DW_OP_GNU_uninit (#511)
[pyelftools.git] / elftools / dwarf / dwarf_expr.py
1 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 # elftools: dwarf/dwarf_expr.py
3 #
4 # Decoding DWARF expressions
5 #
6 # Eli Bendersky (eliben@gmail.com)
7 # This code is in the public domain
8 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 from collections import namedtuple
10 from io import BytesIO
12 from ..common.utils import struct_parse, bytelist2string, read_blob
13 from ..common.exceptions import DWARFError
16 # DWARF expression opcodes. name -> opcode mapping
17 DW_OP_name2opcode = dict(
18 DW_OP_addr=0x03,
19 DW_OP_deref=0x06,
20 DW_OP_const1u=0x08,
21 DW_OP_const1s=0x09,
22 DW_OP_const2u=0x0a,
23 DW_OP_const2s=0x0b,
24 DW_OP_const4u=0x0c,
25 DW_OP_const4s=0x0d,
26 DW_OP_const8u=0x0e,
27 DW_OP_const8s=0x0f,
28 DW_OP_constu=0x10,
29 DW_OP_consts=0x11,
30 DW_OP_dup=0x12,
31 DW_OP_drop=0x13,
32 DW_OP_over=0x14,
33 DW_OP_pick=0x15,
34 DW_OP_swap=0x16,
35 DW_OP_rot=0x17,
36 DW_OP_xderef=0x18,
37 DW_OP_abs=0x19,
38 DW_OP_and=0x1a,
39 DW_OP_div=0x1b,
40 DW_OP_minus=0x1c,
41 DW_OP_mod=0x1d,
42 DW_OP_mul=0x1e,
43 DW_OP_neg=0x1f,
44 DW_OP_not=0x20,
45 DW_OP_or=0x21,
46 DW_OP_plus=0x22,
47 DW_OP_plus_uconst=0x23,
48 DW_OP_shl=0x24,
49 DW_OP_shr=0x25,
50 DW_OP_shra=0x26,
51 DW_OP_xor=0x27,
52 DW_OP_bra=0x28,
53 DW_OP_eq=0x29,
54 DW_OP_ge=0x2a,
55 DW_OP_gt=0x2b,
56 DW_OP_le=0x2c,
57 DW_OP_lt=0x2d,
58 DW_OP_ne=0x2e,
59 DW_OP_skip=0x2f,
60 DW_OP_regx=0x90,
61 DW_OP_fbreg=0x91,
62 DW_OP_bregx=0x92,
63 DW_OP_piece=0x93,
64 DW_OP_deref_size=0x94,
65 DW_OP_xderef_size=0x95,
66 DW_OP_nop=0x96,
67 DW_OP_push_object_address=0x97,
68 DW_OP_call2=0x98,
69 DW_OP_call4=0x99,
70 DW_OP_call_ref=0x9a,
71 DW_OP_form_tls_address=0x9b,
72 DW_OP_call_frame_cfa=0x9c,
73 DW_OP_bit_piece=0x9d,
74 DW_OP_implicit_value=0x9e,
75 DW_OP_stack_value=0x9f,
76 DW_OP_implicit_pointer=0xa0,
77 DW_OP_addrx=0xa1,
78 DW_OP_constx=0xa2,
79 DW_OP_entry_value=0xa3,
80 DW_OP_const_type=0xa4,
81 DW_OP_regval_type=0xa5,
82 DW_OP_deref_type=0xa6,
83 DW_OP_xderef_type=0xa7,
84 DW_OP_convert=0xa8,
85 DW_OP_reinterpret=0xa9,
86 DW_OP_lo_user=0xe0,
87 DW_OP_GNU_push_tls_address=0xe0,
88 DW_OP_WASM_location=0xed,
89 DW_OP_GNU_uninit=0xf0,
90 DW_OP_GNU_implicit_pointer=0xf2,
91 DW_OP_GNU_entry_value=0xf3,
92 DW_OP_GNU_const_type=0xf4,
93 DW_OP_GNU_regval_type=0xf5,
94 DW_OP_GNU_deref_type=0xf6,
95 DW_OP_GNU_convert=0xf7,
96 DW_OP_GNU_parameter_ref=0xfa,
97 DW_OP_hi_user=0xff,
98 )
100 def _generate_dynamic_values(map, prefix, index_start, index_end, value_start):
101 """ Generate values in a map (dict) dynamically. Each key starts with
102 a (string) prefix, followed by an index in the inclusive range
103 [index_start, index_end]. The values start at value_start.
104 """
105 for index in range(index_start, index_end + 1):
106 name = '%s%s' % (prefix, index)
107 value = value_start + index - index_start
108 map[name] = value
110 _generate_dynamic_values(DW_OP_name2opcode, 'DW_OP_lit', 0, 31, 0x30)
111 _generate_dynamic_values(DW_OP_name2opcode, 'DW_OP_reg', 0, 31, 0x50)
112 _generate_dynamic_values(DW_OP_name2opcode, 'DW_OP_breg', 0, 31, 0x70)
114 # opcode -> name mapping
115 DW_OP_opcode2name = dict((v, k) for k, v in DW_OP_name2opcode.items())
118 # Each parsed DWARF expression is returned as this type with its numeric opcode,
119 # op name (as a string) and a list of arguments.
120 DWARFExprOp = namedtuple('DWARFExprOp', 'op op_name args offset')
123 class DWARFExprParser(object):
124 """DWARF expression parser.
126 When initialized, requires structs to cache a dispatch table. After that,
127 parse_expr can be called repeatedly - it's stateless.
128 """
130 def __init__(self, structs):
131 self._dispatch_table = _init_dispatch_table(structs)
133 def parse_expr(self, expr):
134 """ Parses expr (a list of integers) into a list of DWARFExprOp.
136 The list can potentially be nested.
137 """
138 stream = BytesIO(bytelist2string(expr))
139 parsed = []
141 while True:
142 # Get the next opcode from the stream. If nothing is left in the
143 # stream, we're done.
144 offset = stream.tell()
145 byte = stream.read(1)
146 if len(byte) == 0:
147 break
149 # Decode the opcode and its name.
150 op = ord(byte)
151 op_name = DW_OP_opcode2name.get(op, 'OP:0x%x' % op)
153 # Use dispatch table to parse args.
154 arg_parser = self._dispatch_table[op]
155 args = arg_parser(stream)
157 parsed.append(DWARFExprOp(op=op, op_name=op_name, args=args, offset=offset))
159 return parsed
162 def _init_dispatch_table(structs):
163 """Creates a dispatch table for parsing args of an op.
165 Returns a dict mapping opcode to a function. The function accepts a stream
166 and return a list of parsed arguments for the opcode from the stream;
167 the stream is advanced by the function as needed.
168 """
169 table = {}
170 def add(opcode_name, func):
171 table[DW_OP_name2opcode[opcode_name]] = func
173 def parse_noargs():
174 return lambda stream: []
176 def parse_op_addr():
177 return lambda stream: [struct_parse(structs.Dwarf_target_addr(''),
178 stream)]
180 def parse_arg_struct(arg_struct):
181 return lambda stream: [struct_parse(arg_struct, stream)]
183 def parse_arg_struct2(arg1_struct, arg2_struct):
184 return lambda stream: [struct_parse(arg1_struct, stream),
185 struct_parse(arg2_struct, stream)]
187 # ULEB128, then an expression of that length
188 def parse_nestedexpr():
189 def parse(stream):
190 size = struct_parse(structs.Dwarf_uleb128(''), stream)
191 nested_expr_blob = read_blob(stream, size)
192 return [DWARFExprParser(structs).parse_expr(nested_expr_blob)]
193 return parse
195 # ULEB128, then a blob of that size
196 def parse_blob():
197 return lambda stream: [read_blob(stream, struct_parse(structs.Dwarf_uleb128(''), stream))]
199 # ULEB128 with datatype DIE offset, then byte, then a blob of that size
200 def parse_typedblob():
201 return lambda stream: [struct_parse(structs.Dwarf_uleb128(''), stream), read_blob(stream, struct_parse(structs.Dwarf_uint8(''), stream))]
203 # https://yurydelendik.github.io/webassembly-dwarf/
204 # Byte, then variant: 0, 1, 2 => uleb128, 3 => uint32
205 def parse_wasmloc():
206 def parse(stream):
207 op = struct_parse(structs.Dwarf_uint8(''), stream)
208 if 0 <= op <= 2:
209 return [op, struct_parse(structs.Dwarf_uleb128(''), stream)]
210 elif op == 3:
211 return [op, struct_parse(structs.Dwarf_uint32(''), stream)]
212 else:
213 raise DWARFError("Unknown operation code in DW_OP_WASM_location: %d" % (op,))
214 return parse
216 add('DW_OP_addr', parse_op_addr())
217 add('DW_OP_addrx', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_uleb128('')))
218 add('DW_OP_const1u', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_uint8('')))
219 add('DW_OP_const1s', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_int8('')))
220 add('DW_OP_const2u', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_uint16('')))
221 add('DW_OP_const2s', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_int16('')))
222 add('DW_OP_const4u', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_uint32('')))
223 add('DW_OP_const4s', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_int32('')))
224 add('DW_OP_const8u', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_uint64('')))
225 add('DW_OP_const8s', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_int64('')))
226 add('DW_OP_constu', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_uleb128('')))
227 add('DW_OP_consts', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_sleb128('')))
228 add('DW_OP_pick', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_uint8('')))
229 add('DW_OP_plus_uconst', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_uleb128('')))
230 add('DW_OP_bra', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_int16('')))
231 add('DW_OP_skip', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_int16('')))
233 for opname in [ 'DW_OP_deref', 'DW_OP_dup', 'DW_OP_drop', 'DW_OP_over',
234 'DW_OP_swap', 'DW_OP_swap', 'DW_OP_rot', 'DW_OP_xderef',
235 'DW_OP_abs', 'DW_OP_and', 'DW_OP_div', 'DW_OP_minus',
236 'DW_OP_mod', 'DW_OP_mul', 'DW_OP_neg', 'DW_OP_not',
237 'DW_OP_or', 'DW_OP_plus', 'DW_OP_shl', 'DW_OP_shr',
238 'DW_OP_shra', 'DW_OP_xor', 'DW_OP_eq', 'DW_OP_ge',
239 'DW_OP_gt', 'DW_OP_le', 'DW_OP_lt', 'DW_OP_ne', 'DW_OP_nop',
240 'DW_OP_push_object_address', 'DW_OP_form_tls_address',
241 'DW_OP_call_frame_cfa', 'DW_OP_stack_value',
242 'DW_OP_GNU_push_tls_address', 'DW_OP_GNU_uninit']:
243 add(opname, parse_noargs())
245 for n in range(0, 32):
246 add('DW_OP_lit%s' % n, parse_noargs())
247 add('DW_OP_reg%s' % n, parse_noargs())
248 add('DW_OP_breg%s' % n, parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_sleb128('')))
250 add('DW_OP_fbreg', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_sleb128('')))
251 add('DW_OP_regx', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_uleb128('')))
252 add('DW_OP_bregx', parse_arg_struct2(structs.Dwarf_uleb128(''),
253 structs.Dwarf_sleb128('')))
254 add('DW_OP_piece', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_uleb128('')))
255 add('DW_OP_bit_piece', parse_arg_struct2(structs.Dwarf_uleb128(''),
256 structs.Dwarf_uleb128('')))
257 add('DW_OP_deref_size', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_int8('')))
258 add('DW_OP_xderef_size', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_int8('')))
259 add('DW_OP_call2', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_uint16('')))
260 add('DW_OP_call4', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_uint32('')))
261 add('DW_OP_call_ref', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_offset('')))
262 add('DW_OP_implicit_value', parse_blob())
263 add('DW_OP_entry_value', parse_nestedexpr())
264 add('DW_OP_const_type', parse_typedblob())
265 add('DW_OP_regval_type', parse_arg_struct2(structs.Dwarf_uleb128(''),
266 structs.Dwarf_uleb128('')))
267 add('DW_OP_deref_type', parse_arg_struct2(structs.Dwarf_uint8(''),
268 structs.Dwarf_uleb128('')))
269 add('DW_OP_implicit_pointer', parse_arg_struct2(structs.Dwarf_offset(''),
270 structs.Dwarf_sleb128('')))
271 add('DW_OP_convert', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_uleb128('')))
272 add('DW_OP_GNU_entry_value', parse_nestedexpr())
273 add('DW_OP_GNU_const_type', parse_typedblob())
274 add('DW_OP_GNU_regval_type', parse_arg_struct2(structs.Dwarf_uleb128(''),
275 structs.Dwarf_uleb128('')))
276 add('DW_OP_GNU_deref_type', parse_arg_struct2(structs.Dwarf_uint8(''),
277 structs.Dwarf_uleb128('')))
278 add('DW_OP_GNU_implicit_pointer', parse_arg_struct2(structs.Dwarf_offset(''),
279 structs.Dwarf_sleb128('')))
280 add('DW_OP_GNU_parameter_ref', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_offset('')))
281 add('DW_OP_GNU_convert', parse_arg_struct(structs.Dwarf_uleb128('')))
282 add('DW_OP_WASM_location', parse_wasmloc())
284 return table