This page really needs more/better content! # Who we are and why a LibreSOC Short paragraph on how a libreSOC makes sense from a business perspective... # Our Gameplan ## Customer Discovery Who are our competitors(Intel, ARM, AMD?) Who might be on our side?(Samsung, IBM) What is our market size Why are they going to buy this and why are customers not satisfied with what already exists on the market - secure processors - safety critical applications like medical applications - DARPA doesn’t have to order parts in bulk for big contracts for fear of obsolescence. DARPA can change designs more frequently… - why is processor trust so important(SPECTRE MELTDOWN), JP Morgan recently replaced all their intel processors because of this ## Customer Validation Give it to potential customer (who might be some direct customers? OnePlus Chinese Phone Manufacturers??) Customer likes it. Customer gives letter of intent that they will purchase this product. ## Customer Creation First customer leads to more customers. ##Company Building Lots of customers = start focusing on building the company.