[libreriscv.git] / conferences / ngisearch2023 / ngisearch2023.tex
1 \documentclass[slidestop]{beamer}
2 \usepackage{beamerthemesplit}
3 \usepackage{graphics}
4 \usepackage{pstricks}
6 \graphicspath{{./}}
8 \title{NGI SEARCH}
9 \author{Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton}
12 \begin{document}
14 \frame{
15 \begin{center}
16 \huge{NGI SEARCH}\\
17 \vspace{32pt}
18 \Large{SVP64 Power ISA}\\
19 \Large{Vector Optimisation for Search}\\
20 \vspace{24pt}
21 \large{RED Semiconductor Ltd}\\
22 \large{VectorCamp}\\
23 \large{Vantosh}\\
24 \vspace{6pt}
25 \large{Assisted by Libre-SOC}\\
26 \end{center}
27 }
30 \frame{\frametitle{SVP64 Power ISA Vector Optimisation for Search}
32 \vspace{6pt}
34 \begin{itemize}
35 \item Take existing search algorithms and optimise a Vector ISA
36 (at the hardware level) to increase energy efficiency
37 \vspace{6pt}
38 \item Whilst normally a software developer has to make the best
39 out of the situation of being provided with a "fait-accompli"
40 ISA (ARM, x86, MIPS) and attempt to optimise Search
41 algorithms for it, we aim to turn it around: work out what
42 features of an ISA, if added, would make the same algorithms
43 much more power-efficient.
44 \vspace{6pt}
45 \item RED: Hardware/ISA concepts and project management\\
46 \item VectorCamp: Algorithm analysis and concepts\\
47 \item VanTosh: Validation, evolution and demonstration\\
48 \end{itemize}
49 }
52 \frame{\frametitle{Low-level Libraries: used by all software}
53 \vspace{6pt}
54 \begin{itemize}
55 \item Regardless of the high-level algorithm portable low-level
56 libraries are needed. JSON parsing, UTF-8, strncpy, memcpy.
57 \item Optimising libc6 standard routines (strncpy, memcpy, isascii)
58 would represent high value-for-money if made much more efficient
59 \item strncpy already done under NLnet-funded Libre-SOC Grants: 11 Vector
60 instructions, representing a huge power-saving and high bang-per-buck
61 \item We want to see how far this technical approach can be taken.
62 \item All source code, all instructions, all HDL, all documentation:
63 entirely public and FOSS Licensed or to be part of OpenPOWER
64 Foundation Standards. Full transparency!
65 \end{itemize}
66 }
68 \frame{\frametitle{VectorScan}
69 \vspace{6pt}
70 \begin{itemize}
71 \item VectorScan is a high-performance multiple regex match library.
72 Used in intrusion detection systems for real-time pattern search.
73 \item A fork/replacement of HyperScan, fully compatible, VectorScan
74 provides a level of abstraction that makes it easier to port
75 to other architectures.
76 \vspace{10pt}
77 \item Project goal: to port key algorithms in VectorScan to SVP64
78 with a view to estimated power reduction, simplicity and
79 potential performance increases.
80 \item Also a key additional goal is to validate SVP64 as a High-performance
81 High-level Assembly ISA, and to see if any crucial adaptations
82 or alterations are required.
83 \end{itemize}
84 }
86 \frame{
87 \begin{center}
88 {\Huge The end\vspace{15pt}\\
89 Thank you\vspace{15pt}\\
90 Questions?\vspace{10pt}
91 }
92 \end{center}
94 \begin{itemize}
95 \item Discussion: http://lists.libre-soc.org
96 \item Libera IRC \#libre-soc
97 \item https://libre-soc.org/
98 \item https://www.ngi.eu/ngi-projects/ngi-search/
99 \end{itemize}
100 }
103 \end{document}