add WIP pipeline loop demo
[soc.git] / doc / div_pipeline_loop_model / src / main.ts
1 // WIP pipeline loop demo
3 let instruction_queue: (null | Instruction)[] = [];
4 let instruction_cancel_queue: (null | Instruction[])[] = [];
6 class Instruction {
7 pc: number;
8 reservation_station: null | ReservationStation;
9 canceled: boolean;
10 constructor(pc: number) {
11 this.pc = pc;
12 this.reservation_station = null;
13 this.canceled = false;
14 }
15 toString() {
16 return `0x${this.pc.toString(16)}`
17 }
18 }
20 class StageConnectionPoint {
21 stage: Stage;
22 x: number;
23 y: number;
24 constructor(stage: Stage, x: number, y: number) {
25 this.stage = stage;
26 this.x = x;
27 this.y = y;
28 }
29 }
31 const enum State {
32 Empty,
33 Starting,
34 Executing,
35 Canceling,
36 Finished,
37 Stalled,
38 }
40 function assert_unreachable(v: never): never { return v; }
42 let diagram: HTMLElement;
43 class Stage {
44 static readonly GRID_CELL_WIDTH = 100;
45 static readonly GRID_CELL_HEIGHT = 50;
46 static readonly BOX_WIDTH = 90;
47 static readonly BOX_HEIGHT = 40;
48 static readonly ALL_STAGES: Stage[] = [];
49 x: number;
50 y: number;
51 name: string;
52 instruction: Instruction | null;
53 group_node: SVGGElement;
54 box_node: SVGRectElement;
55 name_node: SVGTextElement;
56 status_text_node: SVGTextElement;
57 instruction_text_node: SVGTextElement;
58 top_connection_point: StageConnectionPoint;
59 bottom_connection_point: StageConnectionPoint;
60 left_connection_point: StageConnectionPoint;
61 right_connection_point: StageConnectionPoint;
62 state: State = State.Empty;
63 constructor(x: number, y: number, name: string) {
64 Stage.ALL_STAGES.push(this);
65 this.x = x;
66 this.y = y;
67 = name;
68 this.instruction = null;
69 this.group_node = document.createElementNS("", "g");
70 this.box_node = document.createElementNS("", "rect");
71 this.box_node.setAttribute("width", String(Stage.BOX_WIDTH));
72 this.box_node.setAttribute("height", String(Stage.BOX_HEIGHT));
73 this.box_node.setAttribute("fill", "white");
74 this.box_node.setAttribute("stroke", "black");
75 this.box_node.setAttribute("x", String(x));
76 this.box_node.setAttribute("y", String(y));
77 this.group_node.appendChild(this.box_node);
78 this.name_node = document.createElementNS("", "text");
79 this.name_node.setAttribute("x", String(x + 5));
80 this.name_node.setAttribute("y", String(y + 5));
81 this.name_node.setAttribute("class", "stage_title");
82 this.name_node.textContent = name;
83 this.group_node.appendChild(this.name_node);
84 this.status_text_node = document.createElementNS("", "text");
85 this.status_text_node.setAttribute("x", String(x + 5));
86 this.status_text_node.setAttribute("y", String(y + Stage.BOX_HEIGHT - 5));
87 this.status_text_node.setAttribute("class", "stage_status_text");
88 this.status_text_node.textContent = "";
89 this.group_node.appendChild(this.status_text_node);
90 this.instruction_text_node = document.createElementNS("", "text");
91 this.instruction_text_node.setAttribute("x", String(x + Stage.BOX_WIDTH - 5));
92 this.instruction_text_node.setAttribute("y", String(y + 5));
93 this.instruction_text_node.setAttribute("class", "stage_instruction_text");
94 this.instruction_text_node.textContent = "";
95 this.group_node.appendChild(this.instruction_text_node);
96 diagram.appendChild(this.group_node);
97 this.top_connection_point = new StageConnectionPoint(this, x + Stage.BOX_WIDTH / 2, y);
98 this.bottom_connection_point = new StageConnectionPoint(this, x + Stage.BOX_WIDTH / 2, y + Stage.BOX_HEIGHT);
99 this.left_connection_point = new StageConnectionPoint(this, x, y + Stage.BOX_HEIGHT / 2);
100 this.right_connection_point = new StageConnectionPoint(this, x + Stage.BOX_WIDTH, y + Stage.BOX_HEIGHT / 2);
101 this.state = State.Empty;
102 }
103 update_visible_state() {
104 let bk_color;
105 let status_text;
106 switch (this.state) {
107 case State.Empty:
108 status_text = "empty"; bk_color = "#FFFFFF";
109 break;
110 case State.Starting:
111 status_text = "starting"; bk_color = "#C0C000";
112 break;
113 case State.Executing:
114 status_text = "executing"; bk_color = "#80FF80";
115 break;
116 case State.Canceling:
117 status_text = "canceling"; bk_color = "#C04040";
118 break;
119 case State.Finished:
120 status_text = "finished"; bk_color = "#8080FF";
121 break;
122 case State.Stalled:
123 status_text = "stalled"; bk_color = "#909090";
124 break;
125 default:
126 return assert_unreachable(this.state);
127 }
128 this.box_node.setAttribute("fill", bk_color);
129 this.status_text_node.textContent = status_text;
130 this.instruction_text_node.textContent = String(this.instruction || "");
131 }
132 tick_setup() { }
133 tick() { }
134 }
136 class ReservationStation extends Stage {
137 next_state: State;
138 constructor(x: number, y: number, name: string) {
139 super(x, y, name);
140 this.state = State.Empty;
141 this.next_state = State.Empty;
142 }
143 tick_setup() {
144 this.next_state = this.state;
145 switch (this.state) {
146 case State.Empty:
147 break;
148 case State.Starting:
149 if (this.instruction!.canceled) {
150 this.next_state = State.Canceling;
151 }
152 else if (setup_stage.instruction === this.instruction) {
153 this.next_state = State.Executing;
154 }
155 break;
156 case State.Executing:
157 if (this.instruction!.canceled) {
158 this.next_state = State.Canceling;
159 }
160 else if (finish_stage.instruction === this.instruction) {
161 this.next_state = State.Finished;
162 }
163 break;
164 case State.Canceling:
165 this.next_state = State.Empty;
166 break;
167 case State.Finished:
168 this.next_state = State.Empty;
169 break;
170 default:
171 throw new TypeError("invalid state value");
172 }
173 }
174 tick() {
175 switch (this.state) {
176 case State.Empty:
177 if (instruction_queue[0]) {
178 instruction_queue[0].reservation_station = this;
179 this.instruction = instruction_queue[0];
180 instruction_queue[0] = null;
181 this.state = State.Starting;
182 }
183 break;
184 case State.Starting:
185 case State.Executing:
186 this.state = this.next_state;
187 break;
188 case State.Canceling:
189 this.instruction!.reservation_station = null;
190 this.instruction = null;
191 this.state = State.Empty;
192 break;
193 case State.Finished:
194 this.instruction!.reservation_station = null;
195 this.instruction = null;
196 this.state = State.Empty;
197 break;
198 default:
199 throw new TypeError("invalid state value");
200 }
201 }
202 }
204 class LoopHeaderStage extends Stage {
205 next_state: State;
206 next_instruction: Instruction | null;
207 constructor(x: number, y: number) {
208 super(x, y, "loop hdr");
209 this.state = State.Empty;
210 this.next_state = State.Empty;
211 this.next_instruction = null;
212 }
213 }
215 class LoopFooterStage extends Stage {
216 next_state: State;
217 next_instruction: Instruction | null;
218 constructor(x: number, y: number) {
219 super(x, y, "loop ftr");
220 this.state = State.Empty;
221 this.next_state = State.Empty;
222 this.next_instruction = null;
223 }
224 }
226 class ComputeStage extends Stage {
227 next_state: State;
228 next_instruction: Instruction | null;
229 constructor(x: number, y: number, name: string) {
230 super(x, y, name);
231 this.state = State.Empty;
232 this.next_state = State.Empty;
233 this.next_instruction = null;
234 }
235 }
237 class FinishStage extends Stage {
238 next_state: State;
239 next_instruction: Instruction | null;
240 constructor(x: number, y: number) {
241 super(x, y, "finish");
242 this.state = State.Empty;
243 this.next_state = State.Empty;
244 this.next_instruction = null;
245 }
246 }
248 class SetupStage extends Stage {
249 next_state: State;
250 next_instruction: Instruction | null;
251 stalled: boolean;
252 constructor(x: number, y: number) {
253 super(x, y, "setup");
254 this.state = State.Empty;
255 this.next_state = State.Empty;
256 this.next_instruction = null;
257 this.stalled = false;
258 }
259 tick_setup() {
260 this.next_state = this.state;
261 this.next_instruction = this.instruction;
262 switch (this.state) {
263 case State.Empty:
264 for (let rs of reservation_stations) {
265 if (rs.state == State.Starting) {
266 this.next_instruction = rs.instruction;
267 this.next_state = State.Executing;
268 break;
269 }
270 }
271 break;
272 case State.Executing:
273 break;
274 case State.Canceling:
275 this.next_state = State.Empty;
276 this.next_instruction = null;
277 break;
278 default:
279 throw new TypeError("invalid state value");
280 }
281 }
282 tick() {
283 switch (this.state) {
284 case State.Empty:
285 for (let rs of reservation_stations) {
287 }
288 break;
289 case State.Stalled:
290 break;
291 case State.Executing:
292 break;
293 case State.Canceling:
294 break;
295 default:
296 throw new TypeError("invalid state value");
297 }
298 }
299 }
301 class Connection {
302 src_connection_point: StageConnectionPoint;
303 dst_connection_point: StageConnectionPoint;
304 path: { x: number | undefined; y: number | undefined; }[];
305 node: SVGPolylineElement;
306 constructor(src_connection_point: StageConnectionPoint, dst_connection_point: StageConnectionPoint, path: { x: number | undefined; y: number | undefined; }[]) {
307 this.src_connection_point = src_connection_point;
308 this.dst_connection_point = dst_connection_point;
309 this.path = path;
310 this.node = document.createElementNS("", "polyline");
311 let points = [[src_connection_point.x, src_connection_point.y]];
312 let x = src_connection_point.x;
313 let y = src_connection_point.y;
314 for (let path_element of path) {
315 if (path_element.x !== undefined) {
316 x = path_element.x;
317 points.push([x, y]);
318 }
319 if (path_element.y !== undefined) {
320 y = path_element.y;
321 points.push([x, y]);
322 }
323 }
324 points.push([dst_connection_point.x, y]);
325 points.push([dst_connection_point.x, dst_connection_point.y]);
326 let points_str = => v.join()).join(" ");
327 this.node.setAttribute("class", "connection");
328 this.node.setAttribute("points", points_str);
329 this.node.textContent = name;
330 diagram.appendChild(this.node);
331 }
332 }
334 let reservation_stations: ReservationStation[] = [];
335 let setup_stage: SetupStage;
336 let finish_stage: FinishStage;
337 let loop_stages: ComputeStage[] = [];
338 let loop_header_stage: LoopHeaderStage;
339 let loop_footer_stage: LoopFooterStage;
340 let next_pc = 0x1000;
342 function add_instructions() {
343 if (instruction_queue.length < 10) {
344 let instr = new Instruction(next_pc);
345 next_pc += 4;
346 instruction_queue.push(instr);
347 if (Math.random() < 0.4) {
348 let cancel_time = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1;
349 if (!instruction_cancel_queue[cancel_time]) {
350 instruction_cancel_queue[cancel_time] = [];
351 }
352 instruction_cancel_queue[cancel_time]!.push(instr);
353 }
354 }
355 }
357 function cancel_instructions() {
358 if (instruction_cancel_queue.length) {
359 let first = instruction_cancel_queue.shift();
360 if (first) {
361 for (let i of first) {
362 i.canceled = true;
363 }
364 }
365 }
366 }
368 function tick() {
369 add_instructions();
370 cancel_instructions();
371 for (let i of Stage.ALL_STAGES) {
372 i.tick_setup();
373 }
374 for (let i of Stage.ALL_STAGES) {
375 i.tick();
376 }
377 if (instruction_queue[0] === undefined)
378 instruction_queue.shift();
379 update_visible_state();
380 }
382 function update_visible_state() {
383 for (let i of Stage.ALL_STAGES) {
384 i.update_visible_state();
385 }
386 }
388 function load() {
389 diagram = document.getElementById("diagram")!;
390 let loop_stage_count = 3;
391 setup_stage = new SetupStage(Stage.GRID_CELL_WIDTH, 2 * Stage.GRID_CELL_HEIGHT);
392 let reservation_station_count = 7;
393 for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
394 let stage = new ReservationStation(0, Stage.GRID_CELL_HEIGHT * i, `rs${i}`);
395 reservation_stations.push(stage);
396 new Connection(stage.right_connection_point, setup_stage.left_connection_point,
397 [{ x: Stage.BOX_WIDTH + 3, y: setup_stage.left_connection_point.y }]);
398 }
399 loop_header_stage = new LoopHeaderStage(Stage.GRID_CELL_WIDTH * 2, 2 * Stage.GRID_CELL_HEIGHT);
400 new Connection(setup_stage.right_connection_point, loop_header_stage.left_connection_point, []);
401 let prev_stage = loop_header_stage;
402 for (let i = 0; i < loop_stage_count; i++) {
403 let stage = new ComputeStage(Stage.GRID_CELL_WIDTH * (3 + i), 2 * Stage.GRID_CELL_HEIGHT, `compute${i}`);
404 loop_stages.push(stage);
405 new Connection(prev_stage.right_connection_point, stage.left_connection_point, []);
406 prev_stage = stage;
407 }
408 loop_footer_stage = new LoopFooterStage(Stage.GRID_CELL_WIDTH * (3 + loop_stage_count), 2 * Stage.GRID_CELL_HEIGHT);
409 new Connection(prev_stage.right_connection_point, loop_footer_stage.left_connection_point, []);
410 new Connection(loop_footer_stage.bottom_connection_point, loop_header_stage.bottom_connection_point,
411 [{ x: loop_footer_stage.bottom_connection_point.x, y: 3 * Stage.GRID_CELL_HEIGHT + 5 }]);
412 finish_stage = new FinishStage(Stage.GRID_CELL_WIDTH * (4 + loop_stage_count), 2 * Stage.GRID_CELL_HEIGHT);
413 new Connection(loop_footer_stage.right_connection_point, finish_stage.left_connection_point, []);
414 for (let rs of reservation_stations) {
415 new Connection(finish_stage.top_connection_point, rs.left_connection_point,
416 [{ x: finish_stage.top_connection_point.x, y: -5 }, { x: -7, y: rs.left_connection_point.y }]);
417 }
418 setInterval(tick, 1500);
419 update_visible_state();
420 }