[soc.git] / src / soc / experiment / formal / proof_compalu_multi.py
1 # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPLv3+
2 # Copyright (C) 2022 Cesar Strauss <cestrauss@gmail.com>
3 # Sponsored by NLnet under EU Grant and 957073
4 # Part of the Libre-SOC Project.
6 """
7 Formal proof of soc.experiment.compalu_multi.MultiCompUnit
9 In short, MultiCompUnit:
11 1) stores an opcode from Issue, when not "busy", and "issue" is pulsed
12 2) signals "busy" high
13 3) fetches its operand(s), if any (which are not masked or zero) from the
14 Scoreboard (REL/GO protocol)
15 4) starts the ALU (ready/valid protocol), as soon as all inputs are available
16 5) captures result from ALU (again ready/valid)
17 5) sends the result(s) back to the Scoreboard (again REL/GO)
18 6) drops "busy"
20 Note that, if the conditions are right, many of the above can occur together,
21 on a single cycle.
23 The formal proof involves ensuring that:
24 1) the ALU gets the right opcode from Issue
25 2) the ALU gets the right operands from the Scoreboard
26 3) the Scoreboard receives the right result from the ALU
27 4) no transactions are dropped or repeated
29 This can be checked using holding registers and transaction counters.
31 See https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=879 and
32 https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=197
33 """
35 import unittest
37 from nmigen import Signal, Module
38 from nmigen.hdl.ast import Cover, Const, Assume, Assert
39 from nmutil.formaltest import FHDLTestCase
40 from nmutil.singlepipe import ControlBase
42 from soc.experiment.compalu_multi import MultiCompUnit
43 from soc.fu.alu.alu_input_record import CompALUOpSubset
46 # Formal model of a simple ALU, whose inputs and outputs are randomly
47 # generated by the formal engine
49 class ALUCtx:
50 def __init__(self):
51 self.op = CompALUOpSubset(name="op")
54 class ALUInput:
55 def __init__(self):
56 self.a = Signal(16)
57 self.b = Signal(16)
58 self.ctx = ALUCtx()
60 def eq(self, i):
61 return [self.a.eq(i.a), self.b.eq(i.b)]
64 class ALUOutput:
65 def __init__(self):
66 self.o1 = Signal(16)
67 self.o2 = Signal(16)
69 def eq(self, i):
70 return [self.o1.eq(i.o1), self.o2.eq(i.o2)]
73 class ALU(ControlBase):
74 def __init__(self):
75 super().__init__(stage=self)
76 self.p.i_data, self.n.o_data = self.new_specs(None)
77 self.i, self.o = self.p.i_data, self.n.o_data
79 def setup(self, m, i):
80 pass
82 def ispec(self, name=None):
83 return ALUInput()
85 def ospec(self, name=None):
86 return ALUOutput()
88 def elaborate(self, platform):
89 m = super().elaborate(platform)
90 return m
93 class CompALUMultiTestCase(FHDLTestCase):
94 def test_formal(self):
95 inspec = [('INT', 'a', '0:15'),
96 ('INT', 'b', '0:15')]
97 outspec = [('INT', 'o1', '0:15'),
98 ('INT', 'o2', '0:15')]
99 regspec = (inspec, outspec)
100 m = Module()
101 # Instantiate "random" ALU
102 alu = ALU()
103 m.submodules.dut = dut = MultiCompUnit(regspec, alu, CompALUOpSubset)
104 # TODO Test shadow / die
105 m.d.comb += [dut.shadown_i.eq(1), dut.go_die_i.eq(0)]
106 # Don't issue while busy
107 issue = Signal()
108 m.d.comb += dut.issue_i.eq(issue & ~dut.busy_o)
109 # Avoid toggling go_i when rel_o is low (rel / go protocol)
110 rd_go = Signal(dut.n_src)
111 m.d.comb += dut.cu.rd.go_i.eq(rd_go & dut.cu.rd.rel_o)
112 wr_go = Signal(dut.n_dst)
113 m.d.comb += dut.cu.wr.go_i.eq(wr_go & dut.cu.wr.rel_o)
114 # Transaction counters
115 do_issue = Signal()
116 m.d.comb += do_issue.eq(dut.issue_i & ~dut.busy_o)
117 cnt_issue = Signal(4)
118 m.d.sync += cnt_issue.eq(cnt_issue + do_issue)
119 do_read = Signal(dut.n_src)
120 m.d.comb += do_read.eq(dut.cu.rd.rel_o & dut.cu.rd.go_i)
121 cnt_read = []
122 for i in range(dut.n_src):
123 cnt = Signal(4, name="cnt_read_%d" % i)
124 m.d.sync += cnt.eq(cnt + do_read[i])
125 cnt_read.append(cnt)
126 do_write = Signal(dut.n_dst)
127 m.d.comb += do_write.eq(dut.cu.wr.rel_o & dut.cu.wr.go_i)
128 cnt_write = []
129 for i in range(dut.n_dst):
130 cnt = Signal(4, name="cnt_write_%d" % i)
131 m.d.sync += cnt.eq(cnt + do_write[i])
132 cnt_write.append(cnt)
133 do_alu_write = Signal()
134 m.d.comb += do_alu_write.eq(alu.p.i_valid & alu.p.o_ready)
135 cnt_alu_write = Signal(4)
136 m.d.sync += cnt_alu_write.eq(cnt_alu_write + do_alu_write)
137 do_alu_read = Signal()
138 m.d.comb += do_alu_read.eq(alu.n.o_valid & alu.n.i_ready)
139 cnt_alu_read = Signal(4)
140 m.d.sync += cnt_alu_read.eq(cnt_alu_read + do_alu_read)
141 cnt_masked_read = []
142 do_masked_read = Signal(dut.n_src)
143 for i in range(dut.n_src):
144 cnt = Signal(4, name="cnt_masked_read_%d" % i)
145 if i == 0:
146 extra = dut.oper_i.zero_a
147 elif i == 1:
148 extra = dut.oper_i.imm_data.ok
149 else:
150 extra = Const(0, 1)
151 m.d.comb += do_masked_read[i].eq(do_issue &
152 (dut.rdmaskn[i] | extra))
153 m.d.sync += cnt.eq(cnt + do_masked_read[i])
154 cnt_masked_read.append(cnt)
155 # If the ALU is idle, do not assert valid
156 with m.If((cnt_alu_read == cnt_alu_write) & ~do_alu_write):
157 m.d.comb += Assume(~alu.n.o_valid)
158 # Keep ALU valid high, until read
159 last_alu_valid = Signal()
160 m.d.sync += last_alu_valid.eq(alu.n.o_valid & ~alu.n.i_ready)
161 with m.If(last_alu_valid):
162 m.d.comb += Assume(alu.n.o_valid)
164 # Invariant checks
166 # For every instruction issued, at any point in time,
167 # each operand was either:
168 # 1) Already read
169 # 2) Not read yet, but the read is pending (rel_o high)
170 # 3) Masked
171 for i in range(dut.n_src):
172 sum_read = Signal(4)
173 m.d.comb += sum_read.eq(
174 cnt_read[i] + cnt_masked_read[i] + dut.cu.rd.rel_o[i])
175 m.d.comb += Assert(sum_read == cnt_issue)
177 # For every instruction, either:
178 # 1) The ALU is executing the instruction
179 # 2) Otherwise, execution is pending (alu.p.i_valid is high)
180 # 3) Otherwise, it is waiting for operands
181 # (some dut.cu.rd.rel_o are still high)
182 # 4) ... unless all operands are masked, in which case there is a one
183 # cycle delay
184 all_masked = Signal()
185 m.d.sync += all_masked.eq(do_masked_read.all())
186 sum_alu_write = Signal(4)
187 m.d.comb += sum_alu_write.eq(
188 cnt_alu_write +
189 (dut.cu.rd.rel_o.any() | all_masked | alu.p.i_valid))
190 m.d.comb += Assert(sum_alu_write == cnt_issue)
192 # Ask the formal engine to give an example
193 m.d.comb += Cover((cnt_issue == 2)
194 & (cnt_read[0] == 1)
195 & (cnt_read[1] == 0)
196 & (cnt_write[0] == 1)
197 & (cnt_write[1] == 1)
198 & (cnt_alu_write == 1)
199 & (cnt_alu_read == 1)
200 & (cnt_masked_read[0] == 1)
201 & (cnt_masked_read[1] == 1))
202 with self.subTest("cover"):
203 self.assertFormal(m, mode="cover", depth=10)
205 # Check assertions
206 with self.subTest("bmc"):
207 self.assertFormal(m, mode="bmc", depth=10)
210 if __name__ == "__main__":
211 unittest.main()