# KLayout with FreePDK45 * use the dev-env-setup script to create a clean debian/buster chroot * apt-get install build-essential g++ * apt-get install libqt4-dev qt4-default qt4-qmake * obtain klayout git clone https://github.com/KLayout/klayout * cd klayout * ./build.sh -qt4 -noruby * export LD_LIBRARY_PATH={absolutepath}/klayout/bin-release/ * ./bin-release/klayout & > Next to cgt you can also use klayout to view the gds.First copy the > klayout technology file to your home directory.From c4m-pdk- > freepdk45/klayout/tech copy C4M.FreePDK45 to ~/.klayout/techThen > open klayout, select C4M.FreePDK45 technology and then open > chip_r.gds.