Started to build module using functions instead plain translation from verilog to...
[ieee754fpu.git] / src / add /
1 from nmigen import Module, Signal
2 from nmigen.cli import main, verilog
4 from fpbase import FPNum, FPOp, Overflow, FPBase
7 class FPMUL(FPBase):
9 def __init__(self, width):
10 FPBase.__init__(self)
11 self.width = width
13 self.in_a = FPOp(width)
14 self.in_b = FPOp(width)
15 self.out_z = FPOp(width)
17 def get_fragment(self, platform=None):
18 """ creates the HDL code-fragment for FPMUL
19 """
20 m = Module()
22 # Latches
23 a = FPNum(self.width)
24 b = FPNum(self.width)
25 z = FPNum(self.width, False)
27 tot = Signal(28) # sticky/round/guard bits, 23 result, 1 overflow
29 of = Overflow()
31 with m.FSM() as fsm:
33 with m.State("get_a"):
34 += "get_b"
35 m.d.sync += s.in_a.ack.eq(1)
36 with m.If(s.in_a.ack & in_a.stb):
37 m.d.sync += [
38 a.eq(in_a),
39 s.in_a.ack(0)
40 ]
42 with m.State("get_b"):
43 += "unpack"
44 m.d.sync += s.in_b.ack.eq(1)
45 with m.If(s.in_b.ack & in_b.stb):
46 m.d.sync += [
47 b.eq(in_b),
48 s.in_b.ack(0)
49 ]
51 with m.State("unpack"):
52 += "special_cases"
53 m.d.sync += [
54 a.m.eq(a[0:22]),
55 b.m.eq(b[0:22]),
56 a.e.eq(a[23:31] - 127),
57 b.e.eq(b[23:31] - 127),
58 a.s.eq(a[31]),
59 b.s.eq(b[31])
60 ]
62 with m.State("special_cases"):
63 = "normalise_a"
64 #if a or b is NaN return NaN
65 with m.If(a.is_nan() | b.is_nan()):
66 += "put_z"
67 m.d.sync += z.nan()
68 """
69 special_cases:
70 begin
71 //if a is NaN or b is NaN return NaN
72 if ((a_e == 128 && a_m != 0) || (b_e == 128 && b_m != 0)) begin
73 z[31] <= 1;
74 z[30:23] <= 255;
75 z[22] <= 1;
76 z[21:0] <= 0;
77 state <= put_z;
78 //if a is inf return inf
79 end else if (a_e == 128) begin
80 z[31] <= a_s ^ b_s;
81 z[30:23] <= 255;
82 z[22:0] <= 0;
83 //if b is zero return NaN
84 if (($signed(b_e) == -127) && (b_m == 0)) begin
85 z[31] <= 1;
86 z[30:23] <= 255;
87 z[22] <= 1;
88 z[21:0] <= 0;
89 end
90 state <= put_z;
91 //if b is inf return inf
92 end else if (b_e == 128) begin
93 z[31] <= a_s ^ b_s;
94 z[30:23] <= 255;
95 z[22:0] <= 0;
96 //if a is zero return NaN
97 if (($signed(a_e) == -127) && (a_m == 0)) begin
98 z[31] <= 1;
99 z[30:23] <= 255;
100 z[22] <= 1;
101 z[21:0] <= 0;
102 end
103 state <= put_z;
104 //if a is zero return zero
105 end else if (($signed(a_e) == -127) && (a_m == 0)) begin
106 z[31] <= a_s ^ b_s;
107 z[30:23] <= 0;
108 z[22:0] <= 0;
109 state <= put_z;
110 //if b is zero return zero
111 end else if (($signed(b_e) == -127) && (b_m == 0)) begin
112 z[31] <= a_s ^ b_s;
113 z[30:23] <= 0;
114 z[22:0] <= 0;
115 state <= put_z;
116 end else begin
117 //Denormalised Number
118 if ($signed(a_e) == -127) begin
119 a_e <= -126;
120 end else begin
121 a_m[23] <= 1;
122 end
123 //Denormalised Number
124 if ($signed(b_e) == -127) begin
125 b_e <= -126;
126 end else begin
127 b_m[23] <= 1;
128 end
129 state <= normalise_a;
130 end
131 end
133 normalise_a:
134 begin
135 if (a_m[23]) begin
136 state <= normalise_b;
137 end else begin
138 a_m <= a_m << 1;
139 a_e <= a_e - 1;
140 end
141 end
143 normalise_b:
144 begin
145 if (b_m[23]) begin
146 state <= multiply_0;
147 end else begin
148 b_m <= b_m << 1;
149 b_e <= b_e - 1;
150 end
151 end
153 multiply_0:
154 begin
155 z_s <= a_s ^ b_s;
156 z_e <= a_e + b_e + 1;
157 product <= a_m * b_m * 4;
158 state <= multiply_1;
159 end
161 multiply_1:
162 begin
163 z_m <= product[49:26];
164 guard <= product[25];
165 round_bit <= product[24];
166 sticky <= (product[23:0] != 0);
167 state <= normalise_1;
168 end
170 normalise_1:
171 begin
172 if (z_m[23] == 0) begin
173 z_e <= z_e - 1;
174 z_m <= z_m << 1;
175 z_m[0] <= guard;
176 guard <= round_bit;
177 round_bit <= 0;
178 end else begin
179 state <= normalise_2;
180 end
181 end
183 normalise_2:
184 begin
185 if ($signed(z_e) < -126) begin
186 z_e <= z_e + 1;
187 z_m <= z_m >> 1;
188 guard <= z_m[0];
189 round_bit <= guard;
190 sticky <= sticky | round_bit;
191 end else begin
192 state <= round;
193 end
194 end
196 round:
197 begin
198 if (guard && (round_bit | sticky | z_m[0])) begin
199 z_m <= z_m + 1;
200 if (z_m == 24'hffffff) begin
201 z_e <=z_e + 1;
202 end
203 end
204 state <= pack;
205 end
207 pack:
208 begin
209 z[22 : 0] <= z_m[22:0];
210 z[30 : 23] <= z_e[7:0] + 127;
211 z[31] <= z_s;
212 if ($signed(z_e) == -126 && z_m[23] == 0) begin
213 z[30 : 23] <= 0;
214 end
215 //if overflow occurs, return inf
216 if ($signed(z_e) > 127) begin
217 z[22 : 0] <= 0;
218 z[30 : 23] <= 255;
219 z[31] <= z_s;
220 end
221 state <= put_z;
222 end
224 put_z:
225 begin
226 s_output_z_stb <= 1;
227 s_output_z <= z;
228 if (s_output_z_stb && output_z_ack) begin
229 s_output_z_stb <= 0;
230 state <= get_a;
231 end
232 end
234 """