0v4 [May 3 2020]
20 - changed the qBlock header to include an int64 key
21 - added an insert blcok in order function
24 // older:
26 1.0v0 January 16 2017
27 - rebuild of old code with old testing harness and new names for the API
28 - we no longer try to keep count of the elements in a queue
30 1.0v1
31 - now #include types.h from the utilities project
32 - now include utilities.c and .h to provide timenow()
34 1.0v2 [May 8 2017]
35 - changed qAppendQTail and qAppendQHead to NOT free the Queue structure that's supplying the list
37 1.0v3 [April 7 2018]
38 - changed Queue * qNewQs(uint64 count, char * name) to check for the existence of the malloc'd queues before initialising them
39 */
42 static char * name_and_version = "simpleQueues 1.0v4 [May 3 2020]";
44 // ---------------------- qNameAndVersion --------------
46 char * qNameAndVersion(void) {
47 return name_and_version;
48 }
50 // ------------------ qError ---------------
52 void qError(char * msg, char * s1, char * s2) {
53 printf("\n\n==qERROR: %s %s %s\n", msg, s1 ? s1 : "", s2? s2: "");
54 }
56 // ------------------ qCheckQ ------------------
58 uint32 qCheckQ(Queue * q) {
59 // checks the specified queue for consistency
60 uint32 errors = qCheckSlice("queue", q -> head, q -> tail);
61 return errors;
62 }
65 // ------------------ qCheckSlice ------------------
67 uint32 qCheckSlice(char * msg, qBlock * b0, qBlock * b1) {
68 // checks the specified slice of blocks for consistency
69 // check forward
70 qBlock * front, * back;
71 uint32 fwd = 0, bwd = 0;
72 uint32 errors = 0;
73 front = b0;
74 back = b1;
75 // check going from front arrives at back
76 while (b0 && (b0 != back)) {
77 b0 = b0 -> next;
78 fwd++;
79 }
80 if (b0 != back) {
81 printf("\n\terror in traversing %s forward from %p..%p", msg, front, back);
82 errors++;
83 }
85 // check going from back to front arrives at front
86 b0 = back;
87 while (b0 && (b0 != front)) {
88 b0 = b0 -> prev;
89 bwd++;
90 }
92 if (b0 != front) {
93 printf("\n\terror in traversing %s backward from %p..%p", msg, front, back);
94 errors++;
95 }
97 if (fwd != bwd) {
98 printf("\n\tcount error in traversing %s from %p..%p; fwdcount=%d, bwdcount=%d", msg, front, back, fwd, bwd);
99 errors++;
100 }
101 return errors;
102 }
104 // ------------------ qCountQ ----------------------
106 uint64 qCountQ(Queue * q) {
107 uint64 n = 0;
108 qBlock * b, * t;
109 b = q -> head;
110 t = q -> tail;
111 if (b && t) {
112 while (b) {
113 n++;
114 b = b -> next;
115 }
116 return n;
117 }
118 else {
119 return 0;
120 }
121 }
123 // ------------------ qSetQEmpty ----------------
125 void qSetQEmpty(Queue * q) {
126 q -> head = NULL;
127 q -> tail = NULL;
128 }
130 // -------------------------- qInitQ --------------------------
132 void qInitQ(Queue * q, char * name, uint64 n) {
133 // initialise created queue
134 if (name) {
135 int l = (int)strlen(name);
136 q -> qname = malloc(l + 16);
137 sprintf(q -> qname, "%s[%llu]", name, n);
138 }
139 else q -> qname = NULL;
141 qSetQEmpty(q);
143 // q -> bt = btAny;
144 }
146 //// --------------- qSetQType -------------
147 //
148 //void qSetQType(Queue * q, blockType bt) {
149 // q -> bt = bt;
150 // uint64 size = strlen(q -> qname) + strlen(btName(bt)) + 16;
151 // char * n = malloc(size);
152 // strcpy(n, q -> qname);
153 // strcat(n, "-'");
154 // strcat(n, btName(bt));
155 // strcat(n, "'");
156 // //printf("\nqSetQType: freeing '%s' and setting '%s'", q -> qname, n);
157 // free(q -> qname);
158 // q -> qname = n;
159 //}
160 //
161 // -------------------------- qNewQ ---------------------------
163 Queue * qNewQ(char * name) {
164 // create and initialise just one queue
165 return qNewQs(1, name);
166 }
168 // -------------------------- qNewQs -------------------------
170 Queue * qNewQs(uint64 count, char * name) {
171 // creates and initialises an array of 'count' queues
172 Queue * q;
173 uint64 i;
174 q = malloc(count * sizeof(Queue));
175 if (q) {
176 for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
177 qInitQ(&q[i], name, i);
178 }
179 }
180 return q;
181 }
183 // -------------------------- qKillQs ------------------------
185 void qKillQs(Queue * qs, uint64 count) {
186 // kills the array of count queues at q
187 free(qs);
188 }
190 // ------------------------- qKillQEntries --------------------------
192 void qKillQEntries(Queue * q) {
193 // removes and frees all entries on the specified queue
194 // must ONLY be used when the blocks were malloc()'d
195 // does not free any memory associated with the blocks
196 qBlock * ptr;
197 ptr = qGetBlock(q);
198 while (ptr) {
199 free(ptr);
200 ptr = qGetBlock(q);
201 }
202 }
204 // --------------------------- AddQHead ---------------------------
206 void qAddQHead(Queue * q, qBlock * start, qBlock * end) {
207 // adds the list of blocks to the head of q
208 if (start && end) {
209 start -> prev = NULL;
210 end -> next = q -> head;
211 if (q -> head) {
212 // the queue is non-empty
213 q -> head -> prev = end;
214 q -> head = start;
215 }
216 else {
217 // queue is empty
218 q -> head = start;
219 q -> tail = end;
220 }
221 }
222 }
224 // ---------------------------- qAddQTail -------------------------
226 void qAddQTail(Queue * q, qBlock * start, qBlock * end) {
227 // adds the list of blocks to the tail of q
228 if (start && end) {
229 end -> next = NULL;
230 start -> prev = q -> tail;
231 if (q -> head) {
232 // the queue is non-empty
233 q -> tail -> next = start;
234 q -> tail = end;
235 }
236 else {
237 // the queue is empty
238 q -> head = start;
239 q -> tail = end;
240 }
242 }
243 }
245 // --------------------------- qAppendQTail --------------------
247 void qAppendQTail(Queue * qd, Queue * qs) {
248 // places all the elements of qs on the tail of qd
249 qBlock * start, *end;
250 start = qFirstBlock(qs);
251 end = qLastBlock(qs);
253 qCutQ(qs, start, end);
254 qAddQTail(qd, start, end);
255 }
257 // --------------------------- qAppendQHead --------------------
259 void qAppendQHead(Queue * qd, Queue * qs) {
260 // places all the elements of qs at the head of qd
261 qBlock * start, *end;
262 start = qFirstBlock(qs);
263 end = qLastBlock(qs);
265 qCutQ(qs, start, end);
266 qAddQHead(qd, start, end);
267 }
269 // --------------------------- qCutQ -------------------------
271 void qCutQ(Queue * q, qBlock * start, qBlock * end) {
272 // cuts the blocks start..end out of queue q
273 if ((start == NULL) || (end == NULL)) {
274 return; // no action if no slice
275 }
276 if ((q -> head == start) && (q -> tail == end)) {
277 // whole queue
278 q -> head = NULL;
279 q -> tail = NULL;
280 }
281 else if (q -> head == start) {
282 // cut from start to some way down
283 q -> head = end -> next;
284 end -> next -> prev = NULL;
285 }
286 else if (q -> tail == end) {
287 // cut from middle to end
288 q -> tail = start -> prev;
289 start -> prev -> next = NULL;
290 }
291 else {
292 // cut from middle
293 start -> prev -> next = end -> next;
294 end -> next -> prev = start -> prev;
295 }
296 }
298 // --------------------------- qCutBlock -------------------------
300 void qCutBlock(Queue * q, qBlock * block) {
301 // cuts the block 'block' out of queue q,
302 if (block == NULL) return;
304 if ((q -> head == block) && (q -> tail == block)) {
305 // whole queue
306 q -> head = NULL;
307 q -> tail = NULL;
308 }
309 else if (q -> head == block) {
310 // remove first block
311 q -> head = block -> next;
312 block -> next -> prev = NULL;
313 }
314 else if (q -> tail == block) {
315 // cut last block
316 q -> tail = block -> prev;
317 block -> prev -> next = NULL;
318 }
319 else {
320 // cut from middle
321 block -> prev -> next = block -> next;
322 block -> next -> prev = block -> prev;
323 }
324 }
326 // --------------------------- qAddBlock -------------------------
328 void qAddBlock(Queue * q, qBlock * block) {
329 // add block to tail of queue
331 // if (q -> bt != btAny) {
332 // if (q -> bt != block -> bt) {
333 // qError("mismatched queue and block type", btName(q -> bt), btName(block -> bt));
334 // }
335 // }
336 if (block) {
337 block -> next = NULL;
338 block -> prev = q -> tail;
339 if (q -> head ) {
340 // non-empty queue
341 q -> tail -> next = block;
342 q -> tail = block;
343 }
344 else {
345 // empty queue
346 q -> head = block;
347 q -> tail = block;
348 }
349 }
350 }
352 // --------------------------- qAddBlockBefore -------------------------
354 void qAddBlockBefore(Queue * q, qBlock * block, qBlock * here) {
355 // add 'block' to queue immediately before block 'here'
356 // if q is empty, make block the q
357 // if 'here' is NULL, add to end
359 if (block == NULL) return;
360 if (qFirstBlock(q) == NULL) {
361 qAddBlock(q, block);
362 }
363 else if (here == NULL) {
364 // didn't find anywhere; just add to tail
365 qAddBlock(q, block);
366 }
367 else if (here -> prev == NULL) {
368 // add to front
369 qAddBlockHead(q, block);
370 }
371 else {
372 // it's in the middle; chain in block after here->prev
373 qAddBlockAfter(q, block, here->prev);
374 }
375 }
377 // --------------------------- qAddBlockBeforeHead -------------------------
379 void qAddBlockBeforeHead(Queue * q, qBlock * block, qBlock * here) {
380 // add 'block' to queue immediately before block 'here'
381 // if q is empty, make block the q
382 // if 'here' is NULL, add to head
384 if (block == NULL) return;
385 if (qFirstBlock(q) == NULL) {
386 qAddBlock(q, block);
387 }
388 else if ((here == NULL) || (here -> prev == NULL)) {
389 // add to front
390 qAddBlockHead(q, block);
391 }
392 else {
393 // it's in the middle; chain in block after here->prev
394 qAddBlockAfter(q, block, here->prev);
395 }
396 }
398 // --------------------------- AddBlockAfter -------------------------
400 void qAddBlockAfter(Queue * q, qBlock * block, qBlock * here) {
401 // add block to queue immediately after block here
403 if (block == NULL) return;
404 if (qFirstBlock(q) == NULL) {
405 // no queue: add to head
406 qAddBlockHead(q, block);
407 }
408 else if ((here == NULL) || (here -> next == NULL)) {
409 // no place to add, or 'here' is the tail of the queue, so add to tail
410 qAddBlock(q, block);
411 }
412 else {
413 // 'here' is in the middle; chain in block after here
414 qBlock * next;
416 next = here -> next;
417 block -> next = next;
418 block -> prev = here;
419 here -> next = block;
420 next -> prev = block;
421 }
422 }
424 // --------------------------- qAddBlockAfterHead -------------------------
426 void qAddBlockAfterHead(Queue * q, qBlock * block, qBlock * here) {
427 // add block to queue immediately after block here
428 // add to front of queue if 'here' is NULL
430 if (block == NULL) return;
431 if ((qFirstBlock(q) == NULL) || (here == NULL)) {
432 // no queue: add to head
433 qAddBlockHead(q, block);
434 }
435 else if (here == q -> tail) {
436 // add to tail in normal manner
437 qAddBlock(q, block);
438 }
439 else {
440 // 'here' is in the middle; chain in block after here
441 qBlock * next;
443 next = here -> next;
444 block -> next = next;
445 block -> prev = here;
446 here -> next = block;
447 next -> prev = block;
448 }
449 }
451 void printSymQ(char * msg, void * st, Queue * q);
453 // --------------------------- qAddBlockHead -------------------------
455 void qAddBlockHead(Queue * q, qBlock * block) {
457 // there's something wrong with this
459 // add block to FRONT of queue
460 if (block == NULL) return;
462 qBlock * head = qFirst(q);
464 if (head) {
465 // non-empty queue. point old head at new block. don't touch tail.
466 head -> prev = block;
467 // point new block at old head
468 block -> next = head;
469 // make it have no prevs
470 block -> prev = NULL;
471 // set block as the head.
472 q -> head = block;
473 }
474 else {
475 // empty queue
476 q -> head = block;
477 q -> tail = block;
478 }
479 }
481 // ----------------------- qGetBlockTail ----------------
483 qBlock * qGetBlockTail(Queue * q) {
484 // gets the tail of the queue
485 qBlock * block = q -> tail;
486 qCutBlock(q, block);
487 return block;
488 }
489 // ---------------------------- qGetBlock ----------------------
491 qBlock * qGetBlock(Queue * q) {
492 // removes the first block on 'q' and returns it
493 qBlock * block;
495 block = q -> head;
497 if (block) {
498 // non-empty queue
499 if (q -> tail == block) {
500 // just one in queue; empty the queue
501 qSetQEmpty(q); // empty the queue
502 }
503 else {
504 q -> head = block -> next; // move head
505 block -> next -> prev = NULL; // mark new head
506 }
507 }
508 return block;
509 }
511 // -------------------------- qPushBlock ----------------------
513 void qPushBlock(Queue * q,qBlock * block) {
514 // push and pop run a queue as a stack; push puts block on front of queue
515 qAddBlockHead(q, block);
516 }
518 // -------------------------- qPushBlock ----------------------
520 qBlock * qPopBlock(Queue * q) {
521 // push and pop run a queue as a stack; pop gets block from front of queue
522 return qGetBlock(q);
523 }
525 // --------------------------- qInitBlock ---------------------
527 void qInitBlock(qBlock * block) {
528 // initialise block pointers to values which will surely trap if used
529 block -> next = NULL;
530 block -> prev = NULL;
531 // block -> bt = btAny;
532 }
535 //// ----------------- qSetBlockType ---------------
536 //
537 //void qSetBlockType(qBlock * b, blockType bt) {
538 // b -> bt = bt;
539 //}
540 //
541 // --------------------------- qNewBlock -----------------------
543 void * qNewBlock(uint32 size) {
544 // creates and initialises a new block of the desired size
545 qBlock * block = malloc(size);
546 if (block) qInitBlock(block);
547 return block;
548 }
550 // ------------- qInsertKeyBlockInOrder --------------
552 void qInsertBlockInOrder(Queue * q, qBlock * block) {
553 // q is a key-ordered queue of qKeyBlocks
554 // it is not in any queue (pointers are NULL)
555 // run down the queue looking for the insertion point, which is
556 // in front of the first block with the same or later time
558 // if (block -> key < 300) printf("\n--qInsertKeyBlockInOrder: block %p time %lld", block, block -> key);
559 qBlock * here = qFirst(q);
560 while (here) {
561 // if (block -> key < 300) printf("\n\tchecking block %p at time %lld", here, here -> key);
562 if (here -> key >= block -> key) break;
563 here = qNext(here);
564 }
566 if (here) {
567 // insert before here
568 // if (block -> key < 300) printf("\n\t.. insert before block %p key %lld", here, here -> key);
569 qAddBlockBefore(q, block, here);
570 }
571 else {
572 qAddBlock(q, block);
573 // if (block -> key < 300) printf("\t.. add to tail");
574 }
575 }
577 // ------------- qPrintKeyQ ---------------
579 void qPrintKeyQ(Queue * q) {
580 printf("\nKey Queue %p '%s'", q, q -> qname);
581 qBlock * b = qFirst(q);
582 while (b) {
583 printf("\n\tblock %p has key %lld", b, b -> key);
584 b = qNext(b);
585 }
586 }