need to rename packages to match "master" convention
authorLuke Kenneth Casson Leighton <>
Tue, 24 Jul 2018 13:25:49 +0000 (14:25 +0100)
committerLuke Kenneth Casson Leighton <>
Tue, 24 Jul 2018 13:25:49 +0000 (14:25 +0100)
src/peripherals/qspi/mqspi.bsv [new file with mode: 0644]
src/peripherals/qspi/qspi.bsv [deleted file]
src/peripherals/spi/mspi.bsv [new file with mode: 0644]
src/peripherals/spi/spi.bsv [deleted file]
src/peripherals/uart/quart.bsv [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/src/peripherals/qspi/mqspi.bsv b/src/peripherals/qspi/mqspi.bsv
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..132edf9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1343 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+*  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+*  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+*  Neither the name of IIT Madras  nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+package mqspi;
+       TODOs
+       To use the following registers:
+       dcr_csht
+* Done Pre-scaler.
+> Memory mapped mode should continue to fetch data and fill the fifo even if the Core
+       is not requesting
+* Done Status polling mode.
+> This could not be replicated since the tof flag is set.
+  Memory mapped mode with dcyc =10 creates an extra cycle after Dummy phase.
+> Data Read phase is on posedge and Data write is on negdege
+-- send the received arid and bid's so that DMA can identify. duplicate instead of extend      
+       import GetPut::*;
+       import TriState::*;
+       import ConcatReg ::*;
+       import Semi_FIFOF        :: *;
+       import AXI4_Lite_Types   :: *;
+       import AXI4_Lite_Fabric  :: *;
+       import FIFO::*;
+       import FIFOF::*;
+       import SpecialFIFOs::*;
+       import MIMO::*;
+       import DefaultValue :: *;
+       `include "instance_defines.bsv"
+       `include "qspi.defs"
+       import ConfigReg::*;
+       import Vector::*;
+       import UniqueWrappers :: * ;
+       import DReg::*;
+    import BUtils::*;
+    (*always_ready, always_enabled*)
+    interface QSPI_out;
+    /*(* always_ready, result="clk_o" *)               */      
+        interface Get#(Bit#(1)) clk_o;
+               /*(* always_ready, result="io_o" *)             */      
+        interface Get#(Bit#(4)) io_out;
+       /*(* always_ready, result="io0_sdio_ctrl" *)         */
+        method Bit#(9) io0_sdio_ctrl;
+       /*(* always_ready, result="io1_sdio_ctrl" *)         */ 
+        method Bit#(9) io1_sdio_ctrl;
+       /*(* always_ready, result="io2_sdio_ctrl" *)         */ 
+        method Bit#(9) io2_sdio_ctrl;
+       /*(* always_ready, result="io3_sdio_ctrl" *)         */ 
+        method Bit#(9) io3_sdio_ctrl;
+               /*(* always_ready, result="io_enable" *)*/      
+        interface Get#(Bit#(4)) io_out_en;
+               /*(* always_ready, always_enabled *)    */      
+        //method Action io_i ((* port="io_i" *) Bit#(4) io_in);    // in
+        interface Put#(Bit#(4)) io_in;
+               /*(* always_ready, result="ncs_o" *)            */      
+        interface Get#(Bit#(1)) ncs_o;
+    endinterface
+    interface Ifc_qspi;
+        interface QSPI_out out;
+               interface AXI4_Lite_Slave_IFC#(`PADDR,`Reg_width,`USERSPACE) slave;
+               method Bit#(6) interrupts; // 0=TOF, 1=SMF, 2=Threshold, 3=TCF, 4=TEF 5 = request_ready
+`ifdef simulate
+               method Phase curphase;
+       endinterface
+  function Reg#(t) readOnlyReg(t r);
+    return (interface Reg;
+            method t _read = r;
+            method Action _write(t x) = noAction;
+        endinterface);
+  endfunction
+  function Reg#(t) conditionalWrite(Reg#(t) r, Bool a);
+    return (interface Reg;
+            method t _read = r._read;
+            method Action _write(t x);
+                                                               if(a)
+                       r._write(x);
+            endmethod
+        endinterface);
+       endfunction
+       function Reg#(t) clearSideEffect(Reg#(t) r, Action a, Action b)
+               provisos(       Literal#(t),Eq#(t));
+               return (interface Reg;
+            method t _read = r._read;
+            method Action _write(t x);
+                r._write(x);
+                               if(x==1) begin
+                       a;
+                    b;
+                end
+            endmethod
+        endinterface);
+       endfunction
+       function Reg#(Bit#(32)) writeSideEffect(Reg#(Bit#(32)) r, Action a);
+               return (interface Reg;
+            method Bit#(32) _read = r._read;
+            method Action _write(Bit#(32) x);
+                r._write(x);
+                a;
+            endmethod
+        endinterface);
+       endfunction
+       function Reg#(Bit#(n)) writeCCREffect(Reg#(Bit#(n)) r, Action a, Action b);
+               return (interface Reg;
+            method Bit#(n) _read = r._read;
+            method Action _write(Bit#(n) x);
+                r._write(x);
+                `ifdef verbose1 $display("x: %h",x); `endif
+                if(x[11:10]==0 && (x[27:26] == 'b00 || x[27:26]=='b01 || x[25:24]=='b0) && x[9:8]!=0) begin // no address required and nodata from firmware (i.e. no write)
+                                       a;
+                end
+                if(x[27:26]=='b11) //Memory Mapped Mode
+                    b;
+            endmethod
+        endinterface);
+       endfunction
+       typedef enum {Instruction_phase=0, 
+                                               Address_phase=1, 
+                                               AlternateByte_phase=2, 
+                                               Dummy_phase=3, 
+                                               DataRead_phase=4, 
+                                               DataWrite_phase=5, 
+                                               Idle=6} Phase deriving (Bits,Eq,FShow);
+       (*synthesize*)
+       module mkqspi(Ifc_qspi);
+       AXI4_Lite_Slave_Xactor_IFC #(`PADDR, `Reg_width, `USERSPACE)  s_xactor <- mkAXI4_Lite_Slave_Xactor;
+       /*************** List of implementation defined Registers *****************/
+       Reg#(bit) rg_clk <-mkReg(1);
+       Reg#(Bit#(8)) rg_clk_counter<-mkReg(0);
+       MIMOConfiguration cfg=defaultValue;
+       cfg.unguarded=True;
+       MIMO#(4,4,16,Bit#(8)) fifo <-mkMIMO(cfg);
+       Reg#(Phase) rg_phase <-mkReg(Idle);
+       Reg#(Phase) rg_phase_delayed <-mkReg(Idle);
+       Reg#(Bit#(4)) rg_output <-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(4)) rg_output_en <-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bool) rg_input_en <-mkReg(False);
+       Wire#(Bit#(4)) rg_input <-mkDWire(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_count_bits <-mkReg(0); // count bits to be transfered 
+       Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_count_bytes <-mkReg(0); // count bytes to be transfered 
+       Wire#(Bool) wr_sdr_clock <-mkDWire(False); // use this to trigger posedge of sclk
+    Reg#(Bool) wr_sdr_delayed <- mkReg(False);
+       Reg#(Bool) wr_instruction_written<-mkDReg(False); // this wire is se when the instruction is written by the AXI Master
+       Reg#(Bool) wr_address_written<-mkDReg(False); // this wire is set when the address is written by the AXI Master
+       Reg#(Bool) wr_read_request_from_AXI<-mkDReg(False); // this wire is set when the address is written by the AXI Master
+       Reg#(Bool) wr_data_written<-mkDReg(False); // this wire is set when the data is written by the AXI Master
+       Reg#(Bool) instruction_sent<-mkReg(False); // This register is set when the instruction has been sent once to the flash
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) ncs <-mkReg(1); // this is the chip select
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) delay_ncs <-mkReg(1); // this is the chip select
+       Wire#(Bool) wr_status_read<-mkDWire(False); // this wire is set when the status register is written
+       Wire#(Bool) wr_data_read<-mkDWire(False); // this wire is set when the data register is written
+       Reg#(Bool) half_cycle_delay<-mkReg(False);
+       Reg#(Bit#(16)) timecounter<-mkReg(0);
+    Reg#(Bool) read_true <- mkReg(False);
+    Reg#(Bool) first_read <- mkReg(False);
+       /*************** End of implementation defined Registers *****************/
+       /*************** List of QSPI defined Registers *****************/
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) sr_busy <-mkConfigReg(0); // set when the operation is in progress.
+       Reg#(Bit#(5)) sr_flevel <-mkReg(0); // FIFO Level. Number of valid bytes held in the FIFO. 0: empty
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) sr_tof <-mkReg(0); // set when the timeout occurs.
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) sr_smf <-mkReg(0); // set when the unmasked receieved data matches psmar. 
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) sr_ftf <-mkReg(0); // set when the FIFO threshold is reached.
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) sr_tcf <-mkReg(0); // set when programmed number of data has been transfered or when aborted.
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) delay_sr_tcf <-mkReg(0); // set when programmed number of data has been transfered or when aborted.
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) sr_tef <-mkReg(0); // set when an error occurs on transfer.
+       Reg#(Bit#(32)) sr = concatReg9(readOnlyReg(19'd0),readOnlyReg(sr_flevel),readOnlyReg(2'd0),readOnlyReg(sr_busy),readOnlyReg(sr_tof),readOnlyReg(sr_smf),readOnlyReg(sr_ftf),readOnlyReg(sr_tcf),readOnlyReg(sr_tef));
+       Reg#(Bit#(8)) prescaler<-mkReg(0);      
+       Reg#(Bit#(8)) cr_prescaler=conditionalWrite(prescaler,sr_busy==0); // prescaler register part of the control register.
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) pmm <-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_pmm =conditionalWrite(pmm,sr_busy==0); // polling match mode. 0: AND match and 1: OR match.
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) apms <-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_apms =conditionalWrite(apms,sr_busy==0); // automatic poll mode stop. 1: stop when match. 0: stopped by disabling qspi.
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_toie <-mkReg(0); // enabled interrupt on time-out.
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_smie <-mkReg(0); // enables status match interrupt.
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_ftie <-mkReg(0); // enables interrupt on FIFO threshold.
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_tcie <-mkReg(0); // enables interrupt on completion of transfer.
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_teie <-mkReg(0); // enables interrupt on error of transfer.
+       Reg#(Bit#(4)) cr_fthres<-mkReg(0); // defines the number of bytes in the FIFO that will cause the FTF in sr to be raised.
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) fsel<-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_fsel=conditionalWrite(fsel,sr_busy==0); // used for flash memory selection TODO: Not required.
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) dfm<-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_dfm =conditionalWrite(dfm,sr_busy==0); // used for dual flash mode TODO: Not required.
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) sshift<-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_sshift =conditionalWrite(sshift,sr_busy==0); // sample shift to account for delays from the flash. TODO: Might not be required.
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) tcen<-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_tcen =conditionalWrite(tcen,sr_busy==0); // enables the timeout counter.
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_dmaen <- mkReg(0); // enables the dma transfer.
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_abort <- mkReg(0); // this bit aborts the ongoing transaction.
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_en <-mkReg(0); // this bit enables the qspi.
+       Reg#(Bit#(32)) cr=concatReg19(cr_prescaler,cr_pmm,cr_apms,readOnlyReg(1'b0),cr_toie,cr_smie,cr_ftie,cr_tcie,cr_teie,readOnlyReg(4'd0),cr_fthres,cr_fsel,cr_dfm,readOnlyReg(1'b0),cr_sshift,cr_tcen,cr_dmaen,cr_abort,cr_en);    
+       Reg#(Bit#(5)) fsize<-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(5)) dcr_fsize =conditionalWrite(fsize,sr_busy==0); // flash memory size.
+       Reg#(Bit#(3)) csht <-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(3)) dcr_csht = conditionalWrite(csht,sr_busy==0); // chip select high time.
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) ckmode <-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) dcr_ckmode =conditionalWrite(ckmode,sr_busy==0); // mode 0 or mode 3.
+    Reg#(Bit#(8))  dcr_mode_byte <- mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(32)) dcr = concatReg7(readOnlyReg(3'd0),dcr_mode_byte,dcr_fsize,readOnlyReg(5'd0),dcr_csht,readOnlyReg(7'd0),dcr_ckmode);
+    Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_mode_bytes = concatReg2(dcr_mode_byte,readOnlyReg(24'd0));
+    Reg#(Bit#(5))  rg_mode_byte_counter <- mkReg('d31);
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) fcr_ctof <-mkReg(0); // writing 1 clears the sr_tof flag.
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) fcr_csmf <-mkReg(0); // writing 1 clears the sr_smf flag.
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) fcr_ctcf <-mkReg(0); // writing 1 clears the sr_tcf flag.
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) fcr_ctef <-mkReg(0); // writing 1 clears the sr_tef flag.
+       Reg#(Bit#(32)) fcr=concatReg6(readOnlyReg(27'd0),clearSideEffect(fcr_ctof,sr_tof._write(0),noAction),clearSideEffect(fcr_csmf,sr_smf._write(0),noAction),readOnlyReg(1'b0),clearSideEffect(fcr_ctcf,sr_tcf._write(0),delay_sr_tcf._write(0)),clearSideEffect(fcr_ctef,sr_tef._write(0),noAction));
+       Reg#(Bit#(32)) data_length<-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(32)) dlr=conditionalWrite(data_length,sr_busy==0); // data length register
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) ddrm<-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) ccr_ddrm =conditionalWrite(ddrm,sr_busy==0); // double data rate mode.
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) dhhc <-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) ccr_dhhc =conditionalWrite(dhhc,sr_busy==0); // delay output by 1/4 in DDR mode. TODO: Not required.
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) sioo <-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(1)) ccr_sioo =conditionalWrite(sioo,sr_busy==0); // send instruction based on mode selected.
+       Reg#(Bit#(2)) fmode <-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(2)) ccr_fmode =conditionalWrite(fmode,sr_busy==0); // 00: indirect Read, 01: indirect Write, 10: Auto polling, 11: MMapped.
+       Reg#(Bit#(2)) dmode <-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(2)) ccr_dmode =conditionalWrite(dmode,sr_busy==0); // data mode. 01: single line, 10: two line, 11: four lines.
+       Reg#(Bit#(5)) dcyc <-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(5)) ccr_dcyc  =conditionalWrite(dcyc,sr_busy==0); // number of dummy cycles.
+       Reg#(Bit#(2)) absize <-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(2)) ccr_absize=conditionalWrite(absize,sr_busy==0); // number of alternate byte sizes.
+       Reg#(Bit#(2)) abmode <-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(2)) ccr_abmode=conditionalWrite(abmode,sr_busy==0); // alternate byte mode.
+       Reg#(Bit#(2)) adsize <-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(2)) ccr_adsize=conditionalWrite(adsize,sr_busy==0); // address size.
+       Reg#(Bit#(2)) admode <-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(2)) ccr_admode=conditionalWrite(admode,sr_busy==0); // address mode.
+       Reg#(Bit#(2)) imode <-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(2)) ccr_imode =conditionalWrite(imode,sr_busy==0); // instruction mode.
+       Reg#(Bit#(8)) instruction <-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(8)) ccr_instruction =conditionalWrite(instruction,sr_busy==0); // instruction to be sent externally.
+    Reg#(Bit#(1)) ccr_dummy_confirmation <- mkReg(0); //Programming Dummy confirmation bit needed by Micron model to trigger XIP mode
+    Reg#(Bit#(1)) ccr_dummy_bit <- mkReg(0); //Dummy bit to be sent
+       Reg#(Bit#(32)) ccr =writeCCREffect(concatReg14(ccr_ddrm,ccr_dhhc,ccr_dummy_bit,ccr_sioo,ccr_fmode,ccr_dmode,ccr_dummy_confirmation,ccr_dcyc,ccr_absize,ccr_abmode,ccr_adsize,ccr_admode,ccr_imode,ccr_instruction),wr_instruction_written._write(True),first_read._write(True));
+       Reg#(Bit#(32)) mm_data_length <-mkConfigReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(28)) mm_address <-mkConfigReg(0);
+    Reg#(Bit#(28)) rg_prev_addr <- mkConfigReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_address <-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(32)) ar =conditionalWrite(writeSideEffect(rg_address,wr_address_written._write(True)),sr_busy==0 && ccr_fmode!='b11); // address register
+       Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_alternatebyte_reg<-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(32)) abr=conditionalWrite(rg_alternatebyte_reg,sr_busy==0); // alternate byte register
+       Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_data <-mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(32)) dr =writeSideEffect(rg_data,wr_data_written._write(True)); // data register
+       Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_psmkr <-mkReg(0); 
+       Reg#(Bit#(32)) psmkr =conditionalWrite(rg_psmkr,sr_busy==0); // polling status mask register
+       Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_psmar <-mkReg(0); 
+       Reg#(Bit#(32)) psmar =conditionalWrite(rg_psmar,sr_busy==0); // polling statue match register
+       Reg#(Bit#(16)) pir_interval <-mkReg(0); // polling interval
+       Reg#(Bit#(32)) pir =conditionalWrite(concatReg2(readOnlyReg(16'd0),pir_interval),sr_busy==0); // polling interval register
+       Reg#(Bit#(16)) lptr_timeout <-mkReg(0); // timeout period
+       Reg#(Bit#(32)) lptr =conditionalWrite(concatReg2(readOnlyReg(16'd0),lptr_timeout),sr_busy==0); // low power timeout register.
+    Reg#(Bool) thres <- mkReg(False);
+    Reg#(Bit#(32)) sdio0r   <- mkReg(32'h00000073);
+    Reg#(Bit#(32)) sdio1r   <- mkReg(32'h00000073);
+    Reg#(Bit#(32)) sdio2r   <- mkReg(32'h00000073);
+    Reg#(Bit#(32)) sdio3r   <- mkReg(32'h00000073);
+    Reg#(Bool) rg_request_ready <- mkReg(True);
+    Bool ddr_clock = ((wr_sdr_clock&&!wr_sdr_delayed)||(!wr_sdr_clock&&wr_sdr_delayed));
+       Bool transfer_cond  =  (sr_busy==1 && cr_abort==0 && cr_en==1);
+    Bool clock_cond = ((wr_sdr_clock && ccr_ddrm==0) || (ddr_clock && ccr_ddrm==1));
+    Bool qspi_flush = (cr_abort==1 || cr_en==0);
+    /*************** End of QSPI defined Registers *****************/
+  function Reg#(Bit#(32)) access_register(Bit#(8) address);
+   Reg#(Bit#(32)) register=(
+    case(address)
+                `CR         : cr;
+                `DCR        : dcr;
+                `FCR        : fcr;
+                `DLR        : dlr;
+                `CCR        : ccr;
+                `AR         : ar;
+                `ABR        : abr;
+                `DR         : dr;
+                `SR         : sr; 
+                `PSMKR      : psmkr; 
+                `PSMAR      : psmar; 
+                `PIR        : pir;
+                `LPTR       : lptr;
+                `SDIO0      : sdio0r;
+                `SDIO1      : sdio1r;
+                `SDIO2      : sdio2r;
+                `SDIO3      : sdio3r;
+                default:  readOnlyReg(0);
+    endcase
+    ); 
+    return register;
+  endfunction
+       /* This function defines the next phase that needs to be executed. indicates if
+       the operation is over and also the value of rg_count_bits for the next phase*/
+       function Tuple3#(Bit#(32),Bit#(1),Phase) phase_change(Phase current_phase, Bit#(32) count_val, Bit#(1) smf);
+               Phase next_phase=Idle;
+               if(current_phase==Idle)
+                       next_phase=Instruction_phase;
+               if(current_phase==Instruction_phase)
+                       next_phase=Address_phase;
+               if(current_phase==Address_phase)
+                       next_phase=AlternateByte_phase;
+               if(current_phase==AlternateByte_phase)
+                       next_phase=Dummy_phase;
+               if(current_phase==Dummy_phase)
+                       next_phase=(ccr_fmode=='b00)?DataWrite_phase:DataRead_phase;
+               if(current_phase==DataRead_phase)begin
+                       if(ccr_fmode=='b01 || ccr_fmode=='b10) // indirect modes
+                               next_phase=Idle;
+                       else if(ccr_fmode=='b10) // auto-status polling mode
+                               if(smf==1)
+                                       next_phase=Idle;
+                               else
+                                       next_phase=Dummy_phase;
+            else
+                next_phase=DataRead_phase; //Memory Mapped mode
+               end
+               if(current_phase==DataWrite_phase)
+                       next_phase=Idle;
+               if(next_phase==Instruction_phase && (ccr_imode==0||(ccr_sioo==1 && instruction_sent))) // if single instruction mode or no instruction mode
+                       next_phase=Address_phase;
+               if(next_phase==Address_phase && ccr_admode==0)
+                       next_phase=AlternateByte_phase;
+               if(next_phase==AlternateByte_phase && ccr_abmode==0)
+                       next_phase=Dummy_phase;
+               if(next_phase==Dummy_phase && ccr_dcyc==0)
+                       next_phase=ccr_fmode==0?DataWrite_phase:DataRead_phase;
+               if(next_phase==Dummy_phase && (ccr_fmode=='b10 && pir_interval==0))begin // TODO Check if this is correct or needs more logic.
+                       next_phase=Instruction_phase;
+               end
+               if((next_phase==DataWrite_phase || next_phase==DataRead_phase) && ccr_dmode==0 && ccr_fmode!='b11)begin
+                       if(ccr_fmode=='b01 || ccr_fmode=='b00)
+                               next_phase=Idle;
+                       else if(ccr_fmode=='b10)
+                               if(smf==1)
+                                       next_phase=Idle;
+                               else
+                                       next_phase=Dummy_phase;
+               end
+               if(next_phase==Instruction_phase)begin
+                       count_val=8;
+               end
+               if(next_phase==Address_phase)begin
+                       count_val=(ccr_fmode=='b11)?32:(case(ccr_adsize)        0:8;    1:16;   2:24;   3:32; endcase);
+               end
+               if(next_phase==AlternateByte_phase)begin
+                       count_val=(case(ccr_absize)     0:8;    1:16;   2:24;   3:32; endcase);
+               end
+               if(next_phase==Dummy_phase)begin
+                       count_val=(ccr_fmode=='b10)? zeroExtend(pir_interval):zeroExtend(ccr_dcyc);
+               end
+               if(next_phase==DataWrite_phase)begin
+                       count_val=8;
+               end
+               if(next_phase==DataRead_phase)begin
+                       count_val=0;
+               end
+               Bit#(1) tcf=0;
+               if(current_phase!=Idle && next_phase==Idle && (ccr_fmode=='b00 || ccr_fmode=='b01))begin // only in indirect mode raise completion of transfer TODO remove ccr_fmode=='b11 from this line.
+                       tcf=1;
+               end
+               return tuple3(count_val,tcf,next_phase);
+       endfunction
+       Wrapper3#(Phase,Bit#(32),Bit#(1),Tuple3#(Bit#(32),Bit#(1),Phase)) change_phase<-mkUniqueWrapper3(phase_change);
+       /* This rule receives the write request from the AXI and updates the relevant
+       QSPI register set using the lower 12 bits as address map */
+       rule rl_write_request_from_AXI;
+       let aw <- pop_o (s_xactor.o_wr_addr);
+    let w  <- pop_o (s_xactor.o_wr_data);
+    AXI4_Lite_Resp axi4_bresp = AXI4_LITE_OKAY;
+    if(ccr_fmode=='b11 && aw.awaddr[7:0]==`DR) begin  //Undefined behavior when written into integral fields in CR, CCR!!!
+         axi4_bresp = AXI4_LITE_SLVERR;
+         `ifdef verbose $display("Sending AXI4_LITE_SLVERR because store in memory mapped mode and not clearing Interrupt Flags"); `endif
+    end
+    `ifdef verbose $display($time,"\tReceived AXI write request to Address: %h Data: %h Size: %h",aw.awaddr,w.wdata,aw.awsize); `endif
+      if(aw.awaddr[7:0]==`DR)begin
+                       if(aw.awsize==0)begin
+                               dr[7:0]<=w.wdata[7:0];
+                               Vector#(4,Bit#(8)) temp=newVector();
+                               temp[0]=w.wdata[7:0];
+                               if(fifo.enqReadyN(1))
+                                       fifo.enq(1,temp);
+                       end
+                       else if(aw.awsize==1)begin
+                               dr[15:0]<=w.wdata[15:0];
+                               Vector#(4,Bit#(8)) temp = newVector();
+                               temp[0]=w.wdata[7:0];
+                               temp[1]=w.wdata[15:8];
+                               if(fifo.enqReadyN(2))
+                                       fifo.enq(2,temp);
+                       end
+                       else if(aw.awsize==2)begin
+                               dr<=w.wdata[31:0];
+                               Vector#(4,Bit#(8)) temp = newVector();
+                               temp[3]=w.wdata[31:24];
+                               temp[2]=w.wdata[23:16];
+                               temp[1]=w.wdata[15:8];
+                               temp[0]=w.wdata[7:0];
+                               if(fifo.enqReadyN(4))
+                                       fifo.enq(4,temp);
+                       end
+            else begin 
+                axi4_bresp = AXI4_LITE_SLVERR;
+                `ifdef verbose $display("Sending AXI4_LITE_SLVERR because DR awsize is 64-bit"); `endif
+            end
+               end
+               else begin
+                       let reg1=access_register(aw.awaddr[7:0]);
+            `ifdef verbose $display("Write Reg access: %h Write Data: %h Size: %h",aw.awaddr[7:0],w.wdata,aw.awsize); `endif
+            //Byte and Half-Word Writes are not permitted in ConfigReg Space
+                       if(aw.awsize==2) // 32 bits
+                               reg1<=w.wdata[31:0];
+            else begin 
+                axi4_bresp = AXI4_LITE_SLVERR;
+                `ifdef verbose $display("Sending SLVERR because Accessed register's awsize was different"); `endif
+               end
+               end
+         let b = AXI4_Lite_Wr_Resp {bresp: axi4_bresp, buser: aw.awuser};
+    s_xactor.i_wr_resp.enq (b);
+       endrule
+       /* This rule receives the read request from the AXI and responds with the relevant
+       QSPI register set using the lower 12 bits as address map */
+    (*descending_urgency="rl_read_request_from_AXI,rl_write_request_from_AXI"*) //experimental
+       rule rl_read_request_from_AXI(rg_request_ready==True);
+               let axir<- pop_o(s_xactor.o_rd_addr);
+        Bool request_ready = True;
+        `ifdef verbose $display($time,"\tReceived AXI read request to Address: %h Size: %h",axir.araddr,axir.arsize); `endif
+               if((axir.araddr[27:0]>=`STARTMM && axir.araddr[27:0]<=`ENDMM) && axir.araddr[31]==1'b1)begin // memory mapped space
+            wr_read_request_from_AXI<=True;   //Could this lead to some error? Need to think about this, without fail
+            AXI4_Lite_Resp axi4_rresp = AXI4_LITE_OKAY;
+                       mm_address<=truncate(axir.araddr);
+            Bit#(4) data_length = axir.arsize==0?1:axir.arsize==1?2:axir.arsize==2?4:8; 
+                       mm_data_length<= zeroExtend(data_length);
+            Bit#(28) address_limit = 1 << dcr_fsize;
+            //It is forbidden to access the flash bank area before the SPI is properly configured -- fmode is '11??
+            //If not sending a SLVERR now if the mode is not memory mapped and if an access is made outside allowed
+            if(ccr_fmode!='b11 || axir.araddr[27:0] > address_limit) begin
+                `ifdef verbose $display("Sending Slave Error ccr_fmode: %h mm_address: %h address_limit: %h dcr_fsize: %h",ccr_fmode,mm_address,address_limit, dcr_fsize); `endif
+                axi4_rresp = AXI4_LITE_SLVERR;
+                let r = AXI4_Lite_Rd_Data {rresp: axi4_rresp, rdata: 0 , ruser: 0};
+               s_xactor.i_rd_data.enq(r);
+                axi4_rresp = AXI4_LITE_SLVERR;
+                rg_phase <= Idle; //Will this work?
+                cr_en <= 0;
+                sr_busy <= 0;
+                ncs <= 1;     //Just resetting all the parameters, just in case. Should Ask Neel
+                first_read <= True;
+            end
+            else if(sr_busy==1 ||thres) begin //Bus is busy with Memory mapped maybe?
+                `ifdef verbose $display($time,"sr_busy: %d, thres: %d rg_prev_addr: %h axir.araddr: %h fifo_count: %d", sr_busy, thres, rg_prev_addr, axir.araddr, fifo.count); `endif
+                Bit#(28) eff_addr = rg_prev_addr + zeroExtend(data_length);
+                if((eff_addr!= truncate(axir.araddr)) || pack(fifo.count)==0 || ccr_dummy_bit==1'b1) begin
+                    `ifdef verbose  $display($time,"Not Equal eff_addr: %h mm_address : %h axir.araddr: %h rg_prev_addr: %h data_length : %h sum : %h fifo.count: %h ccr_dummy_bit: %h",eff_addr,mm_address,axir.araddr,rg_prev_addr,data_length,rg_prev_addr+zeroExtend(data_length),pack(fifo.count),ccr_dummy_bit); `endif
+                    sr_busy<=0;
+                    rg_phase<=Idle;
+                    ncs<=1;
+                    fifo.clear();
+                    thres <= False;
+                    //$display($time,"Setting Thres to FALSE");
+                    first_read <= True;
+                    request_ready = False;
+                end
+                else if(!first_read) begin
+                    request_ready = True;
+                    rg_prev_addr <= truncate(axir.araddr);
+                    Bit#(32) reg1 = 0;
+                   if(axir.arsize==0) begin // 8 bits
+                                       if(fifo.deqReadyN(1))begin
+                                               let temp=fifo.first[0];
+                                               reg1=duplicate(temp);
+                                               fifo.deq(1);
+                                       end
+                                   end
+                                   else if(axir.arsize==1) begin // 16 bits
+                                       if(fifo.deqReadyN(2)) begin
+                                               let temp={fifo.first[0],fifo.first[1]};
+                                               reg1=duplicate(temp);
+                                               fifo.deq(2);
+                                       end
+                                   end
+                                   else if(axir.arsize==2) begin // 32 bits
+                                       if(fifo.deqReadyN(4)) begin
+                                               let temp={fifo.first[0],fifo.first[1],fifo.first[2],fifo.first[3]};
+                                               reg1=duplicate(temp);
+                                               fifo.deq(4);
+                                       end
+                                   end
+                    else 
+                        axi4_rresp = AXI4_LITE_SLVERR;
+                        `ifdef verbose $display("Sending Response to the core: reg1: %h", reg1); `endif
+                   let r = AXI4_Lite_Rd_Data {rresp: axi4_rresp, rdata: duplicate(reg1) , ruser: 0};
+                   s_xactor.i_rd_data.enq(r);
+                end
+            end
+        end
+               else begin
+                       let reg1=access_register(axir.araddr[7:0]);
+            `ifdef verbose $display("Reg Read Access: %h arsize: %h",axir.araddr[7:0], axir.arsize); `endif
+                       if(axir.araddr[7:0]==`SR)
+                               wr_status_read<=True;
+                       if(axir.araddr[7:0]==`DR)begin // accessing the data register for read.
+                `ifdef verbose $display("Accessed DR fifo_count : %d axi.arsize: %d", fifo.count, axir.arsize); `endif
+                               if(ccr_fmode=='b10) 
+                                       wr_data_read<=True;
+                               if(axir.arsize==0) begin // 8 bits
+                                       if(fifo.deqReadyN(1))begin
+                                               let temp=fifo.first[0];
+                                               reg1=duplicate(temp);
+                                               fifo.deq(1);
+                                       end
+                               end
+                               else if(axir.arsize==1) begin // 16 bits
+                                       if(fifo.deqReadyN(2)) begin
+                                               let temp={fifo.first[0],fifo.first[1]};
+                                               reg1=duplicate(temp);
+                                               fifo.deq(2);
+                                       end
+                               end
+                               else /*if(axir.arsize==2)*/ begin // 32 bits -- Even if the request is a long int, respond with int since that's the max we can do
+                                       if(fifo.deqReadyN(4)) begin
+                                               let temp={fifo.first[0],fifo.first[1],fifo.first[2],fifo.first[3]};
+                                               reg1=duplicate(temp);
+                                               fifo.deq(4);
+                                       end
+                               end
+                       end
+            `ifdef verbose $display("Sending Response : reg1: %x", reg1); `endif
+       let r = AXI4_Lite_Rd_Data {rresp: AXI4_LITE_OKAY, rdata: duplicate(reg1) ,ruser: 0};
+        request_ready = True;
+       s_xactor.i_rd_data.enq(r);
+               end
+        rg_request_ready <= request_ready;
+        `ifdef verbose $display($time,"QSPI: Is Request ready? : %h",request_ready); `endif
+       endrule
+       rule timeout_counter;
+               if(cr_tcen==1 && sr_tof==0) // timecounter is enabled
+                       if(timecounter==lptr_timeout[15:0])begin
+                               timecounter<=0;
+                               sr_tof<=1;
+                       end
+                       else
+                               timecounter<=timecounter+1;
+       endrule
+       rule delayed_sr_tcf_signal(transfer_cond && 
+               ((ccr_ddrm==1 && ddr_clock && (ccr_admode!=0 || ccr_dmode!=0)) || wr_sdr_clock));
+               sr_tcf<=delay_sr_tcf;
+       endrule
+       rule delayed_ncs_generation;
+               delay_ncs<=ncs;
+       endrule
+    rule delay_sdr;
+        wr_sdr_delayed <= wr_sdr_clock;
+    endrule
+    /* This rule generates the clk signal. The Prescaler register defines the 
+       division factor wrt to the Global clock. The prescaler will only work when the
+       chip select is low i.e when the operation has been initiated. */
+       rule rl_generate_clk_from_master;
+               if(delay_ncs==1)begin
+                       rg_clk_counter<=0;
+                       rg_clk<=dcr_ckmode;
+            `ifdef verbose1 $display("dcr_ckmode: %h",dcr_ckmode); `endif
+               end
+               else begin
+                       let half_clock_value=cr_prescaler>>1;
+                       if(cr_prescaler[0]==0)begin // odd division
+                               if(rg_clk_counter<=half_clock_value)
+                                       rg_clk<=0;
+                               else
+                                       rg_clk<=1;
+                               if(rg_clk_counter==cr_prescaler)
+                                       rg_clk_counter<=0;
+                               else
+                                       rg_clk_counter<=rg_clk_counter+1;
+                               if(rg_clk_counter == half_clock_value || rg_clk_counter==cr_prescaler)begin
+                                       wr_sdr_clock<=rg_phase==DataRead_phase?unpack(~rg_clk):unpack(rg_clk);
+                               end
+                       end
+                       else begin // even division
+                               if(rg_clk_counter==half_clock_value)begin
+                                       rg_clk<=~rg_clk;
+                                       rg_clk_counter<=0;
+                                       wr_sdr_clock<=rg_phase==DataRead_phase?unpack(~rg_clk):unpack(rg_clk);
+                               end
+                               else if(delay_ncs==0)
+                                       rg_clk_counter<=rg_clk_counter+1;
+                       end
+               end
+       endrule
+       /* update the status flag on each cycle */
+       rule rl_update_fifo_level;
+               sr_flevel<=pack(fifo.count);
+       endrule
+       /* set the fifo threshold flag when the FIFO level is equal to the FTHRESH value */
+    (*preempts="rl_set_busy_signal,rl_update_threshold_flag"*)
+       rule rl_update_threshold_flag;
+                       if(ccr_fmode=='b00)begin// indirect write mode
+                               sr_ftf<=pack(16-pack(fifo.count)>={1'b0,cr_fthres}+1);
+                       end
+                       else if(ccr_fmode=='b01) begin
+                               sr_ftf<=pack(pack(fifo.count)>=({1'b0,cr_fthres}+1)); 
+                `ifdef verbose1 $display("fifo count: %d fthres: %d",fifo.count,cr_fthres); `endif
+                       end
+                       else if(ccr_fmode=='b10 && wr_status_read)begin // auto_status polling mode
+                               sr_ftf<=1;
+                       end
+                       else if(ccr_fmode=='b10 && wr_data_read)begin // auto_status polling mode
+                               sr_ftf<=0;
+                       end
+            else if(ccr_fmode=='b11 && pack(fifo.count)>={1'b0,cr_fthres}+1) begin
+                ncs<=1;
+                sr_busy<=0;
+                rg_phase<=Idle; // Will this work?
+                thres<= True;
+                rg_request_ready <= True;
+             //   $display($time,"THRES is being set to TRUE kyaaaa?");
+            end
+       endrule
+       /* If abort is raised or the QSPI is disabled go back to Idle Phase*/
+    //(*descending_urgency = "if_abort,rl_read_request_from_AXI"*)
+    //(*descending_urgency = "if_abort,rl_write_request_from_AXI"*)
+    (*preempts = "if_abort,rl_update_threshold_flag"*)
+       rule if_abort(qspi_flush);
+        //$display("Received Abort or Disable request, going to idle");
+               rg_phase<=Idle;
+        ncs <= 1;
+        sr_busy <= 0;
+        thres <= False;
+        read_true <= False;
+        first_read <= False;
+        instruction_sent <= False;
+        half_cycle_delay <= False;
+        fifo.clear();  //What if its already empty? clearing the fifo, so doesn't matter 
+       endrule
+       /*operate the busy signal in different mode */
+       rule rl_reset_busy_signal(sr_busy==1);
+               if(cr_abort==1)begin
+                       sr_busy<=0;
+                       ncs<=1;
+               end
+               else if(ccr_fmode=='b00 || ccr_fmode=='b01)begin // indirect write or read mode;
+                       if(/*fifo.count==0 &&*/ sr_tcf==1)begin // if FIFO is empty and the transaction is complete
+                               sr_busy<=0;
+                               ncs<=1;
+                       end
+               end
+               else if(ccr_fmode=='b10)begin // automatic polling mode
+                       if(sr_smf==1)begin 
+                               sr_busy<=0;
+                               ncs<=1;
+                       end
+               end
+               else if(ccr_fmode=='b11)begin
+                       if(sr_tof==1 || cr_en==0 || cr_abort==1) begin// timeout event
+                               sr_busy<=0;
+                               ncs<=1;
+                       end
+               end
+       endrule
+    (*descending_urgency="rl_set_busy_signal,rl_read_request_from_AXI"*)
+    (*descending_urgency="rl_set_busy_signal,rl_write_request_from_AXI"*)
+       rule rl_set_busy_signal(sr_busy==0 && rg_phase==Idle && cr_abort==0 && cr_en==1);
+               rg_output_en<=0;
+               instruction_sent<=False;
+               `ifdef verbose1 $display($time,"\tWaiting for change in phase wr_read_request_from_AXI: %b ccr_fmode: %h thres: %h",wr_read_request_from_AXI,ccr_fmode,thres); `endif
+               if(wr_instruction_written)begin
+                       sr_busy<=1;
+                       ncs<=0;
+                       rg_phase<=Instruction_phase;
+                       rg_count_bits<=8;
+               end
+               else if((wr_address_written && ccr_admode!=0 && (ccr_fmode=='b01 || ccr_dmode=='d0 || ccr_fmode=='b10))|| (wr_data_written && ccr_admode!=0 && ccr_dmode!=0 && ccr_fmode=='b00))begin
+                       sr_busy<=1; // start some transaction
+            `ifdef verbose $display("Address Written and going to Some mode"); `endif
+            ncs<=0;
+                       let {x,y,z}<-change_phase.func(rg_phase,0,0);
+                       rg_count_bits<=x;
+                       rg_count_bytes<=0;
+                       rg_phase<=z;
+            `ifdef verbose $display("Mode is :",fshow(z),"Count_bits : %d",x); `endif 
+            if(z==DataRead_phase)
+                read_true <= True;
+               end
+               else if(wr_read_request_from_AXI && ccr_fmode=='b11 && !thres)begin // memory-mapped mode.
+            `ifdef verbose $display("Entering Memory mapped mode"); `endif
+                       sr_busy<=1;
+                       ncs<=0;
+                       let {x,y,z}<-change_phase.func(rg_phase,0,0);
+                       rg_count_bits<=x;
+                       rg_count_bytes<=0;
+                       rg_phase<=z;
+            `ifdef verbose $display("rg_phase :",fshow(z)); `endif
+            if(z==DataRead_phase)
+                read_true <= True;
+               end
+       endrule
+       /* This rule generates the error signal interrupt in different scenarios */
+       rule set_error_signal;
+               Bit#(32) actual_address=1<<(dcr_fsize);
+               if(wr_address_written && ar>actual_address && (ccr_fmode=='b00 || ccr_fmode=='b01))
+                       sr_tef<=1;
+               else if(wr_address_written && ar+dlr>actual_address &&(ccr_fmode=='b00 || ccr_fmode=='b01))
+                       sr_tef<=1;
+               else if(wr_address_written)
+                       sr_tef<=0;
+       endrule
+       /* Rule to transfer the instruction of 8-bits outside. THe size of instruction is fixed
+       to 8 bits by protocol. Instruction phase will always be in SDR mode */
+       rule rl_transfer_instruction(rg_phase==Instruction_phase && transfer_cond && wr_sdr_clock && !qspi_flush);
+               Bool end_of_phase=False;
+               let reverse_instruction=ccr_instruction;
+               let count_val=rg_count_bits;
+               `ifdef verbose1 $display("Executing Instruction Phase SPI Mode: %b Count_bits: %d InstructionReverse: %h",ccr_imode,rg_count_bits,reverse_instruction); `endif
+               Bit#(4) enable_o=0;
+               if(ccr_imode=='b01)begin // single spi mode;
+                       enable_o=4'b1101;
+                       rg_output<={1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,reverse_instruction[rg_count_bits-1]};
+                       if(rg_count_bits==1)begin// end of instruction stream
+                               end_of_phase=True;
+                       end
+                       else
+                               count_val=rg_count_bits-1;
+               end
+               else if (ccr_imode=='b10)begin // dual mode;
+                       enable_o=4'b1111;
+                       rg_output<={1'b1,1'b0,reverse_instruction[rg_count_bits-1:rg_count_bits-2]};
+                       if(rg_count_bits==2)begin// end of instruction stream
+                               end_of_phase=True;
+                       end
+                       else
+                               count_val=rg_count_bits-2;
+               end
+               else if (ccr_imode=='b11)begin // quad mode;
+                       enable_o=4'b1111;
+                       rg_output<=reverse_instruction[rg_count_bits-1:rg_count_bits-4];
+                       if(rg_count_bits==4)begin// end of instruction stream
+                               end_of_phase=True;
+                       end
+                       else
+                               count_val=rg_count_bits-4;
+               end
+               if(end_of_phase || ccr_imode==0)begin // end of instruction or no instruction phase
+                       let {x,y,z}<-change_phase.func(rg_phase,count_val,0);
+                       instruction_sent<=True;
+                       rg_count_bits<=x;
+                       delay_sr_tcf<=y;
+                       rg_phase<=z;
+                       rg_count_bytes<=0;
+      if(ccr_ddrm==1)
+         half_cycle_delay<=True;
+         if(z==DataRead_phase)
+             read_true <= True;
+               end
+               else
+                       rg_count_bits<=count_val;
+               rg_output_en<=enable_o;
+       endrule
+       /* Rule to transfer the address bits of address outside. The size of address is 
+       defined by the ccr_adsize register in ccr */
+       rule rl_transfer_address(rg_phase==Address_phase && transfer_cond  && clock_cond && !qspi_flush);
+    if(half_cycle_delay) begin
+       half_cycle_delay<=False;
+       read_true <= True;    //A workaround for the delay .. For DDR mode, the clock should be pushed one cycle and not half
+    end
+    else if(read_true)
+        read_true <= False;
+    else begin
+                 Bool end_of_phase=False;
+                       Bit#(4) enable_o=0;
+                 let count_val=rg_count_bits;
+                       Bit#(32) address=(ccr_fmode=='b11)?zeroExtend(mm_address):ar;
+            rg_prev_addr <= truncate(address);
+            `ifdef verbose1 $display($time,"Executing Address Phase SPI Mode: %b Address Size: %d Count_bits: %d Address: %b",ccr_admode,ccr_adsize,rg_count_bits,address); `endif 
+                 if(ccr_admode=='b01)begin // single spi mode;
+                       enable_o=4'b1101;
+                       rg_output<={1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,address[rg_count_bits-1]};
+            `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Single: Sending Address bit %h bit_number: %d total_address: %h",rg_count_bits-1,address[rg_count_bits-1],address); `endif
+                       if(rg_count_bits==1)begin// end of address stream
+                               end_of_phase=True;
+                       end
+                       else
+                               count_val=rg_count_bits-1;
+                 end
+                 else if (ccr_admode=='b10)begin // dual mode;
+                       enable_o=4'b1111;
+                       rg_output<={1'b1,1'b0,address[rg_count_bits-1:rg_count_bits-2]};
+            `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Double: Sending Address bit %h bit_number: %d total_address: %h",rg_count_bits-1,address[rg_count_bits-1],address); `endif
+                       if(rg_count_bits==2)begin// end of address stream
+                               end_of_phase=True;
+                       end
+                       else
+                               count_val=rg_count_bits-2;
+                 end
+                 else if (ccr_admode=='b11)begin // quad mode;
+                       enable_o=4'b1111;
+                       rg_output<=address[rg_count_bits-1:rg_count_bits-4];
+            `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Quad: Sending Address bit %h bit_number: %d total_address: %h",rg_count_bits-1,address[rg_count_bits-1],address); `endif
+                       if(rg_count_bits==4)begin// end of address stream
+                               end_of_phase=True;
+                       end
+                       else
+                               count_val=rg_count_bits-4;
+                 end
+                 if(end_of_phase || ccr_admode==0)begin // end of address phase
+                       let {x,y,z}<-change_phase.func(rg_phase,count_val,0);
+                       rg_count_bits<=x;
+                       delay_sr_tcf<=y;
+                       rg_phase<=z;
+                       rg_count_bytes<=0;
+                   if(z==DataRead_phase)
+             read_true <= True;
+          end
+                 else
+                       rg_count_bits<=count_val;
+                       rg_output_en<=enable_o;
+    end
+       endrule
+       /* Rule to transfer the alternate bytes. The size of alternate bytes is 
+       defined by the ccr_absize register in ccr */
+       rule rl_transfer_alternatebytes(rg_phase==AlternateByte_phase && transfer_cond && clock_cond && !qspi_flush);
+               Bool end_of_phase=False;
+               let count_val=rg_count_bits;
+               `ifdef verbose1 $display("Executing AltByte Phase SPI Mode: %b AltByte Size: %d Count_bits: %d AltByte: %b",ccr_abmode,ccr_absize,rg_count_bits,abr); `endif
+               Bit#(4) enable_o=0;
+               if(ccr_abmode=='b01)begin // single spi mode;
+                       enable_o=4'b1101;
+                       rg_output<={1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,abr[rg_count_bits-1]};
+                       if(rg_count_bits==1)begin// end of instruction stream
+                               end_of_phase=True;
+                       end
+                       else
+                               count_val=rg_count_bits-1;
+               end
+               else if (ccr_abmode=='b10)begin // dual mode;
+                       enable_o=4'b1111;
+                       rg_output<={1'b1,1'b0,abr[rg_count_bits-1:rg_count_bits-2]};
+                       if(rg_count_bits==2)begin// end of instruction stream
+                               end_of_phase=True;
+                       end
+                       else
+                               count_val=rg_count_bits-2;
+               end
+               else if (ccr_abmode=='b11)begin // quad mode;
+                       enable_o=4'b1111;
+                       rg_output<=abr[rg_count_bits-1:rg_count_bits-4];
+                       if(rg_count_bits==4)begin// end of instruction stream
+                               end_of_phase=True;
+                       end
+                       else
+                               count_val=rg_count_bits-4;
+               end
+               if(end_of_phase || ccr_abmode==0)begin // end of alternate byte phase
+                       let {x,y,z}<-change_phase.func(rg_phase,count_val,0);
+                       rg_count_bits<=x;
+                       delay_sr_tcf<=y;
+                       rg_phase<=z;
+                       rg_count_bytes<=0;
+                   if(z==DataRead_phase)
+             read_true <= True;end
+               else
+                       rg_count_bits<=count_val;
+               rg_output_en<=enable_o;
+       endrule
+    rule rl_transfer_dummy_cycle(rg_phase==Dummy_phase && transfer_cond && wr_sdr_clock && !qspi_flush);
+        let {x,y,z} <- change_phase.func(rg_phase,rg_count_bits,0);
+        Bit#(5) count_val = rg_mode_byte_counter;
+        Bit#(4) enable_o = rg_output_en;
+        `ifdef verbose $display("\t Executing Dummy Phase: rg_mode_bytes: %b rg_mode_byte_counter: %d",rg_mode_bytes, rg_mode_byte_counter); `endif
+        if(ccr_dmode==1) begin
+          if(ccr_dummy_confirmation==1) begin
+            //rg_output_en <= 4'b1101;
+            enable_o = 4'b1101;
+            rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,rg_mode_bytes[rg_mode_byte_counter]};
+            if(count_val!=0)
+                count_val = count_val - 1;
+            else
+                enable_o = 4'b0000;
+          end
+          else begin
+            //rg_output_en <= 4'b1101;
+            enable_o = 4'b1101;
+            rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0};
+          end
+        end
+        else if(ccr_dmode==2) begin
+          if(ccr_dummy_confirmation==1) begin
+            //rg_output_en <= 4'b1111;
+            enable_o = 4'b1111;
+            rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,rg_mode_bytes[rg_mode_byte_counter:rg_mode_byte_counter-1]};
+            if(count_val!=0)
+                count_val = count_val - 2;
+            else
+                enable_o = 4'b0000;
+          end
+          else begin
+            //rg_output_en <= 4'b1100;
+            enable_o = 4'b1100;
+            rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0};
+          end
+        end
+        else begin
+           if(ccr_dummy_confirmation==1) begin
+            //rg_output_en <= 4'b1111;
+            enable_o = 4'b1111;
+            rg_output <= rg_mode_bytes[rg_mode_byte_counter:rg_mode_byte_counter-3];
+            if(count_val!=3)
+                 count_val = count_val - 4;
+            else
+                enable_o = 4'b0000;
+           end
+           else begin
+               //rg_output_en <= 4'b0000;
+               enable_o = 4'b0000;
+           end
+        end
+        if(rg_count_bits==0 || (rg_count_bits==1 && z!=DataRead_phase))begin // end of dummy cycles;
+                       delay_sr_tcf<=y;
+                       rg_phase<=z;
+            `ifdef verbose $display("From Dummy to :",fshow(z)); `endif
+                       if(z==DataRead_phase)
+                read_true <= True;
+               rg_count_bytes<=0;
+                       rg_count_bits<=x;
+            rg_mode_byte_counter <= 'd-1;  //All ones
+            if(ccr_ddrm==1)
+                half_cycle_delay<=True;
+               end
+               else begin
+                       rg_count_bits<=rg_count_bits-1;
+            rg_mode_byte_counter <= count_val;
+            rg_output_en <= enable_o;
+               end
+        endrule
+       /* Rule to transfer the dummy_cycles. The size of dummy cycles is 
+       defined by the ccr_dcyc register in ccr. The number of dummy cycles should be calculated of
+       the complete cycle even in DDR mode hence using sdr clock*/
+/*     rule rl_transfer_dummy_cycle(rg_phase==Dummy_phase && transfer_cond && wr_sdr_clock && !qspi_flush);
+               let {x,y,z}<-change_phase.func(rg_phase,rg_count_bits,0);
+        `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Executing Dummy Phase, Dummy_confirmation_bit : %d dummy_bit : %d", ccr_dummy_confirmation, ccr_dummy_bit); `endif
+               if(ccr_dmode==1) begin
+               if(ccr_dummy_confirmation==1) begin
+                   rg_output_en <= 4'b1101;
+                   rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,ccr_dummy_bit};
+                   ccr_dummy_confirmation<=0;
+               end
+               else begin
+                   rg_output_en <= 4'b1101;
+                   rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0};
+               end
+           end
+           else if(ccr_dmode==2) begin
+               if(ccr_dummy_confirmation==1) begin
+                   rg_output_en <= 4'b1101;
+                   rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,ccr_dummy_bit};
+                   ccr_dummy_confirmation <= 0;
+               end
+               else begin
+                   rg_output_en <= 4'b1100;
+                   rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0};
+               end
+           end
+           else begin
+               if(ccr_dummy_confirmation==1) begin
+                   `ifdef verbose $display("Data going to output %d", ccr_dummy_bit); `endif
+                   rg_output_en <= 1;
+                   rg_output[0] <= ccr_dummy_bit;
+                   ccr_dummy_confirmation<=0;
+               end
+               else
+                   rg_output_en <= 0;
+            end
+        if(rg_count_bits==0 || (rg_count_bits==1 && z!=DataRead_phase))begin // end of dummy cycles;
+                       delay_sr_tcf<=y;
+                       rg_phase<=z;
+            `ifdef verbose $display("From Dummy to :",fshow(z)); `endif
+                       if(z==DataRead_phase)
+                read_true <= True;
+               rg_count_bytes<=0;
+                       rg_count_bits<=x;
+            if(ccr_ddrm==1)
+                half_cycle_delay<=True;
+               end
+               else begin
+                       rg_count_bits<=rg_count_bits-1;
+               end
+       endrule*/
+       /* read data from the flash memory and store it in the DLR register. Simulataneously
+       put Bytes in the FIFO*/
+    (*descending_urgency="rl_data_read_phase,rl_read_request_from_AXI"*)
+    (*descending_urgency="rl_data_read_phase,rl_write_request_from_AXI"*)
+       rule rl_data_read_phase(rg_phase==DataRead_phase /*&& ccr_fmode!='b11*/ && transfer_cond && clock_cond && !qspi_flush);
+               //rg_output_en<=0;
+        if(half_cycle_delay || read_true) begin
+                       half_cycle_delay<=False;
+            read_true <= False;
+        end
+               else begin
+                       Bit#(32) data_reg=dr;
+                       Bit#(32) count_byte=rg_count_bytes;
+                       Bit#(32) count_bits=rg_count_bits;
+                       Bit#(32) data_length1=(ccr_fmode=='b11)?mm_data_length:dlr;
+            `ifdef verbose1 $display($time,"Executing DataRead Phase SPI Mode: %b DLR : %d Count_bits: %d Input :%b ccr_ddrm: %b",ccr_dmode,data_length1,rg_count_bits,rg_input,ccr_ddrm); `endif 
+                       /* write incoming bit to the data register */
+                       if(ccr_dmode==1)begin // single line mode;
+                               data_reg=data_reg<<1;
+                               data_reg[0]=rg_input[1];
+                `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Single data_reg : %b",data_reg); `endif
+                               count_bits=count_bits+1;
+                rg_output_en <= 4'b1101;
+                rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0};
+                       end
+                       else if(ccr_dmode==2)begin // dual line mode;
+                rg_output_en <= 4'b1100;
+                               data_reg=data_reg<<2;
+                               data_reg[1:0]=rg_input[1:0];
+                `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Dual data_reg : %b",data_reg); `endif
+                               count_bits=count_bits+1;
+                rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0};
+                       end
+                       else if(ccr_dmode==3) begin// quad line mode;
+                rg_output_en <= 4'b0000;
+                               data_reg=data_reg<<4;
+                               data_reg[3:0]=rg_input;
+                `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Quad data_reg : %b",data_reg); `endif
+                               count_bits=count_bits+1;
+                       end
+                       /* write the last successfully received byte into the FIFO */
+                       if(ccr_dmode==1)begin// single line mode
+                if(count_byte==data_length-1 && ccr_ddrm==1 && count_bits[2:0]=='b111) //To make sure that the Flash does not send any data the next half edge since ncs is made 1 after the second edge
+                    ncs<=1;
+                               if(rg_count_bits[2:0]=='b111)begin // multiple of eight bits have been read.
+                                       `ifdef verbose1 $display("Enquing FIFO"); `endif
+                                       Vector#(4,Bit#(8)) temp = newVector();
+                                       temp[0]=data_reg[7:0];
+                    `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Single Enqueing FIFO : data is %h",temp[0]); `endif
+                                       if(!first_read)
+                        fifo.enq(1,temp);
+                                       count_byte=count_byte+1;
+                               end
+                       end
+                       else if(ccr_dmode==2) begin // dual line mode   
+                if(count_byte==data_length-1 && ccr_ddrm==1 && count_bits[1:0]=='b11) //To make sure that the Flash does not send any data the next half edge since ncs is made 1 after the second edge
+                    ncs<=1;
+                               if(rg_count_bits[1:0]=='b11)begin // multiple of eight bits have been read.
+                                       `ifdef verbose1 $display("Enquing FIFO"); `endif
+                                       Vector#(4,Bit#(8)) temp = newVector();
+                                       temp[0]=data_reg[7:0];
+                    `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Dual Enqueing FIFO : data is %h",temp[0]); `endif
+                    if(!first_read)
+                        fifo.enq(1,temp);
+                                       count_byte=count_byte+1;
+                               end
+                       end
+                       else if(ccr_dmode==3) begin // quad line mode   
+                if(count_byte==data_length-1 && ccr_ddrm==1 && count_bits[0]=='b1) //To make sure that the Flash does not send any data the next half edge since ncs is made 1 after the second edge
+                    ncs<=1;
+                               if(rg_count_bits[0]=='b1)begin // multiple of eight bits have been read.
+                                       `ifdef verbose1 $display("Enquing FIFO"); `endif
+                                       Vector#(4,Bit#(8)) temp = newVector();
+                                       temp[0]=data_reg[7:0];
+                    `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Quad Enqueing FIFO : data is %h",temp[0]); `endif
+                    if(!first_read)
+                        fifo.enq(1,temp);
+                                       count_byte=count_byte+1;
+                               end
+                       end
+                       bit smf=0;
+            `ifdef verbose $display("count_byte: %d data_length1: %d",count_byte,data_length1); `endif 
+                       /* condition for termination of dataread_phase */
+                       if(data_length1!='hFFFFFFFF)begin // if limit is not undefined
+                               if(count_byte==data_length1)begin // if limit has bee reached.
+                    `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Limit has reached: rg_count_bytes %h data_length %h",count_byte,data_length); `endif
+                                       if(ccr_fmode=='b10)begin // auto-status polling mode
+                                               if(cr_pmm==0)begin // ANDed mode
+                                                       if((psmar&psmkr) == (psmkr&dr)) // is the unmasked bits match
+                                                               smf=1;
+                                                       else
+                                                               smf=0;
+                                               end
+                                               else begin// ORed mode 
+                                                       let p=psmkr&dr;
+                                                       let q=psmkr&psmar;
+                                                       let r=~(p^q);
+                                                       if(|(r)==1)
+                                                               smf=1;
+                                                       else 
+                                                               smf=0;
+                                               end
+                                       end
+                                       else if(ccr_fmode=='b11)begin// memory mapped mode
+                                   if(first_read) begin
+                            `ifdef verbose $display("Sending response back to the proc data_reg: %h",data_reg); `endif
+                            let r = AXI4_Lite_Rd_Data {rresp: AXI4_LITE_OKAY, rdata: duplicate(data_reg) , ruser: 0};
+                                       s_xactor.i_rd_data.enq(r);
+                            first_read <= False;
+                            //rg_request_ready <= True;
+                        end
+                                         end
+                                           let {x,y,z}<-change_phase.func(rg_phase,rg_count_bits,smf);
+                      /*  if(z==DataRead_phase)
+                            read_true <= True;*/
+                                           rg_phase<=z;
+                        `ifdef verbose  $display("rg_phase:",fshow(z),"sr_tcf: %d",y); `endif
+                                           sr_tcf<=y; // set completion of transfer flag
+                                           rg_count_bytes<=0;
+                                           rg_count_bits<=0;
+                               end
+                               else begin
+                                       rg_count_bytes<=count_byte;
+                                       rg_count_bits<=count_bits;
+                               end
+                       end
+                       else if(dcr_fsize!='h1f)begin // if limit is not infinite
+                               Bit#(32) new_limit=1<<(dcr_fsize);
+                `ifdef verbose1 $display("Sending completion -- newlimit : %h",new_limit); `endif
+                               if(truncate(rg_count_bytes)==new_limit)begin // if reached end of Flash memory 
+                                       let {x,y,z}<-change_phase.func(rg_phase,rg_count_bits,smf&cr_apms);
+                                       rg_phase<=z;
+                    if(z==DataRead_phase)
+                        read_true <= True;
+                                       sr_tcf<=y; // set completion of transfer flag
+                                       rg_count_bytes<=0;
+                                       rg_count_bits<=0;
+                               end
+                               else begin
+                                       rg_count_bytes<=count_byte;
+                                       rg_count_bits<=count_bits;
+                               end
+                       end
+                       else begin // keep looping untill abort signal is not raised.
+                               rg_count_bytes<=count_byte;
+                               rg_count_bits<=count_bits;
+                       end
+                       dr<=data_reg;
+                       sr_smf<=smf;
+               end
+       endrule
+       /* write data from the FIFO to the FLASH. Simulataneously*/
+    (*descending_urgency="rl_data_write_phase,rl_read_request_from_AXI"*)
+    (*descending_urgency="rl_data_write_phase,rl_write_request_from_AXI"*)
+       rule rl_data_write_phase(rg_phase==DataWrite_phase && transfer_cond && clock_cond && !qspi_flush);
+               if(half_cycle_delay)
+                       half_cycle_delay<=False;
+               else begin
+                       Bit#(8) data_reg=fifo.first()[0];
+                       Bit#(32) count_byte=rg_count_bytes;
+                       Bit#(32) count_bits=rg_count_bits;
+                       Bit#(4) enable_o=0;
+                       /* write incoming bit to the data register */
+                       if(ccr_dmode==1)begin // single line mode;
+                               enable_o=4'b1101;
+                               rg_output<={1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,data_reg[rg_count_bits-1]};
+                               count_bits=count_bits-1;
+                       end
+                       else if(ccr_dmode==2)begin // dual line mode;
+                               enable_o=4'b1111;
+                               rg_output<={1'b1,1'b0,data_reg[rg_count_bits-1:rg_count_bits-2]};
+                               count_bits=count_bits-2;
+                       end
+                       else if(ccr_dmode==3) begin// quad line mode;
+                               enable_o=4'b1111;
+                               rg_output<=data_reg[rg_count_bits-1:rg_count_bits-4];
+                               count_bits=count_bits-4;
+                       end
+            `ifdef verbose1 $display("Executing DataWrite Phase SPI Mode: %b DLR : %d Count_bits: %d Input :%b Enable: %b",ccr_dmode,dlr,rg_count_bits,rg_input,enable_o); `endif 
+                       /* write the last successfully received byte into the FIFO */
+                       if(ccr_dmode==1)begin// single line mode
+                               if(rg_count_bits==1)begin // multiple of eight bits have been read.
+                                       fifo.deq(1);
+                                       count_byte=count_byte+1;
+                                       count_bits=8;
+                               end
+                       end
+                       else if(ccr_dmode==2) begin // dual line mode   
+                               if(rg_count_bits==2)begin // multiple of eight bits have been read.
+                                       fifo.deq(1);
+                                       count_byte=count_byte+1;
+                                       count_bits=8;
+                               end
+                       end
+                       else if(ccr_dmode==3) begin // quad line mode   
+                               if(rg_count_bits==4)begin // multiple of eight bits have been read.
+                                       fifo.deq(1);
+                                       count_byte=count_byte+1;
+                                       count_bits=8;
+                               end
+                       end
+                       /* condition for termination of dataread_phase */
+                       if(dlr!='hFFFFFFFF)begin // if limit is not undefined
+                               if(rg_count_bytes==dlr)begin // if limit has bee reached.
+                                       rg_phase<=Idle;
+                                       sr_tcf<=1; // set completion of transfer flag
+                                       rg_count_bytes<=0;
+                                       rg_count_bits<=0;
+                               end
+                               else begin
+                                       rg_count_bytes<=count_byte;
+                                       rg_count_bits<=count_bits;
+                               end
+                       end
+                       else if(dcr_fsize!='h1f)begin // if limit is not infinite
+                               Bit#(32) new_limit=1<<(dcr_fsize);
+                               if(truncate(rg_count_bytes)==new_limit)begin // if reached end of Flash memory 
+                                       rg_phase<=Idle;
+                                       sr_tcf<=1; // set completion of transfer flag
+                                       rg_count_bytes<=0;
+                                       rg_count_bits<=0;
+                               end
+                               else begin
+                                       rg_count_bytes<=count_byte;
+                                       rg_count_bits<=count_bits;
+                               end
+                       end
+                       else begin // keep looping untill abort signal is not raised.
+                               rg_count_bytes<=count_byte;
+                               rg_count_bits<=count_bits;
+                       end
+               rg_output_en<=enable_o;
+               end
+       endrule
+       rule display_all_Registers;
+               `ifdef verbose1 $display($time,"\tPhase: ",fshow(rg_phase)," CR WRitten %d",wr_instruction_written, "Address Written: %d",wr_address_written); `endif
+               `ifdef verbose1 $display($time,"\tCR: %h\tDCR: %h\tSR: %h\tFCR: %h",cr,dcr,sr,fcr); `endif
+               `ifdef verbose1 $display($time,"\tDLR: %h\tCCR: %h\tAR: %h\tABR: %h",dlr,ccr,ar,abr); `endif
+               `ifdef verbose1 $display($time,"\tDR: %h\tPSMKR: %h\tPSMAR: %h\tPIR: %h",dr,psmkr,psmar,pir,"\n"); `endif
+       endrule
+       `ifdef simulate
+               rule delay_phase(((wr_sdr_clock && ccr_ddrm==0) || (ddr_clock && ccr_ddrm==1)));
+                       rg_phase_delayed<=rg_phase;
+               endrule
+       `endif
+    interface QSPI_out out;
+       method Bit#(9) io0_sdio_ctrl;
+               return sdio0r[8:0];
+       endmethod
+       method Bit#(9) io1_sdio_ctrl;
+               return sdio1r[8:0];
+       endmethod
+       method Bit#(9) io2_sdio_ctrl;
+               return sdio2r[8:0];
+       endmethod
+       method Bit#(9) io3_sdio_ctrl;
+               return sdio3r[8:0];
+       endmethod
+      interface clk_o = interface Get
+        method ActionValue#(Bit#(1)) get;
+           return delay_ncs==1?dcr_ckmode:rg_clk;
+        endmethod
+      endinterface;
+      interface io_out = interface Get
+        method ActionValue#(Bit#(4)) get;
+            return rg_output;
+        endmethod
+      endinterface;
+      interface io_out_en = interface Get
+        method ActionValue#(Bit#(4)) get;
+            return rg_output_en;
+        endmethod
+      endinterface;
+      interface io_in = interface Put
+        method Action put(Bit#(4) in);
+            rg_input<=in;
+        endmethod
+      endinterface;
+      interface ncs_o = interface Get
+        method ActionValue#(Bit#(1)) get;
+           return ncs;
+        endmethod
+      endinterface;
+    endinterface
+  interface slave= s_xactor.axi_side;
+       method Bit#(6) interrupts; // 0=TOF, 1=SMF, 2=Threshold, 3=TCF, 4=TEF 5=request_ready
+               return {pack(rg_request_ready),sr_tef&cr_teie, sr_tcf&cr_tcie, sr_ftf&cr_ftie, sr_smf&cr_smie , sr_tof&cr_toie};
+       endmethod
+       `ifdef simulate method curphase = rg_phase_delayed; `endif
+       endmodule
diff --git a/src/peripherals/qspi/qspi.bsv b/src/peripherals/qspi/qspi.bsv
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1bbd12d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1343 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-*  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-*  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-*  Neither the name of IIT Madras  nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
-package qspi;
-       TODOs
-       To use the following registers:
-       dcr_csht
-* Done Pre-scaler.
-> Memory mapped mode should continue to fetch data and fill the fifo even if the Core
-       is not requesting
-* Done Status polling mode.
-> This could not be replicated since the tof flag is set.
-  Memory mapped mode with dcyc =10 creates an extra cycle after Dummy phase.
-> Data Read phase is on posedge and Data write is on negdege
--- send the received arid and bid's so that DMA can identify. duplicate instead of extend      
-       import GetPut::*;
-       import TriState::*;
-       import ConcatReg ::*;
-       import Semi_FIFOF        :: *;
-       import AXI4_Lite_Types   :: *;
-       import AXI4_Lite_Fabric  :: *;
-       import FIFO::*;
-       import FIFOF::*;
-       import SpecialFIFOs::*;
-       import MIMO::*;
-       import DefaultValue :: *;
-       `include "instance_defines.bsv"
-       `include "qspi.defs"
-       import ConfigReg::*;
-       import Vector::*;
-       import UniqueWrappers :: * ;
-       import DReg::*;
-    import BUtils::*;
-    (*always_ready, always_enabled*)
-    interface QSPI_out;
-    /*(* always_ready, result="clk_o" *)               */      
-        interface Get#(Bit#(1)) clk_o;
-               /*(* always_ready, result="io_o" *)             */      
-        interface Get#(Bit#(4)) io_out;
-       /*(* always_ready, result="io0_sdio_ctrl" *)         */
-        method Bit#(9) io0_sdio_ctrl;
-       /*(* always_ready, result="io1_sdio_ctrl" *)         */ 
-        method Bit#(9) io1_sdio_ctrl;
-       /*(* always_ready, result="io2_sdio_ctrl" *)         */ 
-        method Bit#(9) io2_sdio_ctrl;
-       /*(* always_ready, result="io3_sdio_ctrl" *)         */ 
-        method Bit#(9) io3_sdio_ctrl;
-               /*(* always_ready, result="io_enable" *)*/      
-        interface Get#(Bit#(4)) io_out_en;
-               /*(* always_ready, always_enabled *)    */      
-        //method Action io_i ((* port="io_i" *) Bit#(4) io_in);    // in
-        interface Put#(Bit#(4)) io_in;
-               /*(* always_ready, result="ncs_o" *)            */      
-        interface Get#(Bit#(1)) ncs_o;
-    endinterface
-    interface Ifc_qspi;
-        interface QSPI_out out;
-               interface AXI4_Lite_Slave_IFC#(`PADDR,`Reg_width,`USERSPACE) slave;
-               method Bit#(6) interrupts; // 0=TOF, 1=SMF, 2=Threshold, 3=TCF, 4=TEF 5 = request_ready
-`ifdef simulate
-               method Phase curphase;
-       endinterface
-  function Reg#(t) readOnlyReg(t r);
-    return (interface Reg;
-            method t _read = r;
-            method Action _write(t x) = noAction;
-        endinterface);
-  endfunction
-  function Reg#(t) conditionalWrite(Reg#(t) r, Bool a);
-    return (interface Reg;
-            method t _read = r._read;
-            method Action _write(t x);
-                                                               if(a)
-                       r._write(x);
-            endmethod
-        endinterface);
-       endfunction
-       function Reg#(t) clearSideEffect(Reg#(t) r, Action a, Action b)
-               provisos(       Literal#(t),Eq#(t));
-               return (interface Reg;
-            method t _read = r._read;
-            method Action _write(t x);
-                r._write(x);
-                               if(x==1) begin
-                       a;
-                    b;
-                end
-            endmethod
-        endinterface);
-       endfunction
-       function Reg#(Bit#(32)) writeSideEffect(Reg#(Bit#(32)) r, Action a);
-               return (interface Reg;
-            method Bit#(32) _read = r._read;
-            method Action _write(Bit#(32) x);
-                r._write(x);
-                a;
-            endmethod
-        endinterface);
-       endfunction
-       function Reg#(Bit#(n)) writeCCREffect(Reg#(Bit#(n)) r, Action a, Action b);
-               return (interface Reg;
-            method Bit#(n) _read = r._read;
-            method Action _write(Bit#(n) x);
-                r._write(x);
-                `ifdef verbose1 $display("x: %h",x); `endif
-                if(x[11:10]==0 && (x[27:26] == 'b00 || x[27:26]=='b01 || x[25:24]=='b0) && x[9:8]!=0) begin // no address required and nodata from firmware (i.e. no write)
-                                       a;
-                end
-                if(x[27:26]=='b11) //Memory Mapped Mode
-                    b;
-            endmethod
-        endinterface);
-       endfunction
-       typedef enum {Instruction_phase=0, 
-                                               Address_phase=1, 
-                                               AlternateByte_phase=2, 
-                                               Dummy_phase=3, 
-                                               DataRead_phase=4, 
-                                               DataWrite_phase=5, 
-                                               Idle=6} Phase deriving (Bits,Eq,FShow);
-       (*synthesize*)
-       module mkqspi(Ifc_qspi);
-       AXI4_Lite_Slave_Xactor_IFC #(`PADDR, `Reg_width, `USERSPACE)  s_xactor <- mkAXI4_Lite_Slave_Xactor;
-       /*************** List of implementation defined Registers *****************/
-       Reg#(bit) rg_clk <-mkReg(1);
-       Reg#(Bit#(8)) rg_clk_counter<-mkReg(0);
-       MIMOConfiguration cfg=defaultValue;
-       cfg.unguarded=True;
-       MIMO#(4,4,16,Bit#(8)) fifo <-mkMIMO(cfg);
-       Reg#(Phase) rg_phase <-mkReg(Idle);
-       Reg#(Phase) rg_phase_delayed <-mkReg(Idle);
-       Reg#(Bit#(4)) rg_output <-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(4)) rg_output_en <-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bool) rg_input_en <-mkReg(False);
-       Wire#(Bit#(4)) rg_input <-mkDWire(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_count_bits <-mkReg(0); // count bits to be transfered 
-       Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_count_bytes <-mkReg(0); // count bytes to be transfered 
-       Wire#(Bool) wr_sdr_clock <-mkDWire(False); // use this to trigger posedge of sclk
-    Reg#(Bool) wr_sdr_delayed <- mkReg(False);
-       Reg#(Bool) wr_instruction_written<-mkDReg(False); // this wire is se when the instruction is written by the AXI Master
-       Reg#(Bool) wr_address_written<-mkDReg(False); // this wire is set when the address is written by the AXI Master
-       Reg#(Bool) wr_read_request_from_AXI<-mkDReg(False); // this wire is set when the address is written by the AXI Master
-       Reg#(Bool) wr_data_written<-mkDReg(False); // this wire is set when the data is written by the AXI Master
-       Reg#(Bool) instruction_sent<-mkReg(False); // This register is set when the instruction has been sent once to the flash
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) ncs <-mkReg(1); // this is the chip select
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) delay_ncs <-mkReg(1); // this is the chip select
-       Wire#(Bool) wr_status_read<-mkDWire(False); // this wire is set when the status register is written
-       Wire#(Bool) wr_data_read<-mkDWire(False); // this wire is set when the data register is written
-       Reg#(Bool) half_cycle_delay<-mkReg(False);
-       Reg#(Bit#(16)) timecounter<-mkReg(0);
-    Reg#(Bool) read_true <- mkReg(False);
-    Reg#(Bool) first_read <- mkReg(False);
-       /*************** End of implementation defined Registers *****************/
-       /*************** List of QSPI defined Registers *****************/
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) sr_busy <-mkConfigReg(0); // set when the operation is in progress.
-       Reg#(Bit#(5)) sr_flevel <-mkReg(0); // FIFO Level. Number of valid bytes held in the FIFO. 0: empty
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) sr_tof <-mkReg(0); // set when the timeout occurs.
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) sr_smf <-mkReg(0); // set when the unmasked receieved data matches psmar. 
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) sr_ftf <-mkReg(0); // set when the FIFO threshold is reached.
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) sr_tcf <-mkReg(0); // set when programmed number of data has been transfered or when aborted.
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) delay_sr_tcf <-mkReg(0); // set when programmed number of data has been transfered or when aborted.
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) sr_tef <-mkReg(0); // set when an error occurs on transfer.
-       Reg#(Bit#(32)) sr = concatReg9(readOnlyReg(19'd0),readOnlyReg(sr_flevel),readOnlyReg(2'd0),readOnlyReg(sr_busy),readOnlyReg(sr_tof),readOnlyReg(sr_smf),readOnlyReg(sr_ftf),readOnlyReg(sr_tcf),readOnlyReg(sr_tef));
-       Reg#(Bit#(8)) prescaler<-mkReg(0);      
-       Reg#(Bit#(8)) cr_prescaler=conditionalWrite(prescaler,sr_busy==0); // prescaler register part of the control register.
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) pmm <-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_pmm =conditionalWrite(pmm,sr_busy==0); // polling match mode. 0: AND match and 1: OR match.
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) apms <-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_apms =conditionalWrite(apms,sr_busy==0); // automatic poll mode stop. 1: stop when match. 0: stopped by disabling qspi.
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_toie <-mkReg(0); // enabled interrupt on time-out.
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_smie <-mkReg(0); // enables status match interrupt.
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_ftie <-mkReg(0); // enables interrupt on FIFO threshold.
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_tcie <-mkReg(0); // enables interrupt on completion of transfer.
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_teie <-mkReg(0); // enables interrupt on error of transfer.
-       Reg#(Bit#(4)) cr_fthres<-mkReg(0); // defines the number of bytes in the FIFO that will cause the FTF in sr to be raised.
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) fsel<-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_fsel=conditionalWrite(fsel,sr_busy==0); // used for flash memory selection TODO: Not required.
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) dfm<-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_dfm =conditionalWrite(dfm,sr_busy==0); // used for dual flash mode TODO: Not required.
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) sshift<-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_sshift =conditionalWrite(sshift,sr_busy==0); // sample shift to account for delays from the flash. TODO: Might not be required.
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) tcen<-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_tcen =conditionalWrite(tcen,sr_busy==0); // enables the timeout counter.
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_dmaen <- mkReg(0); // enables the dma transfer.
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_abort <- mkReg(0); // this bit aborts the ongoing transaction.
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) cr_en <-mkReg(0); // this bit enables the qspi.
-       Reg#(Bit#(32)) cr=concatReg19(cr_prescaler,cr_pmm,cr_apms,readOnlyReg(1'b0),cr_toie,cr_smie,cr_ftie,cr_tcie,cr_teie,readOnlyReg(4'd0),cr_fthres,cr_fsel,cr_dfm,readOnlyReg(1'b0),cr_sshift,cr_tcen,cr_dmaen,cr_abort,cr_en);    
-       Reg#(Bit#(5)) fsize<-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(5)) dcr_fsize =conditionalWrite(fsize,sr_busy==0); // flash memory size.
-       Reg#(Bit#(3)) csht <-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(3)) dcr_csht = conditionalWrite(csht,sr_busy==0); // chip select high time.
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) ckmode <-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) dcr_ckmode =conditionalWrite(ckmode,sr_busy==0); // mode 0 or mode 3.
-    Reg#(Bit#(8))  dcr_mode_byte <- mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(32)) dcr = concatReg7(readOnlyReg(3'd0),dcr_mode_byte,dcr_fsize,readOnlyReg(5'd0),dcr_csht,readOnlyReg(7'd0),dcr_ckmode);
-    Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_mode_bytes = concatReg2(dcr_mode_byte,readOnlyReg(24'd0));
-    Reg#(Bit#(5))  rg_mode_byte_counter <- mkReg('d31);
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) fcr_ctof <-mkReg(0); // writing 1 clears the sr_tof flag.
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) fcr_csmf <-mkReg(0); // writing 1 clears the sr_smf flag.
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) fcr_ctcf <-mkReg(0); // writing 1 clears the sr_tcf flag.
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) fcr_ctef <-mkReg(0); // writing 1 clears the sr_tef flag.
-       Reg#(Bit#(32)) fcr=concatReg6(readOnlyReg(27'd0),clearSideEffect(fcr_ctof,sr_tof._write(0),noAction),clearSideEffect(fcr_csmf,sr_smf._write(0),noAction),readOnlyReg(1'b0),clearSideEffect(fcr_ctcf,sr_tcf._write(0),delay_sr_tcf._write(0)),clearSideEffect(fcr_ctef,sr_tef._write(0),noAction));
-       Reg#(Bit#(32)) data_length<-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(32)) dlr=conditionalWrite(data_length,sr_busy==0); // data length register
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) ddrm<-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) ccr_ddrm =conditionalWrite(ddrm,sr_busy==0); // double data rate mode.
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) dhhc <-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) ccr_dhhc =conditionalWrite(dhhc,sr_busy==0); // delay output by 1/4 in DDR mode. TODO: Not required.
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) sioo <-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(1)) ccr_sioo =conditionalWrite(sioo,sr_busy==0); // send instruction based on mode selected.
-       Reg#(Bit#(2)) fmode <-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(2)) ccr_fmode =conditionalWrite(fmode,sr_busy==0); // 00: indirect Read, 01: indirect Write, 10: Auto polling, 11: MMapped.
-       Reg#(Bit#(2)) dmode <-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(2)) ccr_dmode =conditionalWrite(dmode,sr_busy==0); // data mode. 01: single line, 10: two line, 11: four lines.
-       Reg#(Bit#(5)) dcyc <-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(5)) ccr_dcyc  =conditionalWrite(dcyc,sr_busy==0); // number of dummy cycles.
-       Reg#(Bit#(2)) absize <-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(2)) ccr_absize=conditionalWrite(absize,sr_busy==0); // number of alternate byte sizes.
-       Reg#(Bit#(2)) abmode <-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(2)) ccr_abmode=conditionalWrite(abmode,sr_busy==0); // alternate byte mode.
-       Reg#(Bit#(2)) adsize <-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(2)) ccr_adsize=conditionalWrite(adsize,sr_busy==0); // address size.
-       Reg#(Bit#(2)) admode <-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(2)) ccr_admode=conditionalWrite(admode,sr_busy==0); // address mode.
-       Reg#(Bit#(2)) imode <-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(2)) ccr_imode =conditionalWrite(imode,sr_busy==0); // instruction mode.
-       Reg#(Bit#(8)) instruction <-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(8)) ccr_instruction =conditionalWrite(instruction,sr_busy==0); // instruction to be sent externally.
-    Reg#(Bit#(1)) ccr_dummy_confirmation <- mkReg(0); //Programming Dummy confirmation bit needed by Micron model to trigger XIP mode
-    Reg#(Bit#(1)) ccr_dummy_bit <- mkReg(0); //Dummy bit to be sent
-       Reg#(Bit#(32)) ccr =writeCCREffect(concatReg14(ccr_ddrm,ccr_dhhc,ccr_dummy_bit,ccr_sioo,ccr_fmode,ccr_dmode,ccr_dummy_confirmation,ccr_dcyc,ccr_absize,ccr_abmode,ccr_adsize,ccr_admode,ccr_imode,ccr_instruction),wr_instruction_written._write(True),first_read._write(True));
-       Reg#(Bit#(32)) mm_data_length <-mkConfigReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(28)) mm_address <-mkConfigReg(0);
-    Reg#(Bit#(28)) rg_prev_addr <- mkConfigReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_address <-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(32)) ar =conditionalWrite(writeSideEffect(rg_address,wr_address_written._write(True)),sr_busy==0 && ccr_fmode!='b11); // address register
-       Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_alternatebyte_reg<-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(32)) abr=conditionalWrite(rg_alternatebyte_reg,sr_busy==0); // alternate byte register
-       Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_data <-mkReg(0);
-       Reg#(Bit#(32)) dr =writeSideEffect(rg_data,wr_data_written._write(True)); // data register
-       Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_psmkr <-mkReg(0); 
-       Reg#(Bit#(32)) psmkr =conditionalWrite(rg_psmkr,sr_busy==0); // polling status mask register
-       Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_psmar <-mkReg(0); 
-       Reg#(Bit#(32)) psmar =conditionalWrite(rg_psmar,sr_busy==0); // polling statue match register
-       Reg#(Bit#(16)) pir_interval <-mkReg(0); // polling interval
-       Reg#(Bit#(32)) pir =conditionalWrite(concatReg2(readOnlyReg(16'd0),pir_interval),sr_busy==0); // polling interval register
-       Reg#(Bit#(16)) lptr_timeout <-mkReg(0); // timeout period
-       Reg#(Bit#(32)) lptr =conditionalWrite(concatReg2(readOnlyReg(16'd0),lptr_timeout),sr_busy==0); // low power timeout register.
-    Reg#(Bool) thres <- mkReg(False);
-    Reg#(Bit#(32)) sdio0r   <- mkReg(32'h00000073);
-    Reg#(Bit#(32)) sdio1r   <- mkReg(32'h00000073);
-    Reg#(Bit#(32)) sdio2r   <- mkReg(32'h00000073);
-    Reg#(Bit#(32)) sdio3r   <- mkReg(32'h00000073);
-    Reg#(Bool) rg_request_ready <- mkReg(True);
-    Bool ddr_clock = ((wr_sdr_clock&&!wr_sdr_delayed)||(!wr_sdr_clock&&wr_sdr_delayed));
-       Bool transfer_cond  =  (sr_busy==1 && cr_abort==0 && cr_en==1);
-    Bool clock_cond = ((wr_sdr_clock && ccr_ddrm==0) || (ddr_clock && ccr_ddrm==1));
-    Bool qspi_flush = (cr_abort==1 || cr_en==0);
-    /*************** End of QSPI defined Registers *****************/
-  function Reg#(Bit#(32)) access_register(Bit#(8) address);
-   Reg#(Bit#(32)) register=(
-    case(address)
-                `CR         : cr;
-                `DCR        : dcr;
-                `FCR        : fcr;
-                `DLR        : dlr;
-                `CCR        : ccr;
-                `AR         : ar;
-                `ABR        : abr;
-                `DR         : dr;
-                `SR         : sr; 
-                `PSMKR      : psmkr; 
-                `PSMAR      : psmar; 
-                `PIR        : pir;
-                `LPTR       : lptr;
-                `SDIO0      : sdio0r;
-                `SDIO1      : sdio1r;
-                `SDIO2      : sdio2r;
-                `SDIO3      : sdio3r;
-                default:  readOnlyReg(0);
-    endcase
-    ); 
-    return register;
-  endfunction
-       /* This function defines the next phase that needs to be executed. indicates if
-       the operation is over and also the value of rg_count_bits for the next phase*/
-       function Tuple3#(Bit#(32),Bit#(1),Phase) phase_change(Phase current_phase, Bit#(32) count_val, Bit#(1) smf);
-               Phase next_phase=Idle;
-               if(current_phase==Idle)
-                       next_phase=Instruction_phase;
-               if(current_phase==Instruction_phase)
-                       next_phase=Address_phase;
-               if(current_phase==Address_phase)
-                       next_phase=AlternateByte_phase;
-               if(current_phase==AlternateByte_phase)
-                       next_phase=Dummy_phase;
-               if(current_phase==Dummy_phase)
-                       next_phase=(ccr_fmode=='b00)?DataWrite_phase:DataRead_phase;
-               if(current_phase==DataRead_phase)begin
-                       if(ccr_fmode=='b01 || ccr_fmode=='b10) // indirect modes
-                               next_phase=Idle;
-                       else if(ccr_fmode=='b10) // auto-status polling mode
-                               if(smf==1)
-                                       next_phase=Idle;
-                               else
-                                       next_phase=Dummy_phase;
-            else
-                next_phase=DataRead_phase; //Memory Mapped mode
-               end
-               if(current_phase==DataWrite_phase)
-                       next_phase=Idle;
-               if(next_phase==Instruction_phase && (ccr_imode==0||(ccr_sioo==1 && instruction_sent))) // if single instruction mode or no instruction mode
-                       next_phase=Address_phase;
-               if(next_phase==Address_phase && ccr_admode==0)
-                       next_phase=AlternateByte_phase;
-               if(next_phase==AlternateByte_phase && ccr_abmode==0)
-                       next_phase=Dummy_phase;
-               if(next_phase==Dummy_phase && ccr_dcyc==0)
-                       next_phase=ccr_fmode==0?DataWrite_phase:DataRead_phase;
-               if(next_phase==Dummy_phase && (ccr_fmode=='b10 && pir_interval==0))begin // TODO Check if this is correct or needs more logic.
-                       next_phase=Instruction_phase;
-               end
-               if((next_phase==DataWrite_phase || next_phase==DataRead_phase) && ccr_dmode==0 && ccr_fmode!='b11)begin
-                       if(ccr_fmode=='b01 || ccr_fmode=='b00)
-                               next_phase=Idle;
-                       else if(ccr_fmode=='b10)
-                               if(smf==1)
-                                       next_phase=Idle;
-                               else
-                                       next_phase=Dummy_phase;
-               end
-               if(next_phase==Instruction_phase)begin
-                       count_val=8;
-               end
-               if(next_phase==Address_phase)begin
-                       count_val=(ccr_fmode=='b11)?32:(case(ccr_adsize)        0:8;    1:16;   2:24;   3:32; endcase);
-               end
-               if(next_phase==AlternateByte_phase)begin
-                       count_val=(case(ccr_absize)     0:8;    1:16;   2:24;   3:32; endcase);
-               end
-               if(next_phase==Dummy_phase)begin
-                       count_val=(ccr_fmode=='b10)? zeroExtend(pir_interval):zeroExtend(ccr_dcyc);
-               end
-               if(next_phase==DataWrite_phase)begin
-                       count_val=8;
-               end
-               if(next_phase==DataRead_phase)begin
-                       count_val=0;
-               end
-               Bit#(1) tcf=0;
-               if(current_phase!=Idle && next_phase==Idle && (ccr_fmode=='b00 || ccr_fmode=='b01))begin // only in indirect mode raise completion of transfer TODO remove ccr_fmode=='b11 from this line.
-                       tcf=1;
-               end
-               return tuple3(count_val,tcf,next_phase);
-       endfunction
-       Wrapper3#(Phase,Bit#(32),Bit#(1),Tuple3#(Bit#(32),Bit#(1),Phase)) change_phase<-mkUniqueWrapper3(phase_change);
-       /* This rule receives the write request from the AXI and updates the relevant
-       QSPI register set using the lower 12 bits as address map */
-       rule rl_write_request_from_AXI;
-       let aw <- pop_o (s_xactor.o_wr_addr);
-    let w  <- pop_o (s_xactor.o_wr_data);
-    AXI4_Lite_Resp axi4_bresp = AXI4_LITE_OKAY;
-    if(ccr_fmode=='b11 && aw.awaddr[7:0]==`DR) begin  //Undefined behavior when written into integral fields in CR, CCR!!!
-         axi4_bresp = AXI4_LITE_SLVERR;
-         `ifdef verbose $display("Sending AXI4_LITE_SLVERR because store in memory mapped mode and not clearing Interrupt Flags"); `endif
-    end
-    `ifdef verbose $display($time,"\tReceived AXI write request to Address: %h Data: %h Size: %h",aw.awaddr,w.wdata,aw.awsize); `endif
-      if(aw.awaddr[7:0]==`DR)begin
-                       if(aw.awsize==0)begin
-                               dr[7:0]<=w.wdata[7:0];
-                               Vector#(4,Bit#(8)) temp=newVector();
-                               temp[0]=w.wdata[7:0];
-                               if(fifo.enqReadyN(1))
-                                       fifo.enq(1,temp);
-                       end
-                       else if(aw.awsize==1)begin
-                               dr[15:0]<=w.wdata[15:0];
-                               Vector#(4,Bit#(8)) temp = newVector();
-                               temp[0]=w.wdata[7:0];
-                               temp[1]=w.wdata[15:8];
-                               if(fifo.enqReadyN(2))
-                                       fifo.enq(2,temp);
-                       end
-                       else if(aw.awsize==2)begin
-                               dr<=w.wdata[31:0];
-                               Vector#(4,Bit#(8)) temp = newVector();
-                               temp[3]=w.wdata[31:24];
-                               temp[2]=w.wdata[23:16];
-                               temp[1]=w.wdata[15:8];
-                               temp[0]=w.wdata[7:0];
-                               if(fifo.enqReadyN(4))
-                                       fifo.enq(4,temp);
-                       end
-            else begin 
-                axi4_bresp = AXI4_LITE_SLVERR;
-                `ifdef verbose $display("Sending AXI4_LITE_SLVERR because DR awsize is 64-bit"); `endif
-            end
-               end
-               else begin
-                       let reg1=access_register(aw.awaddr[7:0]);
-            `ifdef verbose $display("Write Reg access: %h Write Data: %h Size: %h",aw.awaddr[7:0],w.wdata,aw.awsize); `endif
-            //Byte and Half-Word Writes are not permitted in ConfigReg Space
-                       if(aw.awsize==2) // 32 bits
-                               reg1<=w.wdata[31:0];
-            else begin 
-                axi4_bresp = AXI4_LITE_SLVERR;
-                `ifdef verbose $display("Sending SLVERR because Accessed register's awsize was different"); `endif
-               end
-               end
-         let b = AXI4_Lite_Wr_Resp {bresp: axi4_bresp, buser: aw.awuser};
-    s_xactor.i_wr_resp.enq (b);
-       endrule
-       /* This rule receives the read request from the AXI and responds with the relevant
-       QSPI register set using the lower 12 bits as address map */
-    (*descending_urgency="rl_read_request_from_AXI,rl_write_request_from_AXI"*) //experimental
-       rule rl_read_request_from_AXI(rg_request_ready==True);
-               let axir<- pop_o(s_xactor.o_rd_addr);
-        Bool request_ready = True;
-        `ifdef verbose $display($time,"\tReceived AXI read request to Address: %h Size: %h",axir.araddr,axir.arsize); `endif
-               if((axir.araddr[27:0]>=`STARTMM && axir.araddr[27:0]<=`ENDMM) && axir.araddr[31]==1'b1)begin // memory mapped space
-            wr_read_request_from_AXI<=True;   //Could this lead to some error? Need to think about this, without fail
-            AXI4_Lite_Resp axi4_rresp = AXI4_LITE_OKAY;
-                       mm_address<=truncate(axir.araddr);
-            Bit#(4) data_length = axir.arsize==0?1:axir.arsize==1?2:axir.arsize==2?4:8; 
-                       mm_data_length<= zeroExtend(data_length);
-            Bit#(28) address_limit = 1 << dcr_fsize;
-            //It is forbidden to access the flash bank area before the SPI is properly configured -- fmode is '11??
-            //If not sending a SLVERR now if the mode is not memory mapped and if an access is made outside allowed
-            if(ccr_fmode!='b11 || axir.araddr[27:0] > address_limit) begin
-                `ifdef verbose $display("Sending Slave Error ccr_fmode: %h mm_address: %h address_limit: %h dcr_fsize: %h",ccr_fmode,mm_address,address_limit, dcr_fsize); `endif
-                axi4_rresp = AXI4_LITE_SLVERR;
-                let r = AXI4_Lite_Rd_Data {rresp: axi4_rresp, rdata: 0 , ruser: 0};
-               s_xactor.i_rd_data.enq(r);
-                axi4_rresp = AXI4_LITE_SLVERR;
-                rg_phase <= Idle; //Will this work?
-                cr_en <= 0;
-                sr_busy <= 0;
-                ncs <= 1;     //Just resetting all the parameters, just in case. Should Ask Neel
-                first_read <= True;
-            end
-            else if(sr_busy==1 ||thres) begin //Bus is busy with Memory mapped maybe?
-                `ifdef verbose $display($time,"sr_busy: %d, thres: %d rg_prev_addr: %h axir.araddr: %h fifo_count: %d", sr_busy, thres, rg_prev_addr, axir.araddr, fifo.count); `endif
-                Bit#(28) eff_addr = rg_prev_addr + zeroExtend(data_length);
-                if((eff_addr!= truncate(axir.araddr)) || pack(fifo.count)==0 || ccr_dummy_bit==1'b1) begin
-                    `ifdef verbose  $display($time,"Not Equal eff_addr: %h mm_address : %h axir.araddr: %h rg_prev_addr: %h data_length : %h sum : %h fifo.count: %h ccr_dummy_bit: %h",eff_addr,mm_address,axir.araddr,rg_prev_addr,data_length,rg_prev_addr+zeroExtend(data_length),pack(fifo.count),ccr_dummy_bit); `endif
-                    sr_busy<=0;
-                    rg_phase<=Idle;
-                    ncs<=1;
-                    fifo.clear();
-                    thres <= False;
-                    //$display($time,"Setting Thres to FALSE");
-                    first_read <= True;
-                    request_ready = False;
-                end
-                else if(!first_read) begin
-                    request_ready = True;
-                    rg_prev_addr <= truncate(axir.araddr);
-                    Bit#(32) reg1 = 0;
-                   if(axir.arsize==0) begin // 8 bits
-                                       if(fifo.deqReadyN(1))begin
-                                               let temp=fifo.first[0];
-                                               reg1=duplicate(temp);
-                                               fifo.deq(1);
-                                       end
-                                   end
-                                   else if(axir.arsize==1) begin // 16 bits
-                                       if(fifo.deqReadyN(2)) begin
-                                               let temp={fifo.first[0],fifo.first[1]};
-                                               reg1=duplicate(temp);
-                                               fifo.deq(2);
-                                       end
-                                   end
-                                   else if(axir.arsize==2) begin // 32 bits
-                                       if(fifo.deqReadyN(4)) begin
-                                               let temp={fifo.first[0],fifo.first[1],fifo.first[2],fifo.first[3]};
-                                               reg1=duplicate(temp);
-                                               fifo.deq(4);
-                                       end
-                                   end
-                    else 
-                        axi4_rresp = AXI4_LITE_SLVERR;
-                        `ifdef verbose $display("Sending Response to the core: reg1: %h", reg1); `endif
-                   let r = AXI4_Lite_Rd_Data {rresp: axi4_rresp, rdata: duplicate(reg1) , ruser: 0};
-                   s_xactor.i_rd_data.enq(r);
-                end
-            end
-        end
-               else begin
-                       let reg1=access_register(axir.araddr[7:0]);
-            `ifdef verbose $display("Reg Read Access: %h arsize: %h",axir.araddr[7:0], axir.arsize); `endif
-                       if(axir.araddr[7:0]==`SR)
-                               wr_status_read<=True;
-                       if(axir.araddr[7:0]==`DR)begin // accessing the data register for read.
-                `ifdef verbose $display("Accessed DR fifo_count : %d axi.arsize: %d", fifo.count, axir.arsize); `endif
-                               if(ccr_fmode=='b10) 
-                                       wr_data_read<=True;
-                               if(axir.arsize==0) begin // 8 bits
-                                       if(fifo.deqReadyN(1))begin
-                                               let temp=fifo.first[0];
-                                               reg1=duplicate(temp);
-                                               fifo.deq(1);
-                                       end
-                               end
-                               else if(axir.arsize==1) begin // 16 bits
-                                       if(fifo.deqReadyN(2)) begin
-                                               let temp={fifo.first[0],fifo.first[1]};
-                                               reg1=duplicate(temp);
-                                               fifo.deq(2);
-                                       end
-                               end
-                               else /*if(axir.arsize==2)*/ begin // 32 bits -- Even if the request is a long int, respond with int since that's the max we can do
-                                       if(fifo.deqReadyN(4)) begin
-                                               let temp={fifo.first[0],fifo.first[1],fifo.first[2],fifo.first[3]};
-                                               reg1=duplicate(temp);
-                                               fifo.deq(4);
-                                       end
-                               end
-                       end
-            `ifdef verbose $display("Sending Response : reg1: %x", reg1); `endif
-       let r = AXI4_Lite_Rd_Data {rresp: AXI4_LITE_OKAY, rdata: duplicate(reg1) ,ruser: 0};
-        request_ready = True;
-       s_xactor.i_rd_data.enq(r);
-               end
-        rg_request_ready <= request_ready;
-        `ifdef verbose $display($time,"QSPI: Is Request ready? : %h",request_ready); `endif
-       endrule
-       rule timeout_counter;
-               if(cr_tcen==1 && sr_tof==0) // timecounter is enabled
-                       if(timecounter==lptr_timeout[15:0])begin
-                               timecounter<=0;
-                               sr_tof<=1;
-                       end
-                       else
-                               timecounter<=timecounter+1;
-       endrule
-       rule delayed_sr_tcf_signal(transfer_cond && 
-               ((ccr_ddrm==1 && ddr_clock && (ccr_admode!=0 || ccr_dmode!=0)) || wr_sdr_clock));
-               sr_tcf<=delay_sr_tcf;
-       endrule
-       rule delayed_ncs_generation;
-               delay_ncs<=ncs;
-       endrule
-    rule delay_sdr;
-        wr_sdr_delayed <= wr_sdr_clock;
-    endrule
-    /* This rule generates the clk signal. The Prescaler register defines the 
-       division factor wrt to the Global clock. The prescaler will only work when the
-       chip select is low i.e when the operation has been initiated. */
-       rule rl_generate_clk_from_master;
-               if(delay_ncs==1)begin
-                       rg_clk_counter<=0;
-                       rg_clk<=dcr_ckmode;
-            `ifdef verbose1 $display("dcr_ckmode: %h",dcr_ckmode); `endif
-               end
-               else begin
-                       let half_clock_value=cr_prescaler>>1;
-                       if(cr_prescaler[0]==0)begin // odd division
-                               if(rg_clk_counter<=half_clock_value)
-                                       rg_clk<=0;
-                               else
-                                       rg_clk<=1;
-                               if(rg_clk_counter==cr_prescaler)
-                                       rg_clk_counter<=0;
-                               else
-                                       rg_clk_counter<=rg_clk_counter+1;
-                               if(rg_clk_counter == half_clock_value || rg_clk_counter==cr_prescaler)begin
-                                       wr_sdr_clock<=rg_phase==DataRead_phase?unpack(~rg_clk):unpack(rg_clk);
-                               end
-                       end
-                       else begin // even division
-                               if(rg_clk_counter==half_clock_value)begin
-                                       rg_clk<=~rg_clk;
-                                       rg_clk_counter<=0;
-                                       wr_sdr_clock<=rg_phase==DataRead_phase?unpack(~rg_clk):unpack(rg_clk);
-                               end
-                               else if(delay_ncs==0)
-                                       rg_clk_counter<=rg_clk_counter+1;
-                       end
-               end
-       endrule
-       /* update the status flag on each cycle */
-       rule rl_update_fifo_level;
-               sr_flevel<=pack(fifo.count);
-       endrule
-       /* set the fifo threshold flag when the FIFO level is equal to the FTHRESH value */
-    (*preempts="rl_set_busy_signal,rl_update_threshold_flag"*)
-       rule rl_update_threshold_flag;
-                       if(ccr_fmode=='b00)begin// indirect write mode
-                               sr_ftf<=pack(16-pack(fifo.count)>={1'b0,cr_fthres}+1);
-                       end
-                       else if(ccr_fmode=='b01) begin
-                               sr_ftf<=pack(pack(fifo.count)>=({1'b0,cr_fthres}+1)); 
-                `ifdef verbose1 $display("fifo count: %d fthres: %d",fifo.count,cr_fthres); `endif
-                       end
-                       else if(ccr_fmode=='b10 && wr_status_read)begin // auto_status polling mode
-                               sr_ftf<=1;
-                       end
-                       else if(ccr_fmode=='b10 && wr_data_read)begin // auto_status polling mode
-                               sr_ftf<=0;
-                       end
-            else if(ccr_fmode=='b11 && pack(fifo.count)>={1'b0,cr_fthres}+1) begin
-                ncs<=1;
-                sr_busy<=0;
-                rg_phase<=Idle; // Will this work?
-                thres<= True;
-                rg_request_ready <= True;
-             //   $display($time,"THRES is being set to TRUE kyaaaa?");
-            end
-       endrule
-       /* If abort is raised or the QSPI is disabled go back to Idle Phase*/
-    //(*descending_urgency = "if_abort,rl_read_request_from_AXI"*)
-    //(*descending_urgency = "if_abort,rl_write_request_from_AXI"*)
-    (*preempts = "if_abort,rl_update_threshold_flag"*)
-       rule if_abort(qspi_flush);
-        //$display("Received Abort or Disable request, going to idle");
-               rg_phase<=Idle;
-        ncs <= 1;
-        sr_busy <= 0;
-        thres <= False;
-        read_true <= False;
-        first_read <= False;
-        instruction_sent <= False;
-        half_cycle_delay <= False;
-        fifo.clear();  //What if its already empty? clearing the fifo, so doesn't matter 
-       endrule
-       /*operate the busy signal in different mode */
-       rule rl_reset_busy_signal(sr_busy==1);
-               if(cr_abort==1)begin
-                       sr_busy<=0;
-                       ncs<=1;
-               end
-               else if(ccr_fmode=='b00 || ccr_fmode=='b01)begin // indirect write or read mode;
-                       if(/*fifo.count==0 &&*/ sr_tcf==1)begin // if FIFO is empty and the transaction is complete
-                               sr_busy<=0;
-                               ncs<=1;
-                       end
-               end
-               else if(ccr_fmode=='b10)begin // automatic polling mode
-                       if(sr_smf==1)begin 
-                               sr_busy<=0;
-                               ncs<=1;
-                       end
-               end
-               else if(ccr_fmode=='b11)begin
-                       if(sr_tof==1 || cr_en==0 || cr_abort==1) begin// timeout event
-                               sr_busy<=0;
-                               ncs<=1;
-                       end
-               end
-       endrule
-    (*descending_urgency="rl_set_busy_signal,rl_read_request_from_AXI"*)
-    (*descending_urgency="rl_set_busy_signal,rl_write_request_from_AXI"*)
-       rule rl_set_busy_signal(sr_busy==0 && rg_phase==Idle && cr_abort==0 && cr_en==1);
-               rg_output_en<=0;
-               instruction_sent<=False;
-               `ifdef verbose1 $display($time,"\tWaiting for change in phase wr_read_request_from_AXI: %b ccr_fmode: %h thres: %h",wr_read_request_from_AXI,ccr_fmode,thres); `endif
-               if(wr_instruction_written)begin
-                       sr_busy<=1;
-                       ncs<=0;
-                       rg_phase<=Instruction_phase;
-                       rg_count_bits<=8;
-               end
-               else if((wr_address_written && ccr_admode!=0 && (ccr_fmode=='b01 || ccr_dmode=='d0 || ccr_fmode=='b10))|| (wr_data_written && ccr_admode!=0 && ccr_dmode!=0 && ccr_fmode=='b00))begin
-                       sr_busy<=1; // start some transaction
-            `ifdef verbose $display("Address Written and going to Some mode"); `endif
-            ncs<=0;
-                       let {x,y,z}<-change_phase.func(rg_phase,0,0);
-                       rg_count_bits<=x;
-                       rg_count_bytes<=0;
-                       rg_phase<=z;
-            `ifdef verbose $display("Mode is :",fshow(z),"Count_bits : %d",x); `endif 
-            if(z==DataRead_phase)
-                read_true <= True;
-               end
-               else if(wr_read_request_from_AXI && ccr_fmode=='b11 && !thres)begin // memory-mapped mode.
-            `ifdef verbose $display("Entering Memory mapped mode"); `endif
-                       sr_busy<=1;
-                       ncs<=0;
-                       let {x,y,z}<-change_phase.func(rg_phase,0,0);
-                       rg_count_bits<=x;
-                       rg_count_bytes<=0;
-                       rg_phase<=z;
-            `ifdef verbose $display("rg_phase :",fshow(z)); `endif
-            if(z==DataRead_phase)
-                read_true <= True;
-               end
-       endrule
-       /* This rule generates the error signal interrupt in different scenarios */
-       rule set_error_signal;
-               Bit#(32) actual_address=1<<(dcr_fsize);
-               if(wr_address_written && ar>actual_address && (ccr_fmode=='b00 || ccr_fmode=='b01))
-                       sr_tef<=1;
-               else if(wr_address_written && ar+dlr>actual_address &&(ccr_fmode=='b00 || ccr_fmode=='b01))
-                       sr_tef<=1;
-               else if(wr_address_written)
-                       sr_tef<=0;
-       endrule
-       /* Rule to transfer the instruction of 8-bits outside. THe size of instruction is fixed
-       to 8 bits by protocol. Instruction phase will always be in SDR mode */
-       rule rl_transfer_instruction(rg_phase==Instruction_phase && transfer_cond && wr_sdr_clock && !qspi_flush);
-               Bool end_of_phase=False;
-               let reverse_instruction=ccr_instruction;
-               let count_val=rg_count_bits;
-               `ifdef verbose1 $display("Executing Instruction Phase SPI Mode: %b Count_bits: %d InstructionReverse: %h",ccr_imode,rg_count_bits,reverse_instruction); `endif
-               Bit#(4) enable_o=0;
-               if(ccr_imode=='b01)begin // single spi mode;
-                       enable_o=4'b1101;
-                       rg_output<={1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,reverse_instruction[rg_count_bits-1]};
-                       if(rg_count_bits==1)begin// end of instruction stream
-                               end_of_phase=True;
-                       end
-                       else
-                               count_val=rg_count_bits-1;
-               end
-               else if (ccr_imode=='b10)begin // dual mode;
-                       enable_o=4'b1111;
-                       rg_output<={1'b1,1'b0,reverse_instruction[rg_count_bits-1:rg_count_bits-2]};
-                       if(rg_count_bits==2)begin// end of instruction stream
-                               end_of_phase=True;
-                       end
-                       else
-                               count_val=rg_count_bits-2;
-               end
-               else if (ccr_imode=='b11)begin // quad mode;
-                       enable_o=4'b1111;
-                       rg_output<=reverse_instruction[rg_count_bits-1:rg_count_bits-4];
-                       if(rg_count_bits==4)begin// end of instruction stream
-                               end_of_phase=True;
-                       end
-                       else
-                               count_val=rg_count_bits-4;
-               end
-               if(end_of_phase || ccr_imode==0)begin // end of instruction or no instruction phase
-                       let {x,y,z}<-change_phase.func(rg_phase,count_val,0);
-                       instruction_sent<=True;
-                       rg_count_bits<=x;
-                       delay_sr_tcf<=y;
-                       rg_phase<=z;
-                       rg_count_bytes<=0;
-      if(ccr_ddrm==1)
-         half_cycle_delay<=True;
-         if(z==DataRead_phase)
-             read_true <= True;
-               end
-               else
-                       rg_count_bits<=count_val;
-               rg_output_en<=enable_o;
-       endrule
-       /* Rule to transfer the address bits of address outside. The size of address is 
-       defined by the ccr_adsize register in ccr */
-       rule rl_transfer_address(rg_phase==Address_phase && transfer_cond  && clock_cond && !qspi_flush);
-    if(half_cycle_delay) begin
-       half_cycle_delay<=False;
-       read_true <= True;    //A workaround for the delay .. For DDR mode, the clock should be pushed one cycle and not half
-    end
-    else if(read_true)
-        read_true <= False;
-    else begin
-                 Bool end_of_phase=False;
-                       Bit#(4) enable_o=0;
-                 let count_val=rg_count_bits;
-                       Bit#(32) address=(ccr_fmode=='b11)?zeroExtend(mm_address):ar;
-            rg_prev_addr <= truncate(address);
-            `ifdef verbose1 $display($time,"Executing Address Phase SPI Mode: %b Address Size: %d Count_bits: %d Address: %b",ccr_admode,ccr_adsize,rg_count_bits,address); `endif 
-                 if(ccr_admode=='b01)begin // single spi mode;
-                       enable_o=4'b1101;
-                       rg_output<={1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,address[rg_count_bits-1]};
-            `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Single: Sending Address bit %h bit_number: %d total_address: %h",rg_count_bits-1,address[rg_count_bits-1],address); `endif
-                       if(rg_count_bits==1)begin// end of address stream
-                               end_of_phase=True;
-                       end
-                       else
-                               count_val=rg_count_bits-1;
-                 end
-                 else if (ccr_admode=='b10)begin // dual mode;
-                       enable_o=4'b1111;
-                       rg_output<={1'b1,1'b0,address[rg_count_bits-1:rg_count_bits-2]};
-            `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Double: Sending Address bit %h bit_number: %d total_address: %h",rg_count_bits-1,address[rg_count_bits-1],address); `endif
-                       if(rg_count_bits==2)begin// end of address stream
-                               end_of_phase=True;
-                       end
-                       else
-                               count_val=rg_count_bits-2;
-                 end
-                 else if (ccr_admode=='b11)begin // quad mode;
-                       enable_o=4'b1111;
-                       rg_output<=address[rg_count_bits-1:rg_count_bits-4];
-            `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Quad: Sending Address bit %h bit_number: %d total_address: %h",rg_count_bits-1,address[rg_count_bits-1],address); `endif
-                       if(rg_count_bits==4)begin// end of address stream
-                               end_of_phase=True;
-                       end
-                       else
-                               count_val=rg_count_bits-4;
-                 end
-                 if(end_of_phase || ccr_admode==0)begin // end of address phase
-                       let {x,y,z}<-change_phase.func(rg_phase,count_val,0);
-                       rg_count_bits<=x;
-                       delay_sr_tcf<=y;
-                       rg_phase<=z;
-                       rg_count_bytes<=0;
-                   if(z==DataRead_phase)
-             read_true <= True;
-          end
-                 else
-                       rg_count_bits<=count_val;
-                       rg_output_en<=enable_o;
-    end
-       endrule
-       /* Rule to transfer the alternate bytes. The size of alternate bytes is 
-       defined by the ccr_absize register in ccr */
-       rule rl_transfer_alternatebytes(rg_phase==AlternateByte_phase && transfer_cond && clock_cond && !qspi_flush);
-               Bool end_of_phase=False;
-               let count_val=rg_count_bits;
-               `ifdef verbose1 $display("Executing AltByte Phase SPI Mode: %b AltByte Size: %d Count_bits: %d AltByte: %b",ccr_abmode,ccr_absize,rg_count_bits,abr); `endif
-               Bit#(4) enable_o=0;
-               if(ccr_abmode=='b01)begin // single spi mode;
-                       enable_o=4'b1101;
-                       rg_output<={1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,abr[rg_count_bits-1]};
-                       if(rg_count_bits==1)begin// end of instruction stream
-                               end_of_phase=True;
-                       end
-                       else
-                               count_val=rg_count_bits-1;
-               end
-               else if (ccr_abmode=='b10)begin // dual mode;
-                       enable_o=4'b1111;
-                       rg_output<={1'b1,1'b0,abr[rg_count_bits-1:rg_count_bits-2]};
-                       if(rg_count_bits==2)begin// end of instruction stream
-                               end_of_phase=True;
-                       end
-                       else
-                               count_val=rg_count_bits-2;
-               end
-               else if (ccr_abmode=='b11)begin // quad mode;
-                       enable_o=4'b1111;
-                       rg_output<=abr[rg_count_bits-1:rg_count_bits-4];
-                       if(rg_count_bits==4)begin// end of instruction stream
-                               end_of_phase=True;
-                       end
-                       else
-                               count_val=rg_count_bits-4;
-               end
-               if(end_of_phase || ccr_abmode==0)begin // end of alternate byte phase
-                       let {x,y,z}<-change_phase.func(rg_phase,count_val,0);
-                       rg_count_bits<=x;
-                       delay_sr_tcf<=y;
-                       rg_phase<=z;
-                       rg_count_bytes<=0;
-                   if(z==DataRead_phase)
-             read_true <= True;end
-               else
-                       rg_count_bits<=count_val;
-               rg_output_en<=enable_o;
-       endrule
-    rule rl_transfer_dummy_cycle(rg_phase==Dummy_phase && transfer_cond && wr_sdr_clock && !qspi_flush);
-        let {x,y,z} <- change_phase.func(rg_phase,rg_count_bits,0);
-        Bit#(5) count_val = rg_mode_byte_counter;
-        Bit#(4) enable_o = rg_output_en;
-        `ifdef verbose $display("\t Executing Dummy Phase: rg_mode_bytes: %b rg_mode_byte_counter: %d",rg_mode_bytes, rg_mode_byte_counter); `endif
-        if(ccr_dmode==1) begin
-          if(ccr_dummy_confirmation==1) begin
-            //rg_output_en <= 4'b1101;
-            enable_o = 4'b1101;
-            rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,rg_mode_bytes[rg_mode_byte_counter]};
-            if(count_val!=0)
-                count_val = count_val - 1;
-            else
-                enable_o = 4'b0000;
-          end
-          else begin
-            //rg_output_en <= 4'b1101;
-            enable_o = 4'b1101;
-            rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0};
-          end
-        end
-        else if(ccr_dmode==2) begin
-          if(ccr_dummy_confirmation==1) begin
-            //rg_output_en <= 4'b1111;
-            enable_o = 4'b1111;
-            rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,rg_mode_bytes[rg_mode_byte_counter:rg_mode_byte_counter-1]};
-            if(count_val!=0)
-                count_val = count_val - 2;
-            else
-                enable_o = 4'b0000;
-          end
-          else begin
-            //rg_output_en <= 4'b1100;
-            enable_o = 4'b1100;
-            rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0};
-          end
-        end
-        else begin
-           if(ccr_dummy_confirmation==1) begin
-            //rg_output_en <= 4'b1111;
-            enable_o = 4'b1111;
-            rg_output <= rg_mode_bytes[rg_mode_byte_counter:rg_mode_byte_counter-3];
-            if(count_val!=3)
-                 count_val = count_val - 4;
-            else
-                enable_o = 4'b0000;
-           end
-           else begin
-               //rg_output_en <= 4'b0000;
-               enable_o = 4'b0000;
-           end
-        end
-        if(rg_count_bits==0 || (rg_count_bits==1 && z!=DataRead_phase))begin // end of dummy cycles;
-                       delay_sr_tcf<=y;
-                       rg_phase<=z;
-            `ifdef verbose $display("From Dummy to :",fshow(z)); `endif
-                       if(z==DataRead_phase)
-                read_true <= True;
-               rg_count_bytes<=0;
-                       rg_count_bits<=x;
-            rg_mode_byte_counter <= 'd-1;  //All ones
-            if(ccr_ddrm==1)
-                half_cycle_delay<=True;
-               end
-               else begin
-                       rg_count_bits<=rg_count_bits-1;
-            rg_mode_byte_counter <= count_val;
-            rg_output_en <= enable_o;
-               end
-        endrule
-       /* Rule to transfer the dummy_cycles. The size of dummy cycles is 
-       defined by the ccr_dcyc register in ccr. The number of dummy cycles should be calculated of
-       the complete cycle even in DDR mode hence using sdr clock*/
-/*     rule rl_transfer_dummy_cycle(rg_phase==Dummy_phase && transfer_cond && wr_sdr_clock && !qspi_flush);
-               let {x,y,z}<-change_phase.func(rg_phase,rg_count_bits,0);
-        `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Executing Dummy Phase, Dummy_confirmation_bit : %d dummy_bit : %d", ccr_dummy_confirmation, ccr_dummy_bit); `endif
-               if(ccr_dmode==1) begin
-               if(ccr_dummy_confirmation==1) begin
-                   rg_output_en <= 4'b1101;
-                   rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,ccr_dummy_bit};
-                   ccr_dummy_confirmation<=0;
-               end
-               else begin
-                   rg_output_en <= 4'b1101;
-                   rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0};
-               end
-           end
-           else if(ccr_dmode==2) begin
-               if(ccr_dummy_confirmation==1) begin
-                   rg_output_en <= 4'b1101;
-                   rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,ccr_dummy_bit};
-                   ccr_dummy_confirmation <= 0;
-               end
-               else begin
-                   rg_output_en <= 4'b1100;
-                   rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0};
-               end
-           end
-           else begin
-               if(ccr_dummy_confirmation==1) begin
-                   `ifdef verbose $display("Data going to output %d", ccr_dummy_bit); `endif
-                   rg_output_en <= 1;
-                   rg_output[0] <= ccr_dummy_bit;
-                   ccr_dummy_confirmation<=0;
-               end
-               else
-                   rg_output_en <= 0;
-            end
-        if(rg_count_bits==0 || (rg_count_bits==1 && z!=DataRead_phase))begin // end of dummy cycles;
-                       delay_sr_tcf<=y;
-                       rg_phase<=z;
-            `ifdef verbose $display("From Dummy to :",fshow(z)); `endif
-                       if(z==DataRead_phase)
-                read_true <= True;
-               rg_count_bytes<=0;
-                       rg_count_bits<=x;
-            if(ccr_ddrm==1)
-                half_cycle_delay<=True;
-               end
-               else begin
-                       rg_count_bits<=rg_count_bits-1;
-               end
-       endrule*/
-       /* read data from the flash memory and store it in the DLR register. Simulataneously
-       put Bytes in the FIFO*/
-    (*descending_urgency="rl_data_read_phase,rl_read_request_from_AXI"*)
-    (*descending_urgency="rl_data_read_phase,rl_write_request_from_AXI"*)
-       rule rl_data_read_phase(rg_phase==DataRead_phase /*&& ccr_fmode!='b11*/ && transfer_cond && clock_cond && !qspi_flush);
-               //rg_output_en<=0;
-        if(half_cycle_delay || read_true) begin
-                       half_cycle_delay<=False;
-            read_true <= False;
-        end
-               else begin
-                       Bit#(32) data_reg=dr;
-                       Bit#(32) count_byte=rg_count_bytes;
-                       Bit#(32) count_bits=rg_count_bits;
-                       Bit#(32) data_length1=(ccr_fmode=='b11)?mm_data_length:dlr;
-            `ifdef verbose1 $display($time,"Executing DataRead Phase SPI Mode: %b DLR : %d Count_bits: %d Input :%b ccr_ddrm: %b",ccr_dmode,data_length1,rg_count_bits,rg_input,ccr_ddrm); `endif 
-                       /* write incoming bit to the data register */
-                       if(ccr_dmode==1)begin // single line mode;
-                               data_reg=data_reg<<1;
-                               data_reg[0]=rg_input[1];
-                `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Single data_reg : %b",data_reg); `endif
-                               count_bits=count_bits+1;
-                rg_output_en <= 4'b1101;
-                rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0};
-                       end
-                       else if(ccr_dmode==2)begin // dual line mode;
-                rg_output_en <= 4'b1100;
-                               data_reg=data_reg<<2;
-                               data_reg[1:0]=rg_input[1:0];
-                `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Dual data_reg : %b",data_reg); `endif
-                               count_bits=count_bits+1;
-                rg_output <= {1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,1'b0};
-                       end
-                       else if(ccr_dmode==3) begin// quad line mode;
-                rg_output_en <= 4'b0000;
-                               data_reg=data_reg<<4;
-                               data_reg[3:0]=rg_input;
-                `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Quad data_reg : %b",data_reg); `endif
-                               count_bits=count_bits+1;
-                       end
-                       /* write the last successfully received byte into the FIFO */
-                       if(ccr_dmode==1)begin// single line mode
-                if(count_byte==data_length-1 && ccr_ddrm==1 && count_bits[2:0]=='b111) //To make sure that the Flash does not send any data the next half edge since ncs is made 1 after the second edge
-                    ncs<=1;
-                               if(rg_count_bits[2:0]=='b111)begin // multiple of eight bits have been read.
-                                       `ifdef verbose1 $display("Enquing FIFO"); `endif
-                                       Vector#(4,Bit#(8)) temp = newVector();
-                                       temp[0]=data_reg[7:0];
-                    `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Single Enqueing FIFO : data is %h",temp[0]); `endif
-                                       if(!first_read)
-                        fifo.enq(1,temp);
-                                       count_byte=count_byte+1;
-                               end
-                       end
-                       else if(ccr_dmode==2) begin // dual line mode   
-                if(count_byte==data_length-1 && ccr_ddrm==1 && count_bits[1:0]=='b11) //To make sure that the Flash does not send any data the next half edge since ncs is made 1 after the second edge
-                    ncs<=1;
-                               if(rg_count_bits[1:0]=='b11)begin // multiple of eight bits have been read.
-                                       `ifdef verbose1 $display("Enquing FIFO"); `endif
-                                       Vector#(4,Bit#(8)) temp = newVector();
-                                       temp[0]=data_reg[7:0];
-                    `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Dual Enqueing FIFO : data is %h",temp[0]); `endif
-                    if(!first_read)
-                        fifo.enq(1,temp);
-                                       count_byte=count_byte+1;
-                               end
-                       end
-                       else if(ccr_dmode==3) begin // quad line mode   
-                if(count_byte==data_length-1 && ccr_ddrm==1 && count_bits[0]=='b1) //To make sure that the Flash does not send any data the next half edge since ncs is made 1 after the second edge
-                    ncs<=1;
-                               if(rg_count_bits[0]=='b1)begin // multiple of eight bits have been read.
-                                       `ifdef verbose1 $display("Enquing FIFO"); `endif
-                                       Vector#(4,Bit#(8)) temp = newVector();
-                                       temp[0]=data_reg[7:0];
-                    `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Quad Enqueing FIFO : data is %h",temp[0]); `endif
-                    if(!first_read)
-                        fifo.enq(1,temp);
-                                       count_byte=count_byte+1;
-                               end
-                       end
-                       bit smf=0;
-            `ifdef verbose $display("count_byte: %d data_length1: %d",count_byte,data_length1); `endif 
-                       /* condition for termination of dataread_phase */
-                       if(data_length1!='hFFFFFFFF)begin // if limit is not undefined
-                               if(count_byte==data_length1)begin // if limit has bee reached.
-                    `ifdef verbose $display($time,"Limit has reached: rg_count_bytes %h data_length %h",count_byte,data_length); `endif
-                                       if(ccr_fmode=='b10)begin // auto-status polling mode
-                                               if(cr_pmm==0)begin // ANDed mode
-                                                       if((psmar&psmkr) == (psmkr&dr)) // is the unmasked bits match
-                                                               smf=1;
-                                                       else
-                                                               smf=0;
-                                               end
-                                               else begin// ORed mode 
-                                                       let p=psmkr&dr;
-                                                       let q=psmkr&psmar;
-                                                       let r=~(p^q);
-                                                       if(|(r)==1)
-                                                               smf=1;
-                                                       else 
-                                                               smf=0;
-                                               end
-                                       end
-                                       else if(ccr_fmode=='b11)begin// memory mapped mode
-                                   if(first_read) begin
-                            `ifdef verbose $display("Sending response back to the proc data_reg: %h",data_reg); `endif
-                            let r = AXI4_Lite_Rd_Data {rresp: AXI4_LITE_OKAY, rdata: duplicate(data_reg) , ruser: 0};
-                                       s_xactor.i_rd_data.enq(r);
-                            first_read <= False;
-                            //rg_request_ready <= True;
-                        end
-                                         end
-                                           let {x,y,z}<-change_phase.func(rg_phase,rg_count_bits,smf);
-                      /*  if(z==DataRead_phase)
-                            read_true <= True;*/
-                                           rg_phase<=z;
-                        `ifdef verbose  $display("rg_phase:",fshow(z),"sr_tcf: %d",y); `endif
-                                           sr_tcf<=y; // set completion of transfer flag
-                                           rg_count_bytes<=0;
-                                           rg_count_bits<=0;
-                               end
-                               else begin
-                                       rg_count_bytes<=count_byte;
-                                       rg_count_bits<=count_bits;
-                               end
-                       end
-                       else if(dcr_fsize!='h1f)begin // if limit is not infinite
-                               Bit#(32) new_limit=1<<(dcr_fsize);
-                `ifdef verbose1 $display("Sending completion -- newlimit : %h",new_limit); `endif
-                               if(truncate(rg_count_bytes)==new_limit)begin // if reached end of Flash memory 
-                                       let {x,y,z}<-change_phase.func(rg_phase,rg_count_bits,smf&cr_apms);
-                                       rg_phase<=z;
-                    if(z==DataRead_phase)
-                        read_true <= True;
-                                       sr_tcf<=y; // set completion of transfer flag
-                                       rg_count_bytes<=0;
-                                       rg_count_bits<=0;
-                               end
-                               else begin
-                                       rg_count_bytes<=count_byte;
-                                       rg_count_bits<=count_bits;
-                               end
-                       end
-                       else begin // keep looping untill abort signal is not raised.
-                               rg_count_bytes<=count_byte;
-                               rg_count_bits<=count_bits;
-                       end
-                       dr<=data_reg;
-                       sr_smf<=smf;
-               end
-       endrule
-       /* write data from the FIFO to the FLASH. Simulataneously*/
-    (*descending_urgency="rl_data_write_phase,rl_read_request_from_AXI"*)
-    (*descending_urgency="rl_data_write_phase,rl_write_request_from_AXI"*)
-       rule rl_data_write_phase(rg_phase==DataWrite_phase && transfer_cond && clock_cond && !qspi_flush);
-               if(half_cycle_delay)
-                       half_cycle_delay<=False;
-               else begin
-                       Bit#(8) data_reg=fifo.first()[0];
-                       Bit#(32) count_byte=rg_count_bytes;
-                       Bit#(32) count_bits=rg_count_bits;
-                       Bit#(4) enable_o=0;
-                       /* write incoming bit to the data register */
-                       if(ccr_dmode==1)begin // single line mode;
-                               enable_o=4'b1101;
-                               rg_output<={1'b1,1'b0,1'b0,data_reg[rg_count_bits-1]};
-                               count_bits=count_bits-1;
-                       end
-                       else if(ccr_dmode==2)begin // dual line mode;
-                               enable_o=4'b1111;
-                               rg_output<={1'b1,1'b0,data_reg[rg_count_bits-1:rg_count_bits-2]};
-                               count_bits=count_bits-2;
-                       end
-                       else if(ccr_dmode==3) begin// quad line mode;
-                               enable_o=4'b1111;
-                               rg_output<=data_reg[rg_count_bits-1:rg_count_bits-4];
-                               count_bits=count_bits-4;
-                       end
-            `ifdef verbose1 $display("Executing DataWrite Phase SPI Mode: %b DLR : %d Count_bits: %d Input :%b Enable: %b",ccr_dmode,dlr,rg_count_bits,rg_input,enable_o); `endif 
-                       /* write the last successfully received byte into the FIFO */
-                       if(ccr_dmode==1)begin// single line mode
-                               if(rg_count_bits==1)begin // multiple of eight bits have been read.
-                                       fifo.deq(1);
-                                       count_byte=count_byte+1;
-                                       count_bits=8;
-                               end
-                       end
-                       else if(ccr_dmode==2) begin // dual line mode   
-                               if(rg_count_bits==2)begin // multiple of eight bits have been read.
-                                       fifo.deq(1);
-                                       count_byte=count_byte+1;
-                                       count_bits=8;
-                               end
-                       end
-                       else if(ccr_dmode==3) begin // quad line mode   
-                               if(rg_count_bits==4)begin // multiple of eight bits have been read.
-                                       fifo.deq(1);
-                                       count_byte=count_byte+1;
-                                       count_bits=8;
-                               end
-                       end
-                       /* condition for termination of dataread_phase */
-                       if(dlr!='hFFFFFFFF)begin // if limit is not undefined
-                               if(rg_count_bytes==dlr)begin // if limit has bee reached.
-                                       rg_phase<=Idle;
-                                       sr_tcf<=1; // set completion of transfer flag
-                                       rg_count_bytes<=0;
-                                       rg_count_bits<=0;
-                               end
-                               else begin
-                                       rg_count_bytes<=count_byte;
-                                       rg_count_bits<=count_bits;
-                               end
-                       end
-                       else if(dcr_fsize!='h1f)begin // if limit is not infinite
-                               Bit#(32) new_limit=1<<(dcr_fsize);
-                               if(truncate(rg_count_bytes)==new_limit)begin // if reached end of Flash memory 
-                                       rg_phase<=Idle;
-                                       sr_tcf<=1; // set completion of transfer flag
-                                       rg_count_bytes<=0;
-                                       rg_count_bits<=0;
-                               end
-                               else begin
-                                       rg_count_bytes<=count_byte;
-                                       rg_count_bits<=count_bits;
-                               end
-                       end
-                       else begin // keep looping untill abort signal is not raised.
-                               rg_count_bytes<=count_byte;
-                               rg_count_bits<=count_bits;
-                       end
-               rg_output_en<=enable_o;
-               end
-       endrule
-       rule display_all_Registers;
-               `ifdef verbose1 $display($time,"\tPhase: ",fshow(rg_phase)," CR WRitten %d",wr_instruction_written, "Address Written: %d",wr_address_written); `endif
-               `ifdef verbose1 $display($time,"\tCR: %h\tDCR: %h\tSR: %h\tFCR: %h",cr,dcr,sr,fcr); `endif
-               `ifdef verbose1 $display($time,"\tDLR: %h\tCCR: %h\tAR: %h\tABR: %h",dlr,ccr,ar,abr); `endif
-               `ifdef verbose1 $display($time,"\tDR: %h\tPSMKR: %h\tPSMAR: %h\tPIR: %h",dr,psmkr,psmar,pir,"\n"); `endif
-       endrule
-       `ifdef simulate
-               rule delay_phase(((wr_sdr_clock && ccr_ddrm==0) || (ddr_clock && ccr_ddrm==1)));
-                       rg_phase_delayed<=rg_phase;
-               endrule
-       `endif
-    interface QSPI_out out;
-       method Bit#(9) io0_sdio_ctrl;
-               return sdio0r[8:0];
-       endmethod
-       method Bit#(9) io1_sdio_ctrl;
-               return sdio1r[8:0];
-       endmethod
-       method Bit#(9) io2_sdio_ctrl;
-               return sdio2r[8:0];
-       endmethod
-       method Bit#(9) io3_sdio_ctrl;
-               return sdio3r[8:0];
-       endmethod
-      interface clk_o = interface Get
-        method ActionValue#(Bit#(1)) get;
-           return delay_ncs==1?dcr_ckmode:rg_clk;
-        endmethod
-      endinterface;
-      interface io_out = interface Get
-        method ActionValue#(Bit#(4)) get;
-            return rg_output;
-        endmethod
-      endinterface;
-      interface io_out_en = interface Get
-        method ActionValue#(Bit#(4)) get;
-            return rg_output_en;
-        endmethod
-      endinterface;
-      interface io_in = interface Put
-        method Action put(Bit#(4) in);
-            rg_input<=in;
-        endmethod
-      endinterface;
-      interface ncs_o = interface Get
-        method ActionValue#(Bit#(1)) get;
-           return ncs;
-        endmethod
-      endinterface;
-    endinterface
-  interface slave= s_xactor.axi_side;
-       method Bit#(6) interrupts; // 0=TOF, 1=SMF, 2=Threshold, 3=TCF, 4=TEF 5=request_ready
-               return {pack(rg_request_ready),sr_tef&cr_teie, sr_tcf&cr_tcie, sr_ftf&cr_ftie, sr_smf&cr_smie , sr_tof&cr_toie};
-       endmethod
-       `ifdef simulate method curphase = rg_phase_delayed; `endif
-       endmodule
diff --git a/src/peripherals/spi/mspi.bsv b/src/peripherals/spi/mspi.bsv
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c49f929
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+are met:
+*  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+*  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+*  Neither the name of IIT Madras  nor the names of its contributors
+   may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+   without specific prior written permission.
+package mspi;
+    import AXI4_Lite_Types   :: *;
+    import AXI4_Lite_Fabric  :: *;
+       import GetPut::*;
+       import qspi::*;
+    `include "instance_defines.bsv"
+    (*always_ready, always_enabled*)
+    interface SPI_out;
+        interface Get#(Bit#(1)) clk_o;
+        method Bit#(9) io0_sdio_ctrl;
+        method Bit#(9) io1_sdio_ctrl;
+        // index 0 is MOSI, index 1 is MISO.
+        interface Get#(Bit#(2)) io_out;
+        interface Get#(Bit#(2)) io_out_en;
+        interface Put#(Bit#(2)) io_in;
+        interface Get#(Bit#(1)) ncs_o;
+    endinterface
+    interface Ifc_spi;
+        interface SPI_out out;
+               interface AXI4_Lite_Slave_IFC#(`PADDR,`Reg_width,`USERSPACE) slave;
+        // 0=TOF, 1=SMF, 2=Threshold, 3=TCF, 4=TEF 5 = request_ready
+               method Bit#(6) interrupts; 
+       endinterface
+       (*synthesize*)
+       module mkspi(Ifc_spi);
+    Ifc_qspi qspi <- mkqspi();
+    interface out = interface SPI_out
+       method Bit#(9) io0_sdio_ctrl;
+               return qspi.out.io0_sdio_ctrl;
+       endmethod
+       method Bit#(9) io1_sdio_ctrl;
+               return qspi.out.io1_sdio_ctrl;
+       endmethod
+      interface io_out = interface Get
+        method ActionValue#(Bit#(2)) get;
+            let temp2 <- qspi.out.io_out.get;
+            Bit#(2) temp;
+            temp[0] = temp2[0];
+            temp[1] = temp2[1];
+            return temp;
+        endmethod
+      endinterface;
+      interface io_out_en = interface Get
+        method ActionValue#(Bit#(2)) get;
+            let temp2 <- qspi.out.io_out_en.get;
+            Bit#(2) temp;
+            temp[0] = temp2[0];
+            temp[1] = temp2[1];
+            return temp;
+        endmethod
+      endinterface;
+      interface io_in = interface Put
+        method Action put(Bit#(2) in);
+            Bit#(4) temp;
+            temp[3] = 0;
+            temp[2] = 0;
+            temp[1] = in[1];
+            temp[0] = in[0];
+            qspi.out.io_in.put(temp);
+        endmethod
+      endinterface;
+      interface clk_o = qspi.out.clk_o;
+      interface ncs_o = qspi.out.ncs_o;
+    endinterface;
+    interface slave = qspi.slave;
+  // 0=TOF, 1=SMF, 2=Threshold, 3=TCF, 4=TEF 5=request_ready
+       method Bit#(6) interrupts;
+               return qspi.interrupts;
+       endmethod
+  endmodule
diff --git a/src/peripherals/spi/spi.bsv b/src/peripherals/spi/spi.bsv
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 56a0965..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-are met:
-*  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
-   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-*  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-*  Neither the name of IIT Madras  nor the names of its contributors
-   may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
-   without specific prior written permission.
-package spi;
-    import AXI4_Lite_Types   :: *;
-    import AXI4_Lite_Fabric  :: *;
-       import GetPut::*;
-       import qspi::*;
-    `include "instance_defines.bsv"
-    (*always_ready, always_enabled*)
-    interface SPI_out;
-        interface Get#(Bit#(1)) clk_o;
-        method Bit#(9) io0_sdio_ctrl;
-        method Bit#(9) io1_sdio_ctrl;
-        // index 0 is MOSI, index 1 is MISO.
-        interface Get#(Bit#(2)) io_out;
-        interface Get#(Bit#(2)) io_out_en;
-        interface Put#(Bit#(2)) io_in;
-        interface Get#(Bit#(1)) ncs_o;
-    endinterface
-    interface Ifc_spi;
-        interface SPI_out out;
-               interface AXI4_Lite_Slave_IFC#(`PADDR,`Reg_width,`USERSPACE) slave;
-        // 0=TOF, 1=SMF, 2=Threshold, 3=TCF, 4=TEF 5 = request_ready
-               method Bit#(6) interrupts; 
-       endinterface
-       (*synthesize*)
-       module mkspi(Ifc_spi);
-    Ifc_qspi qspi <- mkqspi();
-    interface out = interface SPI_out
-       method Bit#(9) io0_sdio_ctrl;
-               return qspi.out.io0_sdio_ctrl;
-       endmethod
-       method Bit#(9) io1_sdio_ctrl;
-               return qspi.out.io1_sdio_ctrl;
-       endmethod
-      interface io_out = interface Get
-        method ActionValue#(Bit#(2)) get;
-            let temp2 <- qspi.out.io_out.get;
-            Bit#(2) temp;
-            temp[0] = temp2[0];
-            temp[1] = temp2[1];
-            return temp;
-        endmethod
-      endinterface;
-      interface io_out_en = interface Get
-        method ActionValue#(Bit#(2)) get;
-            let temp2 <- qspi.out.io_out_en.get;
-            Bit#(2) temp;
-            temp[0] = temp2[0];
-            temp[1] = temp2[1];
-            return temp;
-        endmethod
-      endinterface;
-      interface io_in = interface Put
-        method Action put(Bit#(2) in);
-            Bit#(4) temp;
-            temp[3] = 0;
-            temp[2] = 0;
-            temp[1] = in[1];
-            temp[0] = in[0];
-            qspi.out.io_in.put(temp);
-        endmethod
-      endinterface;
-      interface clk_o = qspi.out.clk_o;
-      interface ncs_o = qspi.out.ncs_o;
-    endinterface;
-    interface slave = qspi.slave;
-  // 0=TOF, 1=SMF, 2=Threshold, 3=TCF, 4=TEF 5=request_ready
-       method Bit#(6) interrupts;
-               return qspi.interrupts;
-       endmethod
-  endmodule
diff --git a/src/peripherals/uart/quart.bsv b/src/peripherals/uart/quart.bsv
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..56a0965
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+are met:
+*  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+*  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+*  Neither the name of IIT Madras  nor the names of its contributors
+   may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+   without specific prior written permission.
+package spi;
+    import AXI4_Lite_Types   :: *;
+    import AXI4_Lite_Fabric  :: *;
+       import GetPut::*;
+       import qspi::*;
+    `include "instance_defines.bsv"
+    (*always_ready, always_enabled*)
+    interface SPI_out;
+        interface Get#(Bit#(1)) clk_o;
+        method Bit#(9) io0_sdio_ctrl;
+        method Bit#(9) io1_sdio_ctrl;
+        // index 0 is MOSI, index 1 is MISO.
+        interface Get#(Bit#(2)) io_out;
+        interface Get#(Bit#(2)) io_out_en;
+        interface Put#(Bit#(2)) io_in;
+        interface Get#(Bit#(1)) ncs_o;
+    endinterface
+    interface Ifc_spi;
+        interface SPI_out out;
+               interface AXI4_Lite_Slave_IFC#(`PADDR,`Reg_width,`USERSPACE) slave;
+        // 0=TOF, 1=SMF, 2=Threshold, 3=TCF, 4=TEF 5 = request_ready
+               method Bit#(6) interrupts; 
+       endinterface
+       (*synthesize*)
+       module mkspi(Ifc_spi);
+    Ifc_qspi qspi <- mkqspi();
+    interface out = interface SPI_out
+       method Bit#(9) io0_sdio_ctrl;
+               return qspi.out.io0_sdio_ctrl;
+       endmethod
+       method Bit#(9) io1_sdio_ctrl;
+               return qspi.out.io1_sdio_ctrl;
+       endmethod
+      interface io_out = interface Get
+        method ActionValue#(Bit#(2)) get;
+            let temp2 <- qspi.out.io_out.get;
+            Bit#(2) temp;
+            temp[0] = temp2[0];
+            temp[1] = temp2[1];
+            return temp;
+        endmethod
+      endinterface;
+      interface io_out_en = interface Get
+        method ActionValue#(Bit#(2)) get;
+            let temp2 <- qspi.out.io_out_en.get;
+            Bit#(2) temp;
+            temp[0] = temp2[0];
+            temp[1] = temp2[1];
+            return temp;
+        endmethod
+      endinterface;
+      interface io_in = interface Put
+        method Action put(Bit#(2) in);
+            Bit#(4) temp;
+            temp[3] = 0;
+            temp[2] = 0;
+            temp[1] = in[1];
+            temp[0] = in[0];
+            qspi.out.io_in.put(temp);
+        endmethod
+      endinterface;
+      interface clk_o = qspi.out.clk_o;
+      interface ncs_o = qspi.out.ncs_o;
+    endinterface;
+    interface slave = qspi.slave;
+  // 0=TOF, 1=SMF, 2=Threshold, 3=TCF, 4=TEF 5=request_ready
+       method Bit#(6) interrupts;
+               return qspi.interrupts;
+       endmethod
+  endmodule