#!/bin/sh if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ] then echo "Please run as root" exit fi apt-get install -y quilt tcsh swig libedit-dev tcl8.6-dev \ libmotif-dev libxpa1 libxt-dev libxpm-dev \ default-jre-headless default-jdk-headless \ libncurses5 libedit-dev \ libsaxon-java libsaxonb-java libservlet3.1-java fop\ groff # tex-live # Make sure to use the flex included with tasyagle apt-get remove flex mkdir -p /home/$SUDO_USER/src cd /home/$SUDO_USER/src git clone https://git.libre-soc.org/git/tas-yagle.git cd tas-yagle # Specify installation dir installDir="/usr/local" installDir=$installDir ./build.sh cd /home/$SUDO_USER/src chown -R $SUDO_USER . chgrp -R $SUDO_USER . STRING="source $installDir/bin/avt_env.sh" if grep -q "$STRING" /home/$SUDO_USER/.bashrc ; then echo 'avt_env.sh already in .bashrc' else # Default .bashrc usually has a check if shell is # interactive, so adding at the start is a workaround echo 'Adding avt_env.sh to .bashrc' sed -i "1i $STRING" /home/$SUDO_USER/.bashrc chown -R $SUDO_USER /home/$SUDO_USER/.bashrc chgrp -R $SUDO_USER /home/$SUDO_USER/.bashrc fi # Compile the documentation and example echo "Entering bash as $SUDO_USER to reload .bashrc and compile docs!" runuser $SUDO_USER -c "/bin/bash << EOF . ~/.bashrc cd /home/$SUDO_USER/src/tas-yagle/distrib/docxml2 make cd /home/$SUDO_USER/src/tas-yagle/distrib/share/tutorials/hitas/inv ./db.tcl EOF" echo "Finished tas-yagle compilation, make sure to source .bashrc!"