[soc-cocotb-sim.git] / ls180 / post_pnr / vst_correct.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
3 """makes corrections to vst source from coriolis2 P&R
4 """
6 import os
7 import sys
9 vhdl_header = """\
11 USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;
12 USE IEEE.numeric_std.ALL;
14 """
15 # run through all files
16 for fname in os.listdir("vst_src"):
17 if not fname.endswith(".vst"):
18 continue
19 print (fname)
20 is_chip = fname.startswith("chip")
21 # read the file
22 fname = "vst_src/"+fname
23 with open(fname) as f:
24 txt = f.read()
25 # replace vss / vdd : linkage bit with vss/vdd in bit
26 txt = txt.replace("linkage bit", "in bit")
27 # and double-underscores
28 txt = txt.replace("__", "_")
29 # special-case for chip.vst and chip_r.vst
30 if is_chip:
31 # add VHDL IEEE Library header
32 txt = vhdl_header + txt
33 # pad gpio fix
34 txt = txt.replace("pad : inout mux_bit bus",
35 "pad : inout std_logic")
36 # reset fix
37 txt = txt.replace("sys_rst : gpio",
38 "p_sys_rst: gpio")
40 # corona instance needs renaming too
41 txt = txt.replace("corona : corona", "instance_corona : corona")
43 # temporary hack to rename niolib to avoid name-clashes
44 for cell in ['gpio', 'vss', 'vdd', 'iovss', 'iovdd']:
45 txt = txt.replace(": %s" % cell, ": cmpt_%s" % cell)
46 txt = txt.replace("component %s" % cell, "component cmpt_%s" % cell)
47 # identify the chip ports and replace "in bit" with "inout std_logic"
48 res = []
49 found_chip = False
50 done_chip = False
51 for line in txt.splitlines():
52 if done_chip:
53 res.append(line)
54 continue
55 if not found_chip:
56 if line.startswith("entity chip"):
57 found_chip = True
58 else:
59 # covers in bit_vector and out bit_vector as well
60 line = line.replace("in bit", "inout std_logic")
61 line = line.replace("out bit", "inout std_logic")
62 done_chip = line.startswith("end chip")
63 res.append(line)
64 # re-join lines
65 txt = '\n'.join(res)
66 # easier to just post-process-correct the iovdd std_logic
67 for port in ['vss', 'vdd', 'iovss', 'iovdd']:
68 txt = txt.replace("%-9s: inout std_logic" % port,
69 "%-9s: in bit" % port)
72 # write the file
73 with open(fname, "w") as f:
74 f.write(txt)