add scoreboard source (moving from ieee754fpu repo)
[soc.git] / TLB / src / ariane / TreePLRU.cpp
1 #include <cstdint>
2 #include <iostream>
3 #include <cmath>
6 #define NWAY 4
7 #define NLINE 256
8 #define HIT 0
9 #define MISS 1
10 #define MS 1000
11 /*
12 Detailed TreePLRU inference see here:
13 Ref:
14 four-way set associative - three bits
15 each bit represents one branch point in a binary decision tree; let 1
16 represent that the left side has been referenced more recently than the
17 right side, and 0 vice-versa
18 are all 4 lines valid?
19 / \
20 yes no, use an invalid line
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 bit_0 == 0? state | replace ref to | next state
25 / \ ------+-------- -------+-----------
26 y n 00x | line_0 line_0 | 11_
27 / \ 01x | line_1 line_1 | 10_
28 bit_1 == 0? bit_2 == 0? 1x0 | line_2 line_2 | 0_1
29 / \ / \ 1x1 | line_3 line_3 | 0_0
30 y n y n
31 / \ / \ ('x' means ('_' means unchanged)
32 line_0 line_1 line_2 line_3 don't care)
33 8-way set associative - 7 = 1+2+4 bits
34 16-way set associative - 15 = 1+2+4+8 bits
35 32-way set associative - 31 = 1+2+4+8+16 bits
36 64-way set associative - 63 = 1+2+4+8+16+32 bits
37 */
38 using namespace std;
39 struct AddressField {
40 uint64_t wd_idx : 2;//Unused
41 uint64_t offset : 4;//Unused
42 uint64_t index : 8;//NLINE = 256 = 2^8
43 uint64_t tag : 50;
44 };
46 union Address {
47 uint32_t* p;
48 AddressField fields;
49 };
51 struct Cell {
52 bool v;
53 uint64_t tag;
55 Cell() : v(false), tag(0) {}
57 bool isHit(uint64_t tag) {
58 return v && (tag == this->tag);
59 }
61 void fetch(uint32_t* address) {
62 Address addr;
63 addr.p = address;
64 addr.fields.offset = 0;
65 addr.fields.wd_idx = 0;
66 tag = addr.fields.tag;
67 v = true;
68 }
69 };
71 ostream& operator<<(ostream & out, const Cell& cell) {
72 out << " v:" << cell.v << " tag:" << hex << cell.tag;
73 return out;
74 }
76 struct Block {
77 Cell cell[NWAY];
78 uint32_t state;
79 uint64_t *mask;//Mask the state to get accurate value for specified 1 bit.
80 uint64_t *value;
81 uint64_t *next_value;
83 Block() : state(0) {
84 switch (NWAY) {
85 case 4:
86 mask = new uint64_t[4]{0b110, 0b110, 0b101, 0b101};
87 value = new uint64_t[4]{0b000, 0b010, 0b100, 0b101};
88 next_value = new uint64_t[4]{0b110, 0b100, 0b001, 0b000};
89 break;
90 case 8:
91 mask = new uint64_t[8]{0b1101000, 0b1101000, 0b1100100, 0b1100100, 0b1010010, 0b1010010, 0b1010001,
92 0b1010001};
93 value = new uint64_t[8]{0b0000000, 0b0001000, 0b0100000, 0b0100100, 0b1000000, 0b1000010, 0b1010000,
94 0b1010001};
95 next_value = new uint64_t[8]{0b1101000, 0b1100000, 0b1000100, 0b1000000, 0b0010010, 0b0010000,
96 0b0000001, 0b0000000};
97 break;
98 //TODO - more NWAY goes here.
99 default:
100 std::cout << "Error definition NWAY = " << NWAY << std::endl;
101 }
102 }
104 uint32_t *getByTag(uint64_t tag, uint32_t *pway) {
105 for (int i = 0; i < NWAY; ++i) {
106 if (cell[i].isHit(tag)) {
107 *pway = i;
108 return pway;
109 }
110 }
111 return NULL;
112 }
114 void setLRU(uint32_t *address) {
115 int way = 0;
116 uint32_t st = state;
117 for (int i = 0; i < NWAY; ++i) {
118 if ((state & mask[i]) == value[i]) {
119 state ^= mask[i];
120 way = i;
121 break;
122 }
123 }
124 cell[way].fetch(address);
125 cout << "MISS: way:" << way << " address:" << address << " state:" << st << "->" << state << endl;
126 }
128 uint32_t *get(uint32_t *address, uint32_t *pway) {
129 Address addr;
130 addr.p = address;
131 uint32_t *d = getByTag(addr.fields.tag, pway);
132 if (d != NULL) {
133 return &d[addr.fields.offset];
134 }
135 return d;
136 }
138 int set(uint32_t *address) {
139 uint32_t way = 0;
140 uint32_t *p = get(address, &way);
141 if (p != NULL) {
142 printf("HIT: address:%p ref_to way:%d state %X --> ", address, way, state);
143 state &= ~mask[way];
144 printf("%X --> ", state);
145 state |= next_value[way];
146 printf("%X\n", state);
147 // *p = *address; //skip since address is fake.
148 return HIT;
149 } else {
150 setLRU(address);
151 return MISS;
152 }
153 }
154 };
156 ostream& operator<<(ostream & out, const Block& block) {
157 out << "state:" << block.state << " ";
158 for (int i = 0; i<NWAY; i++) {
159 out << block.cell[i];
160 }
161 return out;
162 }
164 struct Cache {
165 Block block[NLINE];
166 uint32_t count[2];
167 Cache() { count[HIT] = 0; count[MISS] = 0; }
169 void access(uint32_t* address) {
170 Address addr;
171 addr.p = address;
172 Block& b = block[addr.fields.index];
173 ++count[b.set(address)];
174 }
176 };
177 ostream& operator<<(ostream & out, const Cache& cache) {
178 out << "\n==Summary==\n\tHit: " << cache.count[HIT] << " Miss: " << cache.count[MISS] << std::endl;
179 for (int i = 0; i < NLINE; i++) {
180 out << cache.block[i] << endl;
181 }
182 return out;
183 }
185 Cache cache;
186 void multiply(uint32_t* m1, uint32_t* m2, uint32_t* res)
187 {
188 int x, i, j;
189 for (i = 0; i < MS; i++) {
190 for (j = 0; j < MS; j++) {
191 cache.access(res + i*MS +j);
192 for (x = 0; x < MS; x++) {
193 cache.access(m1 + i*MS + x);
194 cache.access(m2 + x*MS + j);
195 cache.access(res + i*MS +j);
196 // res[i][j] += m1[i][x] * m2[x][j];
197 cache.access(res + i*MS +j);
198 }
199 }
200 }
201 }
203 int main()
204 {
205 uint32_t* m1 = (uint32_t*) 0xFACE00A000000000LL; // fake virtual address; don’t access it
206 uint32_t* m2 = (uint32_t*) 0xFACE00B000000000LL; // fake virtual address; don’t access it
207 uint32_t* res = (uint32_t*) 0xFACE00C000000000LL; // fake virtual address; don’t access it
208 multiply(m1, m2, res);
209 cout << cache << endl;
210 return 0;
211 }