# Tuesday 19th March 17:00 UTC * Previous notes: [[meetings/sync_up/sync_up_2024-03-12]] * Next week's notes: [[meetings/sync_up/sync_up_2024-03-26]] # Main Agenda Meeting notes: # Cesar Focusing on [bug #1004](https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1004), will do nmigen-boards pinout. Loopback test did work, moving on to more complex things. Really good to have the board by my side. No worries about funding for it, the funds for [bug #1004](https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1004) plus the Decred Jacob is sending me should be enough. # Jacob WIP paying Cesar with our remaining Decred for the FPGAs he recently bought. We had about 16 DCR, which only covers part of the cost. (edit: paid.) # Luke didn't attend. # Dmitry didn't attend. # Rita Research data management, interviews and other PhD businesses. [[!tag meeting2024]] [[!tag meeting_sync_up]]