#include "riscv_test.h" #include "sv_test_macros.h" RVTEST_RV64U # Define TVM used by program. # SV test: vector-vector add different rd and rs1 # # sets up x6 and x7 with data, sets VL to 2, and carries out # an "x3 = 1 + x6". which actually means "x3 = 1 + x6 *AND* x4 = 1 + x7" # Test code region. RVTEST_CODE_BEGIN # Start of test code. SV_LD_DATA( x2, testdata , 0) SV_LD_DATA( x6, testdata+8 , 0) SV_LD_DATA( x7, testdata+16, 0) SV_LD_DATA( x5, testdata+24, 0) li x3, 0 # deliberately set x3 to 0 (target of add) li x4, 0 # deliberately set x4 to 0 SET_SV_MVL(2) SET_SV_2CSRS( SV_REG_CSR(1, 3, 0, 3, 1), SV_REG_CSR(1, 6, 0, 6, 1) ) SET_SV_VL(2) addi x3, x6, 1 CLR_SV_CSRS() SET_SV_VL(1) SET_SV_MVL(1) TEST_SV_IMM(x2, 1001) # should not be modified TEST_SV_IMM(x3, 42) TEST_SV_IMM(x4, 43) TEST_SV_IMM(x5, 1002) # should not be modified RVTEST_PASS # Signal success. fail: RVTEST_FAIL RVTEST_CODE_END # End of test code. # Input data section. # This section is optional, and this data is NOT saved in the output. .data .align 3 testdata: .dword 1001 .dword 41 .dword 42 .dword 1002 # Output data section. RVTEST_DATA_BEGIN # Start of test output data region. .align 3 result: .dword -1 .dword -1 .dword -1 RVTEST_DATA_END # End of test output data region.