add conversion of from ariane, to see what it looks like
[soc.git] / TLB / src / ariane /
1 """
2 # Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
3 # Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
4 # License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
5 # compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 # Unless required by applicable law
7 # or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
8 # this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
9 # CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
10 # specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
11 #
12 # Author: David Schaffenrath, TU Graz
13 # Author: Florian Zaruba, ETH Zurich
14 # Date: 24.4.2017
15 # Description: Hardware-PTW
17 /* verilator lint_off WIDTH */
18 import ariane_pkg::*;
19 """
21 class DCacheReqI:
22 def __init__(self):
23 self.address_index = Signal(DCACHE_INDEX_WIDTH)
24 self.address_tag = Signal(DCACHE_TAG_WIDTH)
25 self.data_wdata = Signal(64)
26 self.data_req = Signal()
27 self.data_we = Signal()
28 self.data_be = Signal(8)
29 self.data_size = Signal(2)
30 self.kill_req = Signal()
31 self.tag_valid = Signal()
34 class DCacheReqO:
35 def __init__(self):
36 data_gnt = Signal()
37 data_rvalid = Signal()
38 data_rdata = Signal(64)
42 class PTE(RecordObject):
43 def __init__(self):
44 self.reserved = Signal(10)
45 self.ppn = Signal(44)
46 self.rsw = Signal(2)
47 self.d = Signal()
48 self.a = Signal()
49 self.g = Signal()
50 self.u = Signal()
51 self.x = Signal()
52 self.w = Signal()
53 self.r = Signal()
54 self.v = Signal()
57 class TLBUpdate:
58 def __init__(self):
59 valid = Signal() # valid flag
60 is_2M = Signal()
61 is_1G = Signal()
62 vpn = Signal(27)
63 asid = Signal(ASID_WIDTH)
64 content = PTE()
66 IDLE = 0
72 # SV39 defines three levels of page tables
73 LVL1 = Const(0, 2)
74 LVL2 = Const(1, 2)
75 LVL3 = Const(2, 2)
78 class PTW:
79 flush_i = Signal() # flush everything, we need to do this because
80 # actually everything we do is speculative at this stage
81 # e.g.: there could be a CSR instruction that changes everything
82 ptw_active_o = Signal()
83 walking_instr_o = Signal() # set when walking for TLB
84 ptw_error_o = Signal() # set when an error occurred
85 enable_translation_i = Signal() # CSRs indicate to enable SV39
86 en_ld_st_translation_i = Signal() # enable VM translation for load/stores
88 lsu_is_store_i = Signal() , # this translation triggered by a store
89 # PTW memory interface
90 req_port_i = DCacheReqO()
91 req_port_o = DCacheReqI()
93 # to TLBs, update logic
94 itlb_update_o = TLBUpdate()
95 dtlb_update_o = TLBUpdate()
97 update_vaddr_o = Signal(39)
99 asid_i = Signal(ASID_WIDTH)
100 # from TLBs
101 # did we miss?
102 itlb_access_i = Signal()
103 itlb_hit_i = Signal()
104 itlb_vaddr_i = Signal(64)
106 dtlb_access_i = Signal()
107 dtlb_hit_i = Signal()
108 dtlb_vaddr_i = Signal(64)
109 # from CSR file
110 satp_ppn_i = Signal(44) # ppn from satp
111 mxr_i = Signal()
112 # Performance counters
113 itlb_miss_o = Signal()
114 dtlb_miss_o = Signal()
116 );
118 # input registers
119 data_rvalid_q = Signal()
120 data_rdata_q = Signal(64)
122 pte = PTE()
123 assign pte = riscv::pte_t(data_rdata_q);
125 # is this an instruction page table walk?
126 is_instr_ptw_q = Signal()
127 is_instr_ptw_n = Signal()
128 global_mapping_q = Signal()
129 global_mapping_n = Signal()
130 # latched tag signal
131 tag_valid_n = Signal()
132 tag_valid_q = Signal()
133 # register the ASID
134 tlb_update_asid_q = Signal(ASID_WIDTH)
135 tlb_update_asid_n = Signal(ASID_WIDTH)
136 # register the VPN we need to walk, SV39 defines a 39 bit virtual address
137 vaddr_q = Signal(64)
138 vaddr_n = Signal(64)
139 # 4 byte aligned physical pointer
140 ptw_pptr_q = Signal(56)
141 ptw_pptr_n = Signal(56)
143 # Assignments
144 m.d.comb += update_vaddr_o.eq(vaddr_q)
146 m.d.comb += ptw_active_o.eq(state_q != IDLE)
147 m.d.comb += walking_instr_o.eq(is_instr_ptw_q)
148 # directly output the correct physical address
149 m.d.comb += req_port_o.address_index.eq(ptw_pptr_q[0:DCACHE_INDEX_WIDTH])
151 m.d.comb += req_port_o.address_tag.eq(ptw_pptr_q[DCACHE_INDEX_WIDTH:end])
152 # we are never going to kill this request
153 m.d.comb += req_port_o.kill_req.eq(0)
154 # we are never going to write with the HPTW
155 m.d.comb += req_port_o.data_wdata.eq(Const(0, 64))
156 # -----------
157 # TLB Update
158 # -----------
159 assign itlb_update_o.vpn = vaddr_q[38:12];
160 assign dtlb_update_o.vpn = vaddr_q[38:12];
161 # update the correct page table level
162 assign itlb_update_o.is_2M = (ptw_lvl_q == LVL2);
163 assign itlb_update_o.is_1G = (ptw_lvl_q == LVL1);
164 assign dtlb_update_o.is_2M = (ptw_lvl_q == LVL2);
165 assign dtlb_update_o.is_1G = (ptw_lvl_q == LVL1);
166 # output the correct ASID
167 assign itlb_update_o.asid = tlb_update_asid_q;
168 assign dtlb_update_o.asid = tlb_update_asid_q;
169 # set the global mapping bit
170 assign itlb_update_o.content = pte | (global_mapping_q << 5);
171 assign dtlb_update_o.content = pte | (global_mapping_q << 5);
173 assign req_port_o.tag_valid = tag_valid_q;
175 #-------------------
176 # Page table walker
177 #-------------------
178 # A virtual address va is translated into a physical address pa as follows:
179 # 1. Let a be sptbr.ppn × PAGESIZE, and let i = LEVELS-1. (For Sv39,
180 # PAGESIZE=2^12 and LEVELS=3.)
181 # 2. Let pte be the value of the PTE at address a+va.vpn[i]×PTESIZE. (For
182 # Sv32, PTESIZE=4.)
183 # 3. If pte.v = 0, or if pte.r = 0 and pte.w = 1, stop and raise an access
184 # exception.
185 # 4. Otherwise, the PTE is valid. If pte.r = 1 or pte.x = 1, go to step 5.
186 # Otherwise, this PTE is a pointer to the next level of the page table.
187 # Let i=i-1. If i < 0, stop and raise an access exception. Otherwise, let
188 # a = pte.ppn × PAGESIZE and go to step 2.
189 # 5. A leaf PTE has been found. Determine if the requested memory access
190 # is allowed by the pte.r, pte.w, and pte.x bits. If not, stop and
191 # raise an access exception. Otherwise, the translation is successful.
192 # Set pte.a to 1, and, if the memory access is a store, set pte.d to 1.
193 # The translated physical address is given as follows:
194 # - pa.pgoff = va.pgoff.
195 # - If i > 0, then this is a superpage translation and
196 # pa.ppn[i-1:0] = va.vpn[i-1:0].
197 # - pa.ppn[LEVELS-1:i] = pte.ppn[LEVELS-1:i].
198 always_comb begin : ptw
199 # default assignments
200 # PTW memory interface
201 tag_valid_n = 1'b0;
202 req_port_o.data_req = 1'b0;
203 req_port_o.data_be = 8'hFF;
204 req_port_o.data_size = 2'b11;
205 req_port_o.data_we = 1'b0;
206 ptw_error_o = 1'b0;
207 itlb_update_o.valid = 1'b0;
208 dtlb_update_o.valid = 1'b0;
209 is_instr_ptw_n = is_instr_ptw_q;
210 ptw_lvl_n = ptw_lvl_q;
211 ptw_pptr_n = ptw_pptr_q;
212 state_d = state_q;
213 global_mapping_n = global_mapping_q;
214 # input registers
215 tlb_update_asid_n = tlb_update_asid_q;
216 vaddr_n = vaddr_q;
218 itlb_miss_o = 1'b0;
219 dtlb_miss_o = 1'b0;
221 case (state_q)
223 IDLE: begin
224 # by default we start with the top-most page table
225 ptw_lvl_n = LVL1;
226 global_mapping_n = 1'b0;
227 is_instr_ptw_n = 1'b0;
228 # if we got an ITLB miss
229 if (enable_translation_i & itlb_access_i & ~itlb_hit_i & ~dtlb_access_i) begin
230 ptw_pptr_n = {satp_ppn_i, itlb_vaddr_i[38:30], 3'b0};
231 is_instr_ptw_n = 1'b1;
232 tlb_update_asid_n = asid_i;
233 vaddr_n = itlb_vaddr_i;
234 state_d = WAIT_GRANT;
235 itlb_miss_o = 1'b1;
236 # we got an DTLB miss
237 end else if (en_ld_st_translation_i & dtlb_access_i & ~dtlb_hit_i) begin
238 ptw_pptr_n = {satp_ppn_i, dtlb_vaddr_i[38:30], 3'b0};
239 tlb_update_asid_n = asid_i;
240 vaddr_n = dtlb_vaddr_i;
241 state_d = WAIT_GRANT;
242 dtlb_miss_o = 1'b1;
243 end
244 end
246 WAIT_GRANT: begin
247 # send a request out
248 req_port_o.data_req = 1'b1;
249 # wait for the WAIT_GRANT
250 if (req_port_i.data_gnt) begin
251 # send the tag valid signal one cycle later
252 tag_valid_n = 1'b1;
253 state_d = PTE_LOOKUP;
254 end
255 end
257 PTE_LOOKUP: begin
258 # we wait for the valid signal
259 if (data_rvalid_q) begin
261 # check if the global mapping bit is set
262 if (pte.g)
263 global_mapping_n = 1'b1;
265 # -------------
266 # Invalid PTE
267 # -------------
268 # If pte.v = 0, or if pte.r = 0 and pte.w = 1, stop and raise a page-fault exception.
269 if (!pte.v || (!pte.r && pte.w))
270 state_d = PROPAGATE_ERROR;
271 # -----------
272 # Valid PTE
273 # -----------
274 else begin
275 state_d = IDLE;
276 # it is a valid PTE
277 # if pte.r = 1 or pte.x = 1 it is a valid PTE
278 if (pte.r || pte.x) begin
279 # Valid translation found (either 1G, 2M or 4K entry)
280 if (is_instr_ptw_q) begin
281 # ------------
282 # Update ITLB
283 # ------------
284 # If page is not executable, we can directly raise an error. This
285 # doesn't put a useless entry into the TLB. The same idea applies
286 # to the access flag since we let the access flag be managed by SW.
287 if (!pte.x || !pte.a)
288 state_d = PROPAGATE_ERROR;
289 else
290 itlb_update_o.valid = 1'b1;
292 end else begin
293 # ------------
294 # Update DTLB
295 # ------------
296 # Check if the access flag has been set, otherwise throw a page-fault
297 # and let the software handle those bits.
298 # If page is not readable (there are no write-only pages)
299 # we can directly raise an error. This doesn't put a useless
300 # entry into the TLB.
301 if (pte.a && (pte.r || (pte.x && mxr_i))) begin
302 dtlb_update_o.valid = 1'b1;
303 end else begin
304 state_d = PROPAGATE_ERROR;
305 end
306 # Request is a store: perform some additional checks
307 # If the request was a store and the page is not write-able, raise an error
308 # the same applies if the dirty flag is not set
309 if (lsu_is_store_i && (!pte.w || !pte.d)) begin
310 dtlb_update_o.valid = 1'b0;
311 state_d = PROPAGATE_ERROR;
312 end
313 end
314 # check if the ppn is correctly aligned:
315 # 6. If i > 0 and pa.ppn[i − 1 : 0] != 0, this is a misaligned superpage; stop and raise a page-fault
316 # exception.
317 if (ptw_lvl_q == LVL1 && pte.ppn[17:0] != '0) begin
318 state_d = PROPAGATE_ERROR;
319 dtlb_update_o.valid = 1'b0;
320 itlb_update_o.valid = 1'b0;
321 end else if (ptw_lvl_q == LVL2 && pte.ppn[8:0] != '0) begin
322 state_d = PROPAGATE_ERROR;
323 dtlb_update_o.valid = 1'b0;
324 itlb_update_o.valid = 1'b0;
325 end
326 # this is a pointer to the next TLB level
327 end else begin
328 # pointer to next level of page table
329 if (ptw_lvl_q == LVL1) begin
330 # we are in the second level now
331 ptw_lvl_n = LVL2;
332 ptw_pptr_n = {pte.ppn, vaddr_q[29:21], 3'b0};
333 end
335 if (ptw_lvl_q == LVL2) begin
336 # here we received a pointer to the third level
337 ptw_lvl_n = LVL3;
338 ptw_pptr_n = {pte.ppn, vaddr_q[20:12], 3'b0};
339 end
341 state_d = WAIT_GRANT;
343 if (ptw_lvl_q == LVL3) begin
344 # Should already be the last level page table => Error
345 ptw_lvl_n = LVL3;
346 state_d = PROPAGATE_ERROR;
347 end
348 end
349 end
350 end
351 # we've got a data WAIT_GRANT so tell the cache that the tag is valid
352 end
353 # Propagate error to MMU/LSU
355 state_d = IDLE;
356 ptw_error_o = 1'b1;
357 end
358 # wait for the rvalid before going back to IDLE
359 WAIT_RVALID: begin
360 if (data_rvalid_q)
361 state_d = IDLE;
362 end
363 default: begin
364 state_d = IDLE;
365 end
366 endcase
368 # -------
369 # Flush
370 # -------
371 # should we have flushed before we got an rvalid, wait for it until going back to IDLE
372 if (flush_i) begin
373 # on a flush check whether we are
374 # 1. in the PTE Lookup check whether we still need to wait for an rvalid
375 # 2. waiting for a grant, if so: wait for it
376 # if not, go back to idle
377 if ((state_q == PTE_LOOKUP && !data_rvalid_q) || ((state_q == WAIT_GRANT) && req_port_i.data_gnt))
378 state_d = WAIT_RVALID;
379 else
380 state_d = IDLE;
381 end
382 end
384 # sequential process
385 always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
386 if (~rst_ni) begin
387 state_q <= IDLE;
388 is_instr_ptw_q <= 1'b0;
389 ptw_lvl_q <= LVL1;
390 tag_valid_q <= 1'b0;
391 tlb_update_asid_q <= '0;
392 vaddr_q <= '0;
393 ptw_pptr_q <= '0;
394 global_mapping_q <= 1'b0;
395 data_rdata_q <= '0;
396 data_rvalid_q <= 1'b0;
397 end else begin
398 state_q <= state_d;
399 ptw_pptr_q <= ptw_pptr_n;
400 is_instr_ptw_q <= is_instr_ptw_n;
401 ptw_lvl_q <= ptw_lvl_n;
402 tag_valid_q <= tag_valid_n;
403 tlb_update_asid_q <= tlb_update_asid_n;
404 vaddr_q <= vaddr_n;
405 global_mapping_q <= global_mapping_n;
406 data_rdata_q <= req_port_i.data_rdata;
407 data_rvalid_q <= req_port_i.data_rvalid;
408 end
409 end
411 endmodule
412 /* verilator lint_on WIDTH */