[crowdsupply.git] / updates / 023_2020mar26_decoder_emulator_started.mdwn
1 So many things happened since the last update they actually need to go
2 in the main update, even in summary form. One big thing:
3 [Raptor CS](https://www.raptorcs.com/)
4 sponsored us with remote access to a Monster spec'd TALOS II Workstation!
6 # Introduction
8 Here's the summary (if it can be called a summary):
10 * [An announcement](http://lists.libre-riscv.org/pipermail/libre-riscv-dev/2020-March/004995.html)
11 that we got the funding (which is open to anyone - hint, hint) resulted in
12 at least three people reaching out to join the team. "We don't need
13 permission to own our own hardware" got a *really* positive reaction.
14 * New team member, Jock (hello Jock!) starts on the coriolis2 layout,
15 after Jean-Paul from LIP6.fr helped to dramatically improve how coriolis2
16 can be used. This resulted in a
17 [tutorial](https://libre-riscv.org/HDL_workflow/coriolis2/) and a
18 [huge bug report discussion](http://bugs.libre-riscv.org/show_bug.cgi?id=178)
19 * Work has started on the
20 [POWER ISA decoder](http://bugs.libre-riscv.org/show_bug.cgi?id=186),
21 verified through
22 [calling GNU AS](https://git.libre-riscv.org/?p=soc.git;a=blob;f=src/soc/decoder/test/test_decoder_gas.py;h=9238d3878d964907c5569a3468d6895effb7dc02;hb=56d145e42ac75626423915af22d1493f1e7bb143) (yes, really!)
23 and on a mini-simulator
24 [calling QEMU](https://git.libre-riscv.org/?p=soc.git;a=blob;f=src/soc/simulator/qemu.py;h=9eb103bae227e00a2a1d2ec4f43d7e39e4f44960;hb=56d145e42ac75626423915af22d1493f1e7bb143)
25 for verification.
26 * Jacob's simple-soft-float library growing
27 [Power FP compatibility](http://bugs.libre-riscv.org/show_bug.cgi?id=258)
28 and python bindings.
29 * A Conference call with OpenPOWER Foundation Director, Hugh, and Timothy
30 Pearson from RaptorCS has been established every two weeks.
31 * The OpenPOWER Foundation is also running some open
32 ["Virtual Coffee"](https://openpowerfoundation.org/openpower-virtual-coffee-calls/)
33 weekly round-table calls for anyone interested, generally, in OpenPOWER
34 development.
35 * Tim sponsors our team with access to a Monster Talos II system with a
36 whopping 128 GB RAM. htop lists a staggering 72 cores (18 real
37 with 4-way hyperthreading).
38 * [Epic MegaGrants](http://lists.libre-riscv.org/pipermail/libre-riscv-dev/2020-March/005262.html)
39 reached out (hello!) to say they're still considering our
40 request.
41 * A marathon 3-hour session with [NLNet](http://nlnet.nl) resulted
42 in the completion of the
43 [Milestone tasks list(s)](http://bugs.libre-riscv.org/buglist.cgi?component=Milestones&list_id=567&resolution=---)
44 and a
45 [boat-load](http://lists.libre-riscv.org/pipermail/libre-riscv-dev/2020-March/thread.html)
46 of bug reports to the list.
47 * Immanuel Yehowshua is participating in the Georgia Tech
48 [Create-X](https://create-x.gatech.edu/) Programme, and is establishing
49 a Public Benefit Corporation in Atlanta, as an ethical vehicle for VC
50 Funding.
51 * A [Load/Store Buffer](http://bugs.libre-riscv.org/show_bug.cgi?id=216)
52 design and
53 [further discussion](http://bugs.libre-riscv.org/show_bug.cgi?id=257)
54 including on
55 [comp.arch](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.arch/cbGAlcCjiZE)
56 inspired additional writeup
57 on the
58 [6600 scoreboard](https://libre-riscv.org/3d_gpu/architecture/6600scoreboard/)
59 page.
60 * [Public-Inbox](http://bugs.libre-riscv.org/show_bug.cgi?id=181) was
61 installed successfully on the server, which is in the process of
62 moving to a [new domain name](http://bugs.libre-riscv.org/show_bug.cgi?id=182)
63 [Libre-SOC](http://libre-soc.org)
64 * Build Servers have been set up with
65 [automated testing](http://lists.libre-riscv.org/pipermail/libre-riscv-dev/2020-March/005364.html)
66 being established
68 Well dang, as you can see, suddenly it just went ballistic. There's
69 almost certainly things left off the list. For such a small team there's
70 a heck of a lot going on. We have an awful lot to do, in a short amount
71 of time: the 180nm tape-out is in October 2020 - only 7 months away.
73 With this update we're doing something slightly different: a request
74 has gone out [to the other team members](http://lists.libre-riscv.org/pipermail/libre-riscv-dev/2020-March/005428.html)
75 to say a little bit about what each of them is doing. This also helps me
76 because these updates do take quite a bit of time to write.
78 # NLNet Funding announcement
80 An announcement went out
81 [last year](https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/libreplanet-discuss/2019-09/msg00170.html)
82 that we'd applied for funding, and we got some great responses and
83 feedback (such as "don't use patented AXI4"). The second time, we
84 sent out a "we got it!" message and got some really nice private and
85 public replies, as well as requests from people to join the team.
86 More on that when it happens.
88 # Coriolis2 experimentation started
90 TODO by Jock http://bugs.libre-riscv.org/show_bug.cgi?id=217#c44
92 # POWER ISA decoder and Simulator
96 # simple-soft-float Library and POWER FP emulation
98 The
99 [simple-soft-float](https://salsa.debian.org/Kazan-team/simple-soft-float)
100 library is a floating-point library Jacob wrote with the intention
101 of being a reference implementation of IEEE 754 for hardware testing
102 purposes. It's specifically designed to be written to be easier to
103 understand instead of having the code obscured in pursuit of speed:
105 * Being easier to understand helps prevent bugs where the code does not
106 match the IEEE spec.
107 * It uses the [algebraics](https://salsa.debian.org/Kazan-team/algebraics)
108 library that Jacob wrote since that allows using numbers that behave
109 like exact real numbers, making reasoning about the code simpler.
110 * It is written in Rust rather than highly-macro-ified C, since that helps with
111 readability since operations aren't obscured, as well as safety, since Rust
112 proves at compile time that the code won't seg-fault unless you specifically
113 opt-out of those guarantees by using `unsafe`.
115 It currently supports 16, 32, 64, 128-bit FP for RISC-V, along with
116 having a `DynamicFloat` type which allows dynamically specifying all
117 aspects of how a particular floating-point type behaves -- if one wanted,
118 they could configure it as a 2048-bit floating-point type.
120 It also has Python bindings, thanks to the awesome
121 [PyO3](https://pyo3.rs/) library for writing Python bindings in Rust.
123 We decided to write simple-soft-float instead
124 of extending the industry-standard [Berkeley
125 softfloat](http://www.jhauser.us/arithmetic/SoftFloat.html) library
126 because of a range of issues, including not supporting Power FP, requiring
127 recompilation to switch which ISA is being emulated, not supporting
128 all the required operations, architectural issues such as depending on
129 global variables, etc. We are still testing simple-soft-float against
130 Berkeley softfloat where we can, however, since Berkeley softfloat is
131 widely used and highly likely to be correct.
133 simple-soft-float is [gaining support for Power
134 FP](http://bugs.libre-riscv.org/show_bug.cgi?id=258), which requires
135 rewriting a lot of the status-flag handling code since Power supports a
136 much larger set of floating-point status flags and exceptions than most
137 other ISAs.
139 Thanks to RaptorCS for giving us remote access to a Power9 system,
140 since that makes it much easier verifying that the test cases are correct
141 (more on this below).
143 API Docs for stable releases of both
144 [simple-soft-float](https://docs.rs/simple-soft-float) and
145 [algebraics](https://docs.rs/algebraics) are available on docs.rs.
147 One of the really important things about these libraries: they're not
148 specifically coded exclusively for Libre-SOC: like softfloat-3 itself
149 (and also like the [IEEE754 FPU](https://git.libre-riscv.org/?p=ieee754fpu.git))
150 they're intended for *general-purpose* use by other projects. These are
151 exactly the kinds of side-benefits for the wider Libre community that
152 sponsorship, from individuals, Foundations (such as NLNet) and Companies
153 (such as Purism and Raptor CS) brings.
155 # OpenPOWER Conference calls
157 TODO
159 # OpenPower Virtual Coffee Meetings
161 The "Virtual Coffee Meetings", announced
162 [here](https://openpowerfoundation.org/openpower-virtual-coffee-calls/)
163 are literally open to anyone interested in OpenPOWER (if you're strictly
164 Libre there's a dial-in method). These calls are not recorded, it's
165 just an informal conversation.
167 What's a really nice surprise is finding
168 out that Paul Mackerras, whom I used to work with 20 years ago, is *also*
169 working on OpenPOWER, specifically
170 [microwatt](https://github.com/antonblanchard/microwatt), being managed
171 by Anton Blanchard.
173 A brief discussion led to learning that Paul is looking at adding TLB
174 (Virtual Memory) support to microwatt, specifically the RADIX TLB.
175 I therefore pointed him at the same resource
176 [(power-gem5)](https://github.com/power-gem5/gem5/tree/gem5-experimental)
177 that Hugh had kindly pointed me at, the week before, and did a
178 [late night write-up](http://lists.libre-riscv.org/pipermail/libre-riscv-dev/2020-March/005445.html)
180 My feeling is that these weekly round-table meetings are going to be
181 really important for everyone involved in OpenPOWER. It's a community:
182 we help each other.
184 # Sponsorship by RaptorCS with a TALOS II Workstation
186 TODO http://lists.libre-riscv.org/pipermail/libre-riscv-dev/2020-March/005291.html
188 # Epic Megagrants
190 TODO
192 # NLNet Milestone tasks
194 TODO
196 # Georgia Tech CREATE-X
198 TODO
200 # LOAD/STORE Buffer and 6600 design documentation
202 A critical part of this project is not just to create a chip, it's to
203 *document* the chip design, the decisions along the way, for both
204 educational, research, and ongoing maintenance purposes. With an
205 augmented CDC 6600 design being chosen as the fundamental basis,
206 [documenting that](https://libre-riscv.org/3d_gpu/architecture/6600scoreboard/)
207 as well as the key differences is particularly important. At the very least,
208 the extremely simple and highly effective hardware but timing-critical
209 design aspects of the circular loops in the 6600 were recognised by James
210 Thornton (the co-designer of the 6600) as being paradoxically challenging
211 to understand why so few gates could be so effective. Consequently,
212 documenting it just to be able to *develop* it is extremely important.
214 We're getting to the point where we need to connect the LOAD/STORE Computation
215 Units up to an actual memory architecture. We've chosen
216 [minerva](https://github.com/lambdaconcept/minerva/blob/master/minerva/units/loadstore.py)
217 as the basis because it is written in nmigen, works, and, crucially, uses
218 wishbone (which we decided to use as the main Bus Backbone a few months ago).
220 However, unlike minerva, which is a single-issue 32-bit embedded chip,
221 where it's perfectly ok to have one single LD/ST operation per clock,
222 and not only that but to have that operation take a few clock cycles,
223 to get anything like the level of performance needed of a GPU, we need
224 at least four 64-bit LOADs or STOREs *every clock cycle*.
226 For a first ASIC from a team that's never done a chip before, this is,
227 officially, "Bonkers Territory". Where minerva is doing 32-bit-wide
228 Buses (and does not support 64-bit LD/ST at all), we need internal
229 data buses of a minimum whopping **2000** wires wide.
231 Let that sink in for a moment.
233 The reason why the internal buses need to be 2000 wires wide comes down
234 to the fact that we need, realistically, 6 to eight LOAD/STORE Computation
235 Units. 4 of them will be operational, 2 to 4 of them will be waiting
236 with pending instructions from the multi-issue Vectorisation Engine.
238 We chose to use a system which expands the first 4 bits of the address,
239 plus the operation width (1,2,4,8 bytes) into a "bitmap" - a byte-mask -
240 that corresponds directly with the 16 byte "cache line" byte enable
241 columns, in the L1 Cache. These bitmaps can then be "merged" such
242 that requests that go to the same cache line can be served *in the
243 same clock cycle* to multiple LOAD/STORE Computation Units. This
244 being absolutely critical for effective Vector Processing.
246 Additionally, in order to deal with misaligned memory requests, each of those
247 needs to put out *two* such 16-byte-wide requests (see where this is going?)
248 out to the L1 Cache.
249 So, we now have eight times two times 128 bits which is a staggering
250 2048 wires *just for the data*. There do exist ways to get that down
251 (potentially to half), and there do exist ways to get that cut in half
252 again, however doing so would miss opportunities for merging of requests
253 into cache lines.
255 At that point, thanks to Mitch Alsup's input (Mitch is the designer of
256 the Motorola 68000, Motorola 88120, key architecture on AMD's Opteron
257 Series, the AMD K9, AMDGPU and Samsung's latest GPU), we learned that
258 L1 cache design critically depends on what type of SRAM you have. We
259 initially, naively, wanted dual-ported L1 SRAM and that's when Staf
260 and Mitch taught us that this results in half-duty rate. Only
261 1-Read **or** 1-Write SRAM Cells give you fast enough (single-cycle)
262 data rates to be useable for L1 Caches.
264 Part of the conversation has wandered into
265 [why we chose dynamic pipelines](http://lists.libre-riscv.org/pipermail/libre-riscv-dev/2020-March/005459.html)
266 as well as receiving that
267 [important advice](http://lists.libre-riscv.org/pipermail/libre-riscv-dev/2020-March/005354.html)
268 from both Mitch Alsup and Staf Verhaegen.
270 (Staf is also [sponsored by NLNet](https://nlnet.nl/project/Chips4Makers/)
271 to create Libre-licensed Cell Libraries, busting through one of the -
272 many - layers of NDAs and reducing NREs for ASIC development: I helped him
273 put in the submission, and he was really happy to do the Cell Libraries
274 that we will be using for LibreSOC's 180nm test tape-out in October 2020.)
276 # Public-Inbox and Domain Migration
278 TODO
280 # Build Servers
282 TODO
284 # Conclusion
286 TODO