rv64[ms]i-csr: Only emit F instructions when compiled for F.
[riscv-tests.git] / debug / testlib.py
1 import collections
2 import os.path
3 import random
4 import re
5 import shlex
6 import subprocess
7 import sys
8 import tempfile
9 import time
10 import traceback
12 import pexpect
14 # Note that gdb comes with its own testsuite. I was unable to figure out how to
15 # run that testsuite against the spike simulator.
17 def find_file(path):
18 for directory in (os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)):
19 fullpath = os.path.join(directory, path)
20 if os.path.exists(fullpath):
21 return fullpath
22 return None
24 def compile(args, xlen=32): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
25 cc = os.path.expandvars("$RISCV/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc")
26 cmd = [cc, "-g"]
27 if xlen == 32:
28 cmd.append("-march=rv32imac")
29 cmd.append("-mabi=ilp32")
30 else:
31 cmd.append("-march=rv64imac")
32 cmd.append("-mabi=lp64")
33 for arg in args:
34 found = find_file(arg)
35 if found:
36 cmd.append(found)
37 else:
38 cmd.append(arg)
39 process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
40 stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
41 stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
42 if process.returncode:
43 print
44 header("Compile failed")
45 print "+", " ".join(cmd)
46 print stdout,
47 print stderr,
48 header("")
49 raise Exception("Compile failed!")
51 def unused_port():
52 # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2838244/get-open-tcp-port-in-python/2838309#2838309
53 import socket
54 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
55 s.bind(("", 0))
56 port = s.getsockname()[1]
57 s.close()
58 return port
60 class Spike(object):
61 logname = "spike-%d.log" % os.getpid()
63 def __init__(self, target, halted=False, timeout=None, with_jtag_gdb=True):
64 """Launch spike. Return tuple of its process and the port it's running
65 on."""
66 if target.sim_cmd:
67 cmd = shlex.split(target.sim_cmd)
68 else:
69 spike = os.path.expandvars("$RISCV/bin/spike")
70 cmd = [spike]
71 if target.xlen == 32:
72 cmd += ["--isa", "RV32G"]
73 else:
74 cmd += ["--isa", "RV64G"]
75 cmd += ["-m0x%x:0x%x" % (target.ram, target.ram_size)]
77 if timeout:
78 cmd = ["timeout", str(timeout)] + cmd
80 if halted:
81 cmd.append('-H')
82 if with_jtag_gdb:
83 cmd += ['--rbb-port', '0']
84 os.environ['REMOTE_BITBANG_HOST'] = 'localhost'
85 self.infinite_loop = target.compile(
86 "programs/checksum.c", "programs/tiny-malloc.c",
87 "programs/infinite_loop.S", "-DDEFINE_MALLOC", "-DDEFINE_FREE")
88 cmd.append(self.infinite_loop)
89 logfile = open(self.logname, "w")
90 logfile.write("+ %s\n" % " ".join(cmd))
91 logfile.flush()
92 self.process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
93 stdout=logfile, stderr=logfile)
95 if with_jtag_gdb:
96 self.port = None
97 for _ in range(30):
98 m = re.search(r"Listening for remote bitbang connection on "
99 r"port (\d+).", open(self.logname).read())
100 if m:
101 self.port = int(m.group(1))
102 os.environ['REMOTE_BITBANG_PORT'] = m.group(1)
103 break
104 time.sleep(0.11)
105 assert self.port, "Didn't get spike message about bitbang " \
106 "connection"
108 def __del__(self):
109 try:
110 self.process.kill()
111 self.process.wait()
112 except OSError:
113 pass
115 def wait(self, *args, **kwargs):
116 return self.process.wait(*args, **kwargs)
118 class VcsSim(object):
119 def __init__(self, sim_cmd=None, debug=False):
120 if sim_cmd:
121 cmd = shlex.split(sim_cmd)
122 else:
123 cmd = ["simv"]
124 cmd += ["+jtag_vpi_enable"]
125 if debug:
126 cmd[0] = cmd[0] + "-debug"
127 cmd += ["+vcdplusfile=output/gdbserver.vpd"]
128 logfile = open("simv.log", "w")
129 logfile.write("+ %s\n" % " ".join(cmd))
130 logfile.flush()
131 listenfile = open("simv.log", "r")
132 listenfile.seek(0, 2)
133 self.process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
134 stdout=logfile, stderr=logfile)
135 done = False
136 while not done:
137 # Fail if VCS exits early
138 exit_code = self.process.poll()
139 if exit_code is not None:
140 raise RuntimeError('VCS simulator exited early with status %d'
141 % exit_code)
143 line = listenfile.readline()
144 if not line:
145 time.sleep(1)
146 match = re.match(r"^Listening on port (\d+)$", line)
147 if match:
148 done = True
149 self.port = int(match.group(1))
150 os.environ['JTAG_VPI_PORT'] = str(self.port)
152 def __del__(self):
153 try:
154 self.process.kill()
155 self.process.wait()
156 except OSError:
157 pass
159 class Openocd(object):
160 logfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='openocd', suffix='.log')
161 logname = logfile.name
163 def __init__(self, server_cmd=None, config=None, debug=False):
164 if server_cmd:
165 cmd = shlex.split(server_cmd)
166 else:
167 openocd = os.path.expandvars("$RISCV/bin/openocd")
168 cmd = [openocd]
169 if debug:
170 cmd.append("-d")
172 # This command needs to come before any config scripts on the command
173 # line, since they are executed in order.
174 cmd += [
175 # Tell OpenOCD to bind gdb to an unused, ephemeral port.
176 "--command",
177 "gdb_port 0",
178 # Disable tcl and telnet servers, since they are unused and because
179 # the port numbers will conflict if multiple OpenOCD processes are
180 # running on the same server.
181 "--command",
182 "tcl_port disabled",
183 "--command",
184 "telnet_port disabled",
185 ]
187 if config:
188 f = find_file(config)
189 if f is None:
190 print "Unable to read file " + config
191 exit(1)
193 cmd += ["-f", f]
194 if debug:
195 cmd.append("-d")
197 logfile = open(Openocd.logname, "w")
198 logfile.write("+ %s\n" % " ".join(cmd))
199 logfile.flush()
200 self.process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
201 stdout=logfile, stderr=logfile)
203 # Wait for OpenOCD to have made it through riscv_examine(). When using
204 # OpenOCD to communicate with a simulator this may take a long time,
205 # and gdb will time out when trying to connect if we attempt too early.
206 start = time.time()
207 messaged = False
208 while True:
209 log = open(Openocd.logname).read()
210 m = re.search(r"Listening on port (\d+) for gdb connections", log)
211 if m:
212 self.port = int(m.group(1))
213 break
215 if not self.process.poll() is None:
216 header("OpenOCD log")
217 sys.stdout.write(log)
218 raise Exception(
219 "OpenOCD exited before completing riscv_examine()")
220 if not messaged and time.time() - start > 1:
221 messaged = True
222 print "Waiting for OpenOCD to start..."
223 if time.time() - start > 60:
224 raise Exception("ERROR: Timed out waiting for OpenOCD to "
225 "listen for gdb")
227 def __del__(self):
228 try:
229 self.process.kill()
230 self.process.wait()
231 except (OSError, AttributeError):
232 pass
234 class OpenocdCli(object):
235 def __init__(self, port=4444):
236 self.child = pexpect.spawn(
237 "sh -c 'telnet localhost %d | tee openocd-cli.log'" % port)
238 self.child.expect("> ")
240 def command(self, cmd):
241 self.child.sendline(cmd)
242 self.child.expect(cmd)
243 self.child.expect("\n")
244 self.child.expect("> ")
245 return self.child.before.strip("\t\r\n \0")
247 def reg(self, reg=''):
248 output = self.command("reg %s" % reg)
249 matches = re.findall(r"(\w+) \(/\d+\): (0x[0-9A-F]+)", output)
250 values = {r: int(v, 0) for r, v in matches}
251 if reg:
252 return values[reg]
253 return values
255 def load_image(self, image):
256 output = self.command("load_image %s" % image)
257 if 'invalid ELF file, only 32bits files are supported' in output:
258 raise TestNotApplicable(output)
260 class CannotAccess(Exception):
261 def __init__(self, address):
262 Exception.__init__(self)
263 self.address = address
265 Thread = collections.namedtuple('Thread', ('id', 'target_id', 'name',
266 'frame'))
268 class Gdb(object):
269 logfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="gdb", suffix=".log")
270 logname = logfile.name
272 def __init__(self,
273 cmd=os.path.expandvars("$RISCV/bin/riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb")):
274 self.child = pexpect.spawn(cmd)
275 self.child.logfile = open(self.logname, "w")
276 self.child.logfile.write("+ %s\n" % cmd)
277 self.wait()
278 self.command("set confirm off")
279 self.command("set width 0")
280 self.command("set height 0")
281 # Force consistency.
282 self.command("set print entry-values no")
284 def wait(self):
285 """Wait for prompt."""
286 self.child.expect(r"\(gdb\)")
288 def command(self, command, timeout=6000):
289 self.child.sendline(command)
290 self.child.expect("\n", timeout=timeout)
291 self.child.expect(r"\(gdb\)", timeout=timeout)
292 return self.child.before.strip()
294 def c(self, wait=True, timeout=-1, async=False):
295 if async:
296 async = "&"
297 else:
298 async = ""
299 if wait:
300 output = self.command("c%s" % async, timeout=timeout)
301 assert "Continuing" in output
302 return output
303 else:
304 self.child.sendline("c%s" % async)
305 self.child.expect("Continuing")
307 def interrupt(self):
308 self.child.send("\003")
309 self.child.expect(r"\(gdb\)", timeout=6000)
310 return self.child.before.strip()
312 def x(self, address, size='w'):
313 output = self.command("x/%s %s" % (size, address))
314 value = int(output.split(':')[1].strip(), 0)
315 return value
317 def p_raw(self, obj):
318 output = self.command("p %s" % obj)
319 m = re.search("Cannot access memory at address (0x[0-9a-f]+)", output)
320 if m:
321 raise CannotAccess(int(m.group(1), 0))
322 return output.split('=')[-1].strip()
324 def p(self, obj):
325 output = self.command("p/x %s" % obj)
326 m = re.search("Cannot access memory at address (0x[0-9a-f]+)", output)
327 if m:
328 raise CannotAccess(int(m.group(1), 0))
329 value = int(output.split('=')[-1].strip(), 0)
330 return value
332 def p_string(self, obj):
333 output = self.command("p %s" % obj)
334 value = shlex.split(output.split('=')[-1].strip())[1]
335 return value
337 def stepi(self):
338 output = self.command("stepi", timeout=60)
339 return output
341 def load(self):
342 output = self.command("load", timeout=6000)
343 assert "failed" not in output
344 assert "Transfer rate" in output
346 def b(self, location):
347 output = self.command("b %s" % location)
348 assert "not defined" not in output
349 assert "Breakpoint" in output
350 return output
352 def hbreak(self, location):
353 output = self.command("hbreak %s" % location)
354 assert "not defined" not in output
355 assert "Hardware assisted breakpoint" in output
356 return output
358 def threads(self):
359 output = self.command("info threads")
360 threads = []
361 for line in output.splitlines():
362 m = re.match(
363 r"[\s\*]*(\d+)\s*Thread (\d+)\s*\(Name: ([^\)]+)\s*(.*)",
364 line)
365 if m:
366 threads.append(Thread(*m.groups()))
367 if not threads:
368 threads.append(Thread('1', '1', 'Default', '???'))
369 return threads
371 def thread(self, thread):
372 return self.command("thread %s" % thread.id)
374 def run_all_tests(module, target, parsed):
375 if not os.path.exists(parsed.logs):
376 os.makedirs(parsed.logs)
378 overall_start = time.time()
380 global gdb_cmd # pylint: disable=global-statement
381 gdb_cmd = parsed.gdb
383 todo = []
384 if parsed.misaval:
385 target.misa = int(parsed.misaval, 16)
386 print "Using $misa from command line: 0x%x" % target.misa
387 elif target.misa:
388 print "Using $misa from target definition: 0x%x" % target.misa
389 else:
390 todo.append(("ExamineTarget", ExamineTarget))
392 for name in dir(module):
393 definition = getattr(module, name)
394 if type(definition) == type and hasattr(definition, 'test') and \
395 (not parsed.test or any(test in name for test in parsed.test)):
396 todo.append((name, definition))
398 results, count = run_tests(parsed, target, todo)
400 header("ran %d tests in %.0fs" % (count, time.time() - overall_start),
401 dash=':')
403 return print_results(results)
405 good_results = set(('pass', 'not_applicable'))
406 def run_tests(parsed, target, todo):
407 results = {}
408 count = 0
410 for name, definition in todo:
411 instance = definition(target)
412 log_name = os.path.join(parsed.logs, "%s-%s-%s.log" %
413 (time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"), type(target).__name__, name))
414 log_fd = open(log_name, 'w')
415 print "Running", name, "...",
416 sys.stdout.flush()
417 log_fd.write("Test: %s\n" % name)
418 log_fd.write("Target: %s\n" % type(target).__name__)
419 start = time.time()
420 real_stdout = sys.stdout
421 sys.stdout = log_fd
422 try:
423 result = instance.run()
424 log_fd.write("Result: %s\n" % result)
425 finally:
426 sys.stdout = real_stdout
427 log_fd.write("Time elapsed: %.2fs\n" % (time.time() - start))
428 print "%s in %.2fs" % (result, time.time() - start)
429 sys.stdout.flush()
430 results.setdefault(result, []).append(name)
431 count += 1
432 if result not in good_results and parsed.fail_fast:
433 break
435 return results, count
437 def print_results(results):
438 result = 0
439 for key, value in results.iteritems():
440 print "%d tests returned %s" % (len(value), key)
441 if key not in good_results:
442 result = 1
443 for test in value:
444 print " ", test
446 return result
448 def add_test_run_options(parser):
450 parser.add_argument("--logs", default="logs",
451 help="Store logs in the specified directory.")
452 parser.add_argument("--fail-fast", "-f", action="store_true",
453 help="Exit as soon as any test fails.")
454 parser.add_argument("test", nargs='*',
455 help="Run only tests that are named here.")
456 parser.add_argument("--gdb",
457 help="The command to use to start gdb.")
458 parser.add_argument("--misaval",
459 help="Don't run ExamineTarget, just assume the misa value which is "
460 "specified.")
462 def header(title, dash='-', length=78):
463 if title:
464 dashes = dash * (length - 4 - len(title))
465 before = dashes[:len(dashes)/2]
466 after = dashes[len(dashes)/2:]
467 print "%s[ %s ]%s" % (before, title, after)
468 else:
469 print dash * length
471 def print_log(path):
472 header(path)
473 lines = open(path, "r").readlines()
474 for l in lines:
475 sys.stdout.write(l)
476 print
478 class BaseTest(object):
479 compiled = {}
481 def __init__(self, target):
482 self.target = target
483 self.server = None
484 self.target_process = None
485 self.binary = None
486 self.start = 0
487 self.logs = []
489 def early_applicable(self):
490 """Return a false value if the test has determined it cannot run
491 without ever needing to talk to the target or server."""
492 # pylint: disable=no-self-use
493 return True
495 def setup(self):
496 pass
498 def compile(self):
499 compile_args = getattr(self, 'compile_args', None)
500 if compile_args:
501 if compile_args not in BaseTest.compiled:
502 # pylint: disable=star-args
503 BaseTest.compiled[compile_args] = \
504 self.target.compile(*compile_args)
505 self.binary = BaseTest.compiled.get(compile_args)
507 def classSetup(self):
508 self.compile()
509 self.target_process = self.target.create()
510 if self.target_process:
511 self.logs.append(self.target_process.logname)
512 try:
513 self.server = self.target.server()
514 self.logs.append(self.server.logname)
515 except Exception:
516 for log in self.logs:
517 print_log(log)
518 raise
520 def classTeardown(self):
521 del self.server
522 del self.target_process
524 def run(self):
525 """
526 If compile_args is set, compile a program and set self.binary.
528 Call setup().
530 Then call test() and return the result, displaying relevant information
531 if an exception is raised.
532 """
534 sys.stdout.flush()
536 if not self.early_applicable():
537 return "not_applicable"
539 self.start = time.time()
541 try:
542 self.classSetup()
543 self.setup()
544 result = self.test() # pylint: disable=no-member
545 except TestNotApplicable:
546 result = "not_applicable"
547 except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
548 if isinstance(e, TestFailed):
549 result = "fail"
550 else:
551 result = "exception"
552 if isinstance(e, TestFailed):
553 header("Message")
554 print e.message
555 header("Traceback")
556 traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
557 return result
559 finally:
560 for log in self.logs:
561 print_log(log)
562 header("End of logs")
563 self.classTeardown()
565 if not result:
566 result = 'pass'
567 return result
569 gdb_cmd = None
570 class GdbTest(BaseTest):
571 def __init__(self, target):
572 BaseTest.__init__(self, target)
573 self.gdb = None
575 def classSetup(self):
576 BaseTest.classSetup(self)
578 if gdb_cmd:
579 self.gdb = Gdb(gdb_cmd)
580 else:
581 self.gdb = Gdb()
583 self.logs.append(self.gdb.logname)
585 if self.binary:
586 self.gdb.command("file %s" % self.binary)
587 if self.target:
588 self.gdb.command("set arch riscv:rv%d" % self.target.xlen)
589 self.gdb.command("set remotetimeout %d" % self.target.timeout_sec)
590 if self.server.port:
591 self.gdb.command(
592 "target extended-remote localhost:%d" % self.server.port)
593 # Select a random thread.
594 # TODO: Allow a command line option to force a specific thread.
595 thread = random.choice(self.gdb.threads())
596 self.gdb.thread(thread)
598 for cmd in self.target.gdb_setup:
599 self.gdb.command(cmd)
601 # FIXME: OpenOCD doesn't handle PRIV now
602 #self.gdb.p("$priv=3")
604 def classTeardown(self):
605 del self.gdb
606 BaseTest.classTeardown(self)
608 class ExamineTarget(GdbTest):
609 def test(self):
610 self.target.misa = self.gdb.p("$misa")
612 txt = "RV"
613 if (self.target.misa >> 30) == 1:
614 txt += "32"
615 elif (self.target.misa >> 62) == 2:
616 txt += "64"
617 elif (self.target.misa >> 126) == 3:
618 txt += "128"
619 else:
620 raise TestFailed("Couldn't determine XLEN from $misa (0x%x)" %
621 self.target.misa)
623 for i in range(26):
624 if self.target.misa & (1<<i):
625 txt += chr(i + ord('A'))
626 print txt,
628 class TestFailed(Exception):
629 def __init__(self, message):
630 Exception.__init__(self)
631 self.message = message
633 class TestNotApplicable(Exception):
634 def __init__(self, message):
635 Exception.__init__(self)
636 self.message = message
638 def assertEqual(a, b):
639 if a != b:
640 raise TestFailed("%r != %r" % (a, b))
642 def assertNotEqual(a, b):
643 if a == b:
644 raise TestFailed("%r == %r" % (a, b))
646 def assertIn(a, b):
647 if a not in b:
648 raise TestFailed("%r not in %r" % (a, b))
650 def assertNotIn(a, b):
651 if a in b:
652 raise TestFailed("%r in %r" % (a, b))
654 def assertGreater(a, b):
655 if not a > b:
656 raise TestFailed("%r not greater than %r" % (a, b))
658 def assertLess(a, b):
659 if not a < b:
660 raise TestFailed("%r not less than %r" % (a, b))
662 def assertTrue(a):
663 if not a:
664 raise TestFailed("%r is not True" % a)
666 def assertRegexpMatches(text, regexp):
667 if not re.search(regexp, text):
668 raise TestFailed("can't find %r in %r" % (regexp, text))