/* Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of IIT Madras nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Copyright (c) 2017 Bluespec, Inc. All Rights Reserved package AXI4_Types; // ================================================================ // Facilities for ARM AXI4-Lite, consisting of 5 independent channels: // Write Address, Write Data, Write Response, Read Address and Read Data // Ref: ARM document: // AMBA AXI and ACE Protocol Specification // AXI3, AXI4, and AXI4-Lite // ACE and ACE-Lite // ARM IHI 0022E (ID022613) // Issue E, 22 Feb 2013 // See export list below // ================================================================ // Exports export // RTL-level interfaces (signals/buses) AXI4_Master_IFC (..), AXI4_Slave_IFC (..), // Dummy slave that accepts no requests and generates no response // Used for tying-off unused slave interfaces on fabrics. dummy_AXI4_Slave_ifc, // Higher-level enums and structs for the 5 AXI4 channel payloads AXI4_Resp (..), AXI4_Wr_Addr (..), AXI4_Wr_Data (..), AXI4_Wr_Resp (..), AXI4_Rd_Addr (..), AXI4_Rd_Data (..), // Higher-level FIFO-like interfaces for the 5 AXI4 channels, AXI4_Master_Xactor_IFC (..), AXI4_Slave_Xactor_IFC (..), // Transactors from RTL-level interfacecs to FIFO-like interfaces. mkAXI4_Master_Xactor, mkAXI4_Slave_Xactor; // ================================================================ // BSV library imports import FIFOF :: *; import Connectable :: *; // ---------------- // BSV additional libs import Semi_FIFOF :: *; // **************************************************************** // **************************************************************** // Section: RTL-level interfaces // **************************************************************** // **************************************************************** // ================================================================ // These are the signal-level interfaces for an AXI4-Lite master. // The (*..*) attributes ensure that when bsc compiles this to Verilog, // we get exactly the signals specified in the ARM spec. interface AXI4_Master_IFC #(numeric type wd_addr, numeric type wd_data, numeric type wd_user); // Wr Addr channel (* always_ready, result="awvalid" *) method Bool m_awvalid; // out (* always_ready, result="awaddr" *) method Bit #(wd_addr) m_awaddr; // out (* always_ready, result="awuser" *) method Bit #(wd_user) m_awuser; // out (* always_ready, result="awlen" *) method Bit #(8) m_awlen; // out (* always_ready, result="awsize" *) method Bit #(3) m_awsize; // out (* always_ready, result="awburst" *) method Bit #(2) m_awburst; // out (* always_ready, result="awid" *) method Bit #(4) m_awid; // out (* always_ready, always_enabled *) method Action m_awready ((* port="awready" *) Bool awready); // in // Wr Data channel (* always_ready, result="wvalid" *) method Bool m_wvalid; // out (* always_ready, result="wdata" *) method Bit #(wd_data) m_wdata; // out (* always_ready, result="wstrb" *) method Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) m_wstrb; // out (* always_ready, result="wlast" *) method Bool m_wlast; // out (* always_ready, result="wid" *) method Bit #(4) m_wid; // out (* always_ready, always_enabled *) method Action m_wready ((* port="wready" *) Bool wready); // in // Wr Response channel (* always_ready, always_enabled *) method Action m_bvalid ((* port="bvalid" *) Bool bvalid, // in (* port="bresp" *) Bit #(2) bresp, // in (* port="buser" *) Bit #(wd_user) buser, // in (* port="bid"*) Bit#(4) bid); // in (* always_ready, result="bready" *) method Bool m_bready; // out // Rd Addr channel (* always_ready, result="arvalid" *) method Bool m_arvalid; // out (* always_ready, result="araddr" *) method Bit #(wd_addr) m_araddr; // out (* always_ready, result="aruser" *) method Bit #(wd_user) m_aruser; // out (* always_ready, result="arlen" *) method Bit #(8) m_arlen; // out (* always_ready, result="arsize" *) method Bit #(3) m_arsize; // out (* always_ready, result="arburst" *) method Bit #(2) m_arburst; // out (* always_ready, result="arid" *) method Bit #(4) m_arid; // out (* always_ready, always_enabled *) method Action m_arready ((* port="arready" *) Bool arready); // in // Rd Data channel (* always_ready, always_enabled *) method Action m_rvalid ((* port="rvalid" *) Bool rvalid, // in (* port="rresp" *) Bit #(2) rresp, // in (* port="rdata" *) Bit #(wd_data) rdata, // in (* port="rlast" *) Bool rlast, // in (* port="ruser" *) Bit #(wd_user) ruser, // in (* port="rid" *) Bit #(4) rid); // in (* always_ready, result="rready" *) method Bool m_rready; // out endinterface: AXI4_Master_IFC // ================================================================ // These are the signal-level interfaces for an AXI4-Lite slave. // The (*..*) attributes ensure that when bsc compiles this to Verilog, // we get exactly the signals specified in the ARM spec. interface AXI4_Slave_IFC #(numeric type wd_addr, numeric type wd_data, numeric type wd_user); // Wr Addr channel (* always_ready, always_enabled *) method Action m_awvalid ((* port="awvalid" *) Bool awvalid, // in (* port="awaddr" *) Bit #(wd_addr) awaddr, // in (* port="awsize" *) Bit #(3) awsize, // in (* port="awuser" *) Bit #(wd_user) awuser, // in (* port="awlen" *) Bit #(8) awlen, // in (* port="awburst" *) Bit #(2) awburst, // in (* port="awid" *) Bit#(4) awid); (* always_ready, result="awready" *) method Bool m_awready; // out // Wr Data channel (* always_ready, always_enabled *) method Action m_wvalid ((* port="wvalid" *) Bool wvalid, // in (* port="wdata" *) Bit #(wd_data) wdata, // in (* port="wstrb" *) Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data,8)) wstrb, // in (* port="wlast" *) Bool wlast, (* port="wid" *) Bit#(4) wid); (* always_ready, result="wready" *) method Bool m_wready; // out // Wr Response channel (* always_ready, result="bvalid" *) method Bool m_bvalid; // out (* always_ready, result="bresp" *) method Bit #(2) m_bresp; // out (* always_ready, result="buser" *) method Bit #(wd_user) m_buser; // out (* always_ready, result="bid" *) method Bit #(4) m_bid; // out (* always_ready, always_enabled *) method Action m_bready ((* port="bready" *) Bool bready); // in // Rd Addr channel (* always_ready, always_enabled *) method Action m_arvalid ((* port="arvalid" *) Bool arvalid, // in (* port="araddr" *) Bit #(wd_addr) araddr, // in (* port="arsize" *) Bit #(3) arsize, // in (* port="aruser" *) Bit #(wd_user) aruser, // in (* port="arlen" *) Bit #(8) arlen, // in (* port="arburst" *) Bit #(2) arburst, // in (* port="arid" *) Bit#(4) arid ); (* always_ready, result="arready" *) method Bool m_arready; // out // Rd Data channel (* always_ready, result="rvalid" *) method Bool m_rvalid; // out (* always_ready, result="rresp" *) method Bit #(2) m_rresp; // out (* always_ready, result="rdata" *) method Bit #(wd_data) m_rdata; // out (* always_ready, result="rlast" *) method Bool m_rlast; // out (* always_ready, result="ruser" *) method Bit #(wd_user) m_ruser; // out (* always_ready, result="rid" *) method Bit #(4) m_rid; // out (* always_ready, always_enabled *) method Action m_rready ((* port="rready" *) Bool rready); // in endinterface: AXI4_Slave_IFC // ================================================================ // Connecting signal-level interfaces instance Connectable #(AXI4_Master_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user), AXI4_Slave_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)); module mkConnection #(AXI4_Master_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) axim, AXI4_Slave_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) axis) (Empty); (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *) rule rl_wr_addr_channel; axis.m_awvalid (axim.m_awvalid, axim.m_awaddr, axim.m_awsize, axim.m_awuser, axim.m_awlen, axim.m_awburst, axim.m_awid); axim.m_awready (axis.m_awready); endrule (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *) rule rl_wr_data_channel; axis.m_wvalid (axim.m_wvalid, axim.m_wdata, axim.m_wstrb, axim.m_wlast, axim.m_wid); axim.m_wready (axis.m_wready); endrule (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *) rule rl_wr_response_channel; axim.m_bvalid (axis.m_bvalid, axis.m_bresp, axis.m_buser, axis.m_bid); axis.m_bready (axim.m_bready); endrule (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *) rule rl_rd_addr_channel; axis.m_arvalid (axim.m_arvalid, axim.m_araddr, axim.m_arsize, axim.m_aruser, axim.m_arlen, axim.m_arburst, axim.m_arid); axim.m_arready (axis.m_arready); endrule (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *) rule rl_rd_data_channel; axim.m_rvalid (axis.m_rvalid, axis.m_rresp, axis.m_rdata, axis.m_rlast, axis.m_ruser, axis.m_rid); axis.m_rready (axim.m_rready); endrule endmodule endinstance // ================================================================ // AXI4-Lite dummy slave: never accepts requests, never produces responses AXI4_Slave_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) dummy_AXI4_Slave_ifc = interface AXI4_Slave_IFC // Wr Addr channel method Action m_awvalid (Bool awvalid, Bit #(wd_addr) awaddr, Bit #(3) awsize, Bit #(wd_user) awuser, Bit #(8) awlen, Bit #(2) awburst, Bit #(4) awid); noAction; endmethod method Bool m_awready; return False; endmethod // Wr Data channel method Action m_wvalid (Bool wvalid, Bit #(wd_data) wdata, Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data,8)) wstrb, Bool wlast, Bit#(4) wid); noAction; endmethod method Bool m_wready; return False; endmethod // Wr Response channel method Bool m_bvalid; return False; endmethod method Bit #(2) m_bresp; return 0; endmethod method Bit #(wd_user) m_buser; return ?; endmethod method Bit #(4) m_bid; return ?; endmethod method Action m_bready (Bool bready); noAction; endmethod // Rd Addr channel method Action m_arvalid (Bool arvalid, Bit #(wd_addr) araddr, Bit#(3) arsize, Bit #(wd_user) aruser, Bit#(8) arlen, Bit#(2) arburst, Bit#(4) arid); noAction; endmethod method Bool m_arready; return False; endmethod // Rd Data channel method Bool m_rvalid; return False; endmethod method Bit #(2) m_rresp; return 0; endmethod method Bit #(wd_data) m_rdata; return 0; endmethod method Bool m_rlast; return ?; endmethod method Bit #(wd_user) m_ruser; return ?; endmethod method Action m_rready (Bool rready); noAction; endmethod endinterface; // **************************************************************** // **************************************************************** // Section: Higher-level FIFO-like interfaces and transactors // **************************************************************** // **************************************************************** // ================================================================ // Higher-level types for payloads (rather than just bits) typedef enum { AXI4_OKAY, AXI4_EXOKAY, AXI4_SLVERR, AXI4_DECERR } AXI4_Resp deriving (Bits, Eq, FShow); // Write Address channel typedef struct { Bit #(wd_addr) awaddr; Bit #(wd_user) awuser; Bit#(8) awlen; Bit#(3) awsize; Bit#(2) awburst; Bit#(4) awid; } AXI4_Wr_Addr #(numeric type wd_addr, numeric type wd_user) deriving (Bits, FShow); // Write Data channel typedef struct { Bit #(wd_data) wdata; Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) wstrb; Bit#(4) wid; Bool wlast; } AXI4_Wr_Data #(numeric type wd_data) deriving (Bits, FShow); // Write Response channel typedef struct { AXI4_Resp bresp; Bit #(wd_user) buser; Bit#(4) bid; } AXI4_Wr_Resp #(numeric type wd_user) deriving (Bits, FShow); // Read Address channel typedef struct { Bit #(wd_addr) araddr; Bit #(wd_user) aruser; Bit#(3) arsize; Bit#(8) arlen; Bit#(2) arburst; Bit#(4) arid; } AXI4_Rd_Addr #(numeric type wd_addr, numeric type wd_user) deriving (Bits, FShow); // Read Data channel typedef struct { AXI4_Resp rresp; Bit #(wd_data) rdata; Bool rlast; Bit #(wd_user) ruser; Bit#(4) rid; } AXI4_Rd_Data #(numeric type wd_data, numeric type wd_user) deriving (Bits, FShow); // ================================================================ // Master transactor interface interface AXI4_Master_Xactor_IFC #(numeric type wd_addr, numeric type wd_data, numeric type wd_user); method Action reset; // AXI side interface AXI4_Master_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) axi_side; // FIFOF side interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user)) i_wr_addr; interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data)) i_wr_data; interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_user)) o_wr_resp; interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user)) i_rd_addr; interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)) o_rd_data; endinterface: AXI4_Master_Xactor_IFC // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // Master transactor module mkAXI4_Master_Xactor (AXI4_Master_Xactor_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)); Bool unguarded = True; Bool guarded = False; // These FIFOs are guarded on BSV side, unguarded on AXI side FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user)) f_wr_addr <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded); FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data)) f_wr_data <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded); FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_user)) f_wr_resp <- mkGFIFOF (unguarded, guarded); FIFOF #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user)) f_rd_addr <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded); FIFOF #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)) f_rd_data <- mkGFIFOF (unguarded, guarded); // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // INTERFACE method Action reset; f_wr_addr.clear; f_wr_data.clear; f_wr_resp.clear; f_rd_addr.clear; f_rd_data.clear; endmethod // AXI side interface axi_side = interface AXI4_Master_IFC; // Wr Addr channel method Bool m_awvalid = f_wr_addr.notEmpty; method Bit #(wd_addr) m_awaddr = f_wr_addr.first.awaddr; method Bit #(wd_user) m_awuser = f_wr_addr.first.awuser; method Bit #(8) m_awlen = f_wr_addr.first.awlen; method Bit #(3) m_awsize = f_wr_addr.first.awsize; method Bit #(2) m_awburst = f_wr_addr.first.awburst; method Bit #(4) m_awid = f_wr_addr.first.awid; method Action m_awready (Bool awready); if (f_wr_addr.notEmpty && awready) f_wr_addr.deq; endmethod // Wr Data channel method Bool m_wvalid = f_wr_data.notEmpty; method Bit #(wd_data) m_wdata = f_wr_data.first.wdata; method Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) m_wstrb = f_wr_data.first.wstrb; method Bool m_wlast = f_wr_data.first.wlast; method Bit#(4) m_wid = f_wr_data.first.wid; method Action m_wready (Bool wready); if (f_wr_data.notEmpty && wready) f_wr_data.deq; endmethod // Wr Response channel method Action m_bvalid (Bool bvalid, Bit #(2) bresp, Bit #(wd_user) buser, Bit#(4) bid); if (bvalid && f_wr_resp.notFull) f_wr_resp.enq (AXI4_Wr_Resp {bresp: unpack (bresp), buser: buser, bid:bid}); endmethod method Bool m_bready; return f_wr_resp.notFull; endmethod // Rd Addr channel method Bool m_arvalid = f_rd_addr.notEmpty; method Bit #(wd_addr) m_araddr = f_rd_addr.first.araddr; method Bit #(wd_user) m_aruser = f_rd_addr.first.aruser; method Bit #(3) m_arsize = f_rd_addr.first.arsize; method Bit #(8) m_arlen = f_rd_addr.first.arlen; method Bit #(2) m_arburst = f_rd_addr.first.arburst; method Bit #(4) m_arid = f_rd_addr.first.arid; method Action m_arready (Bool arready); if (f_rd_addr.notEmpty && arready) f_rd_addr.deq; endmethod // Rd Data channel method Action m_rvalid (Bool rvalid, Bit #(2) rresp, Bit #(wd_data) rdata, Bool rlast, Bit #(wd_user) ruser, Bit#(4) rid); if (rvalid && f_rd_data.notFull) f_rd_data.enq (AXI4_Rd_Data {rresp: unpack (rresp), rdata: rdata, rlast: rlast, ruser: ruser, rid: rid}); endmethod method Bool m_rready; return f_rd_data.notFull; endmethod endinterface; // FIFOF side interface i_wr_addr = to_FIFOF_I (f_wr_addr); interface i_wr_data = to_FIFOF_I (f_wr_data); interface o_wr_resp = to_FIFOF_O (f_wr_resp); interface i_rd_addr = to_FIFOF_I (f_rd_addr); interface o_rd_data = to_FIFOF_O (f_rd_data); endmodule: mkAXI4_Master_Xactor // ================================================================ // Slave transactor interface interface AXI4_Slave_Xactor_IFC #(numeric type wd_addr, numeric type wd_data, numeric type wd_user); method Action reset; // AXI side interface AXI4_Slave_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) axi_side; // FIFOF side interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user)) o_wr_addr; interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data)) o_wr_data; interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_user)) i_wr_resp; interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user)) o_rd_addr; interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)) i_rd_data; endinterface: AXI4_Slave_Xactor_IFC // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // Slave transactor module mkAXI4_Slave_Xactor (AXI4_Slave_Xactor_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user)); Bool unguarded = True; Bool guarded = False; // These FIFOs are guarded on BSV side, unguarded on AXI side FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user)) f_wr_addr <- mkGFIFOF (unguarded, guarded); FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data)) f_wr_data <- mkGFIFOF (unguarded, guarded); FIFOF #(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_user)) f_wr_resp <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded); FIFOF #(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user)) f_rd_addr <- mkGFIFOF (unguarded, guarded); FIFOF #(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)) f_rd_data <- mkGFIFOF (guarded, unguarded); // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // INTERFACE method Action reset; f_wr_addr.clear; f_wr_data.clear; f_wr_resp.clear; f_rd_addr.clear; f_rd_data.clear; endmethod // AXI side interface axi_side = interface AXI4_Slave_IFC; // Wr Addr channel method Action m_awvalid (Bool awvalid, Bit #(wd_addr) awaddr, Bit#(3) awsize, Bit #(wd_user) awuser, Bit#(8) awlen, Bit#(2) awburst, Bit#(4) awid); if (awvalid && f_wr_addr.notFull) f_wr_addr.enq (AXI4_Wr_Addr {awaddr: awaddr, awsize:awsize, awuser: awuser, awlen:awlen, awburst:awburst, awid:awid}); endmethod method Bool m_awready; return f_wr_addr.notFull; endmethod // Wr Data channel method Action m_wvalid (Bool wvalid, Bit #(wd_data) wdata, Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8)) wstrb, Bool wlast, Bit#(4) wid); if (wvalid && f_wr_data.notFull) f_wr_data.enq (AXI4_Wr_Data {wdata: wdata, wstrb: wstrb, wlast:wlast, wid:wid}); endmethod method Bool m_wready; return f_wr_data.notFull; endmethod // Wr Response channel method Bool m_bvalid = f_wr_resp.notEmpty; method Bit #(2) m_bresp = pack (f_wr_resp.first.bresp); method Bit #(wd_user) m_buser = f_wr_resp.first.buser; method Bit #(4) m_bid = f_wr_resp.first.bid; method Action m_bready (Bool bready); if (bready && f_wr_resp.notEmpty) f_wr_resp.deq; endmethod // Rd Addr channel method Action m_arvalid (Bool arvalid, Bit #(wd_addr) araddr, Bit#(3) arsize, Bit #(wd_user) aruser, Bit#(8) arlen, Bit#(2) arburst, Bit#(4) arid); if (arvalid && f_rd_addr.notFull) f_rd_addr.enq (AXI4_Rd_Addr {araddr: araddr, arsize: arsize, aruser: aruser, arlen : arlen, arburst:arburst, arid:arid}); endmethod method Bool m_arready; return f_rd_addr.notFull; endmethod // Rd Data channel method Bool m_rvalid = f_rd_data.notEmpty; method Bit #(2) m_rresp = pack (f_rd_data.first.rresp); method Bit #(wd_data) m_rdata = f_rd_data.first.rdata; method Bool m_rlast = f_rd_data.first.rlast; method Bit #(wd_user) m_ruser = f_rd_data.first.ruser; method Bit#(4) m_rid=f_rd_data.first.rid; method Action m_rready (Bool rready); if (rready && f_rd_data.notEmpty) f_rd_data.deq; endmethod endinterface; // FIFOF side interface o_wr_addr = to_FIFOF_O (f_wr_addr); interface o_wr_data = to_FIFOF_O (f_wr_data); interface i_wr_resp = to_FIFOF_I (f_wr_resp); interface o_rd_addr = to_FIFOF_O (f_rd_addr); interface i_rd_data = to_FIFOF_I (f_rd_data); endmodule: mkAXI4_Slave_Xactor // ================================================================ endpackage