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[libreriscv.git] / 3d_gpu.mdwn
1 # Hybrid 3D GPU / CPU / VPU
3 Creating a trustworthy processor for the world.
5 Note: this is a **hybrid** CPU, VPU and GPU. It is not, as many news articles
6 are implying, a "dedicated exclusive GPU". The option exists to *create*
7 a stand-alone GPU product (contact us if this is a product that you want).
8 Our primary goal is to design a **complete** all-in-one processor
9 (System-on-a-Chip) that happens to include libre-licensed VPU and GPU
10 accelerated instructions as part of the actual - main - CPU itself.
12 We seek investors, sponsors (whose contributions thanks to NLNet may be
13 tax-deductible), engineers and potential customers, who are
14 interested, as a first product, in the creation and use of an entirely
15 libre low-power mobile class system-on-a-chip. Comparative benchmark
16 performance, pincount and price is the Allwinner A64, except that the
17 power budget target is 2.5 watts in a 16x16mm 320 to 360 pin 0.8mm
18 FBGA package. Instead of single-issue higher clock rate, the design is
19 multi-issue, aiming for around 800mhz.
21 The lower pincount, lower power, and higher BGA pitch is all to reduce
22 the cost of product development when it comes to PCB design and layout:
24 * Above 4 watts requires metal packages, greater attention to thermal
25 management in the PCB design and layout, and much pricier PMICs.
26 * 0.6mm pitch BGA and below requires much more expensive PCB manufacturing
27 equipment and more costly PCBA techniques.
28 * Above 600 pins begins to reduce production yields as well as increase
29 the cost of testing and packaging.
31 We can look at larger higher-power ASICs either later or, if funding
32 is made available, immediately.
34 Recent applications to NLNet (Oct 2019) are for a test chip in 180nm,
35 64 bit, single core dual issue, around 300 to 350mhz. This will provide
36 the confidence to go to higher geometries, as well as be a commercially
37 viable embedded product in its own right.
39 # Business Objectives
41 See [[3d_gpu/business_objectives]]
43 # Links:
45 * [[shakti/m_class/libre_3d_gpu]]
46 * [[discussion]]
47 * [[resources]]
48 * [[overview]]
49 * [[3d_gpu/funding]]
50 * [[3d_gpu/architecture]]
51 * Founding [[charter]]
52 * Mailing list <http://lists.libre-riscv.org/pipermail/libre-riscv-dev/>
53 * Crowdsupply page <https://www.crowdsupply.com/libre-risc-v/m-class>
54 * Wiki <https://libre-riscv.org>
55 * Git repositories <https://git.libre-riscv.org>
56 * Bugtracker <http://bugs.libre-riscv.org>
57 * Kazan Vulkan Driver (including 3D engine) <https://salsa.debian.org/Kazan-team/kazan>
58 * [NLNet 2019 Milestones](http://bugs.libre-riscv.org/buglist.cgi?columnlist=assigned_to%2Cbug_status%2Cresolution%2Cshort_desc%2Ccf_budget&f1=cf_nlnet_milestone&o1=equals&query_format=advanced&resolution=---&v1=NLnet.2019.02)
59 * NLNet Project Page <https://nlnet.nl/project/Libre-RISCV/>
60 * [[nlnet_proposals]]
61 * [[llvm]]
63 # Progress:
65 * Feb 2020: OpenPower Foundation EULA released. Coriolis2 Layout experimentation begun. Dynamic Partitioned SIMD ALU created.
66 * Jan 2020: New team members, Yehowshua and Michael. Last-minute attendance of FOSDEM2020
67 * Dec 2019: Second round NLNet questions answered. External Review completed. 6 NLNet proposals accepted (EUR 200,000+)
68 * Nov 2019: Alternative FP library to Berkeley softfloat developed. NLNet first round questions answered.
69 * Oct 2019: 3D Standards continued. POWER ISA considered. Open 3D Alliance begins. NLNet funding applications submitted.
70 * Sep 2019: 3D Standards continued. Additional NLNet Funding proposals discussed.
71 * Aug 2019: Development of "Transcendentals" (SIN/COS/ATAN2) Specifications
72 * Jul 2019: Sponsorship from Purism received. IEEE754 FP Mul, Add, DIV,
73 FCLASS and FCVT pipelines completed.
74 * Jun 2019: IEEE754 FP Mul, Add, and FSM "DIV" completed.
75 * May 2019: 6600-style scoreboard started
76 * Apr 2019: NLnet funding approved by independent review committee
77 * Mar 2019: NLnet funding application first and second phase passed
78 * Mar 2019: First successful nmigen pipeline milestone achieved with IEEE754 FADD
79 * Feb 2019: Conversion of John Dawson's IEEE754 FPU to nmigen started
80 * Jan 2019: Second version Simple-V preliminary proposal (suited to LLVM)
81 * 2017 - Nov 2018: Simple-V specification preliminary draft completed
82 * Aug 2018 - Nov 2018: spike-sv implementation of draft spec completed
83 * Aug 2018: Kazan Vulkan Driver initiated
84 * Sep 2018: mailing list established
85 * Sep 2018: Crowdsupply pre-launch page up (for updates)
86 * Dec 2018: preliminary floorplan and architecture designed (comp.arch)
88 # News Articles
90 * <https://www.phoronix.com/forums/forum/hardware/processors-memory/1133806-libre-risc-v-open-source-effort-now-looking-at-power-instead-of-risc-v/page7>
91 * <https://hub.packtpub.com/a-libre-gpu-effort-based-on-risc-v-rust-llvm-and-vulkan-by-the-developer-of-an-earth-friendly-computer/>
92 * <https://riscv.org/2018/10/packt-hub-article-a-libre-gpu-effort-based-on-risc-v-rust-llvm-and-vulkan-by-the-developer-of-an-earth-friendly-computer/>
93 * <https://www.reddit.com/r/RISCV/comments/9jts9t/theres_a_new_libre_gpu_effort_building_on_riscv/>
94 * <https://www.linux.com/blog/2018/11/risc-v-linux-development-full-swing>
95 * <https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Libre-GPU-RISC-V-Vulkan>
96 * <https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Mobilprozessor-mit-freier-GPU-Libre-RISC-V-M-Class-geplant-4242802.html>
97 * <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18094734>
98 * <http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/116004>
99 * <https://linuxfr.org/users/martoni/journaux/risc-v-est-pret-pour-le-desktop>
100 * <https://www.reddit.com/r/hardware/comments/9jlby1/theres_a_new_libre_gpu_effort_building_on_riscv/>
101 * <http://www.eevblog.com/forum/crowd-funded-projects/libre-risc-v-m-class-with-open-source-gpu-and-kazan-vulkan-driver/>
102 * <https://www.reddit.com/domain/libre-riscv.org/>
103 * <https://hardware.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=13447940&cid=58160868>
104 * <https://www.phoronix.com/forums/forum/hardware/graphics-cards/1080755-libre-risc-v-gpu-aiming-for-2-5-watt-power-draw-continues-being-plotted/page5>
105 * <https://www.phoronix.com/forums/forum/hardware/processors-memory/1070828-more-details-on-the-proposed-simple-v-extension-to-risc-v-for-gpu-workloads>
106 * <https://slashdot.org/submission/9750302/nlnet-funds-development-of-a-libre-risc-v-3d-cpu>
107 * <https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/19/06/02/0153243/nlnet-funds-development-of-a-libre-risc-v-3d-cpu>
108 * <https://www.phoronix.com/forums/forum/hardware/graphics-cards/1104124-libre-risc-v-snags-50k-eur-grant-to-work-on-its-risc-v-3d-gpu-chip/page6>
109 * <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21112341>
110 * <https://www.reddit.com/r/RISCV/comments/db04j3/libreriscv_3d_cpugpu_seeks_grants_for_ambitious/>
111 * <https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/19/09/29/1845252/libre-risc-v-3d-cpugpu-seeks-grants-for-ambitious-expansion>
112 * <https://forums.puri.sm/t/risc-v-m-class-effort-and-purism-donation/6528/15>
113 * Dec 2019 ProLinux <https://www.pro-linux.de/news/1/27527/comm/1/show-all-comments.html>
114 * Dec 2019 Phoronix <https://www.phoronix.com/forums/forum/hardware/graphics-cards/1148553-libre-risc-v-accelerator-secures-300k-eur-in-grants-still-undecided-about-the-isa/>
115 * Feb 15 2020 Phoronix <https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=OpenPOWER-ISA-EULA-Draft/>
116 * Feb 15 2020 Slashdot OpenPOWER article <https://news.slashdot.org/story/20/02/16/1743222/openpower-foundation-releases-eula-for-power-isa>
118 # Information Resources and Tutorials
120 * Fundamentals to learn to get started [[3d_gpu/tutorial]]
121 * <https://github.com/timvideos/litex-buildenv/wiki/LiteX-for-Hardware-Engineers>
122 * <https://jeffrey.co.in/blog/2014/01/d-flip-flop-using-migen/>
123 * <http://lists.libre-riscv.org/pipermail/libre-riscv-dev/2019-March/000705.html>
124 * <https://chisel.eecs.berkeley.edu/api/latest/chisel3/util/DecoupledIO.html>
125 * <http://www.clifford.at/papers/2016/yosys-synth-formal/slides.pdf>
126 * <http://blog.lambdaconcept.com/doku.php?id=migen:tutorial>
127 * <http://chiselapp.com/user/kc5tja/repository/kestrel-3/dir?ci=6c559135a301f321&name=cores/cpu>
128 * <https://chips4makers.io/blog/>
129 * <https://hackaday.io/project/7817-zynqberry>
130 * <https://wiki.f-si.org/index.php/FSiC2019>
131 * <https://github.com/efabless/raven-picorv32> - <https://efabless.com>
132 * <https://efabless.com/design_catalog/default>
133 * <https://toyota-ai.ventures/>
134 * <https://github.com/lambdaconcept/minerva>
135 * <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liskov_substitution_principle>
136 * <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principle_of_least_astonishment>
137 * <https://peertube.f-si.org/videos/watch/379ef007-40b7-4a51-ba1a-0db4f48e8b16>
138 * <https://github.com/riscv/riscv-sbi-doc/blob/master/riscv-sbi.md>
139 * <https://mshahrad.github.io/openpiton-asplos16.html>
140 * <https://wiki.f-si.org/index.php/The_Raven_chip:_First-time_silicon_success_with_qflow_and_efabless>
141 * <http://smallcultfollowing.com/babysteps/blog/2019/04/19/aic-adventures-in-consensus/>
142 * <http://www.crnhq.org/12-Skills-Summary.aspx?rw=c>
143 * <http://bugs.libre-riscv.org/buglist.cgi?columnlist=assigned_to%2Cbug_status%2Cresolution%2Cshort_desc%2Ccf_budget&f1=cf_nlnet_milestone&o1=equals&query_format=advanced&resolution=---&v1=NLnet.2019.02>
144 * <https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/5060/4e9aff0e37089c4ab9a376c3f35761ffe28b.pdf>
145 * <http://www.acsel-lab.com/arithmetic/arith15/papers/ARITH15_Takagi.pdf>
146 * <https://youtu.be/o5Ihqg72T3c>
147 * <http://flopoco.gforge.inria.fr/>
148 * Fundamentals of Modern VLSI Devices <https://groups.google.com/a/groups.riscv.org/d/msg/hw-dev/b4pPvlzBzu0/7hDfxArEAgAJ>
150 # Analog Simulation
152 * <https://github.com/Isotel/mixedsim>
153 * <http://www.vlsiacademy.org/open-source-cad-tools.html>
154 * <http://ngspice.sourceforge.net/adms.html>
155 * <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verilog-AMS#Open_Source_Implementations>
157 # Evaluations
159 * [[openpower]]