[bigint-presentation-code.git] / register_allocator / src / fuzzing.rs
1 #![cfg(feature = "fuzzing")]
2 use crate::{
3 function::{
4 Block, BlockTermInstKind, BranchSuccParamUse, Constraint, CopyInstKind, FnFields, Inst,
5 InstKind, InstStage, KindAndConstraint, Operand, OperandKind, OperandKindDefOnly,
6 OperandUse, SSAVal, SSAValDef,
7 },
8 index::{BlockIdx, InstIdx, InstRange, SSAValIdx},
9 interned::{GlobalState, Intern},
10 loc::Ty,
11 loc_set::LocSet,
12 };
13 use arbitrary::{Arbitrary, Error, Unstructured};
14 use enum_map::EnumMap;
15 use hashbrown::HashMap;
16 use petgraph::algo::dominators;
17 use std::{borrow::Borrow, collections::BTreeMap, ops::Deref};
19 #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
20 struct SSAValIdxs {
21 per_ty: HashMap<Ty, Vec<SSAValIdx>>,
22 all: Vec<SSAValIdx>,
23 }
25 impl SSAValIdxs {
26 fn per_ty(&self, ty: Ty) -> &[SSAValIdx] {
27 self.per_ty.get(&ty).map(Deref::deref).unwrap_or_default()
28 }
29 fn extend<T: Borrow<SSAValIdx>>(
30 &mut self,
31 ssa_vals: &Vec<SSAVal>,
32 ssa_val_idxs: impl IntoIterator<Item = T>,
33 ) {
34 for ssa_val_idx in ssa_val_idxs {
35 let ssa_val_idx: SSAValIdx = *ssa_val_idx.borrow();
36 self.per_ty
37 .entry(ssa_vals[ssa_val_idx].ty)
38 .or_default()
39 .push(ssa_val_idx);
40 self.all.push(ssa_val_idx);
41 }
42 }
43 }
45 struct FnBuilder<'a, 'b, 'g> {
46 global_state: &'g GlobalState,
47 u: &'a mut Unstructured<'b>,
48 func: FnFields,
49 available_ssa_vals_at_end: HashMap<BlockIdx, SSAValIdxs>,
50 }
52 impl FnBuilder<'_, '_, '_> {
53 fn available_ssa_vals_at_end(&mut self, block_idx: Option<BlockIdx>) -> SSAValIdxs {
54 let Some(block_idx) = block_idx else {
55 return Default::default();
56 };
57 if let Some(retval) = self.available_ssa_vals_at_end.get(&block_idx) {
58 return retval.clone();
59 }
60 let mut available_ssa_vals = self.available_ssa_vals_before_start(block_idx);
61 let block = &self.func.blocks[block_idx];
62 available_ssa_vals.extend(&self.func.ssa_vals, &block.params);
63 for inst_idx in block.insts {
64 let inst = &self.func.insts[inst_idx];
65 available_ssa_vals.extend(
66 &self.func.ssa_vals,
67 inst.operands
68 .iter()
69 .filter(|o| o.kind_and_constraint.kind() == OperandKind::Def)
70 .map(|o| o.ssa_val),
71 );
72 }
73 self.available_ssa_vals_at_end
74 .insert(block_idx, available_ssa_vals.clone());
75 available_ssa_vals
76 }
77 fn available_ssa_vals_before_start(&mut self, block_idx: BlockIdx) -> SSAValIdxs {
78 let idom = self.func.blocks[block_idx].immediate_dominator;
79 self.available_ssa_vals_at_end(idom)
80 }
81 fn new_ssa_val(ssa_vals: &mut Vec<SSAVal>, ty: Ty, def: SSAValDef) -> SSAValIdx {
82 let retval = SSAValIdx::new(ssa_vals.len());
83 ssa_vals.push(SSAVal {
84 ty,
85 def,
86 operand_uses: Default::default(),
87 branch_succ_param_uses: Default::default(),
88 });
89 retval
90 }
91 fn new_inst_in_last_block(
92 &mut self,
93 kind: InstKind,
94 operands: Vec<Operand>,
95 clobbers: LocSet,
96 ) -> InstIdx {
97 let block = self.func.blocks.last_mut().expect("no block");
98 let inst_idx = block.insts.end;
99 assert_eq!(inst_idx.get(), self.func.insts.len());
100 block.insts.end = block.insts.end.next();
101 self.func.insts.push(Inst {
102 kind,
103 operands,
104 clobbers: clobbers.into_interned(self.global_state),
105 });
106 inst_idx
107 }
108 fn make_copy_inst_kind(
109 u: &mut Unstructured<'_>,
110 // takes ref to Vec since Index<SSAValIdx> is only implemented for Vec
111 ssa_vals: &Vec<SSAVal>,
112 _inst_idx: InstIdx, // for debugging
113 operands: &[Operand],
114 ) -> Result<Option<CopyInstKind>, Error> {
115 if operands.is_empty() {
116 return Ok(None);
117 }
118 let mut possible_src_operand_idxs = vec![];
119 let mut possible_dest_operand_idxs = vec![];
120 for (operand_idx, operand) in operands.iter().enumerate() {
121 match operand.kind_and_constraint.kind() {
122 OperandKind::Use => possible_src_operand_idxs.push(operand_idx),
123 OperandKind::Def => possible_dest_operand_idxs.push(operand_idx),
124 }
125 }
126 if possible_src_operand_idxs.is_empty() || possible_dest_operand_idxs.is_empty() {
127 return Ok(None);
128 }
129 // src can have duplicates, so pick randomly
130 let possible_src_operand_idxs = (0..u.int_in_range(1..=3)?)
131 .map(|_| u.choose(&possible_src_operand_idxs).copied())
132 .collect::<Result<Vec<usize>, Error>>()?;
133 // dest can't have duplicates, so shuffle
134 let len = possible_dest_operand_idxs.len();
135 for i in 0..len {
136 possible_dest_operand_idxs.swap(i, u.choose_index(len)?);
137 }
138 possible_dest_operand_idxs.truncate(u.int_in_range(1..=3)?);
139 let mut copy_ty: Option<Ty> = None;
140 let mut src_operand_idxs = vec![];
141 let mut dest_operand_idxs = vec![];
142 for src_operand_idx in possible_src_operand_idxs {
143 let operand_type = ssa_vals[operands[src_operand_idx].ssa_val].ty;
144 let proposed_copy_ty = match copy_ty.map(|ty| ty.try_concat(operand_type)) {
145 None => operand_type,
146 Some(Ok(ty)) => ty,
147 Some(Err(_)) => continue,
148 };
149 let mut proposed_dest_operand_idxs = vec![];
150 let mut dest_copy_ty: Option<Ty> = None;
151 for &dest_operand_idx in &possible_dest_operand_idxs {
152 let dest_operand_ty = ssa_vals[operands[dest_operand_idx].ssa_val].ty;
153 if dest_operand_ty.base_ty != proposed_copy_ty.base_ty
154 || dest_operand_ty.reg_len > proposed_copy_ty.reg_len
155 {
156 continue;
157 }
158 let next_dest_copy_ty = if let Some(dest_copy_ty) = dest_copy_ty {
159 let Ok(ty) = dest_copy_ty.try_concat(dest_operand_ty) else {
160 continue;
161 };
162 ty
163 } else {
164 dest_operand_ty
165 };
166 if next_dest_copy_ty.reg_len > proposed_copy_ty.reg_len {
167 continue;
168 }
169 dest_copy_ty = Some(next_dest_copy_ty);
170 proposed_dest_operand_idxs.push(dest_operand_idx);
171 }
172 if dest_copy_ty != Some(proposed_copy_ty) || proposed_dest_operand_idxs.is_empty() {
173 continue;
174 }
175 copy_ty = Some(proposed_copy_ty);
176 src_operand_idxs.push(src_operand_idx);
177 dest_operand_idxs = proposed_dest_operand_idxs;
178 }
179 Ok(copy_ty.map(|copy_ty| CopyInstKind {
180 src_operand_idxs,
181 dest_operand_idxs,
182 copy_ty,
183 }))
184 }
185 fn run(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
186 let block_count = self.u.int_in_range(1..=10u16)?;
187 for block_idx in 0..block_count as usize {
188 let block_idx = BlockIdx::new(block_idx);
189 let mut params = Vec::new();
190 if block_idx != BlockIdx::ENTRY_BLOCK {
191 for param_idx in 0..self.u.int_in_range(0..=10)? {
192 let ty = self.u.arbitrary()?;
193 params.push(Self::new_ssa_val(
194 &mut self.func.ssa_vals,
195 ty,
196 SSAValDef::BlockParam {
197 block: block_idx,
198 param_idx,
199 },
200 ));
201 }
202 }
203 let end = InstIdx::new(self.func.insts.len());
204 self.func.blocks.push(Block {
205 params,
206 insts: InstRange { start: end, end },
207 preds: Default::default(),
208 immediate_dominator: Default::default(),
209 });
210 for is_term in (0..self.u.int_in_range(0..=10)?)
211 .map(|_| false)
212 .chain([true])
213 {
214 let mut operands = vec![];
215 for _ in 0..self.u.int_in_range(0..=5)? {
216 let kind = self.u.arbitrary()?;
217 let ssa_val = if let OperandKind::Def = kind {
218 let ty = self.u.arbitrary()?;
219 let def = SSAValDef::Operand {
220 inst: InstIdx::new(self.func.insts.len()),
221 operand_idx: operands.len(),
222 };
223 Self::new_ssa_val(&mut self.func.ssa_vals, ty, def)
224 } else {
225 SSAValIdx::new(!0)
226 };
227 operands.push(Operand {
228 ssa_val,
229 kind_and_constraint: KindAndConstraint::Constraint {
230 kind,
231 constraint: Constraint::Any,
232 },
233 stage: self.u.arbitrary()?,
234 });
235 }
236 let inst_kind = if is_term {
237 let mut succs_and_params = BTreeMap::default();
238 let succ_range = (BlockIdx::ENTRY_BLOCK.get() as u16 + 1)..=(block_count - 1);
239 if !succ_range.is_empty() {
240 for i in 0..self.u.int_in_range(0..=3usize)? {
241 if i > succ_range.len() {
242 break;
243 }
244 let succ =
245 BlockIdx::new(self.u.int_in_range(succ_range.clone())?.into());
246 succs_and_params.insert(succ, vec![]);
247 }
248 }
249 InstKind::BlockTerm(BlockTermInstKind { succs_and_params })
250 } else {
251 InstKind::Normal
252 };
253 let clobbers = self.u.arbitrary()?;
254 self.new_inst_in_last_block(inst_kind, operands, clobbers);
255 }
256 }
257 for block_idx in 0..self.func.blocks.len() {
258 let block_idx = BlockIdx::new(block_idx);
259 let term_idx = self
260 .func
261 .try_get_block_term_inst_idx(block_idx)
262 .expect("known to have block term inst");
263 let successors = self.func.insts[term_idx]
264 .kind
265 .block_term()
266 .expect("known to have block term inst")
267 .succs_and_params
268 .keys()
269 .copied();
270 for succ in successors {
271 self.func.blocks[succ].preds.insert(block_idx);
272 }
273 }
274 for block_idx in 0..self.func.blocks.len() {
275 let block_idx = BlockIdx::new(block_idx);
276 let term_idx = self
277 .func
278 .try_get_block_term_inst_idx(block_idx)
279 .expect("known to have block term inst");
280 let succs_and_params = &mut self.func.insts[term_idx]
281 .kind
282 .block_term_mut()
283 .expect("known to have block term inst")
284 .succs_and_params;
285 if succs_and_params.len() <= 1 {
286 continue;
287 }
288 if succs_and_params
289 .keys()
290 .all(|&succ_idx| self.func.blocks[succ_idx].preds.len() <= 1)
291 {
292 continue;
293 }
294 // has critical edges -- delete all but first succ to fix that
295 let mut first = true;
296 succs_and_params.retain(|&succ_idx, _| {
297 if first {
298 first = false;
299 return true;
300 }
301 let succ = &mut self.func.blocks[succ_idx];
302 succ.preds.remove(&block_idx);
303 false
304 });
305 }
306 let dominators = dominators::simple_fast(&self.func, BlockIdx::ENTRY_BLOCK);
307 for block_idx in 0..self.func.blocks.len() {
308 let block_idx = BlockIdx::new(block_idx);
309 self.func.blocks[block_idx].immediate_dominator =
310 dominators.immediate_dominator(block_idx);
311 }
312 // must have filled dominators first since available_ssa_vals_before_start() needs them
313 for block_idx in 0..self.func.blocks.len() {
314 let block_idx = BlockIdx::new(block_idx);
315 let mut available_ssa_vals = self.available_ssa_vals_before_start(block_idx);
316 available_ssa_vals.extend(&self.func.ssa_vals, &self.func.blocks[block_idx].params);
317 for inst_idx in self.func.blocks[block_idx].insts {
318 let inst = &mut self.func.insts[inst_idx];
319 for (operand_idx, operand) in inst.operands.iter_mut().enumerate() {
320 if operand.kind_and_constraint.kind() != OperandKind::Use {
321 continue;
322 }
323 if available_ssa_vals.all.is_empty() {
324 // no ssa vals available, change to def
325 *operand = Operand {
326 kind_and_constraint: KindAndConstraint::Constraint {
327 kind: OperandKind::Def,
328 constraint: Constraint::Any,
329 },
330 ssa_val: Self::new_ssa_val(
331 &mut self.func.ssa_vals,
332 self.u.arbitrary()?,
333 SSAValDef::Operand {
334 inst: inst_idx,
335 operand_idx,
336 },
337 ),
338 stage: self.u.arbitrary()?,
339 };
340 } else {
341 operand.ssa_val = *self.u.choose(&available_ssa_vals.all)?;
342 }
343 self.func.ssa_vals[operand.ssa_val]
344 .operand_uses
345 .insert(OperandUse {
346 inst: inst_idx,
347 operand_idx,
348 });
349 }
350 available_ssa_vals.extend(
351 &self.func.ssa_vals,
352 inst.operands
353 .iter()
354 .filter(|o| o.kind_and_constraint.kind() == OperandKind::Def)
355 .map(|o| o.ssa_val),
356 );
357 match &mut inst.kind {
358 InstKind::Normal => {}
359 InstKind::Copy(_) => unreachable!(),
360 InstKind::BlockTerm(block_term_inst_kind) => {
361 for (&succ_idx, params) in &mut block_term_inst_kind.succs_and_params {
362 let succ = &self.func.blocks[succ_idx];
363 for (param_idx, &succ_param) in succ.params.iter().enumerate() {
364 let succ_param_ty = self.func.ssa_vals[succ_param].ty;
365 let choices = available_ssa_vals.per_ty(succ_param_ty);
366 let ssa_val_idx;
367 if choices.is_empty() {
368 // no available ssa vals with correct type, fix that by appending def operand with that type
369 ssa_val_idx = Self::new_ssa_val(
370 &mut self.func.ssa_vals,
371 succ_param_ty,
372 SSAValDef::Operand {
373 inst: inst_idx,
374 operand_idx: inst.operands.len(),
375 },
376 );
377 available_ssa_vals.extend(&self.func.ssa_vals, [ssa_val_idx]);
378 self.func.ssa_vals[ssa_val_idx].operand_uses.insert(
379 OperandUse {
380 inst: inst_idx,
381 operand_idx: inst.operands.len(),
382 },
383 );
384 inst.operands.push(Operand {
385 kind_and_constraint: KindAndConstraint::Constraint {
386 kind: OperandKind::Def,
387 constraint: Constraint::Any,
388 },
389 ssa_val: ssa_val_idx,
390 stage: self.u.arbitrary()?,
391 });
392 } else {
393 ssa_val_idx = *self.u.choose(choices)?
394 };
395 params.push(ssa_val_idx);
396 self.func.ssa_vals[ssa_val_idx]
397 .branch_succ_param_uses
398 .insert(BranchSuccParamUse {
399 branch_inst: inst_idx,
400 succ: succ_idx,
401 param_idx,
402 });
403 }
404 }
405 }
406 }
407 }
408 }
409 for (inst_idx, inst) in self.func.insts.iter_mut().enumerate() {
410 let inst_idx = InstIdx::new(inst_idx);
411 let mut reusable_operand_idxs: HashMap<Ty, Vec<usize>> = HashMap::new();
412 for (operand_idx, operand) in inst.operands.iter().enumerate() {
413 if operand.kind_and_constraint.kind() == OperandKind::Use {
414 reusable_operand_idxs
415 .entry(self.func.ssa_vals[operand.ssa_val].ty)
416 .or_default()
417 .push(operand_idx);
418 }
419 }
420 let mut used_locs = EnumMap::<InstStage, LocSet>::default();
421 for operand_idx in 0..inst.operands.len() {
422 let operand = &inst.operands[operand_idx];
423 let operand_ty = self.func.ssa_vals[operand.ssa_val].ty;
424 if operand.kind_and_constraint.kind() == OperandKind::Def && self.u.arbitrary()? {
425 let reuse_operand_idx = self.u.choose_index(inst.operands.len())?;
426 let reuse_operand = &inst.operands[reuse_operand_idx];
427 if reuse_operand_idx != operand_idx
428 && reuse_operand.kind_and_constraint.kind() == OperandKind::Use
429 && self.func.ssa_vals[reuse_operand.ssa_val].ty == operand_ty
430 {
431 inst.operands[operand_idx].kind_and_constraint = KindAndConstraint::Reuse {
432 kind: OperandKindDefOnly,
433 reuse_operand_idx,
434 };
435 continue;
436 }
437 }
438 let operand = &mut inst.operands[operand_idx];
439 let KindAndConstraint::Constraint {
440 kind,
441 ref mut constraint,..
442 } = operand.kind_and_constraint else {
443 unreachable!();
444 };
445 *constraint = Constraint::arbitrary_with_ty(operand_ty, self.u)?;
446 if let Some(fixed_loc) = constraint.fixed_loc() {
447 // is the operand probably live for both stages
448 let probably_live_for_both_stages = match (kind, operand.stage) {
449 (OperandKind::Use, InstStage::Late) => true, // also probably live for early stage
450 (OperandKind::Def, InstStage::Early) => true, // also probably live for late stage
451 _ => false,
452 };
453 let mut conflicts = inst
454 .clobbers
455 .clone()
456 .conflicts_with(fixed_loc, self.global_state);
457 if probably_live_for_both_stages {
458 for used_locs in used_locs.values() {
459 conflicts = conflicts
460 || used_locs
461 .to_interned(self.global_state)
462 .conflicts_with(fixed_loc, self.global_state);
463 }
464 } else {
465 conflicts = conflicts
466 || used_locs[operand.stage]
467 .to_interned(self.global_state)
468 .conflicts_with(fixed_loc, self.global_state);
469 }
470 if conflicts {
471 // conflicting constraint, so switch to a safe default instead
472 *constraint = Constraint::Any;
473 } else if probably_live_for_both_stages {
474 for used_locs in used_locs.values_mut() {
475 used_locs.insert(fixed_loc);
476 }
477 } else {
478 used_locs[operand.stage].insert(fixed_loc);
479 }
480 }
481 }
482 match inst.kind {
483 InstKind::Normal => {
484 if self.u.arbitrary()? {
485 if let Some(copy_inst_kind) = Self::make_copy_inst_kind(
486 self.u,
487 &self.func.ssa_vals,
488 inst_idx,
489 &inst.operands,
490 )? {
491 inst.kind = InstKind::Copy(copy_inst_kind);
492 }
493 }
494 }
495 InstKind::Copy(_) => unreachable!(),
496 InstKind::BlockTerm(_) => {}
497 }
498 }
499 Ok(())
500 }
501 }
503 impl<'a> Arbitrary<'a> for FnFields {
504 fn arbitrary(u: &mut Unstructured<'a>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
505 GlobalState::get(|global_state| {
506 let mut builder = FnBuilder {
507 global_state,
508 u,
509 func: Self {
510 ssa_vals: Vec::new(),
511 insts: Vec::new(),
512 blocks: Vec::new(),
513 start_inst_to_block_map: Default::default(),
514 },
515 available_ssa_vals_at_end: Default::default(),
516 };
517 builder.run()?;
518 Ok(builder.func)
519 })
520 }
521 }