# sim openocd test in the soc directory, create the verilog file "python issuer_verilog.py libresoc.v" copy to libresoc/ directory and open a second terminal terminal 1: ./sim.py terminal 2: openocd -f openocd.cfg -c init -c 'svf idcode_test2.svf' # ecp5 build same thing: first build libresoc.v and copy it to the libresoc/ directory ./versa_ecp5.py --sys-clk-freq=55e6 --build --yosys-nowidelut ./versa_ecp5.py --sys-clk-freq=55e6 --load ulx3s: ./versa_ecp5.py --sys-clk-freq=12.5e6 --build --fpga=ulx3s85f \ --yosys-nowidelut ./versa_ecp5.py --sys-clk-freq=12.5e6 --load --fpga=ulx3s85f # arty a7 build export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/symbiflow/bin/:/usr/local/symbiflow/vtr/bin/ ./versa_ecp5.py --sys-clk-freq=25e6 --build --fpga=artya7100t \ --toolchain=symbiflow ./versa_ecp5.py --sys-clk-freq=25e6 --load --fpga=artya7100t \ --toolchain=symbiflow