temporary signals, efforts to simplify graph
[soc.git] / TLB / src / ariane / tlb.py
1 """
2 # Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
3 # Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
4 # License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
5 # compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 # http:#solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-0.51. Unless required by applicable law
7 # or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
8 # this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
9 # CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
10 # specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
11 #
12 # Author: David Schaffenrath, TU Graz
13 # Author: Florian Zaruba, ETH Zurich
14 # Date: 21.4.2017
15 # Description: Translation Lookaside Buffer, SV39
16 # fully set-associative
17 """
18 from math import log2
19 from nmigen import Signal, Module, Cat, Const, Array
20 from nmigen.cli import verilog, rtlil
23 # SV39 defines three levels of page tables
24 class TLBEntry:
25 def __init__(self):
26 self.asid = Signal(ASID_WIDTH)
27 self.vpn2 = Signal(9)
28 self.vpn1 = Signal(9)
29 self.vpn0 = Signal(9)
30 self.is_2M = Signal()
31 self.is_1G = Signal()
32 self.valid = Signal()
37 from ptw import TLBUpdate, PTE
40 class TLB:
41 def __init__(self):
42 self.flush_i = Signal() # Flush signal
43 # Update TLB
44 self.update_i = TLBUpdate()
45 # Lookup signals
46 self.lu_access_i = Signal()
47 self.lu_asid_i = Signal(ASID_WIDTH)
48 self.lu_vaddr_i = Signal(64)
49 self.lu_content_o = PTE()
50 self.lu_is_2M_o = Signal()
51 self.lu_is_1G_o = Signal()
52 self.lu_hit_o = Signal()
54 def elaborate(self, platform):
55 m = Module()
57 # SV39 defines three levels of page tables
58 tags = Array([TLBEntry() for i in range(TLB_ENTRIES)])
59 content = Array([PTE() for i in range(TLB_ENTRIES)])
61 vpn2 = Signal(9)
62 vpn1 = Signal(9)
63 vpn0 = Signal(9)
64 lu_hit = Signal(TLB_ENTRIES) # to replacement logic
65 replace_en = Signal(TLB_ENTRIES) # replace the following entry,
66 # set by replacement strategy
67 #-------------
68 # Translation
69 #-------------
70 m.d.comb += [ vpn0.eq(self.lu_vaddr_i[12:21]),
71 vpn1.eq(self.lu_vaddr_i[21:30]),
72 vpn2.eq(self.lu_vaddr_i[30:39]),
73 ]
75 for i in range(TLB_ENTRIES):
76 m.d.comb += lu_hit[i].eq(0)
77 # temporaries for 1st level match
78 asid_ok = Signal()
79 vpn2_ok = Signal()
80 tags_ok = Signal()
81 vpn2_hit = Signal()
82 m.d.comb += [tags_ok.eq(tags[i].valid),
83 asid_ok.eq(tags[i].asid == self.lu_asid_i),
84 vpn2_ok.eq(tags[i].vpn2 == vpn2),
85 vpn2_hit.eq(tags_ok & asid_ok & vpn2_ok)]
86 # temporaries for 2nd level match
87 vpn1_ok = Signal()
88 tags_2M = Signal()
89 vpn0_ok = Signal()
90 vpn0_or_2M = Signal()
91 m.d.comb += [vpn1_ok.eq(vpn1 == tags[i].vpn1),
92 tags_2M.eq(tags[i].is_2M),
93 vpn0_ok.eq(vpn0 == tags[i].vpn0),
94 vpn0_or_2M.eq(tags_2M | vpn0_ok)]
95 # first level match, this may be a giga page,
96 # check the ASID flags as well
97 with m.If(vpn2_hit):
98 # second level
99 with m.If (tags[i].is_1G):
100 m.d.sync += self.lu_content_o.eq(content[i])
101 m.d.comb += [ self.lu_is_1G_o.eq(1),
102 self.lu_hit_o.eq(1),
103 lu_hit[i].eq(1),
104 ]
105 # not a giga page hit so check further
106 with m.Elif(vpn1_ok):
107 # this could be a 2 mega page hit or a 4 kB hit
108 # output accordingly
109 with m.If(vpn0_or_2M):
110 m.d.sync += self.lu_content_o.eq(content[i])
111 m.d.comb += [ self.lu_is_2M_o.eq(tags[i].is_2M),
112 self.lu_hit_o.eq(1),
113 lu_hit[i].eq(1),
114 ]
116 # ------------------
117 # Update and Flush
118 # ------------------
120 for i in range(TLB_ENTRIES):
121 replace_valid = Signal()
122 m.d.comb += replace_valid.eq(self.update_i.valid & replace_en[i])
123 with m.If (self.flush_i):
124 # invalidate (flush) conditions: all if zero or just this ASID
125 with m.If (self.lu_asid_i == Const(0, ASID_WIDTH) |
126 (self.lu_asid_i == tags[i].asid)):
127 m.d.sync += tags[i].valid.eq(0)
129 # normal replacement
130 with m.Elif(replace_valid):
131 m.d.sync += [ # update tag array
132 tags[i].asid.eq(self.update_i.asid),
133 tags[i].vpn2.eq(self.update_i.vpn[18:27]),
134 tags[i].vpn1.eq(self.update_i.vpn[9:18]),
135 tags[i].vpn0.eq(self.update_i.vpn[0:9]),
136 tags[i].is_1G.eq(self.update_i.is_1G),
137 tags[i].is_2M.eq(self.update_i.is_2M),
138 tags[i].valid.eq(1),
139 # and content as well
140 content[i].eq(self.update_i.content)
141 ]
143 # -----------------------------------------------
144 # PLRU - Pseudo Least Recently Used Replacement
145 # -----------------------------------------------
148 plru_tree = Signal(TLBSZ)
150 # The PLRU-tree indexing:
151 # lvl0 0
152 # / \
153 # / \
154 # lvl1 1 2
155 # / \ / \
156 # lvl2 3 4 5 6
157 # / \ /\/\ /\
158 # ... ... ... ...
159 # Just predefine which nodes will be set/cleared
160 # E.g. for a TLB with 8 entries, the for-loop is semantically
161 # equivalent to the following pseudo-code:
162 # unique case (1'b1)
163 # lu_hit[7]: plru_tree[0, 2, 6] = {1, 1, 1};
164 # lu_hit[6]: plru_tree[0, 2, 6] = {1, 1, 0};
165 # lu_hit[5]: plru_tree[0, 2, 5] = {1, 0, 1};
166 # lu_hit[4]: plru_tree[0, 2, 5] = {1, 0, 0};
167 # lu_hit[3]: plru_tree[0, 1, 4] = {0, 1, 1};
168 # lu_hit[2]: plru_tree[0, 1, 4] = {0, 1, 0};
169 # lu_hit[1]: plru_tree[0, 1, 3] = {0, 0, 1};
170 # lu_hit[0]: plru_tree[0, 1, 3] = {0, 0, 0};
171 # default: begin /* No hit */ end
172 # endcase
173 LOG_TLB = int(log2(TLB_ENTRIES))
174 for i in range(TLB_ENTRIES):
175 # we got a hit so update the pointer as it was least recently used
176 hit = Signal()
177 m.d.comb += hit.eq(lu_hit[i] & self.lu_access_i)
178 with m.If(hit):
179 # Set the nodes to the values we would expect
180 for lvl in range(LOG_TLB):
181 idx_base = (1<<lvl)-1
182 # lvl0 <=> MSB, lvl1 <=> MSB-1, ...
183 shift = LOG_TLB - lvl;
184 new_idx = Const(~((i >> (shift-1)) & 1), 1)
185 print ("plru", i, lvl, hex(idx_base), shift, new_idx)
186 m.d.sync += plru_tree[idx_base + (i >> shift)].eq(new_idx)
188 # Decode tree to write enable signals
189 # Next for-loop basically creates the following logic for e.g.
190 # an 8 entry TLB (note: pseudo-code obviously):
191 # replace_en[7] = &plru_tree[ 6, 2, 0]; #plru_tree[0,2,6]=={1,1,1}
192 # replace_en[6] = &plru_tree[~6, 2, 0]; #plru_tree[0,2,6]=={1,1,0}
193 # replace_en[5] = &plru_tree[ 5,~2, 0]; #plru_tree[0,2,5]=={1,0,1}
194 # replace_en[4] = &plru_tree[~5,~2, 0]; #plru_tree[0,2,5]=={1,0,0}
195 # replace_en[3] = &plru_tree[ 4, 1,~0]; #plru_tree[0,1,4]=={0,1,1}
196 # replace_en[2] = &plru_tree[~4, 1,~0]; #plru_tree[0,1,4]=={0,1,0}
197 # replace_en[1] = &plru_tree[ 3,~1,~0]; #plru_tree[0,1,3]=={0,0,1}
198 # replace_en[0] = &plru_tree[~3,~1,~0]; #plru_tree[0,1,3]=={0,0,0}
199 # For each entry traverse the tree. If every tree-node matches
200 # the corresponding bit of the entry's index, this is
201 # the next entry to replace.
202 for i in range(TLB_ENTRIES):
203 en = Signal(LOG_TLB)
204 for lvl in range(LOG_TLB):
205 idx_base = (1<<lvl)-1
206 # lvl0 <=> MSB, lvl1 <=> MSB-1, ...
207 shift = LOG_TLB - lvl;
208 new_idx = (i >> (shift-1)) & 1;
209 plru = Signal()
210 m.d.comb += plru.eq(plru_tree[idx_base + (i>>shift)])
211 # en &= plru_tree_q[idx_base + (i>>shift)] == new_idx;
212 if new_idx:
213 en[lvl].eq(~plru) # yes inverted (using bool())
214 else:
215 en[lvl].eq(plru) # yes inverted (using bool())
216 print ("plru", i, en)
217 # boolean logic manipluation:
218 # plur0 & plru1 & plur2 == ~(~plru0 | ~plru1 | ~plru2)
219 m.d.sync += replace_en[i].eq(~Cat(*en).bool())
221 #--------------
222 # Sanity checks
223 #--------------
225 assert (TLB_ENTRIES % 2 == 0) and (TLB_ENTRIES > 1), \
226 "TLB size must be a multiple of 2 and greater than 1"
227 assert (ASID_WIDTH >= 1), \
228 "ASID width must be at least 1"
230 return m
232 """
233 # Just for checking
234 function int countSetBits(logic[TLB_ENTRIES-1:0] vector);
235 automatic int count = 0;
236 foreach (vector[idx]) begin
237 count += vector[idx];
238 end
239 return count;
240 endfunction
242 assert property (@(posedge clk_i)(countSetBits(lu_hit) <= 1))
243 else $error("More then one hit in TLB!"); $stop(); end
244 assert property (@(posedge clk_i)(countSetBits(replace_en) <= 1))
245 else $error("More then one TLB entry selected for next replace!");
246 """
248 def ports(self):
249 return [self.flush_i, self.lu_access_i,
250 self.lu_asid_i, self.lu_vaddr_i,
251 self.lu_is_2M_o, self.lu_is_1G_o, self.lu_hit_o,
252 ] + self.lu_content_o.ports() + self.update_i.ports()
254 if __name__ == '__main__':
255 tlb = TLB()
256 vl = rtlil.convert(tlb, ports=tlb.ports())
257 with open("test_tlb.il", "w") as f:
258 f.write(vl)