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2 <chapter>
3 <section niv='1'><title>Lab8. Sub-Circuit Blackboxing</title>
5 <section niv='2'><title>Objective</title>
6 <p>&tool; is designed to compute propagation delays in digital designs. The advantage of this
7 restrictive target is to enable very fast computing times. The drawback is that non-digital
8 block characterization is not directly handled by &tool; and should be supplied to 3rd-party analog
9 simulators. However, &tool; provides various ways to link with external characterizations.</p>
10 <p>First, the tool provides the means to choose between integrating a pre-characterization (such as
11 a .lib or .dtx file) and integrating an on-the-fly characterization (by piloting an analog
12 simulator).</p>
13 <p>The pre-characterization strategy is easier to set-up, but has the drawback to provide
14 only one characterization for (potentially) several instances of an analog sub-circuit.
15 The on-the-fly characterization is a little more difficult to set-up, but provides
16 environment-dependant (PVT, input slopes, output loads) characterizations, and therefore greater
17 accuracy.</p>
18 <p>This lab presents an illustration of the pre-characterization strategy, i.e. the integration of
19 a <f>.lib</f> file to replace an analog block.</p>
20 </section> <!-- Objective -->
22 <section niv='2'><title>Pre-Characterization</title>
23 <p>In this section, we present how to create a DTX file within a Tcl script, and how to get timing values
24 from analog simulation results. We then present how to make a <f>.lib</f> file out of it, and how to integrate
25 this pre-characterization in the top-level timing database construction.</p>
27 <p>Associated files:</p>
28 <glossary>
29 <row><article><f>rs_clock_gen.tcl</f></article><def>Timing database construction script</def></row>
30 <row><article><f>rs_clock_gen_sim.tcl</f></article><def>Timing database construction and simulator linking script</def></row>
31 <row><article><f>cmd_rs_clock_gen.chi</f></article><def>Simulator output file</def></row>
32 </glossary>
34 <section niv='3'><title>Database Construction</title>
35 <p>The API functions provided with the <f>avt_shell</f> Tcl interface enable the creation of custom timing
36 databases (DTX files). Using of those functions is illustrated in the <f>rs_clock_gen.tcl</f> script.
37 The script generates a timing database for a NAND-RS-based non-overlapping clocks generator
38 (<f>rs_clock_gen</f> sub-circuit).</p>
40 <p>The <f>avt_GetNetlist</f> function is used in order to retrieve the netlist the timing figure
41 will be based on.</p>
42 <p>The <f>avt_FlattenNetlist</f> function flattens the netlist to the transistor level. The purpose
43 of the flattening is to enable the database creation function (<f>ttv_CreateTimingFigure</f>) to computing
44 capacitances for input and output connectors: the function has an easier access to the transistors
45 participating to the global connector capacitance. Note that the transistors models are necessary
46 for computing gate and source/drain capacitances.</p>
47 <p>The <f>ttv_CreateTimingFigure</f> function creates the timing database itself. The function takes
48 as argument the netlist of the <f>rs_clock_gen</f> sub-circuit, and builds the interface of the new timing
49 database upon the interface of the
50 netlist. If the new timing database is intended to replace an analog sub-circuit, it
51 ensures interface consistency between the "hole" in the top-level netlist
52 and the newly created timing database. Note that the Vdd and Vss names must be specified if they appear on the
53 interface.</p>
55 <p>The <f>ttv_AddTiming</f> functions add timing arcs in the database.</p>
56 <p>The <f>ttv_FinishTimingFigure</f> function updates the database.</p>
57 <p>The <f>ttv_DriveTimingFigure</f> function prints the database on disk (DTX file).</p>
59 <p>Launching the <f>rs_clock_gen.tcl</f> script will result in the creation of the <f>rs_clock_gen.dtx</f>
60 timing database.</p>
62 </section> <!-- Database Construction -->
64 <section niv='3'><title>Simulator Linking</title>
65 <p>The <f>rs_clock_gen.tcl</f> script associates "hard" values to the delays and slopes given as
66 parameters of the <f>ttv_AddTiming</f> function (timing arc creation). It
67 is the responsibility of the user to associate pertinent values to the parameters of the
68 <f>ttv_AddTiming</f> function, by all the ways Tcl scripting provides.</p>
69 <p>However, the <f>avt_shell</f> Tcl interface also provides means to retrieve the values from
70 analog simulations results. Provided functions cover:</p>
71 <list>
72 <item><p>Stimuli description and formatting:</p>
73 <p><f>sim_AddInitLevel</f></p>
74 <p><f>sim_AddInitLevel</f></p>
75 <p><f>sim_AddWaveForm</f></p>
76 </item>
77 <item><p>Measure setting</p>
78 <p><f>sim_AddSpiceMeasureDelay</f></p>
79 <p><f>sim_AddSpiceMeasureSlope</f></p>
80 </item>
81 <item><p>Simulator call</p>
82 <p><f>sim_RunSimulation</f></p>
83 </item>
84 <item><p>Result retrieving</p>
85 <p><f>sim_GetSpiceMeasureDelay</f></p>
86 <p><f>sim_GetSpiceMeasureSlope</f></p>
87 </item>
88 </list>
90 <p>Configuring and using the simulator linking features is illustrated in the <f>rs_clock_gen_sim.tcl</f>
91 script.</p>
93 <p>Launching the <f>rs_clock_gen_sim.tcl</f> script will produce the following actions:</p>
94 <list>
95 <item>Creation of the set of sub-circuits to be simulated (<f>rs_clock_gen.spi</f>)</item>
96 <item>Creation of <f>cmd_rs_clock_gen.spi</f>, file to be provided as input to the simulator.
97 This file contains the formatted stimuli and measure
98 directives, as well as an inclusion of <f>rs_clock_gen.spi</f>. The formatting of the measure directives
99 is done through the <f>simToolModel</f> variable. This variable formats the SPICE deck accordingly to
100 the simulator under usage.</item>
101 <item>Launching of the simulator in a separate process according to the <f>$spice_string</f> variable.</item>
102 <item>Waiting for the normal termination of the process (exit 1)</item>
103 <item>Reading the results in the <f>cmd_rs_clock_gen.chi</f> simulator output file.
104 The output file suffix is specified by the <f>simToolModel</f> variable</item>
105 <item>Creation of the timing database, and printing on disk of the <f>rs_clock_gen.dtx</f> file.</item>
106 <item>Creation of the <f>rs_clock_gen.lib</f> file.</item>
107 </list>
109 </section> <!-- Simulator Linking -->
111 <section niv='3'><title>Integration in a Hierarchical Netlist (Pre-Layout)</title>
113 <glossary>
114 <row><article><f>db.tcl</f></article><def>Timing database construction script, with integration of the pre-characterization.</def></row>
115 </glossary>
117 <p>The first step to perform when integrating the pre-characterized <f>.lib</f> file within a hierarchical
118 netlist is the blackboxing of the instances of the analog sub-circuits, in order to obtain
119 "analog holes" in the netlist. This is done with the <f>avt_SetBlackBoxes</f> function, taking as
120 argument the list of the sub-circuits to blackbox.</p>
122 <p>The default behavior of &tool; is not to try to fill the "holes". To tell the tool to fill the
123 holes with timing characterizations, the <f>tasIgnoreBlackbox</f> variable is set to <f>yes</f> in the
124 <f>db.tcl</f> script.</p>
126 <p>The timing arcs for the instances <f>rs_clock_gen</f> are directly integrated in the new database.
127 The database for <f>sample</f> is flat and does not contain instances of <f>rs_clock_gen</f>.</p>
128 </section> <!-- Hierarchical Netlist Integration (Pre-Layout) -->
130 </section> <!-- Analog Sub-circuit Characterization -->
131 </section> <!-- Analog Sub-circuit Characterization -->
134 </chapter>