[sifive-blocks.git] / src / main / scala / ip / xilinx / vc707axi_to_pcie_x1 / vc707axi_to_pcie_x1.scala
1 // See LICENSE for license details.
2 package sifive.blocks.ip.xilinx.vc707axi_to_pcie_x1
4 import Chisel._
5 import config._
6 import diplomacy._
7 import uncore.axi4._
8 import junctions._
10 // IP VLNV: xilinx.com:customize_ip:vc707pcietoaxi:1.0
11 // Black Box
12 // Signals named _exactly_ as per Vivado generated verilog
13 // s : -{lock, cache, prot, qos}
15 trait VC707AXIToPCIeX1IOSerial extends Bundle {
16 //serial external pins
17 val pci_exp_txp = Bits(OUTPUT,1)
18 val pci_exp_txn = Bits(OUTPUT,1)
19 val pci_exp_rxp = Bits(INPUT,1)
20 val pci_exp_rxn = Bits(INPUT,1)
21 }
23 trait VC707AXIToPCIeX1IOClocksReset extends Bundle {
24 //clock, reset, control
25 val axi_aresetn = Bool(INPUT)
26 val axi_aclk_out = Clock(OUTPUT)
27 val axi_ctl_aclk_out = Clock(OUTPUT)
28 val mmcm_lock = Bool(OUTPUT)
29 }
31 //scalastyle:off
32 //turn off linter: blackbox name must match verilog module
33 class vc707axi_to_pcie_x1() extends BlackBox
34 {
35 val io = new Bundle with VC707AXIToPCIeX1IOSerial
36 with VC707AXIToPCIeX1IOClocksReset {
37 //refclk
38 val REFCLK = Bool(INPUT)
40 //clock, reset, control
41 val INTX_MSI_Request = Bool(INPUT)
42 val INTX_MSI_Grant = Bool(OUTPUT)
43 val MSI_enable = Bool(OUTPUT)
44 val MSI_Vector_Num = Bits(INPUT,5)
45 val MSI_Vector_Width = Bits(OUTPUT,3)
47 //interrupt
48 val interrupt_out = Bool(OUTPUT)
50 //axi slave
51 //-{lock, cache, prot, qos}
52 //slave interface write address
53 val s_axi_awid = Bits(INPUT,4)
54 val s_axi_awaddr = Bits(INPUT,32)
55 val s_axi_awregion = Bits(INPUT,4)
56 val s_axi_awlen = Bits(INPUT,8)
57 val s_axi_awsize = Bits(INPUT,3)
58 val s_axi_awburst = Bits(INPUT,2)
59 //val s_axi_awlock = Bool(INPUT)
60 //val s_axi_awcache = Bits(INPUT,4)
61 //val s_axi_awprot = Bits(INPUT,3)
62 //val s_axi_awqos = Bits(INPUT,4)
63 val s_axi_awvalid = Bool(INPUT)
64 val s_axi_awready = Bool(OUTPUT)
65 //slave interface write data
66 val s_axi_wdata = Bits(INPUT,64)
67 val s_axi_wstrb = Bits(INPUT,8)
68 val s_axi_wlast = Bool(INPUT)
69 val s_axi_wvalid = Bool(INPUT)
70 val s_axi_wready = Bool(OUTPUT)
71 //slave interface write response
72 val s_axi_bready = Bool(INPUT)
73 val s_axi_bid = Bits(OUTPUT,4)
74 val s_axi_bresp = Bits(OUTPUT,2)
75 val s_axi_bvalid = Bool(OUTPUT)
76 //slave interface read address
77 val s_axi_arid = Bits(INPUT,4)
78 val s_axi_araddr = Bits(INPUT,32)
79 val s_axi_arregion = Bits(INPUT,4)
80 val s_axi_arlen = Bits(INPUT,8)
81 val s_axi_arsize = Bits(INPUT,3)
82 val s_axi_arburst = Bits(INPUT,2)
83 //val s_axi_arlock = Bits(INPUT,1)
84 //val s_axi_arcache = Bits(INPUT,4)
85 //val s_axi_arprot = Bits(INPUT,3)
86 //val s_axi_arqos = Bits(INPUT,4)
87 val s_axi_arvalid = Bool(INPUT)
88 val s_axi_arready = Bool(OUTPUT)
89 //slave interface read data
90 val s_axi_rready = Bool(INPUT)
91 val s_axi_rid = Bits(OUTPUT,4)
92 val s_axi_rdata = Bits(OUTPUT,64)
93 val s_axi_rresp = Bits(OUTPUT,2)
94 val s_axi_rlast = Bool(OUTPUT)
95 val s_axi_rvalid = Bool(OUTPUT)
97 //axi master
98 //-{id,region,qos}
99 //slave interface write address ports
100 //val m_axi_awid = Bits(OUTPUT,4)
101 val m_axi_awaddr = Bits(OUTPUT,32)
102 //val m_axi_awregion = Bits(OUTPUT,4)
103 val m_axi_awlen = Bits(OUTPUT,8)
104 val m_axi_awsize = Bits(OUTPUT,3)
105 val m_axi_awburst = Bits(OUTPUT,2)
106 val m_axi_awlock = Bool(OUTPUT)
107 val m_axi_awcache = Bits(OUTPUT,4)
108 val m_axi_awprot = Bits(OUTPUT,3)
109 //val m_axi_awqos = Bits(OUTPUT,4)
110 val m_axi_awvalid = Bool(OUTPUT)
111 val m_axi_awready = Bool(INPUT)
112 //slave interface write data ports
113 val m_axi_wdata = Bits(OUTPUT,64)
114 val m_axi_wstrb = Bits(OUTPUT,8)
115 val m_axi_wlast = Bool(OUTPUT)
116 val m_axi_wvalid = Bool(OUTPUT)
117 val m_axi_wready = Bool(INPUT)
118 //slave interface write response ports
119 val m_axi_bready = Bool(OUTPUT)
120 //val m_axi_bid = Bits(INPUT,4)
121 val m_axi_bresp = Bits(INPUT,2)
122 val m_axi_bvalid = Bool(INPUT)
123 //slave interface read address ports
124 //val m_axi_arid = Bits(OUTPUT,4)
125 val m_axi_araddr = Bits(OUTPUT,32)
126 //val m_axi_arregion = Bits(OUTPUT,4)
127 val m_axi_arlen = Bits(OUTPUT,8)
128 val m_axi_arsize = Bits(OUTPUT,3)
129 val m_axi_arburst = Bits(OUTPUT,2)
130 val m_axi_arlock = Bits(OUTPUT,1)
131 val m_axi_arcache = Bits(OUTPUT,4)
132 val m_axi_arprot = Bits(OUTPUT,3)
133 //val m_axi_arqos = Bits(OUTPUT,4)
134 val m_axi_arvalid = Bool(OUTPUT)
135 val m_axi_arready = Bool(INPUT)
136 //slave interface read data ports
137 val m_axi_rready = Bool(OUTPUT)
138 //val m_axi_rid = Bits(INPUT,4)
139 val m_axi_rdata = Bits(INPUT,64)
140 val m_axi_rresp = Bits(INPUT,2)
141 val m_axi_rlast = Bool(INPUT)
142 val m_axi_rvalid = Bool(INPUT)
144 //axi lite slave for control
145 val s_axi_ctl_awaddr = Bits(INPUT,32)
146 val s_axi_ctl_awvalid = Bool(INPUT)
147 val s_axi_ctl_awready = Bool(OUTPUT)
148 val s_axi_ctl_wdata = Bits(INPUT,32)
149 val s_axi_ctl_wstrb = Bits(INPUT,4)
150 val s_axi_ctl_wvalid = Bool(INPUT)
151 val s_axi_ctl_wready = Bool(OUTPUT)
152 val s_axi_ctl_bresp = Bits(OUTPUT,2)
153 val s_axi_ctl_bvalid = Bool(OUTPUT)
154 val s_axi_ctl_bready = Bool(INPUT)
155 val s_axi_ctl_araddr = Bits(INPUT,32)
156 val s_axi_ctl_arvalid = Bool(INPUT)
157 val s_axi_ctl_arready = Bool(OUTPUT)
158 val s_axi_ctl_rdata = Bits(OUTPUT,32)
159 val s_axi_ctl_rresp = Bits(OUTPUT,2)
160 val s_axi_ctl_rvalid = Bool(OUTPUT)
161 val s_axi_ctl_rready = Bool(INPUT)
162 }
163 }
164 //scalastyle:off
166 //wrap vc707_axi_to_pcie_x1 black box in Nasti Bundles
168 class VC707AXIToPCIeX1(implicit p:Parameters) extends LazyModule
169 {
170 val slave = AXI4SlaveNode(Seq(AXI4SlavePortParameters(
171 slaves = Seq(AXI4SlaveParameters(
172 address = List(AddressSet(0x60000000L, 0x1fffffffL)),
173 executable = true,
174 supportsWrite = TransferSizes(1, 256),
175 supportsRead = TransferSizes(1, 256),
176 interleavedId = Some(0))), // the Xilinx IP is friendly
177 beatBytes = 8)))
179 val control = AXI4SlaveNode(Seq(AXI4SlavePortParameters(
180 slaves = Seq(AXI4SlaveParameters(
181 address = List(AddressSet(0x50000000L, 0x03ffffffL)),
182 supportsWrite = TransferSizes(1, 4),
183 supportsRead = TransferSizes(1, 4),
184 interleavedId = Some(0))), // no read interleaving b/c AXI-lite
185 beatBytes = 4)))
187 val master = AXI4MasterNode(Seq(AXI4MasterPortParameters(
188 masters = Seq(AXI4MasterParameters(
189 id = IdRange(0, 1),
190 aligned = false)))))
192 lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
193 // The master on the control port must be AXI-lite
194 require (control.edgesIn(0).master.endId == 1)
195 // Must have exactly the right number of idBits
196 require (slave.edgesIn(0).bundle.idBits == 4)
198 class VC707AXIToPCIeX1IOBundle extends Bundle with VC707AXIToPCIeX1IOSerial
199 with VC707AXIToPCIeX1IOClocksReset;
201 val io = new Bundle {
202 val port = new VC707AXIToPCIeX1IOBundle
203 val slave_in = slave.bundleIn
204 val control_in = control.bundleIn
205 val master_out = master.bundleOut
206 val REFCLK = Bool(INPUT)
207 val interrupt_out = Bool(OUTPUT)
208 }
210 val blackbox = Module(new vc707axi_to_pcie_x1)
212 val s = io.slave_in(0)
213 val c = io.control_in(0)
214 val m = io.master_out(0)
216 //to top level
217 blackbox.io.axi_aresetn := io.port.axi_aresetn
218 io.port.axi_aclk_out := blackbox.io.axi_aclk_out
219 io.port.axi_ctl_aclk_out := blackbox.io.axi_ctl_aclk_out
220 io.port.mmcm_lock := blackbox.io.mmcm_lock
221 io.port.pci_exp_txp := blackbox.io.pci_exp_txp
222 io.port.pci_exp_txn := blackbox.io.pci_exp_txn
223 blackbox.io.pci_exp_rxp := io.port.pci_exp_rxp
224 blackbox.io.pci_exp_rxn := io.port.pci_exp_rxn
225 io.interrupt_out := blackbox.io.interrupt_out
226 blackbox.io.REFCLK := io.REFCLK
228 //s
229 //AXI4 signals ordered as per AXI4 Specification (Release D) Section A.2
230 //-{lock, cache, prot, qos}
231 //-{aclk, aresetn, awuser, wid, wuser, buser, ruser}
232 //global signals
233 //aclk :=
234 //aresetn :=
235 //slave interface write address
236 blackbox.io.s_axi_awid := s.aw.bits.id
237 blackbox.io.s_axi_awaddr := s.aw.bits.addr
238 blackbox.io.s_axi_awlen := s.aw.bits.len
239 blackbox.io.s_axi_awsize := s.aw.bits.size
240 blackbox.io.s_axi_awburst := s.aw.bits.burst
241 //blackbox.io.s_axi_awlock := s.aw.bits.lock
242 //blackbox.io.s_axi_awcache := s.aw.bits.cache
243 //blackbox.io.s_axi_awprot := s.aw.bits.prot
244 //blackbox.io.s_axi_awqos := s.aw.bits.qos
245 blackbox.io.s_axi_awregion := UInt(0)
246 //blackbox.io.awuser := s.aw.bits.user
247 blackbox.io.s_axi_awvalid := s.aw.valid
248 s.aw.ready := blackbox.io.s_axi_awready
249 //slave interface write data ports
250 //blackbox.io.s_axi_wid := s.w.bits.id
251 blackbox.io.s_axi_wdata := s.w.bits.data
252 blackbox.io.s_axi_wstrb := s.w.bits.strb
253 blackbox.io.s_axi_wlast := s.w.bits.last
254 //blackbox.io.s_axi_wuser := s.w.bits.user
255 blackbox.io.s_axi_wvalid := s.w.valid
256 s.w.ready := blackbox.io.s_axi_wready
257 //slave interface write response
258 s.b.bits.id := blackbox.io.s_axi_bid
259 s.b.bits.resp := blackbox.io.s_axi_bresp
260 //s.b.bits.user := blackbox.io.s_axi_buser
261 s.b.valid := blackbox.io.s_axi_bvalid
262 blackbox.io.s_axi_bready := s.b.ready
263 //slave AXI interface read address ports
264 blackbox.io.s_axi_arid := s.ar.bits.id
265 blackbox.io.s_axi_araddr := s.ar.bits.addr
266 blackbox.io.s_axi_arlen := s.ar.bits.len
267 blackbox.io.s_axi_arsize := s.ar.bits.size
268 blackbox.io.s_axi_arburst := s.ar.bits.burst
269 //blackbox.io.s_axi_arlock := s.ar.bits.lock
270 //blackbox.io.s_axi_arcache := s.ar.bits.cache
271 //blackbox.io.s_axi_arprot := s.ar.bits.prot
272 //blackbox.io.s_axi_arqos := s.ar.bits.qos
273 blackbox.io.s_axi_arregion := UInt(0)
274 //blackbox.io.s_axi_aruser := s.ar.bits.user
275 blackbox.io.s_axi_arvalid := s.ar.valid
276 s.ar.ready := blackbox.io.s_axi_arready
277 //slave AXI interface read data ports
278 s.r.bits.id := blackbox.io.s_axi_rid
279 s.r.bits.data := blackbox.io.s_axi_rdata
280 s.r.bits.resp := blackbox.io.s_axi_rresp
281 s.r.bits.last := blackbox.io.s_axi_rlast
282 //s.r.bits.ruser := blackbox.io.s_axi_ruser
283 s.r.valid := blackbox.io.s_axi_rvalid
284 blackbox.io.s_axi_rready := s.r.ready
286 //ctl
287 //axi-lite slave interface write address
288 blackbox.io.s_axi_ctl_awaddr := c.aw.bits.addr
289 blackbox.io.s_axi_ctl_awvalid := c.aw.valid
290 c.aw.ready := blackbox.io.s_axi_ctl_awready
291 //axi-lite slave interface write data ports
292 blackbox.io.s_axi_ctl_wdata := c.w.bits.data
293 blackbox.io.s_axi_ctl_wstrb := c.w.bits.strb
294 blackbox.io.s_axi_ctl_wvalid := c.w.valid
295 c.w.ready := blackbox.io.s_axi_ctl_wready
296 //axi-lite slave interface write response
297 blackbox.io.s_axi_ctl_bready := c.b.ready
298 c.b.bits.id := UInt(0)
299 c.b.bits.resp := blackbox.io.s_axi_ctl_bresp
300 c.b.valid := blackbox.io.s_axi_ctl_bvalid
301 //axi-lite slave AXI interface read address ports
302 blackbox.io.s_axi_ctl_araddr := c.ar.bits.addr
303 blackbox.io.s_axi_ctl_arvalid := c.ar.valid
304 c.ar.ready := blackbox.io.s_axi_ctl_arready
305 //slave AXI interface read data ports
306 blackbox.io.s_axi_ctl_rready := c.r.ready
307 c.r.bits.id := UInt(0)
308 c.r.bits.data := blackbox.io.s_axi_ctl_rdata
309 c.r.bits.resp := blackbox.io.s_axi_ctl_rresp
310 c.r.bits.last := Bool(true)
311 c.r.valid := blackbox.io.s_axi_ctl_rvalid
313 //m
314 //AXI4 signals ordered per AXI4 Specification (Release D) Section A.2
315 //-{id,region,qos}
316 //-{aclk, aresetn, awuser, wid, wuser, buser, ruser}
317 //global signals
318 //aclk :=
319 //aresetn :=
320 //master interface write address
321 m.aw.bits.id := UInt(0)
322 m.aw.bits.addr := blackbox.io.m_axi_awaddr
323 m.aw.bits.len := blackbox.io.m_axi_awlen
324 m.aw.bits.size := blackbox.io.m_axi_awsize
325 m.aw.bits.burst := blackbox.io.m_axi_awburst
326 m.aw.bits.lock := blackbox.io.m_axi_awlock
327 m.aw.bits.cache := blackbox.io.m_axi_awcache
328 m.aw.bits.prot := blackbox.io.m_axi_awprot
329 m.aw.bits.qos := UInt(0)
330 //m.aw.bits.region := blackbox.io.m_axi_awregion
331 //m.aw.bits.user := blackbox.io.m_axi_awuser
332 m.aw.valid := blackbox.io.m_axi_awvalid
333 blackbox.io.m_axi_awready := m.aw.ready
335 //master interface write data ports
336 m.w.bits.data := blackbox.io.m_axi_wdata
337 m.w.bits.strb := blackbox.io.m_axi_wstrb
338 m.w.bits.last := blackbox.io.m_axi_wlast
339 //m.w.bits.user := blackbox.io.m_axi_wuser
340 m.w.valid := blackbox.io.m_axi_wvalid
341 blackbox.io.m_axi_wready := m.w.ready
343 //master interface write response
344 //blackbox.io.m_axi_bid := m.b.bits.id
345 blackbox.io.m_axi_bresp := m.b.bits.resp
346 //blackbox.io.m_axi_buser := m.b.bits.user
347 blackbox.io.m_axi_bvalid := m.b.valid
348 m.b.ready := blackbox.io.m_axi_bready
350 //master AXI interface read address ports
351 m.ar.bits.id := UInt(0)
352 m.ar.bits.addr := blackbox.io.m_axi_araddr
353 m.ar.bits.len := blackbox.io.m_axi_arlen
354 m.ar.bits.size := blackbox.io.m_axi_arsize
355 m.ar.bits.burst := blackbox.io.m_axi_arburst
356 m.ar.bits.lock := blackbox.io.m_axi_arlock
357 m.ar.bits.cache := blackbox.io.m_axi_arcache
358 m.ar.bits.prot := blackbox.io.m_axi_arprot
359 m.ar.bits.qos := UInt(0)
360 //m.ar.bits.region := blackbox.io.m_axi_arregion
361 //m.ar.bits.user := blackbox.io.s_axi_aruser
362 m.ar.valid := blackbox.io.m_axi_arvalid
363 blackbox.io.m_axi_arready := m.ar.ready
365 //master AXI interface read data ports
366 //blackbox.io.m_axi_rid := m.r.bits.id
367 blackbox.io.m_axi_rdata := m.r.bits.data
368 blackbox.io.m_axi_rresp := m.r.bits.resp
369 blackbox.io.m_axi_rlast := m.r.bits.last
370 //blackbox.io.s_axi_ruser := s.bits.ruser
371 blackbox.io.m_axi_rvalid := m.r.valid
372 m.r.ready := blackbox.io.m_axi_rready
373 }
374 }