Initial version of donated sources by Avertec, 3.4p5.
[tas-yagle.git] / distrib / docxml2 / text / doc / hitas_tutorial / old / lab8_adv_conf.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
2 <chapter>
3 <section niv='1'><title>Lab8. Advanced Configuration</title>
4 <p>This lab explains the handling of complex designs such as crossbar.</p>
5 <p>This lab takes place in the directory <f>lab8_adv_conf</f></p>
7 <section niv='2'><title>Database Generation</title>
8 <p>The &tool; can add mutual exclusion constraints on signals, in order to help the disassembly
9 process. May be especially usefull when dealing with shifters or multiplexors, in
10 case mutual exclusion constraints can not be directly derived from internal
11 combinational circuitry (if the mutual exclusions constraints come from latched
12 values or come from constraints on external pins).</p>
13 <p>See HiTas Reference Guide for further details.</p>
14 <glossary>
15 <row type='split'><article><f>inf_DefineMutex cmpup [list column4_0.n2 column4_0.n3]</f></article>
16 <def>adds mutual exclusion constraints on signals (only one of the signals can be up at the same time).</def></row>
17 <row type='split'><article><f>inf_DefineIgnore Instances COLUMN4_*.MEM_0</f></article>
18 <def>tells the tool to ignore the instances name matched with COLUMN4_*.MEM_0.</def></row>
19 </glossary>
20 <p>The database generation is done by the following:</p>
21 <code>
22 <cl>avt_LoadFile ../techno/bsim4_dummy.hsp</cl>
23 <cl>avt_LoadFile matrice4x4.spi spice</cl>
24 <cl> </cl>
25 <cl>set fig [hitas matrice4x4]</cl>
26 </code>
27 </section>
29 </section>
30 </chapter>