[bigint-presentation-code.git] / register_allocator / src / fuzzing.rs
1 use std::{collections::BTreeMap, num::NonZeroUsize};
3 use crate::{
4 function::{Block, BlockTermInstKind, FnFields, Inst, InstKind, Operand, SSAVal, SSAValDef},
5 index::{BlockIdx, InstIdx, InstRange, SSAValIdx},
6 interned::{GlobalState, Intern},
7 loc::Ty,
8 loc_set::LocSet,
9 };
10 use arbitrary::{Arbitrary, Error, Unstructured};
11 use petgraph::algo::dominators;
13 struct FnBuilder<'a, 'b, 'g> {
14 global_state: &'g GlobalState,
15 u: &'a mut Unstructured<'b>,
16 func: FnFields,
17 }
19 impl FnBuilder<'_, '_, '_> {
20 fn new_ssa_val(&mut self, ty: Ty, def: SSAValDef) -> SSAValIdx {
21 let retval = SSAValIdx::new(self.func.ssa_vals.len());
22 self.func.ssa_vals.push(SSAVal {
23 ty,
24 def,
25 operand_uses: Default::default(),
26 branch_succ_param_uses: Default::default(),
27 });
28 retval
29 }
30 fn new_inst_in_last_block(
31 &mut self,
32 kind: InstKind,
33 operands: Vec<Operand>,
34 clobbers: LocSet,
35 ) -> InstIdx {
36 let block = self.func.blocks.last_mut().expect("no block");
37 let inst_idx = block.insts.end;
38 assert_eq!(inst_idx.get(), self.func.insts.len());
39 block.insts.end = block.insts.end.next();
40 self.func.insts.push(Inst {
41 kind,
42 operands,
43 clobbers: clobbers.into_interned(self.global_state),
44 });
45 inst_idx
46 }
47 fn make_ssa_val_use(&mut self) -> Result<SSAValIdx, Error> {
48 todo!()
49 }
50 fn run(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error> {
51 let block_count = self.u.int_in_range(1..=10u16)?;
52 for block_idx in 0..block_count as usize {
53 let block_idx = BlockIdx::new(block_idx);
54 let mut params = Vec::new();
55 for param_idx in 0..self.u.int_in_range(0..=10)? {
56 let ty = self.u.arbitrary()?;
57 params.push(self.new_ssa_val(
58 ty,
59 SSAValDef::BlockParam {
60 block: block_idx,
61 param_idx,
62 },
63 ));
64 }
65 let end = InstIdx::new(self.func.insts.len());
66 self.func.blocks.push(Block {
67 params,
68 insts: InstRange { start: end, end },
69 preds: Default::default(),
70 immediate_dominator: Default::default(),
71 });
72 for _ in 0..self.u.int_in_range(0..=10)? {
73 self.new_inst_in_last_block(InstKind::Normal, vec![], self.u.arbitrary()?);
74 }
75 let mut succs_and_params = BTreeMap::default();
76 let succ_range = BlockIdx::ENTRY_BLOCK.get() as u16..=(block_count - 1);
77 if !succ_range.is_empty() {
78 for i in 0..self.u.int_in_range(0..=3usize)? {
79 if i > succ_range.len() {
80 break;
81 }
82 let succ = BlockIdx::new(self.u.int_in_range(succ_range)?.into());
83 succs_and_params.insert(succ, vec![]);
84 }
85 }
86 let mut operands = vec![];
87 for _ in 0..self.u.int_in_range(0..=5)? {
88 operands.push(Operand {
89 ssa_val: todo!(),
90 kind_and_constraint: todo!(),
91 stage: todo!(),
92 });
93 }
94 self.new_inst_in_last_block(
95 InstKind::BlockTerm(BlockTermInstKind { succs_and_params }),
96 operands,
97 self.u.arbitrary()?,
98 );
99 }
100 let dominators = dominators::simple_fast(&self.func, BlockIdx::ENTRY_BLOCK);
101 for block_idx in 0..self.func.blocks.len() {
102 let block_idx = BlockIdx::new(block_idx);
103 self.func.blocks[block_idx].immediate_dominator =
104 dominators.immediate_dominator(block_idx);
105 let term_idx = self
106 .func
107 .try_get_block_term_inst_idx(block_idx)
108 .expect("known to have block term inst");
109 let successors = self.func.insts[term_idx]
110 .kind
111 .block_term()
112 .expect("known to have block term inst")
113 .succs_and_params
114 .keys()
115 .copied();
116 for succ in successors {
117 self.func.blocks[succ].preds.insert(block_idx);
118 }
119 for inst_idx in self.func.blocks[block_idx].insts {
120 let inst = &mut self.func.insts[inst_idx];
121 match &mut inst.kind {
122 InstKind::Normal => {
123 let _;
124 todo!()
125 }
126 InstKind::Copy(_) => unreachable!(),
127 InstKind::BlockTerm(block_term_inst_kind) => {
128 for (&succ, params) in &mut block_term_inst_kind.succs_and_params {}
129 }
130 }
131 }
132 }
133 Ok(())
134 }
135 }
137 impl<'a> Arbitrary<'a> for FnFields {
138 fn arbitrary(u: &mut Unstructured<'a>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
139 GlobalState::get(|global_state| {
140 let mut builder = FnBuilder {
141 global_state,
142 u,
143 func: Self {
144 ssa_vals: Vec::new(),
145 insts: Vec::new(),
146 blocks: Vec::new(),
147 start_inst_to_block_map: Default::default(),
148 },
149 };
150 builder.run()?;
151 Ok(builder.func)
152 })
153 }
154 }