#!/usr/bin/make -f # -*- makefile -*- # Sample debian/rules that uses debhelper. # This file was originally written by Joey Hess and Craig Small. # As a special exception, when this file is copied by dh-make into a # dh-make output file, you may use that output file without restriction. # This special exception was added by Craig Small in version 0.37 of dh-make. # Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode. export DH_VERBOSE=1 %: dh $@ override_dh_auto_configure: echo "dh_auto_configure disabled." override_dh_auto_build: tar zxf distrib_extras/flex-2.5.4_patch.tar.gz; \ localinstall=`pwd`; \ cd flex-2.5.4; \ ./configure --prefix=$${localinstall}; \ make install; \ cd ..; \ PATH=$${localinstall}/bin:$$PATH; \ export PATH; \ cd distrib; \ builddir=`pwd`; \ AVERTEC_OS="Linux"; \ for dir in api_include api_lib bin lib include man/man3 share/doc; do \ mkdir -p $${dir}; \ done; \ ln -s sources obj; \ ln -s share/etc etc; \ cd obj; \ make WITH_FLEXLM=NOFLEX \ ALLIANCE_TOP=$${builddir} \ AVERTEC_TOP=$${builddir} \ AVERTEC_OS=$$AVERTEC_OS \ AVERTEC_LICENSE=AVERTEC_DUMMY \ AVT_LICENSE_SERVER=house \ AVT_LICENSE_FILE=27009@house \ AVT_COMPILATION_TYPE=distrib \ AVT_DISTRIB_DIR=$${builddir} \ PACKAGING_TOP=$${localinstall}; \ cd ..; \ PATH=`pwd`/bin:$$PATH; \ cd docxml2; \ if [ "`uname -m`" != "x86_64" ]; then \ make AVERTEC_TOP=$${builddir}/share; \ else \ tar jxf docxml2-compiled.tar.bz2; \ fi; \ cd ..; override_dh_auto_install: destdir="`pwd`/debian/tasyag"; \ prefix="/usr/lib/tasyag"; \ sharedir="/usr/share"; \ tasyagsharedir="$${sharedir}/tasyag"; \ docdir="$${sharedir}/doc/tasyag"; \ mandir="$${sharedir}/man"; \ man3dir="$${mandir}/man3"; \ bindir="/usr/bin"; \ etcdir="$${tasyagsharedir}/etc"; \ tcldir="$${tasyagsharedir}/tcl"; \ echo "destdir=$${destdir}"; \ if [ ! -d "$${destdir}$${etcdir}" ]; then mkdir -p "$${destdir}$${etcdir}" ; fi; \ if [ ! -d "$${destdir}$${bindir}" ]; then mkdir -p "$${destdir}$${bindir}" ; fi; \ if [ ! -d "$${destdir}$${tcldir}" ]; then mkdir -p "$${destdir}$${tcldir}" ; fi; \ if [ ! -d "$${destdir}$${man3dir}" ]; then mkdir -p "$${destdir}$${man3dir}"; fi; \ if [ ! -d "$${destdir}$${docdir}" ]; then mkdir -p "$${destdir}$${docdir}" ; fi; \ for conf in avt.slib avttools.dtb Xtas Xyagle trmodel.cfg avt_env.sh; do \ cp distrib/share/etc/$${conf} $${destdir}$${etcdir}; \ done; \ for tool in avt_shell avtman xtas xyagle ttvdiff ttvren; do \ cp distrib/bin/$${tool} $${destdir}$${bindir}; \ done; \ cp -r distrib/share/tcl/* $${destdir}$${tcldir}; \ cp distrib/man/man3/* $${destdir}$${man3dir}; \ mv distrib/docxml2/compiled/docavertec.html $${destdir}$${docdir}; \ mv distrib/docxml2/compiled/docpdf $${destdir}$${docdir}; \ mv distrib/docxml2/compiled/dochtml $${destdir}$${docdir}; \ mv distrib/share/tutorials $${destdir}$${docdir}