[soc.git] / src / soc / decoder / power_fields.py
1 from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
2 from soc.decoder.power_enums import download_wiki_file
5 class BitRange(OrderedDict):
6 """BitRange: remaps from straight indices (0,1,2..) to bit numbers
7 """
9 def __getitem__(self, subscript):
10 if isinstance(subscript, slice):
11 return list(self)[subscript]
12 else:
13 return OrderedDict.__getitem__(self, subscript)
16 def decode_instructions(form):
17 res = {}
18 accum = []
19 for l in form:
20 if l.strip().startswith("Formats"):
21 l = l.strip().split(":")[-1]
22 l = l.replace(" ", "")
23 l = l.split(",")
24 for fmt in l:
25 if fmt not in res:
26 res[fmt] = [accum[0]]
27 else:
28 res[fmt].append(accum[0])
29 accum = []
30 else:
31 accum.append(l.strip())
32 return res
35 def decode_form_header(hdr):
36 res = {}
37 count = 0
38 hdr = hdr.strip()
39 for f in hdr.split("|"):
40 if not f:
41 continue
42 if f[0].isdigit():
43 idx = int(f.strip().split(' ')[0])
44 res[count] = idx
45 count += len(f) + 1
46 return res
49 def find_unique(d, key):
50 if key not in d:
51 return key
52 idx = 1
53 while "%s_%d" % (key, idx) in d:
54 idx += 1
55 return "%s_%d" % (key, idx)
58 def decode_line(header, line):
59 line = line.strip()
60 res = {}
61 count = 0
62 prev_fieldname = None
63 for f in line.split("|"):
64 if not f:
65 continue
66 end = count + len(f) + 1
67 fieldname = f.strip()
68 if not fieldname or fieldname.startswith('/'):
69 if prev_fieldname is not None:
70 res[prev_fieldname] = (res[prev_fieldname], header[count])
71 prev_fieldname = None
72 count = end
73 continue
74 bitstart = header[count]
75 if prev_fieldname is not None:
76 res[prev_fieldname] = (res[prev_fieldname], bitstart)
77 res[fieldname] = bitstart
78 count = end
79 prev_fieldname = fieldname
80 res[prev_fieldname] = (bitstart, 32)
81 return res
84 def decode_form(form):
85 header = decode_form_header(form[0])
86 res = []
87 for line in form[1:]:
88 dec = decode_line(header, line)
89 if dec:
90 res.append(dec)
91 fields = {}
92 falternate = {}
93 for l in res:
94 for k, (start, end) in l.items():
95 if k in fields:
96 if (start, end) == fields[k]:
97 continue # already in and matching for this Form
98 if k in falternate:
99 alternate = "%s_%d" % (k, falternate[k])
100 if (start, end) == fields[alternate]:
101 continue
102 falternate[k] = fidx = falternate.get(k, 0) + 1
103 fields["%s_%d" % (k, fidx)] = (start, end)
104 else:
105 fields[k] = (start, end)
106 return fields
109 class DecodeFields:
111 def __init__(self, bitkls=BitRange, bitargs=(), fname=None, name_on_wiki=None):
112 self.bitkls = bitkls
113 self.bitargs = bitargs
114 if fname is None:
115 assert name_on_wiki is None
116 fname = "fields.txt"
117 name_on_wiki = "fields.text"
118 self.fname = download_wiki_file(fname, name_on_wiki)
120 def create_specs(self):
121 self.forms, self.instrs = self.decode_fields()
122 self.form_names = forms = self.instrs.keys()
123 #print ("specs", self.forms, forms)
124 for form in forms:
125 fields = self.instrs[form]
126 fk = fields.keys()
127 Fields = namedtuple("Fields", fk)
128 instr = Fields(**fields)
129 setattr(self, "Form%s" % form, instr)
130 # now add in some commonly-used fields (should be done automatically)
131 # note that these should only be ones which are the same on all Forms
132 # note: these are from microwatt insn_helpers.vhdl
133 self.common_fields = {
134 "RS": self.FormX.RS,
135 "RT": self.FormX.RT,
136 "RA": self.FormX.RA,
137 "RB": self.FormX.RB,
138 "SI": self.FormD.SI,
139 "UI": self.FormD.UI,
140 "L": self.FormD.L,
141 "SH32": self.FormM.SH,
142 "sh": self.FormMD.sh,
143 "MB32": self.FormM.MB,
144 "ME32": self.FormM.ME,
145 "LI": self.FormI.LI,
146 "LK": self.FormI.LK,
147 "AA": self.FormB.AA,
148 "Rc": self.FormX.Rc,
149 "OE": self.FormXO.Rc,
150 "BD": self.FormB.BD,
151 "BF": self.FormX.BF,
152 "CR": self.FormXL.XO,
153 "BB": self.FormXL.BB,
154 "BA": self.FormXL.BA,
155 "BT": self.FormXL.BT,
156 "FXM": self.FormXFX.FXM,
157 "BO": self.FormXL.BO,
158 "BI": self.FormXL.BI,
159 "BH": self.FormXL.BH,
160 "D": self.FormD.D,
161 "DS": self.FormDS.DS,
162 "TO": self.FormX.TO,
163 "BC": self.FormA.BC,
164 "SH": self.FormX.SH,
165 "ME": self.FormM.ME,
166 "MB": self.FormM.MB,
167 "SPR": self.FormXFX.SPR}
168 for k, v in self.common_fields.items():
169 setattr(self, k, v)
171 def decode_fields(self):
172 with open(self.fname) as f:
173 txt = f.readlines()
174 #print ("decode", txt)
175 forms = {}
176 reading_data = False
177 for l in txt:
178 l = l.strip()
179 if len(l) == 0:
180 continue
181 if reading_data:
182 if l[0] == '#':
183 reading_data = False
184 else:
185 forms[heading].append(l)
186 if not reading_data:
187 assert l[0] == '#'
188 heading = l[1:].strip()
189 # if heading.startswith('1.6.28'): # skip instr fields for now
190 # break
191 heading = heading.split(' ')[-1]
192 reading_data = True
193 forms[heading] = []
195 res = {}
196 inst = {}
198 for hdr, form in forms.items():
199 if heading == 'Fields':
200 i = decode_instructions(form)
201 for form, field in i.items():
202 inst[form] = self.decode_instruction_fields(field)
203 # else:
204 # res[hdr] = decode_form(form)
205 return res, inst
207 def decode_instruction_fields(self, fields):
208 res = {}
209 for field in fields:
210 f, spec = field.strip().split(" ")
211 ss = spec[1:-1].split(",")
212 fs = f.split(",")
213 if len(fs) > 1:
214 individualfields = []
215 for f0, s0 in zip(fs, ss):
216 txt = "%s (%s)" % (f0, s0)
217 individualfields.append(txt)
218 if len(fs) > 1:
219 res.update(self.decode_instruction_fields(individualfields))
220 d = self.bitkls(*self.bitargs)
221 idx = 0
222 for s in ss:
223 s = s.split(':')
224 if len(s) == 1:
225 d[idx] = int(s[0])
226 idx += 1
227 else:
228 start = int(s[0])
229 end = int(s[1])
230 while start <= end:
231 d[idx] = start
232 idx += 1
233 start += 1
234 f = f.replace(",", "_")
235 unique = find_unique(res, f)
236 res[unique] = d
238 return res
241 if __name__ == '__main__':
242 dec = DecodeFields()
243 dec.create_specs()
244 forms, instrs = dec.forms, dec.instrs
245 for form, fields in instrs.items():
246 print ("Form", form)
247 for field, bits in fields.items():
248 print ("\tfield", field, bits)