check sc 1 and sc 2 too
[microwatt.git] / spi_flash_ctrl.vhdl
1 library ieee;
2 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
3 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
5 library work;
6 use work.wishbone_types.all;
8 entity spi_flash_ctrl is
9 generic (
10 -- Default config for auto-mode
11 DEF_CLK_DIV : natural := 2; -- Clock divider SCK = CLK/((CLK_DIV+1)*2)
12 DEF_QUAD_READ : boolean := false; -- Use quad read with 8 clk dummy
14 -- Dummy clocks after boot
15 BOOT_CLOCKS : boolean := true; -- Send 8 dummy clocks after boot
17 -- Number of data lines (1=MISO/MOSI, otherwise 2 or 4)
18 DATA_LINES : positive := 1
19 );
20 port (
21 clk : in std_ulogic;
22 rst : in std_ulogic;
24 -- Wishbone ports:
25 wb_in : in wb_io_master_out;
26 wb_out : out wb_io_slave_out;
28 -- Wishbone extra selects
29 wb_sel_reg : in std_ulogic;
30 wb_sel_map : in std_ulogic;
32 -- SPI port
33 sck : out std_ulogic;
34 cs_n : out std_ulogic;
35 sdat_o : out std_ulogic_vector(DATA_LINES-1 downto 0);
36 sdat_oe : out std_ulogic_vector(DATA_LINES-1 downto 0);
37 sdat_i : in std_ulogic_vector(DATA_LINES-1 downto 0)
38 );
39 end entity spi_flash_ctrl;
41 architecture rtl of spi_flash_ctrl is
43 -- Register indices
44 constant SPI_REG_BITS : positive := 3;
46 -- Register addresses (matches wishbone addr downto 0, ie, 4 bytes per reg)
47 constant SPI_REG_DATA : std_ulogic_vector(SPI_REG_BITS-1 downto 0) := "000";
48 constant SPI_REG_CTRL : std_ulogic_vector(SPI_REG_BITS-1 downto 0) := "001";
49 constant SPI_REG_AUTO_CFG : std_ulogic_vector(SPI_REG_BITS-1 downto 0) := "010";
50 constant SPI_REG_INVALID : std_ulogic_vector(SPI_REG_BITS-1 downto 0) := "111";
52 -- Control register
53 signal ctrl_reg : std_ulogic_vector(15 downto 0);
54 alias ctrl_reset : std_ulogic is ctrl_reg(0);
55 alias ctrl_cs : std_ulogic is ctrl_reg(1);
56 alias ctrl_rsrv1 : std_ulogic is ctrl_reg(2);
57 alias ctrl_rsrv2 : std_ulogic is ctrl_reg(3);
58 alias ctrl_div : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0) is ctrl_reg(15 downto 8);
60 -- Auto mode config register
61 signal auto_cfg_reg : std_ulogic_vector(29 downto 0);
62 alias auto_cfg_cmd : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0) is auto_cfg_reg(7 downto 0);
63 alias auto_cfg_dummies : std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0) is auto_cfg_reg(10 downto 8);
64 alias auto_cfg_mode : std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0) is auto_cfg_reg(12 downto 11);
65 alias auto_cfg_addr4 : std_ulogic is auto_cfg_reg(13);
66 alias auto_cfg_rsrv1 : std_ulogic is auto_cfg_reg(14);
67 alias auto_cfg_rsrv2 : std_ulogic is auto_cfg_reg(15);
68 alias auto_cfg_div : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0) is auto_cfg_reg(23 downto 16);
69 alias auto_cfg_cstout : std_ulogic_vector(5 downto 0) is auto_cfg_reg(29 downto 24);
71 -- Constants below match top 2 bits of rxtx "mode"
72 constant SPI_AUTO_CFG_MODE_SINGLE : std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0) := "00";
73 constant SPI_AUTO_CFG_MODE_DUAL : std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0) := "10";
74 constant SPI_AUTO_CFG_MODE_QUAD : std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0) := "11";
76 -- Signals to rxtx
77 signal cmd_valid : std_ulogic;
78 signal cmd_clk_div : natural range 0 to 255;
79 signal cmd_mode : std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
80 signal cmd_ready : std_ulogic;
81 signal d_clks : std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
82 signal d_rx : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
83 signal d_tx : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
84 signal d_ack : std_ulogic;
85 signal bus_idle : std_ulogic;
87 -- Latch to track that we have a pending read
88 signal pending_read : std_ulogic;
90 -- Wishbone latches
91 signal wb_req : wb_io_master_out;
92 signal wb_stash : wb_io_master_out;
93 signal wb_rsp : wb_io_slave_out;
95 -- Wishbone decode
96 signal wb_valid : std_ulogic;
97 signal wb_reg_valid : std_ulogic;
98 signal wb_reg_dat_v : std_ulogic;
99 signal wb_map_valid : std_ulogic;
100 signal wb_reg : std_ulogic_vector(SPI_REG_BITS-1 downto 0);
102 -- Auto mode clock counts XXX FIXME: Look at reasonable values based
103 -- on system clock maybe ? Or make them programmable.
104 constant CS_DELAY_ASSERT : integer := 1; -- CS low to cmd
105 constant CS_DELAY_RECOVERY : integer := 10; -- CS high to CS low
106 constant DEFAULT_CS_TIMEOUT : integer := 32;
108 -- Automatic mode state
109 type auto_state_t is (AUTO_BOOT, AUTO_IDLE, AUTO_CS_ON, AUTO_CMD,
115 -- Automatic mode signals
116 signal auto_cs : std_ulogic;
117 signal auto_cmd_valid : std_ulogic;
118 signal auto_cmd_mode : std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
119 signal auto_d_txd : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);
120 signal auto_d_clks : std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
121 signal auto_data_next : std_ulogic_vector(wb_out.dat'left downto 0);
122 signal auto_cnt_next : integer range 0 to 63;
123 signal auto_ack : std_ulogic;
124 signal auto_next : auto_state_t;
125 signal auto_lad_next : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
126 signal auto_latch_adr : std_ulogic;
128 -- Automatic mode latches
129 signal auto_data : std_ulogic_vector(wb_out.dat'left downto 0);
130 signal auto_cnt : integer range 0 to 63;
131 signal auto_state : auto_state_t;
132 signal auto_last_addr : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
134 begin
136 -- Instanciate low level shifter
137 spi_rxtx: entity work.spi_rxtx
138 generic map (
140 )
141 port map(
142 rst => rst,
143 clk => clk,
144 clk_div_i => cmd_clk_div,
145 cmd_valid_i => cmd_valid,
146 cmd_ready_o => cmd_ready,
147 cmd_mode_i => cmd_mode,
148 cmd_clks_i => d_clks,
149 cmd_txd_i => d_tx,
150 d_rxd_o => d_rx,
151 d_ack_o => d_ack,
152 bus_idle_o => bus_idle,
153 sck => sck,
154 sdat_o => sdat_o,
155 sdat_oe => sdat_oe,
156 sdat_i => sdat_i
157 );
159 -- Valid wb command
160 wb_valid <= wb_req.stb and wb_req.cyc;
161 wb_reg_valid <= wb_valid and wb_sel_reg;
162 wb_map_valid <= wb_valid and wb_sel_map;
164 -- Register decode. For map accesses, make it look like "invalid"
165 wb_reg <= wb_req.adr(SPI_REG_BITS - 1 downto 0) when wb_reg_valid else SPI_REG_INVALID;
167 -- Shortcut because we test that a lot: data register access
168 wb_reg_dat_v <= '1' when wb_reg = SPI_REG_DATA else '0';
170 -- Wishbone request -> SPI request
171 wb_request_sync: process(clk)
172 begin
173 if rising_edge(clk) then
174 -- We need to latch whether a read is in progress to block
175 -- a subsequent store, otherwise the acks will collide.
176 --
177 -- We are heavy handed and force a wait for an idle bus if
178 -- a store is behind a load. Shouldn't happen with flashes
179 -- in practice.
180 --
181 if cmd_valid = '1' and cmd_ready = '1' then
182 pending_read <= not wb_req.we;
183 elsif bus_idle = '1' then
184 pending_read <= '0';
185 end if;
186 end if;
187 end process;
189 wb_request_comb: process(all)
190 begin
191 if ctrl_cs = '1' then
192 -- Data register access (see wb_request_sync)
193 cmd_valid <= wb_reg_dat_v and not (pending_read and wb_req.we);
195 -- Clock divider from control reg
196 cmd_clk_div <= to_integer(unsigned(ctrl_div));
198 -- Mode based on sel
199 if wb_req.sel = "0010" then
200 -- dual mode
201 cmd_mode <= "10" & wb_req.we;
202 d_clks <= "011";
203 elsif wb_req.sel = "0100" then
204 -- quad mode
205 cmd_mode <= "11" & wb_req.we;
206 d_clks <= "001";
207 else
208 -- single bit
209 cmd_mode <= "01" & wb_req.we;
210 d_clks <= "111";
211 end if;
212 d_tx <= wb_req.dat(7 downto 0);
213 cs_n <= not ctrl_cs;
214 else
215 cmd_valid <= auto_cmd_valid;
216 cmd_mode <= auto_cmd_mode;
217 cmd_clk_div <= to_integer(unsigned(auto_cfg_div));
218 d_tx <= auto_d_txd;
219 d_clks <= auto_d_clks;
220 cs_n <= not auto_cs;
221 end if;
222 end process;
224 -- Generate wishbone responses
225 --
226 -- Note: wb_out and wb_in should only appear in this synchronous process
227 --
228 -- Everything else should work on wb_req and wb_rsp
229 wb_response_sync: process(clk)
230 begin
231 if rising_edge(clk) then
232 if rst = '1' then
233 wb_out.ack <= '0';
234 wb_out.stall <= '0';
235 wb_stash.cyc <= '0';
236 wb_stash.stb <= '0';
237 wb_stash.sel <= (others => '0');
238 wb_stash.we <= '0';
239 else
240 -- Latch wb responses as well for 1 cycle. Stall is updated
241 -- below
242 wb_out <= wb_rsp;
244 -- Implement a stash buffer. If we are stalled and stash is
245 -- free, fill it up. This will generate a WB stall on the
246 -- next cycle.
247 if wb_rsp.stall = '1' and wb_out.stall = '0' and
248 wb_in.cyc = '1' and wb_in.stb = '1' then
249 wb_stash <= wb_in;
250 wb_out.stall <= '1';
251 end if;
253 -- We aren't stalled, see what we can do
254 if wb_rsp.stall = '0' then
255 if wb_out.stall = '1' then
256 -- Something in stash ! use it and clear stash
257 wb_req <= wb_stash;
258 wb_out.stall <= '0';
259 else
260 -- Nothing in stash, grab request from WB
261 if wb_in.cyc = '1' then
262 wb_req <= wb_in;
263 else
264 wb_req.cyc <= wb_in.cyc;
265 wb_req.stb <= wb_in.stb;
266 end if;
267 end if;
268 end if;
269 end if;
270 end if;
271 end process;
273 wb_response_comb: process(all)
274 begin
275 -- Defaults
276 wb_rsp.ack <= '0';
277 wb_rsp.dat <= x"00" & d_rx & d_rx & d_rx;
278 wb_rsp.stall <= '0';
280 -- Depending on the access type...
281 if wb_map_valid = '1' then
283 -- Memory map access
284 wb_rsp.stall <= not auto_ack; -- XXX FIXME: Allow pipelining
285 wb_rsp.ack <= auto_ack;
286 wb_rsp.dat <= auto_data;
288 elsif ctrl_cs = '1' and wb_reg = SPI_REG_DATA then
290 -- Data register in manual mode
291 --
292 -- Stall stores if there's a pending read to avoid
293 -- acks colliding. Otherwise accept all accesses
294 -- immediately if rxtx is ready.
295 --
296 -- Note: This must match the logic setting cmd_valid
297 -- in wb_request_comb.
298 --
299 -- We also ack stores immediately when accepted. Loads
300 -- are handled separately further down.
301 --
302 if wb_req.we = '1' and pending_read = '1' then
303 wb_rsp.stall <= '1';
304 else
305 wb_rsp.ack <= wb_req.we and cmd_ready;
306 wb_rsp.stall <= not cmd_ready;
307 end if;
309 -- Note: loads acks are handled elsewhere
310 elsif wb_reg_valid = '1' then
312 -- Normal register access
313 --
314 -- Normally single cycle but ensure any auto-mode or manual
315 -- operation is complete first
316 --
317 if auto_state = AUTO_IDLE and bus_idle = '1' then
318 wb_rsp.ack <= '1';
319 wb_rsp.stall <= '0';
321 case wb_reg is
322 when SPI_REG_CTRL =>
323 wb_rsp.dat <= (ctrl_reg'range => ctrl_reg, others => '0');
324 when SPI_REG_AUTO_CFG =>
325 wb_rsp.dat <= (auto_cfg_reg'range => auto_cfg_reg, others => '0');
326 when others => null;
327 end case;
328 else
329 wb_rsp.stall <= '1';
330 end if;
331 end if;
333 -- For loads in manual mode, we've accepted the command early
334 -- so none of the above connditions might be true. We thus need
335 -- to send the ack whenever we are getting it from rxtx.
336 --
337 -- This shouldn't collide with any of the above acks because we hold
338 -- normal register accesses and stores when there is a pending
339 -- load or the bus is busy.
340 --
341 if ctrl_cs = '1' and d_ack = '1' then
342 assert pending_read = '1' report "d_ack without pending read !" severity failure;
343 wb_rsp.ack <= '1';
344 end if;
345 end process;
347 -- Automatic mode state machine
348 auto_sync: process(clk)
349 begin
350 if rising_edge(clk) then
351 if rst = '1' then
352 auto_last_addr <= (others => '0');
353 auto_state <= AUTO_BOOT;
354 auto_cnt <= 0;
355 auto_data <= (others => '0');
356 else
357 auto_state <= auto_next;
358 auto_cnt <= auto_cnt_next;
359 auto_data <= auto_data_next;
360 if auto_latch_adr = '1' then
361 auto_last_addr <= auto_lad_next;
362 end if;
363 end if;
364 end if;
365 end process;
367 auto_comb: process(all)
368 variable addr : std_ulogic_vector(31 downto 0);
369 variable req_is_next : boolean;
371 function mode_to_clks(mode: std_ulogic_vector(1 downto 0)) return std_ulogic_vector is
372 begin
373 if mode = SPI_AUTO_CFG_MODE_QUAD then
374 return "001";
375 elsif mode = SPI_AUTO_CFG_MODE_DUAL then
376 return "011";
377 else
378 return "111";
379 end if;
380 end function;
381 begin
382 -- Default outputs
383 auto_ack <= '0';
384 auto_cs <= '0';
385 auto_cmd_valid <= '0';
386 auto_d_txd <= x"00";
387 auto_cmd_mode <= "001";
388 auto_d_clks <= "111";
389 auto_latch_adr <= '0';
391 -- Default next state
392 auto_next <= auto_state;
393 auto_cnt_next <= auto_cnt;
394 auto_data_next <= auto_data;
396 -- Convert wishbone address into a flash address. We mask
397 -- off the 4 top address bits to get rid of the "f" there.
398 addr := "00" & wb_req.adr(27 downto 0) & "00";
400 -- Calculate the next address for store & compare later
401 auto_lad_next <= std_ulogic_vector(unsigned(addr) + 4);
403 -- Match incoming request address with next address
404 req_is_next := addr = auto_last_addr;
406 -- XXX TODO:
407 -- - Support < 32-bit accesses
409 -- Reset
410 if rst = '1' or ctrl_reset = '1' then
411 auto_cs <= '0';
412 auto_cnt_next <= 0;
413 auto_next <= AUTO_BOOT;
414 else
415 -- Run counter
416 if auto_cnt /= 0 then
417 auto_cnt_next <= auto_cnt - 1;
418 end if;
420 -- Automatic CS is set whenever state isn't IDLE or RECOVERY or BOOT
421 if auto_state /= AUTO_IDLE and
422 auto_state /= AUTO_RECOVERY and
423 auto_state /= AUTO_BOOT then
424 auto_cs <= '1';
425 end if;
427 -- State machine
428 case auto_state is
429 when AUTO_BOOT =>
430 if BOOT_CLOCKS then
431 auto_cmd_valid <= '1';
432 if cmd_ready = '1' then
433 auto_next <= AUTO_IDLE;
434 end if;
435 else
436 auto_next <= AUTO_IDLE;
437 end if;
438 when AUTO_IDLE =>
439 -- Access to the memory map only when manual CS isn't set
440 if wb_map_valid = '1' and ctrl_cs = '0' then
441 -- Ignore writes, we don't support them yet
442 if wb_req.we = '1' then
443 auto_ack <= '1';
444 else
445 -- Start machine with CS assertion delay
446 auto_next <= AUTO_CS_ON;
447 auto_cnt_next <= CS_DELAY_ASSERT;
448 end if;
449 end if;
450 when AUTO_CS_ON =>
451 if auto_cnt = 0 then
452 -- CS asserted long enough, send command
453 auto_next <= AUTO_CMD;
454 end if;
455 when AUTO_CMD =>
456 auto_d_txd <= auto_cfg_cmd;
457 auto_cmd_valid <= '1';
458 if cmd_ready = '1' then
459 if auto_cfg_addr4 = '1' then
460 auto_next <= AUTO_ADR3;
461 else
462 auto_next <= AUTO_ADR2;
463 end if;
464 end if;
465 when AUTO_ADR3 =>
466 auto_d_txd <= addr(31 downto 24);
467 auto_cmd_valid <= '1';
468 if cmd_ready = '1' then
469 auto_next <= AUTO_ADR2;
470 end if;
471 when AUTO_ADR2 =>
472 auto_d_txd <= addr(23 downto 16);
473 auto_cmd_valid <= '1';
474 if cmd_ready = '1' then
475 auto_next <= AUTO_ADR1;
476 end if;
477 when AUTO_ADR1 =>
478 auto_d_txd <= addr(15 downto 8);
479 auto_cmd_valid <= '1';
480 if cmd_ready = '1' then
481 auto_next <= AUTO_ADR0;
482 end if;
483 when AUTO_ADR0 =>
484 auto_d_txd <= addr(7 downto 0);
485 auto_cmd_valid <= '1';
486 if cmd_ready = '1' then
487 if auto_cfg_dummies = "000" then
488 auto_next <= AUTO_DAT0;
489 else
490 auto_next <= AUTO_DUMMY;
491 end if;
492 end if;
493 when AUTO_DUMMY =>
494 auto_cmd_valid <= '1';
495 auto_d_clks <= auto_cfg_dummies;
496 if cmd_ready = '1' then
497 auto_next <= AUTO_DAT0;
498 end if;
499 when AUTO_DAT0 =>
500 auto_cmd_valid <= '1';
501 auto_cmd_mode <= auto_cfg_mode & "0";
502 auto_d_clks <= mode_to_clks(auto_cfg_mode);
503 if cmd_ready = '1' then
504 auto_next <= AUTO_DAT0_DATA;
505 end if;
506 when AUTO_DAT0_DATA =>
507 if d_ack = '1' then
508 auto_data_next(7 downto 0) <= d_rx;
509 auto_next <= AUTO_DAT1;
510 end if;
511 when AUTO_DAT1 =>
512 auto_cmd_valid <= '1';
513 auto_cmd_mode <= auto_cfg_mode & "0";
514 auto_d_clks <= mode_to_clks(auto_cfg_mode);
515 if cmd_ready = '1' then
516 auto_next <= AUTO_DAT1_DATA;
517 end if;
518 when AUTO_DAT1_DATA =>
519 if d_ack = '1' then
520 auto_data_next(15 downto 8) <= d_rx;
521 auto_next <= AUTO_DAT2;
522 end if;
523 when AUTO_DAT2 =>
524 auto_cmd_valid <= '1';
525 auto_cmd_mode <= auto_cfg_mode & "0";
526 auto_d_clks <= mode_to_clks(auto_cfg_mode);
527 if cmd_ready = '1' then
528 auto_next <= AUTO_DAT2_DATA;
529 end if;
530 when AUTO_DAT2_DATA =>
531 if d_ack = '1' then
532 auto_data_next(23 downto 16) <= d_rx;
533 auto_next <= AUTO_DAT3;
534 end if;
535 when AUTO_DAT3 =>
536 auto_cmd_valid <= '1';
537 auto_cmd_mode <= auto_cfg_mode & "0";
538 auto_d_clks <= mode_to_clks(auto_cfg_mode);
539 if cmd_ready = '1' then
540 auto_next <= AUTO_DAT3_DATA;
541 end if;
542 when AUTO_DAT3_DATA =>
543 if d_ack = '1' then
544 auto_data_next(31 downto 24) <= d_rx;
545 auto_next <= AUTO_SEND_ACK;
546 auto_latch_adr <= '1';
547 end if;
548 when AUTO_SEND_ACK =>
549 auto_ack <= '1';
550 auto_cnt_next <= to_integer(unsigned(auto_cfg_cstout));
551 auto_next <= AUTO_WAIT_REQ;
552 when AUTO_WAIT_REQ =>
553 -- Incoming bus request we can take ? Otherwise do we need
554 -- to cancel the wait ?
555 if wb_map_valid = '1' and req_is_next and wb_req.we = '0' then
556 auto_next <= AUTO_DAT0;
557 elsif wb_map_valid = '1' or wb_reg_valid = '1' or auto_cnt = 0 then
558 -- This means we can drop the CS right on the next clock.
559 -- We make the assumption here that the two cycles min
560 -- spent in AUTO_SEND_ACK and AUTO_WAIT_REQ are long enough
561 -- to deassert CS. If that doesn't hold true in the future,
562 -- add another state.
563 auto_cnt_next <= CS_DELAY_RECOVERY;
564 auto_next <= AUTO_RECOVERY;
565 end if;
566 when AUTO_RECOVERY =>
567 if auto_cnt = 0 then
568 auto_next <= AUTO_IDLE;
569 end if;
570 end case;
571 end if;
572 end process;
574 -- Register write sync machine
575 reg_write: process(clk)
576 function reg_wr(r : in std_ulogic_vector;
577 w : in wb_io_master_out) return std_ulogic_vector is
578 variable b : natural range 0 to 31;
579 variable t : std_ulogic_vector(r'range);
580 begin
581 t := r;
582 for i in r'range loop
583 if w.sel(i/8) = '1' then
584 t(i) := w.dat(i);
585 end if;
586 end loop;
587 return t;
588 end function;
589 begin
590 if rising_edge(clk) then
591 -- Reset auto-clear
592 if rst = '1' or ctrl_reset = '1' then
593 ctrl_reset <= '0';
594 ctrl_cs <= '0';
595 ctrl_rsrv1 <= '0';
596 ctrl_rsrv2 <= '0';
597 ctrl_div <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(DEF_CLK_DIV, 8));
598 if DEF_QUAD_READ then
599 auto_cfg_cmd <= x"6b";
600 auto_cfg_dummies <= "111";
601 auto_cfg_mode <= SPI_AUTO_CFG_MODE_QUAD;
602 else
603 auto_cfg_cmd <= x"03";
604 auto_cfg_dummies <= "000";
605 auto_cfg_mode <= SPI_AUTO_CFG_MODE_SINGLE;
606 end if;
607 auto_cfg_addr4 <= '0';
608 auto_cfg_rsrv1 <= '0';
609 auto_cfg_rsrv2 <= '0';
610 auto_cfg_div <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(DEF_CLK_DIV, 8));
611 auto_cfg_cstout <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(DEFAULT_CS_TIMEOUT, 6));
612 end if;
614 if wb_reg_valid = '1' and wb_req.we = '1' and auto_state = AUTO_IDLE and bus_idle = '1' then
615 if wb_reg = SPI_REG_CTRL then
616 ctrl_reg <= reg_wr(ctrl_reg, wb_req);
617 end if;
618 if wb_reg = SPI_REG_AUTO_CFG then
619 auto_cfg_reg <= reg_wr(auto_cfg_reg, wb_req);
620 end if;
621 end if;
622 end if;
623 end process;
625 end architecture;