split out nmutil library based on ieee754fpu code
[nmutil.git] / src / nmutil / test / test_prioritymux_pipe.py
1 from random import randint
2 from math import log
3 from nmigen import Module, Signal, Cat
4 from nmigen.compat.sim import run_simulation
5 from nmigen.cli import verilog, rtlil
7 from nmutil.singlepipe import PassThroughStage
8 from nmutil.multipipe import (CombMultiInPipeline, PriorityCombMuxInPipe)
11 class PassData:
12 def __init__(self):
13 self.muxid = Signal(2, reset_less=True)
14 self.idx = Signal(6, reset_less=True)
15 self.data = Signal(16, reset_less=True)
17 def eq(self, i):
18 return [self.muxid.eq(i.muxid), self.idx.eq(i.idx), self.data.eq(i.data)]
20 def ports(self):
21 return [self.muxid, self.idx, self.data]
24 def tbench(dut):
25 stb = yield dut.out_op.stb
26 assert stb == 0
27 ack = yield dut.out_op.ack
28 assert ack == 0
30 # set row 1 input 0
31 yield dut.rs[1].in_op[0].eq(5)
32 yield dut.rs[1].stb.eq(0b01) # strobe indicate 1st op ready
33 #yield dut.rs[1].ack.eq(1)
34 yield
36 # check row 1 output (should be inactive)
37 decode = yield dut.rs[1].out_decode
38 assert decode == 0
39 if False:
40 op0 = yield dut.rs[1].out_op[0]
41 op1 = yield dut.rs[1].out_op[1]
42 assert op0 == 0 and op1 == 0
44 # output should be inactive
45 out_stb = yield dut.out_op.stb
46 assert out_stb == 1
48 # set row 0 input 1
49 yield dut.rs[1].in_op[1].eq(6)
50 yield dut.rs[1].stb.eq(0b11) # strobe indicate both ops ready
52 # set acknowledgement of output... takes 1 cycle to respond
53 yield dut.out_op.ack.eq(1)
54 yield
55 yield dut.out_op.ack.eq(0) # clear ack on output
56 yield dut.rs[1].stb.eq(0) # clear row 1 strobe
58 # output strobe should be active, MID should be 0 until "ack" is set...
59 out_stb = yield dut.out_op.stb
60 assert out_stb == 1
61 out_muxid = yield dut.muxid
62 assert out_muxid == 0
64 # ... and output should not yet be passed through either
65 op0 = yield dut.out_op.v[0]
66 op1 = yield dut.out_op.v[1]
67 assert op0 == 0 and op1 == 0
69 # wait for out_op.ack to activate...
70 yield dut.rs[1].stb.eq(0b00) # set row 1 strobes to zero
71 yield
73 # *now* output should be passed through
74 op0 = yield dut.out_op.v[0]
75 op1 = yield dut.out_op.v[1]
76 assert op0 == 5 and op1 == 6
78 # set row 2 input
79 yield dut.rs[2].in_op[0].eq(3)
80 yield dut.rs[2].in_op[1].eq(4)
81 yield dut.rs[2].stb.eq(0b11) # strobe indicate 1st op ready
82 yield dut.out_op.ack.eq(1) # set output ack
83 yield
84 yield dut.rs[2].stb.eq(0) # clear row 2 strobe
85 yield dut.out_op.ack.eq(0) # set output ack
86 yield
87 op0 = yield dut.out_op.v[0]
88 op1 = yield dut.out_op.v[1]
89 assert op0 == 3 and op1 == 4, "op0 %d op1 %d" % (op0, op1)
90 out_muxid = yield dut.muxid
91 assert out_muxid == 2
93 # set row 0 and 3 input
94 yield dut.rs[0].in_op[0].eq(9)
95 yield dut.rs[0].in_op[1].eq(8)
96 yield dut.rs[0].stb.eq(0b11) # strobe indicate 1st op ready
97 yield dut.rs[3].in_op[0].eq(1)
98 yield dut.rs[3].in_op[1].eq(2)
99 yield dut.rs[3].stb.eq(0b11) # strobe indicate 1st op ready
101 # set acknowledgement of output... takes 1 cycle to respond
102 yield dut.out_op.ack.eq(1)
103 yield
104 yield dut.rs[0].stb.eq(0) # clear row 1 strobe
105 yield
106 out_muxid = yield dut.muxid
107 assert out_muxid == 0, "out muxid %d" % out_muxid
109 yield
110 yield dut.rs[3].stb.eq(0) # clear row 1 strobe
111 yield dut.out_op.ack.eq(0) # clear ack on output
112 yield
113 out_muxid = yield dut.muxid
114 assert out_muxid == 3, "out muxid %d" % out_muxid
117 class InputTest:
118 def __init__(self, dut):
119 self.dut = dut
120 self.di = {}
121 self.do = {}
122 self.tlen = 10
123 for muxid in range(dut.num_rows):
124 self.di[muxid] = {}
125 self.do[muxid] = {}
126 for i in range(self.tlen):
127 self.di[muxid][i] = randint(0, 100) + (muxid<<8)
128 self.do[muxid][i] = self.di[muxid][i]
130 def send(self, muxid):
131 for i in range(self.tlen):
132 op2 = self.di[muxid][i]
133 rs = self.dut.p[muxid]
134 yield rs.valid_i.eq(1)
135 yield rs.data_i.data.eq(op2)
136 yield rs.data_i.idx.eq(i)
137 yield rs.data_i.muxid.eq(muxid)
138 yield
139 o_p_ready = yield rs.ready_o
140 while not o_p_ready:
141 yield
142 o_p_ready = yield rs.ready_o
144 print ("send", muxid, i, hex(op2))
146 yield rs.valid_i.eq(0)
147 # wait random period of time before queueing another value
148 for i in range(randint(0, 3)):
149 yield
151 yield rs.valid_i.eq(0)
152 ## wait random period of time before queueing another value
153 #for i in range(randint(0, 3)):
154 # yield
156 #send_range = randint(0, 3)
157 #if send_range == 0:
158 # send = True
159 #else:
160 # send = randint(0, send_range) != 0
162 def rcv(self):
163 while True:
164 #stall_range = randint(0, 3)
165 #for j in range(randint(1,10)):
166 # stall = randint(0, stall_range) != 0
167 # yield self.dut.n[0].ready_i.eq(stall)
168 # yield
169 n = self.dut.n
170 yield n.ready_i.eq(1)
171 yield
172 o_n_valid = yield n.valid_o
173 i_n_ready = yield n.ready_i
174 if not o_n_valid or not i_n_ready:
175 continue
177 muxid = yield n.data_o.muxid
178 out_i = yield n.data_o.idx
179 out_v = yield n.data_o.data
181 print ("recv", muxid, out_i, hex(out_v))
183 # see if this output has occurred already, delete it if it has
184 assert out_i in self.do[muxid], "out_i %d not in array %s" % \
185 (out_i, repr(self.do[muxid]))
186 assert self.do[muxid][out_i] == out_v # pass-through data
187 del self.do[muxid][out_i]
189 # check if there's any more outputs
190 zerolen = True
191 for (k, v) in self.do.items():
192 if v:
193 zerolen = False
194 if zerolen:
195 break
198 class TestPriorityMuxPipe(PriorityCombMuxInPipe):
199 def __init__(self):
200 self.num_rows = 4
201 def iospecfn(): return PassData()
202 stage = PassThroughStage(iospecfn)
203 PriorityCombMuxInPipe.__init__(self, stage, p_len=self.num_rows)
205 def test1():
206 dut = TestPriorityMuxPipe()
207 vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=dut.ports())
208 with open("test_inputgroup_multi.il", "w") as f:
209 f.write(vl)
210 #run_simulation(dut, tbench(dut), vcd_name="test_inputgroup.vcd")
212 test = InputTest(dut)
213 run_simulation(dut, [test.send(1), test.send(0),
214 test.send(3), test.send(2),
215 test.rcv()],
216 vcd_name="test_inputgroup_multi.vcd")
218 if __name__ == '__main__':
219 test1()