add libraries
authorLuke Kenneth Casson Leighton <>
Wed, 25 Jul 2018 03:58:25 +0000 (04:58 +0100)
committerLuke Kenneth Casson Leighton <>
Wed, 25 Jul 2018 03:58:25 +0000 (04:58 +0100)
src/lib/QuadMem.bsv [new file with mode: 0644]
src/lib/Stack.bsv [new file with mode: 0644]
src/lib/TxRx.bsv [new file with mode: 0644]
src/testbench/FlexBus_Slave_to_AXI4_Master_Fabric_Types.bsv [new file with mode: 0644]
src/testbench/Memory_AXI4.bsv [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/src/lib/QuadMem.bsv b/src/lib/QuadMem.bsv
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..438f559
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+*  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+*  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+*  Neither the name of IIT Madras  nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+package QuadMem;
+       import defined_types::*;
+       import BUtils::*;
+       `include "defined_parameters.bsv"
+       interface Ifc_QuadMem;
+               method Bit#(TMul#(TMul#(8,`DCACHE_WORD_SIZE),`DCACHE_BLOCK_SIZE)) response_portA;
+               method Bit#(TMul#(TMul#(8,`DCACHE_WORD_SIZE),`DCACHE_BLOCK_SIZE)) response_portB;
+               method Action write_portA(Bit#(TMul#(`DCACHE_BLOCK_SIZE,`DCACHE_WORD_SIZE)) we, Bit#(TMul#(TMul#(8,`DCACHE_WORD_SIZE),`DCACHE_BLOCK_SIZE)) data);
+               method Action write_portB(Bit#(TMul#(`DCACHE_BLOCK_SIZE,`DCACHE_WORD_SIZE)) we, Bit#(TMul#(TMul#(8,`DCACHE_WORD_SIZE),`DCACHE_BLOCK_SIZE)) data);
+       endinterface
+       (*synthesize*)
+       module mkQuadMem(Ifc_QuadMem);
+               Reg#(Bit#(TMul#(TMul#(8,`DCACHE_WORD_SIZE),`DCACHE_BLOCK_SIZE))) data_reg[3] <-mkCReg(3,0);
+               method Bit#(TMul#(TMul#(8,`DCACHE_WORD_SIZE),`DCACHE_BLOCK_SIZE)) response_portA;
+                       return data_reg[0];
+               endmethod
+               method Bit#(TMul#(TMul#(8,`DCACHE_WORD_SIZE),`DCACHE_BLOCK_SIZE)) response_portB;
+                       return data_reg[1];
+               endmethod
+               method Action write_portA(Bit#(TMul#(`DCACHE_BLOCK_SIZE,`DCACHE_WORD_SIZE)) we, Bit#(TMul#(TMul#(8,`DCACHE_WORD_SIZE),`DCACHE_BLOCK_SIZE)) data);
+         Bit#(TMul#(TMul#(8,`DCACHE_WORD_SIZE),`DCACHE_BLOCK_SIZE)) mask=0;
+         for(Integer i=0;i<32;i=i+1)begin
+            Bit#(8) ex_we=duplicate(we[i]);
+            mask[(i*8)+7:i*8]=ex_we;
+         end
+         Bit#(TMul#(TMul#(8,`DCACHE_WORD_SIZE),`DCACHE_BLOCK_SIZE)) x = mask& data;
+         Bit#(TMul#(TMul#(8,`DCACHE_WORD_SIZE),`DCACHE_BLOCK_SIZE)) y = ~mask& data_reg[0];
+         data_reg[0]<=x|y;
+      endmethod
+               method Action write_portB(Bit#(TMul#(`DCACHE_BLOCK_SIZE,`DCACHE_WORD_SIZE)) we, Bit#(TMul#(TMul#(8,`DCACHE_WORD_SIZE),`DCACHE_BLOCK_SIZE)) data);
+         Bit#(TMul#(TMul#(8,`DCACHE_WORD_SIZE),`DCACHE_BLOCK_SIZE)) mask=0;
+         for(Integer i=0;i<32;i=i+1)begin
+            Bit#(8) ex_we=duplicate(we[i]);
+            mask[(i*8)+7:i*8]=ex_we;
+         end
+         Bit#(TMul#(TMul#(8,`DCACHE_WORD_SIZE),`DCACHE_BLOCK_SIZE)) x = mask& data;
+         Bit#(TMul#(TMul#(8,`DCACHE_WORD_SIZE),`DCACHE_BLOCK_SIZE)) y = ~mask& data_reg[1];
+         data_reg[1]<=x|y;
+      endmethod
+       endmodule
diff --git a/src/lib/Stack.bsv b/src/lib/Stack.bsv
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..876d628
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+*  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+*  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+*  Neither the name of IIT Madras  nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+package Stack;
+       import defined_types::*;
+       import RegFile::*;
+       `include "defined_parameters.bsv"
+       interface Ifc_Stack;
+               method Action push(Bit#(`VADDR) addr);
+               method ActionValue#(Bit#(`VADDR)) top;
+               method Bool empty;
+               method Action flush;
+       endinterface
+//     (*synthesize*)
+       module mkStack(Ifc_Stack);
+               Reg#(Bit#(TLog#(`RAS_DEPTH))) top_index[2] <-mkCReg(2,0);
+               RegFile#(Bit#(TLog#(`RAS_DEPTH)),Bit#(`VADDR)) array_reg <-mkRegFileWCF(0,fromInteger(`RAS_DEPTH-1));
+               method ActionValue#(Bit#(`VADDR)) top;
+                       top_index[0]<=top_index[0]-1;
+                       return array_reg.sub(top_index[0]-1);
+               endmethod
+               method Action push(Bit#(`VADDR) addr);
+                       array_reg.upd(top_index[1],addr);
+                       top_index[1]<=top_index[1]+1;
+               endmethod
+               method Bool empty;
+                       return (top_index[0]==0);
+               endmethod
+       endmodule
diff --git a/src/lib/TxRx.bsv b/src/lib/TxRx.bsv
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b75a43d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+*  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+*  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+*  Neither the name of IIT Madras  nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+// Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Bluespec, Inc.  All Rights Reserved
+package TxRx;
+// ================================================================
+// This package allows a separately synthesized module to have direct
+// access to an external communication channel via FIFOF-like interfaces
+// (methods: notFull, enq, notEmpty, first, deq),
+// without the overhead or latency of an internal FIFOs.
+// THE PROBLEM: suppose we want module M1 to send messages to M2
+// Inside M1, we can instantiate a FIFO f1, and enqueue into it,
+// and return g1 = toGet (f1) as part of M1's interface.
+// Inside M2, we can instantiate a FIFO f2, and dequeue from it,
+// and return p2 = toPut (f2) as part of M2's interface.
+// Outside, we connect them with mkConnection(g1,p2).
+// Problem 1: there are 2 ticks of latency in the communication
+// Problem 2: there are at least 2 state elements to hold messages
+// Ideally, we'd like to instantiate a FIFO externally,
+// and pass it as a parameter to M1 and M2
+// so that M1 can enq to it, and M2 can dequeue from it.
+// But then M1 and M2 cannot be separately synthesized.
+// This package provides a solution.
+// Terminology: the channel has a tail (enq side) and a head (deq side).
+// Inside M1 (for outgoing data):
+//     Instantiate:    TX #(t) tx <- mkTX;
+//     Use tx.u to send data (methods enq, notFull).
+//     Export tx.e as part of M1's interface.
+// Inside M2 (for incoming data):
+//     Instantiate:    RX #(t) rx <- mkRX;
+//     Use rx.u to receive data (methods first, deq, notEmpty).
+//     Export rx.e as part of M2's interface.
+// Outside, use 'mkChan (buffer_fifof, m1.txe, m2.rxe)' to make an external
+//        communication channel, passing in a module with a FIFOF
+//        interface to instantiate the intermediate buffer.
+//        The buffer could be mkFIFOF, mkPipelineFIFOF, mkSizedFIFOF, ...
+// You can also connect each to a FIFOF:
+//    mkConnection (m1.txe, fifof)
+//    mkConnection (fifof,  m2.rxe)
+// ================================================================
+// BSV library imports
+import FIFOF       :: *;
+import GetPut      :: *;
+import Connectable :: *;
+// ================================================================
+// TX (sender side)
+// This interface is used by the sender
+interface TXu #(type t);
+   method Bool   notFull;
+   method Action enq (t x);
+instance ToPut #(TXu #(t), t);
+   function Put #(t) toPut (TXu #(t) f_in);
+      return interface Put;
+               method Action put (t x);
+                  f_in.enq (x);
+               endmethod
+            endinterface;
+   endfunction
+// This interface is exported by the sender
+(* always_enabled, always_ready *)
+interface TXe #(type t);
+   method Action notFull (Bool b);
+   method Action enq_rdy (Bool b);
+   method Bool   enq_ena;
+   method t      enq_data;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Connecting a TXe to an ordinary FIFOF
+instance Connectable #(FIFOF #(t), TXe #(t));
+   module mkConnection #(FIFOF #(t) fifo, TXe #(t) txe)
+                       (Empty);
+      (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
+      rule connect_notFull;
+        txe.notFull (fifo.notFull);
+      endrule
+      (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
+      rule connect_rdy;
+        txe.enq_rdy (fifo.notFull);
+      endrule
+      rule connect_ena_data (txe.enq_ena);
+        fifo.enq (txe.enq_data);
+      endrule
+   endmodule
+instance Connectable #(TXe #(t), FIFOF #(t));
+   module mkConnection #(TXe #(t) txe, FIFOF #(t) fifo)
+                       (Empty);
+      mkConnection (fifo, txe);
+   endmodule
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Transactor from TXu to TXe interface
+interface TX #(type t);
+   interface TXu #(t) u;
+   interface TXe #(t) e;
+module mkTX (TX #(t))
+   provisos (Bits #(t, tsz));
+   Wire #(Bool) w_notFull <- mkBypassWire;
+   Wire #(Bool) w_rdy     <- mkBypassWire;
+   Wire #(Bool) w_ena     <- mkDWire (False);
+   Wire #(t)    w_data    <- mkDWire (?);
+   interface TXu u;
+      method Bool notFull;
+        return w_notFull;
+      endmethod
+      method Action enq (t x) if (w_rdy);
+        w_ena <= True;
+        w_data <= x;
+      endmethod
+   endinterface
+   interface TXe e;
+      method Action notFull (Bool b);
+        w_notFull <= b;
+      endmethod
+      method Action enq_rdy (Bool b);
+        w_rdy <= b;
+      endmethod
+      method Bool enq_ena;
+        return w_ena;
+      endmethod
+      method t enq_data;
+        return w_data;
+      endmethod
+   endinterface
+endmodule: mkTX
+// ================================================================
+// RX (receiver side)
+// This interface is used by the receiver
+interface RXu #(type t);
+   method Bool   notEmpty;
+   method t      first;
+   method Action deq;
+instance ToGet #(RXu #(t), t);
+   function Get #(t) toGet (RXu #(t) f_out);
+      return interface Get;
+               method ActionValue #(t) get;
+                  f_out.deq;
+                  return f_out.first;
+               endmethod
+            endinterface;
+   endfunction
+// This interface is exported by the receiver
+(* always_enabled, always_ready *)
+interface RXe #(type t);
+   method Action notEmpty (Bool b);
+   method Action first_deq_rdy (Bool b);
+   method Action first (t x);
+   method Bool   deq_ena;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Connecting an ordinary FIFOF to an RXe
+instance Connectable #(FIFOF #(t), RXe #(t));
+   module mkConnection #(FIFOF #(t) fifo, RXe #(t) rxe)
+                       (Empty);
+      (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
+      rule connect_notEmpty;
+        rxe.notEmpty (fifo.notEmpty);
+      endrule
+      (* fire_when_enabled, no_implicit_conditions *)
+      rule connect_rdy;
+        rxe.first_deq_rdy (fifo.notEmpty);
+      endrule
+      rule connect_first;
+        let data = (fifo.notEmpty ? fifo.first : ?);
+        rxe.first (data);
+      endrule
+      rule connect_ena (rxe.deq_ena);
+        fifo.deq;
+      endrule
+   endmodule
+instance Connectable #(RXe #(t), FIFOF #(t));
+   module mkConnection #(RXe #(t) rxe, FIFOF #(t) fifo)
+                       (Empty);
+      mkConnection (fifo, rxe);
+   endmodule
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Transactor from RXe to RXu interface
+interface RX #(type t);
+   interface RXu #(t) u;
+   interface RXe #(t) e;
+module mkRX (RX #(t))
+   provisos (Bits #(t, tsz));
+   Wire #(Bool) w_notEmpty <- mkBypassWire;
+   Wire #(Bool) w_rdy      <- mkBypassWire;
+   Wire #(Bool) w_ena      <- mkDWire (False);
+   Wire #(t)    w_data     <- mkDWire (?);
+   interface RXu u;
+      method Bool notEmpty;
+        return w_notEmpty;
+      endmethod
+      method t first if (w_rdy);
+        return w_data;
+      endmethod
+      method Action deq () if (w_rdy);
+        w_ena <= True;
+      endmethod
+   endinterface
+   interface RXe e;
+      method Action notEmpty (Bool b);
+        w_notEmpty <= b;
+      endmethod
+      method Action first_deq_rdy (Bool b);
+        w_rdy <= b;
+      endmethod
+      method Action first (t x);
+        w_data <= x;
+      endmethod
+      method Bool deq_ena;
+        return w_ena;
+      endmethod
+   endinterface
+endmodule: mkRX
+// ================================================================
+// Function to connect TXe to RXe, passing in the
+// desired FIFOF constructor for the intermediate buffer
+module mkChan #(module #(FIFOF #(t)) mkFIFOF,
+               TXe #(t) txe,
+               RXe #(t) rxe)
+   (Empty);
+   let fifof <- mkFIFOF;
+   let empty_txe_to_fifof <- mkConnection (txe,   fifof);
+   let empty_fifof_to_rxe <- mkConnection (fifof, rxe);
+endmodule: mkChan
+// ================================================================
diff --git a/src/testbench/FlexBus_Slave_to_AXI4_Master_Fabric_Types.bsv b/src/testbench/FlexBus_Slave_to_AXI4_Master_Fabric_Types.bsv
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e28b5f7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+package FlexBus_Slave_to_AXI4_Master_Fabric_Types;
+// ================================================================
+// Exports
+FlexBus_Slave_to_AXI4_Master_Fabric_IFC (..),
+// Transactors from RTL-level interfacecs to FIFO-like interfaces.
+// ================================================================
+// BSV library imports
+import ConfigReg ::*;
+import FIFOF       :: *;
+import SpecialFIFOs::*;
+import Connectable :: *;
+import TriState ::*;
+`include "defined_parameters.bsv"
+// ----------------
+// BSV additional libs
+import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
+import FlexBus_Types :: *; 
+import AXI4_Types   :: *;
+function Bit#(wd_addr) address_increment(Bit#(8) arlen, Bit#(3) arsize, Bit#(2) arburst, Bit#(wd_addr) address)
+                Add#(a__, 4, wd_addr),
+                Add#(b__, 3, wd_addr),
+                Add#(c__, 2, wd_addr));
+                // bit_width_size= (2^arsize)*8
+                // arburst = 0(FIXED), 1(INCR) and 2(WRAP)
+                       if(arburst==0) // FIXED
+                             return address;
+                       else if(arburst==1)begin // INCR
+                             return address+ (('b1)<<arsize);
+                       end
+                       else begin // WRAP
+                            let new_addr=address;
+                            case (arlen)
+                                1: new_addr[arsize]=~address[arsize];
+                                3: begin
+                                     if(arsize==0)
+                                           new_addr[1:0]=new_addr[1:0]+1;
+                                     else if(arsize==1)
+                                           new_addr[2:1]=new_addr[2:1]+1;
+                                     else if(arsize==2)
+                                           new_addr[3:2]=new_addr[3:2]+1;
+                                     else if(arsize==3)
+                                           new_addr[4:3]=new_addr[4:3]+1;
+                                   end
+                                7: begin
+                                      if(arsize==0)
+                                           new_addr[2:0]=new_addr[2:0]+1;
+                                      else if(arsize==1)
+                                           new_addr[3:1]=new_addr[3:1]+1;
+                                      else if(arsize==2)
+                                           new_addr[4:2]=new_addr[4:2]+1;
+                                      else if(arsize==3)
+                                           new_addr[5:3]=new_addr[5:3]+1;
+                                   end
+                                15:begin //Bit#(4) x = address[arsize+3:arsize]+1;new_addr[arsize+3:arsize]=x;end
+                                      if(arsize==0)
+                                            new_addr[3:0]=new_addr[3:0]+1;
+                                      else if(arsize==1)
+                                            new_addr[4:1]=new_addr[4:1]+1;
+                                      else if(arsize==2)
+                                            new_addr[5:2]=new_addr[5:2]+1;
+                                      else if(arsize==3)
+                                            new_addr[6:3]=new_addr[6:3]+1;
+                                 end
+                           endcase
+                           return new_addr;
+                    end
+               endfunction
+// ================================================================
+module mkVerfn_Top (Empty);
+       FlexBus_Slave_to_AXI4_Master_Fabric_IFC#(32,32,4) verfn_ifc <- mkFlexBus_Slave_to_AXI4_Master_Fabric;
+        AXI4_Slave_to_FlexBus_Master_Xactor_IFC#(32, 32, 4)
+                                                  flexbus_xactor_ifc <- mkAXI4_Slave_to_FlexBus_Master_Xactor;
+        mkConnection(flexbus_xactor_ifc.flexbus_side,verfn_ifc.flexbus_side);
+// ================================================================
+// Master Fabric interface
+interface FlexBus_Slave_to_AXI4_Master_Fabric_IFC #(numeric type wd_addr,
+                                       numeric type wd_data,
+                                       numeric type wd_user);
+   method Action reset;
+   // FlexBus side
+   interface FlexBus_Slave_IFC flexbus_side;
+   // AXI side
+   interface AXI4_Master_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) axi_side;
+endinterface: FlexBus_Slave_to_AXI4_Master_Fabric_IFC
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// Master transactor
+module mkFlexBus_Slave_to_AXI4_Master_Fabric (FlexBus_Slave_to_AXI4_Master_Fabric_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user))
+                         Add#(a__, 4, wd_addr),
+                         Add#(b__, 3, wd_addr),
+                         Add#(c__, 2, wd_addr),
+             Bits#(Bit#(32), wd_addr),
+             Bits#(Bit#(64), wd_data));
+  ConfigReg#(FlexBus_States) flexbus_state_verfn <- mkConfigReg(FlexBus_S1_ADDR);
+  Reg#(Bit#(32)) r_AD  <- mkReg(32'h00000000);
+  Reg#(Bit#(1)) r_ALE          <- mkReg(1'b0);
+  Reg#(Bit#(1)) r_R_Wn                 <- mkReg(1'b0);
+  Reg#(Bit#(2)) r_TSIZ                 <- mkReg(2'b00);
+  Reg#(Bit#(6)) r_FBCSn        <- mkReg(6'h00);
+  Reg#(Bit#(4)) r_BE_BWEn      <- mkReg(4'h0);
+  Reg#(Bit#(1)) r_TBSTn        <- mkReg(1'b0);
+  Reg#(Bit#(1)) r_OEn          <- mkReg(1'b0);
+  Reg#(Bool)    r1_OEn      <- mkReg(True);
+  Reg#(Bit#(32)) r_din         <- mkReg(0);
+  Reg#(Bit#(1)) r_TAn          <- mkReg(1'b0);
+  Reg#(Bit#(6)) r_WS_val       <- mkReg(6'h02);
+  Reg#(Bit#(6)) r_WS           <- mkReg(6'h00);
+   Bool unguarded = True;
+   Bool guarded   = False;
+  Reg#(Maybe#(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user))) f_wr_addr[3] <-mkCReg(3,tagged Invalid);
+  Reg#(Maybe#(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data)))          f_wr_data[3] <-mkCReg(3,tagged Invalid);
+  Reg#(Maybe#(AXI4_Wr_Resp #(wd_user)))          f_wr_resp[3] <-mkCReg(3,tagged Invalid);
+   Reg#(Maybe#(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user)))  f_rd_addr[3] <- mkCReg(3,tagged Invalid);
+   Reg#(Maybe#(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_data, wd_user))) f_rd_data[3] <- mkCReg(3, tagged Invalid);
+   Reg#(Maybe#(AXI4_Rd_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user)))  rd_req_reg[2] <- mkCReg(2,tagged Invalid);
+        Reg#(Bit#(8)) rg_read_burst_cycle <-mkReg(0);
+   //  TriState#(Bit#(32)) tri_AD_in <- mkTriState(!r1_OEn,r_din);
+        rule rl_OEn;
+            if (r_OEn == 1'b0)
+                r1_OEn <= False;
+            else
+                r1_OEn <= True;
+        endrule
+     //   rule rl_read_AD_bus;
+       //     r_AD <= tri_AD_in._read;
+     //   endrule
+               rule generate_read_request(rd_req_reg[1] matches tagged Valid .ar &&& f_rd_addr[0] matches tagged Invalid);
+                       `ifdef verbose_debug_ver $display("generate_read_request FIRED");`endif
+                       `ifdef verbose $display($time,"\tAXI4MasterRead: Generating Read Request for Address: %h BurstSize: %d BurstLength: %d BurstMode: :%d",ar.araddr,ar.arsize,ar.arlen,ar.arburst); `endif
+                       f_rd_addr[0]<=tagged Valid ar;
+                       let info=ar;
+                       if(ar.arlen==rg_read_burst_cycle) begin// end of burst
+                               rd_req_reg[1]<= tagged Invalid;
+                               rg_read_burst_cycle<=0;
+                       end
+                       else begin
+                               info.araddr=address_increment(ar.arlen,ar.arsize,ar.arburst,ar.araddr);
+                               rg_read_burst_cycle<=rg_read_burst_cycle+1;
+                               rd_req_reg[1]<=tagged Valid info;
+                       end
+               endrule
+   Reg#(Maybe#(AXI4_Wr_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user)))  wr_req_reg[2] <- mkCReg(2,tagged Invalid);
+   Reg#(Maybe#(AXI4_Wr_Data #(wd_data)))  wr_data_reg[2] <- mkCReg(2,tagged Invalid);
+        Reg#(Bit#(8)) rg_write_burst_cycle <-mkReg(0);
+        rule generate_write_request(wr_req_reg[1] matches tagged Valid .ar &&& wr_data_reg[1] matches tagged Valid .wd &&& f_wr_addr[0] matches tagged Invalid &&& f_wr_data[0] matches tagged Invalid);
+                       `ifdef verbose_debug_ver $display("generate_write_request FIRED"); `endif
+                       `ifdef verbose $display($time,"\tAXI4MasterWrite: Generating Write Request for Address: %h Data: %h BurstSize: %d BurstLength: %d BurstMode: :%d",ar.awaddr,wd.wdata,ar.awsize,ar.awlen,ar.awburst); `endif
+                       f_wr_addr[0]<=tagged Valid ar;
+                       f_wr_data[0]<=tagged Valid wd;
+                       let info=ar;
+                       if(ar.awlen==rg_write_burst_cycle) begin// end of burst
+                               wr_req_reg[1]<= tagged Invalid;
+                               wr_data_reg[1]<= tagged Invalid;
+                               rg_write_burst_cycle<=0;
+                       end
+                       else begin
+                               info.awaddr=address_increment(ar.awlen,ar.awsize,ar.awburst,ar.awaddr);
+                               rg_write_burst_cycle<=rg_write_burst_cycle+1;
+                               wr_req_reg[1]<=tagged Valid info;
+                       end
+               endrule
+               rule rl_generate_addr (r_ALE== 1 && flexbus_state_verfn == FlexBus_S1_ADDR );
+                       `ifdef verbose_debug_ver $display("STATE S1 ADDR VERFN fired "); `endif
+                       r_WS <= r_WS_val;
+                       if (r_R_Wn == 1'b1) begin
+                               if(rd_req_reg[0] matches tagged Invalid) begin
+                                       rd_req_reg[0]<=tagged Valid (AXI4_Rd_Addr {araddr : pack({r_AD}),
+                                                                         aruser : 0,
+                                                                         arsize : 3'h2,
+                                                                         arlen  : 8'h00,
+                                                                         arburst: 2'b00,
+                                                                         arid : 0
+                                                                       });
+                               end
+                       end
+                       else begin
+                               if(wr_req_reg[0] matches tagged Invalid) begin
+                                       wr_req_reg[0]<=tagged Valid (AXI4_Wr_Addr {awaddr :pack({r_AD}),
+                                                                         awuser : 0,
+                                                                         awsize : 3'h2,
+                                                                         awlen  : 8'h00,
+                                                                         awburst: 2'b00,
+                                                                         awid : 0
+                                                                       });
+                               end
+                       end
+                       flexbus_state_verfn <= FlexBus_S2_WRITE; 
+               endrule
+               rule rl_state_S2_WRITE (flexbus_state_verfn == FlexBus_S2_WRITE); //Write Phase
+                       `ifdef verbose_debug_ver $display("STATE S2 WRITE VERFN FIRED"); `endif
+                       if (r_R_Wn == 1'b0) begin
+                               if(wr_data_reg[0] matches tagged Invalid) begin
+                                       wr_data_reg[0]<=tagged Valid (AXI4_Wr_Data{wdata: pack({32'h00000000,r_AD[7:0],r_AD[15:8],r_AD[23:16],r_AD[31:24]}),
+                                                                        wstrb  : 8'h0F,
+                                                                        wid    : 0,
+                                                                        wlast  : True
+                                                                       });
+                               end
+                       end
+                       if (r_WS == 0) begin
+                               flexbus_state_verfn <= FlexBus_S3_BURST; 
+                               r_WS <= r_WS_val;
+                       end
+                       else
+                               r_WS <= r_WS -1;
+               endrule
+               rule rl_state_S3_BURST (flexbus_state_verfn == FlexBus_S3_BURST); //Burst Phase
+                       `ifdef verbose_debug_ver $display("STATE S3 BURST VERFN FIRED"); `endif
+                       if (r_R_Wn == 1'b1)  begin
+                               if(f_rd_data[1] matches tagged Valid .ar) begin 
+                                       r_din <= ar.rdata[31:0]; 
+                                       `ifdef verbose_debug_ver $display("r_din = %h %h", r_din, ar.rdata); `endif
+                                       f_rd_data[1]<=tagged Invalid;
+                               end
+                       end
+                       flexbus_state_verfn <= FlexBus_S1_ADDR; 
+               endrule
+   // FIFOF side
+        method Action i_wr_addr(AXI4_Wr_Addr#(wd_addr,wd_user) write_address)if(wr_req_reg[0] matches tagged Invalid);
+               wr_req_reg[0]<=tagged Valid write_address;
+       endmethod
+       method Action i_wr_data(AXI4_Wr_Data#(wd_data) write_data);
+               wr_data_reg[0]<=tagged Valid write_data;
+       endmethod
+        method ActionValue#(AXI4_Wr_Resp#(wd_user)) o_wr_resp if(f_wr_resp[1] matches tagged Valid .aresp);
+               f_wr_resp[1]<=tagged Invalid;
+               return aresp;
+        endmethod
+        method Action i_rd_addr(AXI4_Rd_Addr#(wd_addr,wd_user) read_address)if(rd_req_reg[0] matches tagged Invalid);
+               rd_req_reg[0]<=tagged Valid read_address;
+       endmethod
+        method ActionValue#(AXI4_Rd_Data #(wd_data, wd_user)) o_rd_data if(f_rd_data[1] matches tagged Valid .ar);
+               f_rd_data[1]<=tagged Invalid;
+               return ar;
+        endmethod
+   // ----------------------------------------------------------------
+   method Action reset;
+      f_wr_addr[2]<=tagged Invalid;
+      f_wr_data[2]<=tagged Invalid;
+      f_wr_resp[2]<=tagged Invalid;
+      f_rd_addr[2]<=tagged Invalid;
+      f_rd_data[2]<=tagged Invalid;
+   endmethod
+   // AXI side
+   interface axi_side = interface AXI4_Master_IFC;
+                          // Wr Addr channel
+                          method Bool           m_awvalid = isValid(f_wr_addr[1]);
+                          method Bit #(wd_addr) m_awaddr  = fromMaybe(?,f_wr_addr[1]).awaddr;
+                          method Bit #(wd_user) m_awuser  = fromMaybe(?,f_wr_addr[1]).awuser;
+                                method Bit #(3)                         m_awsize        = fromMaybe(?,f_wr_addr[1]).awsize;
+                                method Bit #(8)                         m_awlen   = fromMaybe(?,f_wr_addr[1]).awlen;
+                                method Bit #(2)                         m_awburst = fromMaybe(?,f_wr_addr[1]).awburst;
+                                method Bit #(4)                         m_awid                 =fromMaybe(?,f_wr_addr[1]).awid;
+                          method Action m_awready (Bool awready);
+                             if (isValid(f_wr_addr[1]) && awready) f_wr_addr[1]<=tagged Invalid;
+                          endmethod
+                          // Wr Data channel
+                          method Bool                       m_wvalid = isValid(f_wr_data[1]);
+                          method Bit #(wd_data)             m_wdata  = fromMaybe(?,f_wr_data[1]).wdata;
+                          method Bit #(TDiv #(wd_data, 8))  m_wstrb  = fromMaybe(?,f_wr_data[1]).wstrb;
+                          method Bool                       m_wlast =  fromMaybe(?,f_wr_data[1]).wlast;
+                          method Bit#(4)                                                                                m_wid =                fromMaybe(?,f_wr_data[1]).wid;
+                          method Action m_wready (Bool wready);
+                             if (isValid(f_wr_data[1]) && wready) f_wr_data[1]<=tagged Invalid;
+                          endmethod
+                          // Wr Response channel
+                          method Action m_bvalid (Bool bvalid, Bit #(2) bresp, Bit #(wd_user) buser, Bit#(4) bid);
+                             if (bvalid && !isValid(f_wr_resp[0]))
+                                                        f_wr_resp[0]<=tagged Valid (AXI4_Wr_Resp {bresp: unpack (bresp), buser: buser, bid: bid});
+                          endmethod
+                          method Bool m_bready;
+                             return !isValid(f_wr_resp[0]);
+                          endmethod
+                          // Rd Addr channel
+                          method Bool           m_arvalid = isValid(f_rd_addr[1]);
+                          method Bit #(wd_addr) m_araddr  = fromMaybe(?,f_rd_addr[1]).araddr;
+                          method Bit #(wd_user) m_aruser  = fromMaybe(?,f_rd_addr[1]).aruser;
+                                method Bit #(3)                         m_arsize        = fromMaybe(?,f_rd_addr[1]).arsize;
+                                method Bit #(8)                         m_arlen   = fromMaybe(?,f_rd_addr[1]).arlen;
+                                method Bit #(2)                         m_arburst = fromMaybe(?,f_rd_addr[1]).arburst;
+                                method Bit #(4)                         m_arid                 =fromMaybe(?,f_rd_addr[1]).arid;
+                          method Action m_arready (Bool arready);
+                             if (isValid(f_rd_addr[1]) && arready) 
+                                                       f_rd_addr[1]<=tagged Invalid;
+                          endmethod
+                          // Rd Data channel
+                          method Action m_rvalid (Bool           rvalid,
+                                                  Bit #(2)       rresp,
+                                                  Bit #(wd_data) rdata,
+                                                  Bool rlast,
+                                                  Bit #(wd_user) ruser,
+                                                        Bit#(4) rid);
+                             if (rvalid && !isValid(f_rd_data[0]))
+                                f_rd_data[0]<=tagged Valid (AXI4_Rd_Data {rresp: unpack (rresp),
+                                                                  rdata: rdata,
+                                                                        rlast: rlast,
+                                                                  ruser: ruser,
+                                                                        rid: rid});
+                          endmethod
+                          method Bool m_rready;
+                             return !isValid(f_rd_data[0]);
+                          endmethod
+                       endinterface;
+   interface flexbus_side = interface FlexBus_Slave_IFC;
+    //   interface io_AD_slave =;
+       method Action m_AD             (  Bit #(32)   i_AD);                            // in
+               r_AD <= i_AD;
+       endmethod
+    //interface i_not_AD_s = interface Not_AD_s;
+       method Action m_ALE            (  Bit #(1)         i_ALE);                           // in
+               r_ALE <= i_ALE;
+       endmethod
+       method Action m_R_Wn           (  Bit #(1)         i_R_Wn);                          // in
+               r_R_Wn <= i_R_Wn;
+       endmethod
+       method Action m_TSIZ           (  Bit #(2)         i_TSIZ);                          // in
+               r_TSIZ <= i_TSIZ;
+       endmethod
+       method Action m_FBCSn          (  Bit #(6)         i_FBCSn);                         // in
+               r_FBCSn <= i_FBCSn;
+       endmethod
+       method Action m_BE_BWEn        (  Bit #(4)         i_BE_BWEn);                       // in
+               r_BE_BWEn <= i_BE_BWEn;
+       endmethod
+       method Action m_TBSTn          (  Bit #(1)         i_TBSTn);                         // in
+               r_TBSTn <= i_TBSTn;
+       endmethod
+       method Action m_OEn            (  Bit #(1)         i_OEn);                           // in
+               r_OEn <= i_OEn;
+       endmethod
+       method Bit #(32) m_din = r_din;                         //out
+       method Bit #(1) m_TAn = r_TAn;                                  //out
+    //endinterface;
+                           endinterface;
+endmodule: mkFlexBus_Slave_to_AXI4_Master_Fabric
+// ================================================================
diff --git a/src/testbench/Memory_AXI4.bsv b/src/testbench/Memory_AXI4.bsv
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a929fff
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+*  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+*  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+*  Neither the name of IIT Madras  nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+package Memory_AXI4;
+       /*====== Porject imports ====*/
+       import defined_types::*;
+       `include "defined_parameters.bsv"
+       import Semi_FIFOF        :: *;
+       import AXI4_Types   :: *;
+       import AXI4_Fabric  :: *;
+       import axi_addr_generator::*;
+       /*==== Package imports ======*/
+       import BRAMCore :: *;
+       import DReg::*;
+       import BUtils::*;
+       /*============================*/
+       interface Memory_IFC#(numeric type base_address, numeric type mem_size);
+               interface AXI4_Slave_IFC#(`PADDR,`Reg_width,`USERSPACE) axi_slave;
+       endinterface
+       typedef enum{Idle,HandleBurst} Mem_state deriving(Bits,Eq);
+       module mkMemory #(parameter String mem_init_file1 `ifdef RV64 , parameter String mem_init_file2 `endif  ,parameter String module_name) (Memory_IFC#(base_address,mem_size));
+               BRAM_DUAL_PORT_BE#(Bit#(TSub#(mem_size,2)),Bit#(32),4) dmemMSB <- mkBRAMCore2BELoad(valueOf(TExp#(TSub#(mem_size,2))),False,mem_init_file1,False);
+               BRAM_DUAL_PORT_BE#(Bit#(TSub#(mem_size,2)),Bit#(32),4) dmemLSB <- mkBRAMCore2BELoad(valueOf(TExp#(TSub#(mem_size,2))),False,mem_init_file2,False);
+               AXI4_Slave_Xactor_IFC #(`PADDR, `Reg_width, `USERSPACE)  s_xactor <- mkAXI4_Slave_Xactor;
+               Reg#(Mem_state) rd_state <-mkReg(Idle);
+               Reg#(Mem_state) wr_state <-mkReg(Idle);
+               Reg#(Bit#(8)) rg_readburst_counter<-mkReg(0);
+               Reg#(AXI4_Rd_Addr       #(`PADDR,`USERSPACE)) rg_read_packet <-mkReg(?);                                                                                                                   // hold the read packet during bursts
+               Reg#(AXI4_Wr_Addr       #(`PADDR,`USERSPACE)) rg_write_packet<-mkReg(?); // hold the write packer during bursts
+               rule rl_wr_respond(wr_state==Idle);
+             let aw <- pop_o (s_xactor.o_wr_addr);
+             let w  <- pop_o (s_xactor.o_wr_data);
+                       Bit#(TSub#(mem_size,2)) index_address=(aw.awaddr-fromInteger(valueOf(base_address)))[valueOf(mem_size)-1:`byte_offset+1];
+                       dmemLSB.b.put(w.wstrb[3:0],index_address,truncate(w.wdata));
+                       dmemMSB.b.put(w.wstrb[7:4],index_address,truncateLSB(w.wdata));
+                  let b = AXI4_Wr_Resp {bresp: AXI4_OKAY, buser: aw.awuser, bid:aw.awid};
+                       if(aw.awlen!=0) begin
+                               wr_state<=HandleBurst;
+                               let new_address=burst_address_generator(aw.awlen,aw.awsize,aw.awburst,aw.awaddr);
+                               aw.awaddr=new_address;
+                               rg_write_packet<=aw;
+                       end
+                       else
+                       s_xactor.i_wr_resp.enq (b);
+                       `ifdef verbose $display($time,"\t",module_name,":\t Recieved Write Request for Address: %h data: %h strb: %b awlen: %d",aw.awaddr,w.wdata,w.wstrb,aw.awlen);  `endif
+               endrule
+               rule rl_wr_burst_response(wr_state==HandleBurst);
+             let w  <- pop_o (s_xactor.o_wr_data);
+                  let b = AXI4_Wr_Resp {bresp: AXI4_OKAY, buser: rg_write_packet.awuser, bid:rg_write_packet.awid};
+                       if(w.wlast)begin
+                               wr_state<=Idle;
+                               s_xactor.i_wr_resp.enq (b);
+                       end
+                       Bit#(TSub#(mem_size,2)) index_address=(rg_write_packet.awaddr-fromInteger(valueOf(base_address)))[valueOf(mem_size)-1:`byte_offset+1];
+                       dmemLSB.b.put(w.wstrb[3:0],index_address,truncate(w.wdata));
+                       dmemMSB.b.put(w.wstrb[7:4],index_address,truncateLSB(w.wdata));
+                       let new_address=burst_address_generator(rg_write_packet.awlen,rg_write_packet.awsize,rg_write_packet.awburst,rg_write_packet.awaddr);
+                       rg_write_packet.awaddr<=new_address;
+                       `ifdef verbose $display($time,"\t",module_name,":\t BURST Write Request for Address: %h data: %h strb: %b awlen: %d",rg_write_packet.awaddr,w.wdata,w.wstrb,rg_write_packet.awlen);  `endif
+               endrule
+               rule rl_rd_request(rd_state==Idle);
+                       let ar<- pop_o(s_xactor.o_rd_addr);
+                       rg_read_packet<=ar;
+                       Bit#(TSub#(mem_size,2)) index_address=(ar.araddr-fromInteger(valueOf(base_address)))[valueOf(mem_size)-1:`byte_offset+1];
+                       dmemLSB.a.put(0,index_address,?);
+                       dmemMSB.a.put(0,index_address,?);
+                       rd_state<=HandleBurst;
+                       `ifdef verbose $display($time,"\t",module_name,"\t Recieved Read Request for Address: %h Index Address: %h",ar.araddr,index_address);  `endif
+               endrule
+               rule rl_rd_response(rd_state==HandleBurst);
+                  Bit#(`Reg_width) data0 = {,};
+             AXI4_Rd_Data#(`Reg_width,`USERSPACE) r = AXI4_Rd_Data {rresp: AXI4_OKAY, rdata: data0 ,rlast:rg_readburst_counter==rg_read_packet.arlen, ruser: 0, rid:rg_read_packet.arid};
+                       let transfer_size=rg_read_packet.arsize;
+                       let address=rg_read_packet.araddr;
+                       if(transfer_size==2)begin // 32 bit
+                               if(address[2:0]==0)
+                                       r.rdata=duplicate(data0[31:0]);
+                               else
+                                       r.rdata=duplicate(data0[63:32]);
+                       end
+             else if (transfer_size=='d1)begin // half_word
+                               if(address[2:0] ==0)
+                                       r.rdata = duplicate(data0[15:0]);
+                               else if(address[2:0] ==2)
+                                       r.rdata = duplicate(data0[31:16]);
+                               else if(address[2:0] ==4)
+                                       r.rdata = duplicate(data0[47:32]);
+                               else if(address[2:0] ==6)
+                                       r.rdata = duplicate(data0[63:48]);
+             end
+             else if (transfer_size=='d0) begin// one byte
+                               if(address[2:0] ==0)
+                         r.rdata = duplicate(data0[7:0]);
+                       else if(address[2:0] ==1)
+                         r.rdata = duplicate(data0[15:8]);
+                       else if(address[2:0] ==2)
+                         r.rdata = duplicate(data0[23:16]);
+                       else if(address[2:0] ==3)
+                         r.rdata = duplicate(data0[31:24]);
+                       else if(address[2:0] ==4)
+                                       r.rdata = duplicate(data0[39:32]);
+                       else if(address[2:0] ==5)
+                                       r.rdata = duplicate(data0[47:40]);
+                       else if(address[2:0] ==6)
+                                       r.rdata = duplicate(data0[55:48]);
+                       else if(address[2:0] ==7)
+                                       r.rdata = duplicate(data0[63:56]);
+             end
+             s_xactor.i_rd_data.enq(r);
+                       address=burst_address_generator(rg_read_packet.arlen, rg_read_packet.arsize, rg_read_packet.arburst,rg_read_packet.araddr);
+                       Bit#(TSub#(mem_size,2)) index_address=(address-fromInteger(valueOf(base_address)))[valueOf(mem_size)-1:`byte_offset+1];
+                       if(rg_readburst_counter==rg_read_packet.arlen)begin
+                               rg_readburst_counter<=0;
+                               rd_state<=Idle;
+                       end
+                       else begin
+                               dmemLSB.a.put(0,index_address,?);
+                               dmemMSB.a.put(0,index_address,?);
+                               rg_readburst_counter<=rg_readburst_counter+1;
+                       end
+                       rg_read_packet.araddr<=address;
+                       Bit#(64) new_data=r.rdata;
+                       `ifdef verbose $display($time,"\t",module_name,"\t Responding Read Request with CurrAddr: %h Data: %8h BurstCounter: %d BurstValue: %d NextAddress: %h",rg_read_packet.araddr,new_data,rg_readburst_counter,rg_read_packet.arlen,address);  `endif
+          endrule
+          interface axi_slave= s_xactor.axi_side;
+       endmodule