2nd round getting info for NLnet for audit purposes
[utils.git] / src / budget_sync / main.py
1 import os
2 import re
3 import sys
4 import json
5 from typing import Optional
6 from budget_sync.ordered_set import OrderedSet
7 from budget_sync.write_budget_csv import write_budget_csv
8 from bugzilla import Bugzilla
9 import logging
10 import argparse
11 from pathlib import Path
12 from budget_sync.util import all_bugs
13 from budget_sync.config import Config, ConfigParseError
14 from budget_sync.budget_graph import BudgetGraph, PaymentSummary
15 from budget_sync.write_budget_markdown import (write_budget_markdown,
16 markdown_for_person)
19 def main():
20 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
21 description="Check for errors in "
22 "Libre-SOC's style of budget tracking in Bugzilla.")
23 parser.add_argument(
24 "-c", "--config", type=argparse.FileType('r'),
25 required=True, help="The path to the configuration TOML file",
26 dest="config", metavar="<path/to/budget-sync-config.toml>")
27 parser.add_argument(
28 "-o", "--output-dir", type=Path, default=None,
29 help="The path to the output directory, will be created if it "
30 "doesn't exist",
31 dest="output_dir", metavar="<path/to/output/dir>")
32 parser.add_argument('--subset',
33 help="write the output for this subset of bugs",
34 metavar="<bug-id>,<bug-id>,...")
35 parser.add_argument('--subset-person',
36 help="write the output for this person",
37 dest="person")
38 parser.add_argument('--username',
39 help="Log in with this Bugzilla username")
40 parser.add_argument('--password',
41 help="Log in with this Bugzilla password")
42 parser.add_argument('--comments', action='store_true',
43 help="Put JSON into comments")
44 args = parser.parse_args()
45 try:
46 with args.config as config_file:
47 config = Config.from_file(config_file)
48 except (IOError, ConfigParseError) as e:
49 logging.error("Failed to parse config file: %s", e)
50 return
51 print ("```") # for using the output as markdown
52 logging.info("Using Bugzilla instance at %s", config.bugzilla_url)
53 bz = Bugzilla(config.bugzilla_url)
54 if args.username:
55 logging.debug("logging in...")
56 bz.interactive_login(args.username, args.password)
57 logging.debug("Connected to Bugzilla")
58 budget_graph = BudgetGraph(all_bugs(bz), config)
59 for error in budget_graph.get_errors():
60 logging.error("%s", error)
61 if args.person or args.subset:
62 if not args.person:
63 logging.fatal("must use --subset-person with --subset option")
64 sys.exit(1)
65 print_markdown_for_person(budget_graph, config,
66 args.person, args.subset)
67 return
68 if args.output_dir is not None:
69 write_budget_markdown(budget_graph, args.output_dir)
70 write_budget_csv(budget_graph, args.output_dir)
71 summarize_milestones(budget_graph)
72 json_milestones(budget_graph, args.comments)
75 def print_markdown_for_person(budget_graph: BudgetGraph, config: Config,
76 person_str: str, subset_str: Optional[str]):
77 person = config.all_names.get(person_str)
78 if person is None:
79 logging.fatal("--subset-person: unknown person: %s", person_str)
80 sys.exit(1)
81 nodes_subset = None
82 if subset_str:
83 nodes_subset = OrderedSet()
84 for bug_id in re.split(r"[\s,]+", subset_str):
85 try:
86 node = budget_graph.nodes[int(bug_id)]
87 except (ValueError, KeyError):
88 logging.fatal("--subset: unknown bug: %s", bug_id)
89 sys.exit(1)
90 nodes_subset.add(node)
91 print(markdown_for_person(budget_graph, person, nodes_subset))
94 def print_budget_then_children(indent, nodes, bug_id):
95 """recursive indented printout of budgets
96 """
98 bug = nodes[bug_id]
99 print("bug #%5d %s budget %6s excltasks %6s s %s p %s" %
100 (bug.bug.id, ' | ' * indent,
101 str(bug.fixed_budget_including_subtasks),
102 str(bug.fixed_budget_excluding_subtasks),
103 str(bug.submitted_including_subtasks),
104 str(bug.paid_including_subtasks)))
105 # print(repr(bug))
107 for child in bug.immediate_children:
108 if (str(child.budget_including_subtasks) == "0" and
109 str(child.budget_excluding_subtasks) == "0"):
110 continue
111 print_budget_then_children(indent+1, nodes, child.bug.id)
114 def summarize_milestones(budget_graph: BudgetGraph):
115 for milestone, payments in budget_graph.milestone_payments.items():
116 summary = PaymentSummary(payments)
117 print(f"{milestone.identifier}")
118 print(f"\t{summary.total} submitted: "
119 f"{summary.total_submitted} paid: {summary.total_paid}")
120 not_submitted = summary.get_not_submitted()
121 if not_submitted:
122 print("not submitted", not_submitted)
124 # and one to display people
125 for person in budget_graph.milestone_people[milestone]:
126 print(f"\t%-30s - %s" % (person.identifier, person.full_name))
127 print()
129 # now do trees
130 for milestone, payments in budget_graph.milestone_payments.items():
131 print("%s %d" % (milestone.identifier, milestone.canonical_bug_id))
132 print_budget_then_children(0, budget_graph.nodes,
133 milestone.canonical_bug_id)
134 print()
136 print ("```") # for using the output as markdown
139 def json_milestones(budget_graph, add_comments):
140 """reports milestones as json format
141 """
142 for milestone, payments in budget_graph.milestone_payments.items():
143 summary = PaymentSummary(payments)
144 # and one to display people
145 ppl = []
146 for person in budget_graph.milestone_people[milestone]:
147 p = {'name': person.full_name, 'email': person.email}
148 ppl.append(p)
150 tasks = []
151 canonical = budget_graph.nodes[milestone.canonical_bug_id]
152 for child in canonical.immediate_children:
153 milestones = []
154 # include the task itself as a milestone
155 for st in list(child.children()) + [child]:
156 amount = st.fixed_budget_excluding_subtasks.int()
157 if amount == 0: # skip anything at zero
158 continue
159 # if "task itself" then put the milestone as "wrapup"
160 if st.bug == child.bug:
161 description = 'wrapup'
162 intro = []
163 else:
164 # otherwise create a description and get comment #0
165 description = "%d %s" % (st.bug.id, st.bug.summary)
166 # add parent and MoU top-level
167 parent_id = st.parent.bug.id
168 if parent_id != child.bug.id:
169 description += "\n(Sub-sub-task of %d)" % parent_id
170 task = {'description': description,
171 'amount': amount,
172 }
173 #mou_bug = st.closest_bug_in_mou
174 #if mou_bug is not None:
175 # task['mou_task'] = mou_bug.bug.id
176 milestones.append(task)
177 # create MoU task: get comment #0
178 intro = []
179 comment = "%s\n " % child.bug_url
180 if add_comments:
181 comments = child.bug.getcomments()
182 comment += "\n%s" % comments[0]['text']
183 intro.append(comment)
184 print (description, intro)
185 sys.stdout.flush()
186 task = {'title': "%d %s" % (child.bug.id, child.bug.summary),
187 'intro': intro,
188 'amount': child.fixed_budget_including_subtasks.int(),
189 'url': "{{ %s }} " % child.bug_url,
190 'milestones': milestones
191 }
192 tasks.append(task)
194 d = {'participants': ppl,
195 'preamble': '',
196 'type': 'Group',
197 'url': canonical.bug_url,
198 'plan': { 'intro': [''],
199 'tasks': tasks,
200 'rfp_secret': '',
201 }
202 }
204 with open("report.%s.json" % milestone.identifier, "w") as f:
205 json.dump(d, f, indent=2)
209 if __name__ == "__main__":
210 main()