/* Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of IIT Madras nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ package qspi; /* TODOs To use the following registers: dcr_csht * Done Pre-scaler. > Memory mapped mode should continue to fetch data and fill the fifo even if the Core is not requesting * Done Status polling mode. > This could not be replicated since the tof flag is set. Memory mapped mode with dcyc =10 creates an extra cycle after Dummy phase. > Data Read phase is on posedge and Data write is on negdege -- send the received arid and bid's so that DMA can identify. duplicate instead of extend */ import TriState::*; import ConcatReg ::*; import Semi_FIFOF :: *; import AXI4_Lite_Types :: *; import AXI4_Lite_Fabric :: *; import FIFO::*; import FIFOF::*; import SpecialFIFOs::*; import MIMO::*; import DefaultValue :: *; `include "instance_defines.bsv" `include "qspi.defs" import ConfigReg::*; import Vector::*; import UniqueWrappers :: * ; import DReg::*; import BUtils::*; (*always_ready, always_enabled*) interface QSPI_out; /*(* always_ready, result="clk_o" *) */ method bit clk_o; /*(* always_ready, result="io_o" *) */ method Bit#(4) io_o; /*(* always_ready, result="io0_sdio_ctrl" *) */ method Bit#(9) io0_sdio_ctrl; /*(* always_ready, result="io1_sdio_ctrl" *) */ method Bit#(9) io1_sdio_ctrl; /*(* always_ready, result="io2_sdio_ctrl" *) */ method Bit#(9) io2_sdio_ctrl; /*(* always_ready, result="io3_sdio_ctrl" *) */ method Bit#(9) io3_sdio_ctrl; /*(* always_ready, result="io_enable" *)*/ method Bit#(4) io_enable; /*(* always_ready, always_enabled *) */ method Action io_i ((* port="io_i" *) Bit#(4) io_in); // in /*(* always_ready, result="ncs_o" *) */ method bit ncs_o; endinterface interface Ifc_qspi; interface QSPI_out out; interface AXI4_Lite_Slave_IFC#(`PADDR,`Reg_width,`USERSPACE) slave; method Bit#(6) interrupts; // 0=TOF, 1=SMF, 2=Threshold, 3=TCF, 4=TEF 5 = request_ready `ifdef simulate method Phase curphase; `endif endinterface function Reg#(t) readOnlyReg(t r); return (interface Reg; method t _read = r; method Action _write(t x) = noAction; endinterface); endfunction function Reg#(t) conditionalWrite(Reg#(t) r, Bool a); return (interface Reg; method t _read = r._read; method Action _write(t x); if(a) r._write(x); endmethod endinterface); endfunction function Reg#(t) clearSideEffect(Reg#(t) r, Action a, Action b) provisos( Literal#(t),Eq#(t)); return (interface Reg; method t _read = r._read; method Action _write(t x); r._write(x); if(x==1) begin a; b; end endmethod endinterface); endfunction function Reg#(Bit#(32)) writeSideEffect(Reg#(Bit#(32)) r, Action a); return (interface Reg; method Bit#(32) _read = r._read; method Action _write(Bit#(32) x); r._write(x); a; endmethod endinterface); endfunction function Reg#(Bit#(n)) writeCCREffect(Reg#(Bit#(n)) r, Action a, Action b); return (interface Reg; method Bit#(n) _read = r._read; method Action _write(Bit#(n) x); r._write(x); `ifdef verbose1 $display("x: %h",x); `endif if(x[11:10]==0 && (x[27:26] == 'b00 || x[27:26]=='b01 || x[25:24]=='b0) && x[9:8]!=0) begin // no address required and nodata from firmware (i.e. no write) a; end if(x[27:26]=='b11) //Memory Mapped Mode b; endmethod endinterface); endfunction typedef enum {Instruction_phase=0, Address_phase=1, AlternateByte_phase=2, Dummy_phase=3, DataRead_phase=4, DataWrite_phase=5, Idle=6} Phase deriving (Bits,Eq,FShow); (*synthesize*) module mkqspi(Ifc_qspi); AXI4_Lite_Slave_Xactor_IFC #(`PADDR, `Reg_width, `USERSPACE) s_xactor <- mkAXI4_Lite_Slave_Xactor; /*************** List of implementation defined Registers *****************/ Reg#(bit) rg_clk <-mkReg(1); Reg#(Bit#(8)) rg_clk_counter<-mkReg(0); MIMOConfiguration cfg=defaultValue; cfg.unguarded=True; MIMO#(4,4,16,Bit#(8)) fifo <-mkMIMO(cfg); Reg#(Phase) rg_phase <-mkReg(Idle); Reg#(Phase) rg_phase_delayed <-mkReg(Idle); Reg#(Bit#(4)) rg_output <-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(4)) rg_output_en <-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bool) rg_input_en <-mkReg(False); Wire#(Bit#(4)) rg_input <-mkDWire(0); Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_count_bits <-mkReg(0); // count bits to be transfered Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_count_bytes <-mkReg(0); // count bytes to be transfered Wire#(Bool) wr_sdr_clock <-mkDWire(False); // use this to trigger posedge of sclk Reg#(Bool) wr_sdr_delayed <- mkReg(False); Reg#(Bool) wr_instruction_written<-mkDReg(False); // this wire is se when the instruction is written by the AXI Master Reg#(Bool) wr_address_written<-mkDReg(False); // this wire is set when the address is written by the AXI Master Reg#(Bool) wr_read_request_from_AXI<-mkDReg(False); // this wire is set when the address is written by the AXI Master Reg#(Bool) wr_data_written<-mkDReg(False); // this wire is set when the data is written by the AXI Master Reg#(Bool) instruction_sent<-mkReg(False); // This register is set when the instruction has been sent once to the flash Reg#(Bit#(1)) ncs <-mkReg(1); // this is the chip select Reg#(Bit#(1)) delay_ncs <-mkReg(1); // this is the chip select Wire#(Bool) wr_status_read<-mkDWire(False); // this wire is set when the status register is written Wire#(Bool) wr_data_read<-mkDWire(False); // this wire is set when the data register is written Reg#(Bool) half_cycle_delay<-mkReg(False); Reg#(Bit#(16)) timecounter<-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bool) read_true <- mkReg(False); Reg#(Bool) first_read <- mkReg(False); /*************** End of implementation defined Registers *****************/ /*************** List of QSPI defined Registers *****************/ Reg#(Bit#(1)) sr_busy <-mkConfigReg(0); // set when the operation is in progress. Reg#(Bit#(5)) sr_flevel <-mkReg(0); // FIFO Level. Number of valid bytes held in the FIFO. 0: empty Reg#(Bit#(1)) sr_tof <-mkReg(0); // set when the timeout occurs. Reg#(Bit#(1)) sr_smf <-mkReg(0); // set when the unmasked receieved data matches psmar. Reg#(Bit#(1)) sr_ftf <-mkReg(0); // set when the FIFO threshold is reached. Reg#(Bit#(1)) sr_tcf <-mkReg(0); // set when programmed number of data has been transfered or when aborted. Reg#(Bit#(1)) delay_sr_tcf <-mkReg(0); // set when programmed number of data has been transfered or when aborted. Reg#(Bit#(1)) sr_tef <-mkReg(0); // set when an error occurs on transfer. Reg#(Bit#(32)) sr = concatReg9(readOnlyReg(19'd0),readOnlyReg(sr_flevel),readOnlyReg(2'd0),readOnlyReg(sr_busy),readOnlyReg(sr_tof),readOnlyReg(sr_smf),readOnlyReg(sr_ftf),readOnlyReg(sr_tcf),readOnlyReg(sr_tef)); Reg#(Bit#(8)) prescaler<-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(8)) cr_prescaler=conditionalWrite(prescaler,sr_busy==0); // prescaler register part of the control register. Reg#(Bit#(1)) pmm <-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_pmm =conditionalWrite(pmm,sr_busy==0); // polling match mode. 0: AND match and 1: OR match. Reg#(Bit#(1)) apms <-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_apms =conditionalWrite(apms,sr_busy==0); // automatic poll mode stop. 1: stop when match. 0: stopped by disabling qspi. Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_toie <-mkReg(0); // enabled interrupt on time-out. Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_smie <-mkReg(0); // enables status match interrupt. Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_ftie <-mkReg(0); // enables interrupt on FIFO threshold. Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_tcie <-mkReg(0); // enables interrupt on completion of transfer. Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_teie <-mkReg(0); // enables interrupt on error of transfer. Reg#(Bit#(4)) cr_fthres<-mkReg(0); // defines the number of bytes in the FIFO that will cause the FTF in sr to be raised. Reg#(Bit#(1)) fsel<-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_fsel=conditionalWrite(fsel,sr_busy==0); // used for flash memory selection TODO: Not required. Reg#(Bit#(1)) dfm<-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_dfm =conditionalWrite(dfm,sr_busy==0); // used for dual flash mode TODO: Not required. Reg#(Bit#(1)) sshift<-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_sshift =conditionalWrite(sshift,sr_busy==0); // sample shift to account for delays from the flash. TODO: Might not be required. Reg#(Bit#(1)) tcen<-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_tcen =conditionalWrite(tcen,sr_busy==0); // enables the timeout counter. Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_dmaen <- mkReg(0); // enables the dma transfer. Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_abort <- mkReg(0); // this bit aborts the ongoing transaction. Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_en <-mkReg(0); // this bit enables the qspi. Reg#(Bit#(32)) cr=concatReg19(cr_prescaler,cr_pmm,cr_apms,readOnlyReg(1'b0),cr_toie,cr_smie,cr_ftie,cr_tcie,cr_teie,readOnlyReg(4'd0),cr_fthres,cr_fsel,cr_dfm,readOnlyReg(1'b0),cr_sshift,cr_tcen,cr_dmaen,cr_abort,cr_en); Reg#(Bit#(5)) fsize<-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(5)) dcr_fsize =conditionalWrite(fsize,sr_busy==0); // flash memory size. Reg#(Bit#(3)) csht <-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(3)) dcr_csht = conditionalWrite(csht,sr_busy==0); // chip select high time. Reg#(Bit#(1)) ckmode <-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(1)) dcr_ckmode =conditionalWrite(ckmode,sr_busy==0); // mode 0 or mode 3. Reg#(Bit#(8)) dcr_mode_byte <- mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(32)) dcr = concatReg7(readOnlyReg(3'd0),dcr_mode_byte,dcr_fsize,readOnlyReg(5'd0),dcr_csht,readOnlyReg(7'd0),dcr_ckmode); Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_mode_bytes = concatReg2(dcr_mode_byte,readOnlyReg(24'd0)); Reg#(Bit#(5)) rg_mode_byte_counter <- mkReg('d31); Reg#(Bit#(1)) fcr_ctof <-mkReg(0); // writing 1 clears the sr_tof flag. Reg#(Bit#(1)) fcr_csmf <-mkReg(0); // writing 1 clears the sr_smf flag. Reg#(Bit#(1)) fcr_ctcf <-mkReg(0); // writing 1 clears the sr_tcf flag. Reg#(Bit#(1)) fcr_ctef <-mkReg(0); // writing 1 clears the sr_tef flag. Reg#(Bit#(32)) fcr=concatReg6(readOnlyReg(27'd0),clearSideEffect(fcr_ctof,sr_tof._write(0),noAction),clearSideEffect(fcr_csmf,sr_smf._write(0),noAction),readOnlyReg(1'b0),clearSideEffect(fcr_ctcf,sr_tcf._write(0),delay_sr_tcf._write(0)),clearSideEffect(fcr_ctef,sr_tef._write(0),noAction)); Reg#(Bit#(32)) data_length<-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(32)) dlr=conditionalWrite(data_length,sr_busy==0); // data length register Reg#(Bit#(1)) ddrm<-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(1)) ccr_ddrm =conditionalWrite(ddrm,sr_busy==0); // double data rate mode. Reg#(Bit#(1)) dhhc <-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(1)) ccr_dhhc =conditionalWrite(dhhc,sr_busy==0); // delay output by 1/4 in DDR mode. TODO: Not required. Reg#(Bit#(1)) sioo <-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(1)) ccr_sioo =conditionalWrite(sioo,sr_busy==0); // send instruction based on mode selected. Reg#(Bit#(2)) fmode <-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(2)) ccr_fmode =conditionalWrite(fmode,sr_busy==0); // 00: indirect Read, 01: indirect Write, 10: Auto polling, 11: MMapped. Reg#(Bit#(2)) dmode <-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(2)) ccr_dmode =conditionalWrite(dmode,sr_busy==0); // data mode. 01: single line, 10: two line, 11: four lines. Reg#(Bit#(5)) dcyc <-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(5)) ccr_dcyc =conditionalWrite(dcyc,sr_busy==0); // number of dummy cycles. Reg#(Bit#(2)) absize <-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(2)) ccr_absize=conditionalWrite(absize,sr_busy==0); // number of alternate byte sizes. Reg#(Bit#(2)) abmode <-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(2)) ccr_abmode=conditionalWrite(abmode,sr_busy==0); // alternate byte mode. Reg#(Bit#(2)) adsize <-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(2)) ccr_adsize=conditionalWrite(adsize,sr_busy==0); // address size. Reg#(Bit#(2)) admode <-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(2)) ccr_admode=conditionalWrite(admode,sr_busy==0); // address mode. Reg#(Bit#(2)) imode <-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(2)) ccr_imode =conditionalWrite(imode,sr_busy==0); // instruction mode. Reg#(Bit#(8)) instruction <-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(8)) ccr_instruction =conditionalWrite(instruction,sr_busy==0); // instruction to be sent externally. Reg#(Bit#(1)) ccr_dummy_confirmation <- mkReg(0); //Programming Dummy confirmation bit needed by Micron model to trigger XIP mode Reg#(Bit#(1)) ccr_dummy_bit <- mkReg(0); //Dummy bit to be sent Reg#(Bit#(32)) ccr =writeCCREffect(concatReg14(ccr_ddrm,ccr_dhhc,ccr_dummy_bit,ccr_sioo,ccr_fmode,ccr_dmode,ccr_dummy_confirmation,ccr_dcyc,ccr_absize,ccr_abmode,ccr_adsize,ccr_admode,ccr_imode,ccr_instruction),wr_instruction_written._write(True),first_read._write(True)); Reg#(Bit#(32)) mm_data_length <-mkConfigReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(28)) mm_address <-mkConfigReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(28)) rg_prev_addr <- mkConfigReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_address <-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(32)) ar =conditionalWrite(writeSideEffect(rg_address,wr_address_written._write(True)),sr_busy==0 && ccr_fmode!='b11); // address register Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_alternatebyte_reg<-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(32)) abr=conditionalWrite(rg_alternatebyte_reg,sr_busy==0); // alternate byte register Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_data <-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(32)) dr =writeSideEffect(rg_data,wr_data_written._write(True)); // data register Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_psmkr <-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(32)) psmkr =conditionalWrite(rg_psmkr,sr_busy==0); // polling status mask register Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_psmar <-mkReg(0); Reg#(Bit#(32)) psmar =conditionalWrite(rg_psmar,sr_busy==0); // polling statue match register Reg#(Bit#(16)) pir_interval <-mkReg(0); // polling interval Reg#(Bit#(32)) pir =conditionalWrite(concatReg2(readOnlyReg(16'd0),pir_interval),sr_busy==0); // polling interval register Reg#(Bit#(16)) lptr_timeout <-mkReg(0); // timeout period Reg#(Bit#(32)) lptr =conditionalWrite(concatReg2(readOnlyReg(16'd0),lptr_timeout),sr_busy==0); // low power timeout register. Reg#(Bool) thres <- mkReg(False); Reg#(Bit#(32)) sdio0r <- mkReg(32'h00000073); Reg#(Bit#(32)) sdio1r <- mkReg(32'h00000073); Reg#(Bit#(32)) sdio2r <- mkReg(32'h00000073); Reg#(Bit#(32)) sdio3r <- mkReg(32'h00000073); Reg#(Bool) rg_request_ready <- mkReg(True); Bool ddr_clock = ((wr_sdr_clock&&!wr_sdr_delayed)||(!wr_sdr_clock&&wr_sdr_delayed)); Bool transfer_cond = (sr_busy==1 && cr_abort==0 && cr_en==1); Bool clock_cond = ((wr_sdr_clock && ccr_ddrm==0) || (ddr_clock && ccr_ddrm==1)); Bool qspi_flush = (cr_abort==1 || cr_en==0); /*************** End of QSPI defined Registers *****************/ function Reg#(Bit#(32)) access_register(Bit#(8) address); Reg#(Bit#(32)) register=( case(address) `CR : cr; `DCR : dcr; `FCR : fcr; `DLR : dlr; `CCR : ccr; `AR : ar; `ABR : abr; `DR : dr; `SR : sr; `PSMKR : psmkr; `PSMAR : psmar; `PIR : pir; `LPTR : lptr; `SDIO0 : sdio0r; `SDIO1 : sdio1r; `SDIO2 : sdio2r; `SDIO3 : sdio3r; default: readOnlyReg(0); endcase ); return register; endfunction /* This function defines the next phase that needs to be executed. indicates if the operation is over and also the value of rg_count_bits for the next phase*/ function Tuple3#(Bit#(32),Bit#(1),Phase) phase_change(Phase current_phase, Bit#(32) count_val, Bit#(1) smf); Phase next_phase=Idle; if(current_phase==Idle) next_phase=Instruction_phase; if(current_phase==Instruction_phase) next_phase=Address_phase; if(current_phase==Address_phase) next_phase=AlternateByte_phase; if(current_phase==AlternateByte_phase) next_phase=Dummy_phase; if(current_phase==Dummy_phase) next_phase=(ccr_fmode=='b00)?DataWrite_phase:DataRead_phase; if(current_phase==DataRead_phase)begin if(ccr_fmode=='b01 || ccr_fmode=='b10) // indirect modes next_phase=Idle; else if(ccr_fmode=='b10) // auto-status polling mode if(smf==1) next_phase=Idle; else next_phase=Dummy_phase; else next_phase=DataRead_phase; //Memory Mapped mode end if(current_phase==DataWrite_phase) next_phase=Idle; if(next_phase==Instruction_phase && (ccr_imode==0||(ccr_sioo==1 && instruction_sent))) // if single instruction mode or no instruction mode next_phase=Address_phase; if(next_phase==Address_phase && ccr_admode==0) next_phase=AlternateByte_phase; if(next_phase==AlternateByte_phase && ccr_abmode==0) next_phase=Dummy_phase; if(next_phase==Dummy_phase && ccr_dcyc==0) next_phase=ccr_fmode==0?DataWrite_phase:DataRead_phase; if(next_phase==Dummy_phase && (ccr_fmode=='b10 && pir_interval==0))begin // TODO Check if this is correct or needs more logic. next_phase=Instruction_phase; end if((next_phase==DataWrite_phase || next_phase==DataRead_phase) && ccr_dmode==0 && ccr_fmode!='b11)begin if(ccr_fmode=='b01 || ccr_fmode=='b00) next_phase=Idle; else if(ccr_fmode=='b10) if(smf==1) next_phase=Idle; else next_phase=Dummy_phase; end if(next_phase==Instruction_phase)begin count_val=8; end if(next_phase==Address_phase)begin count_val=(ccr_fmode=='b11)?32:(case(ccr_adsize) 0:8; 1:16; 2:24; 3:32; endcase); end if(next_phase==AlternateByte_phase)begin count_val=(case(ccr_absize) 0:8; 1:16; 2:24; 3:32; endcase); end if(next_phase==Dummy_phase)begin count_val=(ccr_fmode=='b10)? zeroExtend(pir_interval):zeroExtend(ccr_dcyc); end if(next_phase==DataWrite_phase)begin count_val=8; end if(next_phase==DataRead_phase)begin count_val=0; end Bit#(1) tcf=0; if(current_phase!=Idle && next_phase==Idle && (ccr_fmode=='b00 || ccr_fmode=='b01))begin // only in indirect mode raise completion of transfer TODO remove ccr_fmode=='b11 from this line. tcf=1; end return tuple3(count_val,tcf,next_phase); endfunction Wrapper3#(Phase,Bit#(32),Bit#(1),Tuple3#(Bit#(32),Bit#(1),Phase)) change_phase<-mkUniqueWrapper3(phase_change); /* This rule receives the write request from the AXI and updates the relevant QSPI register set using the lower 12 bits as address map */ rule rl_write_request_from_AXI; let aw <- pop_o (s_xactor.o_wr_addr); let w <- pop_o (s_xactor.o_wr_data); AXI4_Lite_Resp axi4_bresp = AXI4_LITE_OKAY; if(ccr_fmode=='b11 && aw.awaddr[7:0]==`DR) begin //Undefined behavior when written into integral fields in CR, CCR!!! axi4_bresp = AXI4_LITE_SLVERR; `ifdef verbose $display("Sending AXI4_LITE_SLVERR because store in memory mapped mode and not clearing Interrupt Flags"); `endif end `ifdef verbose $display($time,"\tReceived AXI write request to Address: %h Data: %h Size: %h",aw.awaddr,w.wdata,aw.awsize); `endif if(aw.awaddr[7:0]==`DR)begin if(aw.awsize==0)begin dr[7:0]<=w.wdata[7:0]; Vector#(4,Bit#(8)) temp=newVector(); temp[0]=w.wdata[7:0]; if(fifo.enqReadyN(1)) fifo.enq(1,temp); end else if(aw.awsize==1)begin dr[15:0]<=w.wdata[15:0]; Vector#(4,Bit#(8)) temp = newVector(); temp[0]=w.wdata[7:0]; temp[1]=w.wdata[15:8]; if(fifo.enqReadyN(2)) fifo.enq(2,temp); end else if(aw.awsize==2)begin dr<=w.wdata[31:0]; Vector#(4,Bit#(8)) temp = newVector(); temp[3]=w.wdata[31:24]; temp[2]=w.wdata[23:16]; temp[1]=w.wdata[15:8]; temp[0]=w.wdata[7:0]; if(fifo.enqReadyN(4)) fifo.enq(4,temp); end else begin axi4_bresp = AXI4_LITE_SLVERR; `ifdef verbose $display("Sending AXI4_LITE_SLVERR because DR awsize is 64-bit"); `endif end end else begin let reg1=access_register(aw.awaddr[7:0]); `ifdef verbose $display("Write Reg access: %h Write Data: %h Size: %h",aw.awaddr[7:0],w.wdata,aw.awsize); `endif //Byte and Half-Word Writes are not permitted in ConfigReg Space if(aw.awsize==2) // 32 bits reg1<=w.wdata[31:0]; else begin axi4_bresp = AXI4_LITE_SLVERR; `ifdef verbose $display("Sending SLVERR because Accessed register's awsize was different"); `endif end end let b = AXI4_Lite_Wr_Resp {bresp: axi4_bresp, buser: aw.awuser}; s_xactor.i_wr_resp.enq (b); endrule /* This rule receives the read request from the AXI and responds with the relevant QSPI register set using the lower 12 bits as address map */ (*descending_urgency="rl_read_request_from_AXI,rl_write_request_from_AXI"*) //experimental rule rl_read_request_from_AXI(rg_request_ready==True); let axir<- pop_o(s_xactor.o_rd_addr); Bool request_ready = True; `ifdef verbose $display($time,"\tReceived AXI read request to Address: %h Size: %h",axir.araddr,axir.arsize); `endif if((axir.araddr[27:0]>=`STARTMM && axir.araddr[27:0]<=`ENDMM) && axir.araddr[31]==1'b1)begin // memory mapped space wr_read_request_from_AXI<=True; //Could this lead to some error? Need to think about this, without fail AXI4_Lite_Resp axi4_rresp = AXI4_LITE_OKAY; mm_address<=truncate(axir.araddr); Bit#(4) data_length = axir.arsize==0?1:axir.arsize==1?2:axir.arsize==2?4:8; mm_data_length<= zeroExtend(data_length); Bit#(28) address_limit = 1 << dcr_fsize; //It is forbidden to access the flash bank area before the SPI is properly configured -- fmode is '11?? //If not sending a SLVERR now if the mode is not memory mapped and if an access is made outside allowed if(ccr_fmode!='b11 || axir.araddr[27:0] > address_limit) begin `ifdef verbose $display("Sending Slave Error ccr_fmode: %h mm_address: %h address_limit: %h dcr_fsize: %h",ccr_fmode,mm_address,address_limit, dcr_fsize); `endif axi4_rresp = AXI4_LITE_SLVERR; let r = AXI4_Lite_Rd_Data {rresp: axi4_rresp, rdata: 0 , ruser: 0}; s_xactor.i_rd_data.enq(r); axi4_rresp = AXI4_LITE_SLVERR; rg_phase <= Idle; //Will this work? cr_en <= 0; sr_busy <= 0; ncs <= 1; //Just resetting all the parameters, just in case. Should Ask Neel first_read <= True; end else if(sr_busy==1 ||thres) begin //Bus is busy with Memory mapped maybe? `ifdef verbose $display($time,"sr_busy: %d, thres: %d rg_prev_addr: %h axir.araddr: %h fifo_count: %d", sr_busy, thres, rg_prev_addr, axir.araddr, fifo.count); `endif Bit#(28) eff_addr = rg_prev_addr + zeroExtend(data_length); if((eff_addr!= truncate(axir.araddr)) || pack(fifo.count)==0 || ccr_dummy_bit==1'b1) begin `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Not Equal eff_addr: %h mm_address : %h axir.araddr: %h rg_prev_addr: %h data_length : %h sum : %h fifo.count: %h ccr_dummy_bit: %h",eff_addr,mm_address,axir.araddr,rg_prev_addr,data_length,rg_prev_addr+zeroExtend(data_length),pack(fifo.count),ccr_dummy_bit); `endif sr_busy<=0; rg_phase<=Idle; ncs<=1; fifo.clear(); thres <= False; //$display($time,"Setting Thres to FALSE"); first_read <= True; request_ready = False; end else if(!first_read) begin request_ready = True; rg_prev_addr <= truncate(axir.araddr); Bit#(32) reg1 = 0; if(axir.arsize==0) begin // 8 bits if(fifo.deqReadyN(1))begin let temp=fifo.first[0]; reg1=duplicate(temp); fifo.deq(1); end end else if(axir.arsize==1) begin // 16 bits if(fifo.deqReadyN(2)) begin let temp={fifo.first[0],fifo.first[1]}; reg1=duplicate(temp); fifo.deq(2); end end else if(axir.arsize==2) begin // 32 bits if(fifo.deqReadyN(4)) begin let temp={fifo.first[0],fifo.first[1],fifo.first[2],fifo.first[3]}; reg1=duplicate(temp); fifo.deq(4); end end else axi4_rresp = AXI4_LITE_SLVERR; `ifdef verbose $display("Sending Response to the core: reg1: %h", reg1); `endif let r = AXI4_Lite_Rd_Data {rresp: axi4_rresp, rdata: duplicate(reg1) , ruser: 0}; s_xactor.i_rd_data.enq(r); end end end else begin let reg1=access_register(axir.araddr[7:0]); `ifdef verbose $display("Reg Read Access: %h arsize: %h",axir.araddr[7:0], axir.arsize); `endif if(axir.araddr[7:0]==`SR) wr_status_read<=True; if(axir.araddr[7:0]==`DR)begin // accessing the data register for read. `ifdef verbose $display("Accessed DR fifo_count : %d axi.arsize: %d", fifo.count, axir.arsize); `endif if(ccr_fmode=='b10) wr_data_read<=True; if(axir.arsize==0) begin // 8 bits if(fifo.deqReadyN(1))begin let temp=fifo.first[0]; reg1=duplicate(temp); fifo.deq(1); end end else if(axir.arsize==1) begin // 16 bits if(fifo.deqReadyN(2)) begin let temp={fifo.first[0],fifo.first[1]}; reg1=duplicate(temp); fifo.deq(2); end end else /*if(axir.arsize==2)*/ begin // 32 bits -- Even if the request is a long int, respond with int since that's the max we can do if(fifo.deqReadyN(4)) begin let temp={fifo.first[0],fifo.first[1],fifo.first[2],fifo.first[3]}; reg1=duplicate(temp); fifo.deq(4); end end end `ifdef verbose $display("Sending Response : reg1: %x", reg1); `endif let r = AXI4_Lite_Rd_Data {rresp: AXI4_LITE_OKAY, rdata: duplicate(reg1) ,ruser: 0}; request_ready = True; s_xactor.i_rd_data.enq(r); end rg_request_ready <= request_ready; `ifdef verbose $display($time,"QSPI: Is Request ready? : %h",request_ready); `endif endrule rule timeout_counter; if(cr_tcen==1 && sr_tof==0) // timecounter is enabled if(timecounter==lptr_timeout[15:0])begin timecounter<=0; sr_tof<=1; end else timecounter<=timecounter+1; endrule rule delayed_sr_tcf_signal(transfer_cond && ((ccr_ddrm==1 && ddr_clock && (ccr_admode!=0 || ccr_dmode!=0)) || wr_sdr_clock)); sr_tcf<=delay_sr_tcf; endrule rule delayed_ncs_generation; delay_ncs<=ncs; endrule rule delay_sdr; wr_sdr_delayed <= wr_sdr_clock; endrule /* This rule generates the clk signal. The Prescaler register defines the division factor wrt to the Global clock. The prescaler will only work when the chip select is low i.e when the operation has been initiated. */ rule rl_generate_clk_from_master; if(delay_ncs==1)begin rg_clk_counter<=0; rg_clk<=dcr_ckmode; `ifdef verbose1 $display("dcr_ckmode: %h",dcr_ckmode); `endif end else begin let half_clock_value=cr_prescaler>>1; if(cr_prescaler[0]==0)begin // odd division if(rg_clk_counter<=half_clock_value) rg_clk<=0; else rg_clk<=1; if(rg_clk_counter==cr_prescaler) rg_clk_counter<=0; else rg_clk_counter<=rg_clk_counter+1; if(rg_clk_counter == half_clock_value || rg_clk_counter==cr_prescaler)begin wr_sdr_clock<=rg_phase==DataRead_phase?unpack(~rg_clk):unpack(rg_clk); end end else begin // even division if(rg_clk_counter==half_clock_value)begin rg_clk<=~rg_clk; rg_clk_counter<=0; wr_sdr_clock<=rg_phase==DataRead_phase?unpack(~rg_clk):unpack(rg_clk); end else if(delay_ncs==0) rg_clk_counter<=rg_clk_counter+1; end end endrule /* update the status flag on each cycle */ rule rl_update_fifo_level; sr_flevel<=pack(fifo.count); endrule /* set the fifo threshold flag when the FIFO level is equal to the FTHRESH value */ (*preempts="rl_set_busy_signal,rl_update_threshold_flag"*) rule rl_update_threshold_flag; if(ccr_fmode=='b00)begin// indirect write mode sr_ftf<=pack(16-pack(fifo.count)>={1'b0,cr_fthres}+1); end else if(ccr_fmode=='b01) begin sr_ftf<=pack(pack(fifo.count)>=({1'b0,cr_fthres}+1)); `ifdef verbose1 $display("fifo count: %d fthres: %d",fifo.count,cr_fthres); `endif end else if(ccr_fmode=='b10 && wr_status_read)begin // auto_status polling mode sr_ftf<=1; end else if(ccr_fmode=='b10 && wr_data_read)begin // auto_status polling mode sr_ftf<=0; end else if(ccr_fmode=='b11 && pack(fifo.count)>={1'b0,cr_fthres}+1) begin ncs<=1; sr_busy<=0; rg_phase<=Idle; // Will this work? thres<= True; rg_request_ready <= True; // $display($time,"THRES is being set to TRUE kyaaaa?"); end endrule /* If abort is raised or the QSPI is disabled go back to Idle Phase*/ //(*descending_urgency = "if_abort,rl_read_request_from_AXI"*) //(*descending_urgency = "if_abort,rl_write_request_from_AXI"*) (*preempts = "if_abort,rl_update_threshold_flag"*) rule if_abort(qspi_flush); //$display("Received Abort or Disable request, going to idle"); rg_phase<=Idle; ncs <= 1; sr_busy <= 0; thres <= False; read_true <= False; first_read <= False; instruction_sent <= False; half_cycle_delay <= False; fifo.clear(); //What if its already empty? clearing the fifo, so doesn't matter endrule /*operate the busy signal in different mode */ rule rl_reset_busy_signal(sr_busy==1); if(cr_abort==1)begin sr_busy<=0; ncs<=1; end else if(ccr_fmode=='b00 || ccr_fmode=='b01)begin // indirect write or read mode; if(/*fifo.count==0 &&*/ sr_tcf==1)begin // if FIFO is empty and the transaction is complete sr_busy<=0; ncs<=1; end end else if(ccr_fmode=='b10)begin // automatic polling mode if(sr_smf==1)begin sr_busy<=0; ncs<=1; end end else if(ccr_fmode=='b11)begin if(sr_tof==1 || cr_en==0 || cr_abort==1) begin// timeout event sr_busy<=0; ncs<=1; end end endrule (*descending_urgency="rl_set_busy_signal,rl_read_request_from_AXI"*) (*descending_urgency="rl_set_busy_signal,rl_write_request_from_AXI"*) rule rl_set_busy_signal(sr_busy==0 && rg_phase==Idle && cr_abort==0 && cr_en==1); rg_output_en<=0; instruction_sent<=False; `ifdef verbose1 $display($time,"\tWaiting for change in phase wr_read_request_from_AXI: %b ccr_fmode: %h thres: %h",wr_read_request_from_AXI,ccr_fmode,thres); `endif if(wr_instruction_written)begin sr_busy<=1; ncs<=0; rg_phase<=Instruction_phase; rg_count_bits<=8; end else if((wr_address_written && ccr_admode!=0 && (ccr_fmode=='b01 || ccr_dmode=='d0 || ccr_fmode=='b10))|| (wr_data_written && ccr_admode!=0 && ccr_dmode!=0 && ccr_fmode=='b00))begin sr_busy<=1; // start some transaction `ifdef verbose $display("Address Written and going to Some mode"); `endif ncs<=0; let {x,y,z}<-change_phase.func(rg_phase,0,0); rg_count_bits<=x; rg_count_bytes<=0; rg_phase<=z; `ifdef verbose $display("Mode is :",fshow(z),"Count_bits : %d",x); `endif if(z==DataRead_phase) read_true <= True; end else if(wr_read_request_from_AXI && ccr_fmode=='b11 && !thres)begin // memory-mapped mode. `ifdef verbose $display("Entering Memory mapped mode"); `endif sr_busy<=1; ncs<=0; let {x,y,z}<-change_phase.func(rg_phase,0,0); rg_count_bits<=x; rg_count_bytes<=0; rg_phase<=z; `ifdef verbose $display("rg_phase :",fshow(z)); `endif if(z==DataRead_phase) read_true <= True; end endrule /* This rule generates the error signal interrupt in different scenarios */ rule set_error_signal; Bit#(32) actual_address=1<<(dcr_fsize); if(wr_address_written && ar>actual_address && (ccr_fmode=='b00 || ccr_fmode=='b01)) sr_tef<=1; else if(wr_address_written && ar+dlr>actual_address &&(ccr_fmode=='b00 || ccr_fmode=='b01)) sr_tef<=1; else if(wr_address_written) sr_tef<=0; endrule /* Rule to transfer the instruction of 8-bits outside. THe size of instruction is fixed to 8 bits by protocol. Instruction phase will always be in SDR mode */ rule rl_transfer_instruction(rg_phase==Instruction_phase && transfer_cond && wr_sdr_clock && !qspi_flush); Bool end_of_phase=False; let reverse_instruction=ccr_instruction; let count_val=rg_count_bits; `ifdef verbose1 $display("Executing Instruction Phase SPI Mode: %b Count_bits: %d InstructionReverse: %h",ccr_imode,rg_count_bits,reverse_instruction); `endif Bit#(4) enable_o=0; if(ccr_imode=='b01)begin // single spi mode; enable_o=4'b1101; rg_output<={1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,reverse_instruction[rg_count_bits-1]}; if(rg_count_bits==1)begin// end of instruction stream end_of_phase=True; end else count_val=rg_count_bits-1; end else if (ccr_imode=='b10)begin // dual mode; enable_o=4'b1111; rg_output<={1'b1,1'b0,reverse_instruction[rg_count_bits-1:rg_count_bits-2]}; if(rg_count_bits==2)begin// end of instruction stream end_of_phase=True; end else count_val=rg_count_bits-2; end else if (ccr_imode=='b11)begin // quad mode; enable_o=4'b1111; rg_output<=reverse_instruction[rg_count_bits-1:rg_count_bits-4]; if(rg_count_bits==4)begin// end of instruction stream end_of_phase=True; end else count_val=rg_count_bits-4; end if(end_of_phase || ccr_imode==0)begin // end of instruction or no instruction phase let {x,y,z}<-change_phase.func(rg_phase,count_val,0); instruction_sent<=True; rg_count_bits<=x; delay_sr_tcf<=y; rg_phase<=z; rg_count_bytes<=0; if(ccr_ddrm==1) half_cycle_delay<=True; if(z==DataRead_phase) read_true <= True; end else rg_count_bits<=count_val; rg_output_en<=enable_o; endrule /* Rule to transfer the address bits of address outside. The size of address is defined by the ccr_adsize register in ccr */ rule rl_transfer_address(rg_phase==Address_phase && transfer_cond && clock_cond && !qspi_flush); if(half_cycle_delay) begin half_cycle_delay<=False; read_true <= True; //A workaround for the delay .. For DDR mode, the clock should be pushed one cycle and not half end else if(read_true) read_true <= False; else begin Bool end_of_phase=False; Bit#(4) enable_o=0; let count_val=rg_count_bits; Bit#(32) address=(ccr_fmode=='b11)?zeroExtend(mm_address):ar; rg_prev_addr <= truncate(address); `ifdef verbose1 $display($time,"Executing Address Phase SPI Mode: %b Address Size: %d Count_bits: %d Address: %b",ccr_admode,ccr_adsize,rg_count_bits,address); `endif if(ccr_admode=='b01)begin // single spi mode; enable_o=4'b1101; rg_output<={1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,address[rg_count_bits-1]}; `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Single: Sending Address bit %h bit_number: %d total_address: %h",rg_count_bits-1,address[rg_count_bits-1],address); `endif if(rg_count_bits==1)begin// end of address stream end_of_phase=True; end else count_val=rg_count_bits-1; end else if (ccr_admode=='b10)begin // dual mode; enable_o=4'b1111; rg_output<={1'b1,1'b0,address[rg_count_bits-1:rg_count_bits-2]}; `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Double: Sending Address bit %h bit_number: %d total_address: %h",rg_count_bits-1,address[rg_count_bits-1],address); `endif if(rg_count_bits==2)begin// end of address stream end_of_phase=True; end else count_val=rg_count_bits-2; end else if (ccr_admode=='b11)begin // quad mode; enable_o=4'b1111; rg_output<=address[rg_count_bits-1:rg_count_bits-4]; `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Quad: Sending Address bit %h bit_number: %d total_address: %h",rg_count_bits-1,address[rg_count_bits-1],address); `endif if(rg_count_bits==4)begin// end of address stream end_of_phase=True; end else count_val=rg_count_bits-4; end if(end_of_phase || ccr_admode==0)begin // end of address phase let {x,y,z}<-change_phase.func(rg_phase,count_val,0); rg_count_bits<=x; delay_sr_tcf<=y; rg_phase<=z; rg_count_bytes<=0; if(z==DataRead_phase) read_true <= True; end else rg_count_bits<=count_val; rg_output_en<=enable_o; end endrule /* Rule to transfer the alternate bytes. The size of alternate bytes is defined by the ccr_absize register in ccr */ rule rl_transfer_alternatebytes(rg_phase==AlternateByte_phase && transfer_cond && clock_cond && !qspi_flush); Bool end_of_phase=False; let count_val=rg_count_bits; `ifdef verbose1 $display("Executing AltByte Phase SPI Mode: %b AltByte Size: %d Count_bits: %d AltByte: %b",ccr_abmode,ccr_absize,rg_count_bits,abr); `endif Bit#(4) enable_o=0; if(ccr_abmode=='b01)begin // single spi mode; enable_o=4'b1101; rg_output<={1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,abr[rg_count_bits-1]}; if(rg_count_bits==1)begin// end of instruction stream end_of_phase=True; end else count_val=rg_count_bits-1; end else if (ccr_abmode=='b10)begin // dual mode; enable_o=4'b1111; rg_output<={1'b1,1'b0,abr[rg_count_bits-1:rg_count_bits-2]}; if(rg_count_bits==2)begin// end of instruction stream end_of_phase=True; end else count_val=rg_count_bits-2; end else if (ccr_abmode=='b11)begin // quad mode; enable_o=4'b1111; rg_output<=abr[rg_count_bits-1:rg_count_bits-4]; if(rg_count_bits==4)begin// end of instruction stream end_of_phase=True; end else count_val=rg_count_bits-4; end if(end_of_phase || ccr_abmode==0)begin // end of alternate byte phase let {x,y,z}<-change_phase.func(rg_phase,count_val,0); rg_count_bits<=x; delay_sr_tcf<=y; rg_phase<=z; rg_count_bytes<=0; if(z==DataRead_phase) read_true <= True;end else rg_count_bits<=count_val; rg_output_en<=enable_o; endrule rule rl_transfer_dummy_cycle(rg_phase==Dummy_phase && transfer_cond && wr_sdr_clock && !qspi_flush); let {x,y,z} <- change_phase.func(rg_phase,rg_count_bits,0); Bit#(5) count_val = rg_mode_byte_counter; Bit#(4) enable_o = rg_output_en; `ifdef verbose $display("\t Executing Dummy Phase: rg_mode_bytes: %b rg_mode_byte_counter: %d",rg_mode_bytes, rg_mode_byte_counter); `endif if(ccr_dmode==1) begin if(ccr_dummy_confirmation==1) begin //rg_output_en <= 4'b1101; enable_o = 4'b1101; rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,rg_mode_bytes[rg_mode_byte_counter]}; if(count_val!=0) count_val = count_val - 1; else enable_o = 4'b0000; end else begin //rg_output_en <= 4'b1101; enable_o = 4'b1101; rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0}; end end else if(ccr_dmode==2) begin if(ccr_dummy_confirmation==1) begin //rg_output_en <= 4'b1111; enable_o = 4'b1111; rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,rg_mode_bytes[rg_mode_byte_counter:rg_mode_byte_counter-1]}; if(count_val!=0) count_val = count_val - 2; else enable_o = 4'b0000; end else begin //rg_output_en <= 4'b1100; enable_o = 4'b1100; rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0}; end end else begin if(ccr_dummy_confirmation==1) begin //rg_output_en <= 4'b1111; enable_o = 4'b1111; rg_output <= rg_mode_bytes[rg_mode_byte_counter:rg_mode_byte_counter-3]; if(count_val!=3) count_val = count_val - 4; else enable_o = 4'b0000; end else begin //rg_output_en <= 4'b0000; enable_o = 4'b0000; end end if(rg_count_bits==0 || (rg_count_bits==1 && z!=DataRead_phase))begin // end of dummy cycles; delay_sr_tcf<=y; rg_phase<=z; `ifdef verbose $display("From Dummy to :",fshow(z)); `endif if(z==DataRead_phase) read_true <= True; rg_count_bytes<=0; rg_count_bits<=x; rg_mode_byte_counter <= 'd-1; //All ones if(ccr_ddrm==1) half_cycle_delay<=True; end else begin rg_count_bits<=rg_count_bits-1; rg_mode_byte_counter <= count_val; rg_output_en <= enable_o; end endrule /* Rule to transfer the dummy_cycles. The size of dummy cycles is defined by the ccr_dcyc register in ccr. The number of dummy cycles should be calculated of the complete cycle even in DDR mode hence using sdr clock*/ /* rule rl_transfer_dummy_cycle(rg_phase==Dummy_phase && transfer_cond && wr_sdr_clock && !qspi_flush); let {x,y,z}<-change_phase.func(rg_phase,rg_count_bits,0); `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Executing Dummy Phase, Dummy_confirmation_bit : %d dummy_bit : %d", ccr_dummy_confirmation, ccr_dummy_bit); `endif if(ccr_dmode==1) begin if(ccr_dummy_confirmation==1) begin rg_output_en <= 4'b1101; rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,ccr_dummy_bit}; ccr_dummy_confirmation<=0; end else begin rg_output_en <= 4'b1101; rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0}; end end else if(ccr_dmode==2) begin if(ccr_dummy_confirmation==1) begin rg_output_en <= 4'b1101; rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,ccr_dummy_bit}; ccr_dummy_confirmation <= 0; end else begin rg_output_en <= 4'b1100; rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0}; end end else begin if(ccr_dummy_confirmation==1) begin `ifdef verbose $display("Data going to output %d", ccr_dummy_bit); `endif rg_output_en <= 1; rg_output[0] <= ccr_dummy_bit; ccr_dummy_confirmation<=0; end else rg_output_en <= 0; end if(rg_count_bits==0 || (rg_count_bits==1 && z!=DataRead_phase))begin // end of dummy cycles; delay_sr_tcf<=y; rg_phase<=z; `ifdef verbose $display("From Dummy to :",fshow(z)); `endif if(z==DataRead_phase) read_true <= True; rg_count_bytes<=0; rg_count_bits<=x; if(ccr_ddrm==1) half_cycle_delay<=True; end else begin rg_count_bits<=rg_count_bits-1; end endrule*/ /* read data from the flash memory and store it in the DLR register. Simulataneously put Bytes in the FIFO*/ (*descending_urgency="rl_data_read_phase,rl_read_request_from_AXI"*) (*descending_urgency="rl_data_read_phase,rl_write_request_from_AXI"*) rule rl_data_read_phase(rg_phase==DataRead_phase /*&& ccr_fmode!='b11*/ && transfer_cond && clock_cond && !qspi_flush); //rg_output_en<=0; if(half_cycle_delay || read_true) begin half_cycle_delay<=False; read_true <= False; end else begin Bit#(32) data_reg=dr; Bit#(32) count_byte=rg_count_bytes; Bit#(32) count_bits=rg_count_bits; Bit#(32) data_length1=(ccr_fmode=='b11)?mm_data_length:dlr; `ifdef verbose1 $display($time,"Executing DataRead Phase SPI Mode: %b DLR : %d Count_bits: %d Input :%b ccr_ddrm: %b",ccr_dmode,data_length1,rg_count_bits,rg_input,ccr_ddrm); `endif /* write incoming bit to the data register */ if(ccr_dmode==1)begin // single line mode; data_reg=data_reg<<1; data_reg[0]=rg_input[1]; `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Single data_reg : %b",data_reg); `endif count_bits=count_bits+1; rg_output_en <= 4'b1101; rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0}; end else if(ccr_dmode==2)begin // dual line mode; rg_output_en <= 4'b1100; data_reg=data_reg<<2; data_reg[1:0]=rg_input[1:0]; `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Dual data_reg : %b",data_reg); `endif count_bits=count_bits+1; rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0}; end else if(ccr_dmode==3) begin// quad line mode; rg_output_en <= 4'b0000; data_reg=data_reg<<4; data_reg[3:0]=rg_input; `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Quad data_reg : %b",data_reg); `endif count_bits=count_bits+1; end /* write the last successfully received byte into the FIFO */ if(ccr_dmode==1)begin// single line mode if(count_byte==data_length-1 && ccr_ddrm==1 && count_bits[2:0]=='b111) //To make sure that the Flash does not send any data the next half edge since ncs is made 1 after the second edge ncs<=1; if(rg_count_bits[2:0]=='b111)begin // multiple of eight bits have been read. `ifdef verbose1 $display("Enquing FIFO"); `endif Vector#(4,Bit#(8)) temp = newVector(); temp[0]=data_reg[7:0]; `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Single Enqueing FIFO : data is %h",temp[0]); `endif if(!first_read) fifo.enq(1,temp); count_byte=count_byte+1; end end else if(ccr_dmode==2) begin // dual line mode if(count_byte==data_length-1 && ccr_ddrm==1 && count_bits[1:0]=='b11) //To make sure that the Flash does not send any data the next half edge since ncs is made 1 after the second edge ncs<=1; if(rg_count_bits[1:0]=='b11)begin // multiple of eight bits have been read. `ifdef verbose1 $display("Enquing FIFO"); `endif Vector#(4,Bit#(8)) temp = newVector(); temp[0]=data_reg[7:0]; `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Dual Enqueing FIFO : data is %h",temp[0]); `endif if(!first_read) fifo.enq(1,temp); count_byte=count_byte+1; end end else if(ccr_dmode==3) begin // quad line mode if(count_byte==data_length-1 && ccr_ddrm==1 && count_bits[0]=='b1) //To make sure that the Flash does not send any data the next half edge since ncs is made 1 after the second edge ncs<=1; if(rg_count_bits[0]=='b1)begin // multiple of eight bits have been read. `ifdef verbose1 $display("Enquing FIFO"); `endif Vector#(4,Bit#(8)) temp = newVector(); temp[0]=data_reg[7:0]; `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Quad Enqueing FIFO : data is %h",temp[0]); `endif if(!first_read) fifo.enq(1,temp); count_byte=count_byte+1; end end bit smf=0; `ifdef verbose $display("count_byte: %d data_length1: %d",count_byte,data_length1); `endif /* condition for termination of dataread_phase */ if(data_length1!='hFFFFFFFF)begin // if limit is not undefined if(count_byte==data_length1)begin // if limit has bee reached. `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Limit has reached: rg_count_bytes %h data_length %h",count_byte,data_length); `endif if(ccr_fmode=='b10)begin // auto-status polling mode if(cr_pmm==0)begin // ANDed mode if((psmar&psmkr) == (psmkr&dr)) // is the unmasked bits match smf=1; else smf=0; end else begin// ORed mode let p=psmkr&dr; let q=psmkr&psmar; let r=~(p^q); if(|(r)==1) smf=1; else smf=0; end end else if(ccr_fmode=='b11)begin// memory mapped mode if(first_read) begin `ifdef verbose $display("Sending response back to the proc data_reg: %h",data_reg); `endif let r = AXI4_Lite_Rd_Data {rresp: AXI4_LITE_OKAY, rdata: duplicate(data_reg) , ruser: 0}; s_xactor.i_rd_data.enq(r); first_read <= False; //rg_request_ready <= True; end end let {x,y,z}<-change_phase.func(rg_phase,rg_count_bits,smf); /* if(z==DataRead_phase) read_true <= True;*/ rg_phase<=z; `ifdef verbose $display("rg_phase:",fshow(z),"sr_tcf: %d",y); `endif sr_tcf<=y; // set completion of transfer flag rg_count_bytes<=0; rg_count_bits<=0; end else begin rg_count_bytes<=count_byte; rg_count_bits<=count_bits; end end else if(dcr_fsize!='h1f)begin // if limit is not infinite Bit#(32) new_limit=1<<(dcr_fsize); `ifdef verbose1 $display("Sending completion -- newlimit : %h",new_limit); `endif if(truncate(rg_count_bytes)==new_limit)begin // if reached end of Flash memory let {x,y,z}<-change_phase.func(rg_phase,rg_count_bits,smf&cr_apms); rg_phase<=z; if(z==DataRead_phase) read_true <= True; sr_tcf<=y; // set completion of transfer flag rg_count_bytes<=0; rg_count_bits<=0; end else begin rg_count_bytes<=count_byte; rg_count_bits<=count_bits; end end else begin // keep looping untill abort signal is not raised. rg_count_bytes<=count_byte; rg_count_bits<=count_bits; end dr<=data_reg; sr_smf<=smf; end endrule /* write data from the FIFO to the FLASH. Simulataneously*/ (*descending_urgency="rl_data_write_phase,rl_read_request_from_AXI"*) (*descending_urgency="rl_data_write_phase,rl_write_request_from_AXI"*) rule rl_data_write_phase(rg_phase==DataWrite_phase && transfer_cond && clock_cond && !qspi_flush); if(half_cycle_delay) half_cycle_delay<=False; else begin Bit#(8) data_reg=fifo.first()[0]; Bit#(32) count_byte=rg_count_bytes; Bit#(32) count_bits=rg_count_bits; Bit#(4) enable_o=0; /* write incoming bit to the data register */ if(ccr_dmode==1)begin // single line mode; enable_o=4'b1101; rg_output<={1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,data_reg[rg_count_bits-1]}; count_bits=count_bits-1; end else if(ccr_dmode==2)begin // dual line mode; enable_o=4'b1111; rg_output<={1'b1,1'b0,data_reg[rg_count_bits-1:rg_count_bits-2]}; count_bits=count_bits-2; end else if(ccr_dmode==3) begin// quad line mode; enable_o=4'b1111; rg_output<=data_reg[rg_count_bits-1:rg_count_bits-4]; count_bits=count_bits-4; end `ifdef verbose1 $display("Executing DataWrite Phase SPI Mode: %b DLR : %d Count_bits: %d Input :%b Enable: %b",ccr_dmode,dlr,rg_count_bits,rg_input,enable_o); `endif /* write the last successfully received byte into the FIFO */ if(ccr_dmode==1)begin// single line mode if(rg_count_bits==1)begin // multiple of eight bits have been read. fifo.deq(1); count_byte=count_byte+1; count_bits=8; end end else if(ccr_dmode==2) begin // dual line mode if(rg_count_bits==2)begin // multiple of eight bits have been read. fifo.deq(1); count_byte=count_byte+1; count_bits=8; end end else if(ccr_dmode==3) begin // quad line mode if(rg_count_bits==4)begin // multiple of eight bits have been read. fifo.deq(1); count_byte=count_byte+1; count_bits=8; end end /* condition for termination of dataread_phase */ if(dlr!='hFFFFFFFF)begin // if limit is not undefined if(rg_count_bytes==dlr)begin // if limit has bee reached. rg_phase<=Idle; sr_tcf<=1; // set completion of transfer flag rg_count_bytes<=0; rg_count_bits<=0; end else begin rg_count_bytes<=count_byte; rg_count_bits<=count_bits; end end else if(dcr_fsize!='h1f)begin // if limit is not infinite Bit#(32) new_limit=1<<(dcr_fsize); if(truncate(rg_count_bytes)==new_limit)begin // if reached end of Flash memory rg_phase<=Idle; sr_tcf<=1; // set completion of transfer flag rg_count_bytes<=0; rg_count_bits<=0; end else begin rg_count_bytes<=count_byte; rg_count_bits<=count_bits; end end else begin // keep looping untill abort signal is not raised. rg_count_bytes<=count_byte; rg_count_bits<=count_bits; end rg_output_en<=enable_o; end endrule rule display_all_Registers; `ifdef verbose1 $display($time,"\tPhase: ",fshow(rg_phase)," CR WRitten %d",wr_instruction_written, "Address Written: %d",wr_address_written); `endif `ifdef verbose1 $display($time,"\tCR: %h\tDCR: %h\tSR: %h\tFCR: %h",cr,dcr,sr,fcr); `endif `ifdef verbose1 $display($time,"\tDLR: %h\tCCR: %h\tAR: %h\tABR: %h",dlr,ccr,ar,abr); `endif `ifdef verbose1 $display($time,"\tDR: %h\tPSMKR: %h\tPSMAR: %h\tPIR: %h",dr,psmkr,psmar,pir,"\n"); `endif endrule `ifdef simulate rule delay_phase(((wr_sdr_clock && ccr_ddrm==0) || (ddr_clock && ccr_ddrm==1))); rg_phase_delayed<=rg_phase; endrule `endif interface QSPI_out out; method bit clk_o; return delay_ncs==1?dcr_ckmode:rg_clk; endmethod method Bit#(9) io0_sdio_ctrl; return sdio0r[8:0]; endmethod method Bit#(9) io1_sdio_ctrl; return sdio1r[8:0]; endmethod method Bit#(9) io2_sdio_ctrl; return sdio2r[8:0]; endmethod method Bit#(9) io3_sdio_ctrl; return sdio3r[8:0]; endmethod method Bit#(4) io_o; return rg_output; endmethod method Bit#(4) io_enable; return rg_output_en; endmethod method Action io_i (Bit#(4) io_in); // in rg_input<=io_in; endmethod method bit ncs_o = ncs; endinterface interface slave= s_xactor.axi_side; method Bit#(6) interrupts; // 0=TOF, 1=SMF, 2=Threshold, 3=TCF, 4=TEF 5=request_ready return {pack(rg_request_ready),sr_tef&cr_teie, sr_tcf&cr_tcie, sr_ftf&cr_ftie, sr_smf&cr_smie , sr_tof&cr_toie}; endmethod `ifdef simulate method curphase = rg_phase_delayed; `endif endmodule endpackage