[libreriscv.git] / openpower / sv / cr_ops.mdwn
1 [[!tag standards]]
2 # Condition Register SVP64 Operations
4 Links:
6 * <https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=687>
7 * [[svp64]]
8 * [[sv/branches]]
9 * [[openpower/isa/sprset]]
10 * [[openpower/isa/condition]]
11 * [[openpower/isa/comparefixed]]
13 Condition Register Fields are only 4 bits wide: this presents some
14 interesting conceptual challenges for SVP64, particularly with respect to element
15 width (which is clearly meaningless for a 4-bit
16 collation of Conditions, EQ LT GE SO). Likewise, arithmetic saturation
17 (an important part of Arithmetic SVP64)
18 has no meaning. Additionally, extra modes are required that only make
19 sense for Vectorised CR Operations. Consequently an alternative Mode Format is required.
21 This alternative mapping **only** applies to instructions that **only**
22 reference a CR Field or CR bit as the sole exclusive result. This section
23 **does not** apply to instructions which primarily produce arithmetic
24 results that also, as an aside, produce a corresponding
25 CR Field (such as when Rc=1).
26 Instructions that involve Rc=1 are definitively arithmetic in nature,
27 where the corresponding Condition Register Field can be considered to
28 be a "co-result". Such CR Field "co-result" arithmeric operations
29 are firmly out of scope for
30 this section.
32 * Examples of v3.0B instructions to which this section does
33 apply is
34 - `mfcr` (3 bit operands) and
35 - `crnor` and `cmpi` (5 bit operands).
36 * Examples to which this section does **not** apply include
37 `fadds.` and `subf.` which both produce arithmetic results
38 (and a CR Field co-result).
40 The CR Mode Format still applies to `sv.cmpi` because despite
41 taking a GPR as input, the output from the Base Scalar v3.0B `cmpi`
42 instruction is purely to a Condition Register Field.
44 Other modes are still applicable and include:
46 * **Data-dependent fail-first**.
47 useful to truncate VL based on
48 analysis of a Condition Register result bit.
49 * **Scalar and parallel reduction**.
50 Reduction is useful
51 for analysing a Vector of Condition Register Fields
52 and reducing it to one
53 single Condition Register Field.
54 * **Predicate-result**.
55 Equivalent
56 to python "filter", in that only elements which pass a test
57 will end up actually being modified. This is in effect the same
58 as ANDing the Condition Test with the destination predicate
59 mask (hence the name, "predicate-result").
61 Predicate-result is a particularly powerful strategic mode
62 in that it is the interaction of a source predicate, destination predicate,
63 input operands *and* the output result, all combining to influence
64 what actually goes into the Condition Register File. Given that
65 predicates may themselves be Condition Registers it can be seen that
66 there could potentially be up to **six** CR Fields involved in
67 the execution of Predicate-result Mode.
69 SVP64 RM `MODE` (includes `ELWIDTH` bits) for CR-based operations:
71 | 4 | 5 | 19-20 | 21 | 22 23 | description |
72 | - | - | ----- | --- |---------|----------------- |
73 |sz |SNZ| 00 | 0 | dz / | normal mode |
74 | / | / | 00 | 1 | 0 RG | scalar reduce mode (mapreduce), SUBVL=1 |
75 | / | / | 00 | 1 | 1 / | parallel reduce mode (mapreduce), SUBVL=1 |
76 | / | / | 00 | 1 | SVM RG | subvector reduce mode, SUBVL>1 |
77 |sz |SNZ| 01/10 | inv | CR-bit | Ffirst 3-bit mode |
78 |sz |SNZ| 01/10 | inv | dz / | Ffirst 5-bit mode |
79 |sz |SNZ| 11 | inv | CR-bit | 3-bit pred-result CR sel |
80 |sz |SNZ| 11 | inv | dz / | 5-bit pred-result z/nonz |
82 `VLI=0` when bits 19-20=0b01.
83 `VLI=1` when bits 19-20=0b10.
85 Fields:
87 * **sz / dz** if predication is enabled will put zeros into the dest (or as src in the case of twin pred) when the predicate bit is zero. otherwise the element is ignored or skipped, depending on context.
88 * **SNZ** when sz=1 and SNZ=1 a value "1" is put in place of zeros when
89 the predicate bit is clear.
90 * **inv CR bit** just as in branches (BO) these bits allow testing of a CR bit and whether it is set (inv=0) or unset (inv=1)
91 * **RG** inverts the Vector Loop order (VL-1 downto 0) rather
92 than the normal 0..VL-1
93 * **SVM** sets "subvector" reduce mode
94 * **VLi** VL inclusive: in fail-first mode, the truncation of
95 VL *includes* the current element at the failure point rather
96 than excludes it from the count.
98 # Data-dependent fail-first on CR operations
100 The principle of data-dependent fail-first is that if a Condition Test
101 fails then VL (Vector Length) is truncated at that point. In the case
102 of Arithmetic SVP64 Operations the Condition Register Field generated from
103 Rc=1 is used as the basis for the truncation decision,
104 however with CR-based operations that CR result is provided
105 by the operation itself.
107 Data-dependent SVP64 Vectorised Operations involving the creation or
108 modification of a CR can require an extra two bits, which are not available
109 in the compact space of the SVP64 RM `MODE` Field. With the concept of element
110 width overrides being meaningless for CR Fields it is possible to use the
111 `ELWIDTH` field for alternative purposes.
113 Condition Register based operations such as `sv.mfcr` and `sv.crand` can thus
114 be made more flexible. However the rules that apply in this section
115 also apply to future CR-based instructions.
117 There are two primary different types of CR operations:
119 * Those which have a 3-bit operand field (referring to a CR Field)
120 * Those which have a 5-bit operand (referring to a bit within the
121 whole 32-bit CR)
123 Examining these two types it is observed that the
124 difference may be considered to be that the 5-bit variant
125 *already* provides the
126 prerequisite information about which CR Field bit (EQ, GE, LT, SO) is to
127 be operated on by the instruction.
128 Thus, logically, we may set the following rule:
130 * When a 5-bit CR Result field is used in an instruction, the
131 5-bit variant of Data-Dependent Fail-First
132 must be used. i.e. the bit of the CR field to be tested is
133 the one that has just been modified (created) by the operation.
134 * When a 3-bit CR Result field is used the 3-bit variant
135 must be used, providing as it does the missing `CRbit` field
136 in order to select which CR Field bit of the result shall
137 be tested (EQ, LE, GE, SO)
139 The reason why the 3-bit CR variant needs the additional CR-bit
140 field should be obvious from the fact that the 3-bit CR Field
141 from the base Power ISA v3.0B operation clearly does not contain
142 and is missing the two CR Field Selector bits. Thus, these two
143 bits (to select EQ, LE, GE or SO) must be provided in another
144 way.
146 Examples of the former type:
148 * crand, cror, crnor. These all are 5-bit (BA, BB, BT). The bit
149 to be tested against `inv` is the one selected by `BT`
150 * mcrf. This has only 3-bit (BF, BFA). In order to select the
151 bit to be tested, the alternative encoding must be used.
152 With `CRbit` coming from the SVP64 RM bits 22-23 the bit
153 of BF to be tested is identified.
155 Just as with SVP64 [[sv/branches]] there is the option to truncate
156 VL to include the element being tested (`VLi=1`) and to exclude it
157 (`VLi=0`).
159 # Predicate-result Condition Register operations
161 These are again slightly different compared to SVP64 arithmetic
162 pred-result (described in [[svp64/appendix]]). The reason is that,
163 again, for arithmetic operations the production of a CR Field when
164 Rc=1 is a *co-result* accompanying the main arithmetic result, whereas
165 for CR-based operations the CR Field (referred to by a 3-bit
166 v3.0B base operand from e.g. `mfcr`) or CR bit (referred to by a 5-bit operand from e.g. `crnor`)
167 *is* itself the explicit and sole result of the operation.
169 Therefore, logically, Predicate-result needs to be adapted to
170 test the actual result of the CR-based instruction (rather than
171 test the co-resultant CR when Rc=1, as is done for Arithmetic SVP64).
173 for i in range(VL):
174 # predication test, skip all masked out elements.
175 # skips when sz=0
176 if sz=0 and predicate_masked_out(i):
177 continue
178 if predicate_masked_out(i):
179 if 5bit mode:
180 # only one bit of CR to update
181 result = SNZ
182 else
183 # four copies of SNZ
184 result = SNZ || SNZ || SNZ || SNZ
185 else
186 # result is to go into CR. may be a 4-bit CR Field
187 # (3-bit mode) or just a single bit (5-bit mode)
188 result = op(...)
189 if 5bit mode:
190 # if this CR op has 5-bit CR result operands
191 # the single bit result is what must be tested
192 to_test = result
193 else
194 # if however this is a 3-bit CR *field* result
195 # then the bit to be tested must be selected
196 to_test = result[CRbit]
197 # now test CR, similar to branch
198 if to_test != inv:
199 continue # test failed: cancel store
200 # result optionally stored
201 update_CR(result)