rephrase header to not imply bugs are completed when they just have payment info
[utils.git] / src / budget_sync /
1 from pathlib import Path
2 from typing import Dict, List, Any, Optional
3 from io import StringIO
4 import enum
5 from budget_sync.budget_graph import BudgetGraph, Node, Payment, PayeeState
6 from budget_sync.config import Person, Milestone, Config
7 from budget_sync.util import BugStatus
10 def _markdown_escape_char(char: str) -> str:
11 if char == "<":
12 return "&lt;"
13 if char == "&":
14 return "&amp;"
15 if char in "\\`*_{}[]()#+-.!":
16 return "\\" + char
17 return char
20 def markdown_escape(v: Any) -> str:
21 return "".join([_markdown_escape_char(char) for char in str(v)])
24 class DisplayStatus(enum.Enum):
25 Hidden = "Hidden"
26 NotYetStarted = "Not yet started"
27 InProgress = "Currently working on"
28 Completed = "Completed but not yet added to payees list"
30 @staticmethod
31 def from_status(status: BugStatus) -> "DisplayStatus":
32 return _DISPLAY_STATUS_MAP[status]
36 BugStatus.UNCONFIRMED: DisplayStatus.Hidden,
37 BugStatus.CONFIRMED: DisplayStatus.NotYetStarted,
38 BugStatus.IN_PROGRESS: DisplayStatus.InProgress,
39 BugStatus.DEFERRED: DisplayStatus.Hidden,
40 BugStatus.RESOLVED: DisplayStatus.Completed,
41 BugStatus.VERIFIED: DisplayStatus.Completed,
42 BugStatus.PAYMENTPENDING: DisplayStatus.Completed,
43 }
46 class MarkdownWriter:
47 last_headers: List[str]
49 def __init__(self):
50 self.buffer = StringIO()
51 self.last_headers = []
53 def write_headers(self, headers: List[str]):
54 if headers == self.last_headers:
55 return
56 for i in range(len(headers)):
57 if i >= len(self.last_headers):
58 print(headers[i], file=self.buffer)
59 self.last_headers.append(headers[i])
60 elif headers[i] != self.last_headers[i]:
61 del self.last_headers[i:]
62 print(headers[i], file=self.buffer)
63 self.last_headers.append(headers[i])
64 if len(self.last_headers) > len(headers):
65 raise ValueError("tried to go from deeper header scope stack to "
66 "ancestor scope without starting a new header, "
67 "which is not supported by markdown",
68 self.last_headers, headers)
69 assert headers == self.last_headers
71 def write_node(self,
72 headers: List[str],
73 node: Node,
74 payment: Optional[Payment]):
75 self.write_headers(headers)
76 summary = markdown_escape(node.bug.summary)
77 print(f"* [Bug #{}]({node.bug_url}):\n {summary}",
78 file=self.buffer)
79 if payment is not None:
80 if node.fixed_budget_excluding_subtasks \
81 != node.budget_excluding_subtasks:
82 total = (f"&euro;{node.fixed_budget_excluding_subtasks} ("
83 f"total is fixed from amount appearing in bug report,"
84 f" which is &euro;{node.budget_excluding_subtasks})")
85 else:
86 total = f"&euro;{node.fixed_budget_excluding_subtasks}"
87 if payment.submitted:
88 print(f" * submitted on {payment.submitted}",
89 file=self.buffer)
90 if payment.paid:
91 print(f" * paid on {payment.paid}",
92 file=self.buffer)
93 if payment.amount != node.fixed_budget_excluding_subtasks \
94 or payment.amount != node.budget_excluding_subtasks:
95 print(f" * &euro;{payment.amount} out of total of {total}",
96 file=self.buffer)
97 else:
98 print(f" * &euro;{payment.amount} which is the total amount",
99 file=self.buffer)
102 def _markdown_for_person(person: Person,
103 payments_dict: Dict[Milestone, List[Payment]],
104 assigned_nodes: List[Node]) -> str:
105 writer = MarkdownWriter()
106 print(f"<!-- autogenerated by budget-sync -->", file=writer.buffer)
107 writer.write_headers([f"\n# {person.full_name} ({person.identifier})\n"])
108 print(file=writer.buffer)
109 status_tracking_header = "\n# Status Tracking\n"
110 writer.write_headers([status_tracking_header])
111 displayed_nodes_dict: Dict[DisplayStatus, List[Node]]
112 displayed_nodes_dict = {i: [] for i in DisplayStatus}
113 for node in assigned_nodes:
114 display_status = DisplayStatus.from_status(node.status)
115 displayed_nodes_dict[display_status].append(node)
117 def write_display_status_chunk(display_status: DisplayStatus):
118 display_status_header = f"\n## {display_status.value}\n"
119 for node in displayed_nodes_dict[display_status]:
120 if display_status == DisplayStatus.Completed:
121 payment_found = False
122 for payment in node.payments.values():
123 if payment.payee == person:
124 payment_found = True
125 break
126 if payment_found:
127 continue
128 if len(node.payments) == 0 \
129 and node.budget_excluding_subtasks == 0 \
130 and node.budget_including_subtasks == 0:
131 continue
132 writer.write_node(
133 headers=[status_tracking_header, display_status_header],
134 node=node, payment=None)
136 for display_status in DisplayStatus:
137 if display_status == DisplayStatus.Hidden \
138 or display_status == DisplayStatus.NotYetStarted:
139 continue
140 write_display_status_chunk(display_status)
142 for payee_state in PayeeState:
143 if payee_state == PayeeState.NotYetSubmitted:
144 display_status_header = f"## Payment not yet submitted"
145 elif payee_state == PayeeState.Submitted:
146 display_status_header = f"## Submitted to NLNet but not yet paid"
147 else:
148 assert payee_state == PayeeState.Paid
149 display_status_header = f"## Paid by NLNet"
150 display_status_header = "\n%s\n" % display_status_header
151 for milestone, payments_list in payments_dict.items():
152 milestone_header = f"\n### {milestone.identifier}\n"
153 for payment in payments_list:
154 if payment.state == payee_state:
155 writer.write_node(headers=[status_tracking_header,
156 display_status_header,
157 milestone_header],
158 node=payment.node, payment=payment)
160 # write_display_status_chunk(DisplayStatus.NotYetStarted)
162 return writer.buffer.getvalue()
165 def write_budget_markdown(budget_graph: BudgetGraph,
166 output_dir: Path):
167 output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
168 for person, payments_dict in budget_graph.payments.items():
169 markdown = _markdown_for_person(person,
170 payments_dict,
171 budget_graph.assigned_nodes[person])
172 output_file = output_dir.joinpath(person.output_markdown_file)
173 output_file.write_text(markdown, encoding="utf-8")