add ld/st-post-increment to ls012 optable,
[libreriscv.git] / openpower / sv / rfc / ls012 / optable.csv
1 instruction, rfc, priority, bitcost, vectorisable, group, prefixable, page
2 # LD/ST-Postincrement (FP TODO)
3 lbzup, ls011, high, ??, yes, EXT2xx, ??, isa/pifixedload
4 lbzupx, ls011, high, ??, yes, EXT2xx, ??, isa/pifixedload
5 lhzup, ls011, high, ??, yes, EXT2xx, ??, isa/pifixedload
6 lhzupx, ls011, high, ??, yes, EXT2xx, ??, isa/pifixedload
7 lhaup, ls011, high, ??, yes, EXT2xx, ??, isa/pifixedload
8 lhaupx, ls011, high, ??, yes, EXT2xx, ??, isa/pifixedload
9 lwzup, ls011, high, ??, yes, EXT2xx, ??, isa/pifixedload
10 lwzupx, ls011, high, ??, yes, EXT2xx, ??, isa/pifixedload
11 lwaupx, ls011, high, ??, yes, EXT2xx, ??, isa/pifixedload
12 ldup, ls011, high, ??, yes, EXT2xx, ??, isa/pifixedload
13 ldupx, ls011, high, ??, yes, EXT2xx, ??, isa/pifixedload
14 stbup, ls011, high, ??, yes, EXT2xx, ??, isa/pifixedstore
15 stbupx, ls011, high, ??, yes, EXT2xx, ??, isa/pifixedstore
16 sthup, ls011, high, ??, yes, EXT2xx, ??, isa/pifixedstore
17 sthupx, ls011, high, ??, yes, EXT2xx, ??, isa/pifixedstore
18 stwup, ls011, high, ??, yes, EXT2xx, ??, isa/pifixedstore
19 stwupx, ls011, high, ??, yes, EXT2xx, ??, isa/pifixedstore
20 stdup, ls011, high, ??, yes, EXT2xx, ??, isa/pifixedstore
21 stdupx, ls011, high, ??, yes, EXT2xx, ??, isa/pifixedstore
22 FP-LD, ls011, high, ??, yes, EXT2xx, ??, TODO
23 FP-ST, ls011, high, ??, yes, EXT2xx, ??, TODO
24 # Bitmanip LUT2/3 operations. high cost high reward
25 grevlut, TBD, high, 3, yes, TBD, no, sv/bitmanip
26 grevluti, TBD, high, 3, yes, TBD, yes, sv/bitmanip
27 ternlogi, ls007, high, 2, yes, TBD, yes, sv/bitmanip
28 crternlogi, ls007, high, 5, yes, TBD, yes, sv/bitmanip
29 binlut, ls007, high, 6, yes, TBD, no, sv/bitmanip
30 crbinlut, ls007, high, 5, yes, TBD, no, sv/bitmanip
31 # Float-Load-Immediate (always saves one LD L1/2/3 D-Cache op)
32 fmvis, ls002, high, 5, yes, TBD, no, sv/bitmanip
33 fishmv, ls002, high, 5, yes, TBD, no, sv/bitmanip
34 # Shift-and-Add (mitigates LD-ST-Shift; Cryptography e.g. twofish)
35 shadd, ls003, high, 7, yes, TBD, no, sv/bitmanip
36 shadduw, ls003, high, 7, yes, TBD, no, sv/bitmanip
37 # Audio-Video
38 absdu, TBD, TBD, 10, yes, TBD, no, sv/av_opcodes
39 avgadd, TBD, TBD, 10, yes, TBD, no, sv/av_opcodes
40 minmax, TBD, TBD, 10, yes, TBD, no, sv/av_opcodes
41 absaccs, TBD, TBD, 10, yes, TBD, no, sv/av_opcodes
42 absaccu, TBD, TBD, 10, yes, TBD, no, sv/av_opcodes
43 # BMI group
44 bmask, TBD, high, 5, yes, TBD, yes, sv/vector_ops
45 cprop, TBD, high, 5, yes, TBD, yes, sv/vector_ops
46 # SVP64 Management.
47 setvl, ls008, high, 5, no, EXT0xx, yes, sv/setvl
48 svstep, ls008, high, 5, no, EXT0xx, yes, sv/svstep
49 svremap, ls009, high, 5, no, EXT0xx, yes, sv/remap
50 svshape, ls009, high, 5, no, EXT0xx, yes, sv/remap
51 svshape2, ls009, high, 5, no, EXT0xx, yes, sv/remap
52 svindex, ls009, high, 5, no, EXT0xx, yes, sv/remap
53 # GPU swizzle
54 mv.swizzle, TBD, TBD, 4, yes, TBD, yes, sv/mv.swizzle
55 fmv.swizzle, TBD, TBD, 4, yes, TBD, yes, sv/mv.swizzle
56 # CR weirds
57 crrweird, TBD, high, 8, yes, TBD, no, sv/cr_int_predication
58 mfcrweird, TBD, high, 8, yes, TBD, no, sv/cr_int_predication
59 mtcrrweird, TBD, high, 9, yes, TBD, no, sv/cr_int_predication
60 mtcrweird, TBD, high, 9, yes, TBD, no, sv/cr_int_predication
61 crweirder, TBD, high, 9, yes, TBD, no, sv/cr_int_predication
62 mcrfm, , TBD, high, 9, yes, EXT0xx, no, sv/cr_int_predication
63 # fclass (Scalar variant of xvtstdcsp)
64 fptstp(s), TBD, high, 10, yes, EXT0xx, no, sv/fclass
65 # INT<->FP mv
66 fmvfg(s), ls006, high, 10, yes, EXT0xx, no, sv/int_fp_mv
67 fcvtfg(s), ls006, high, 10, yes, EXT0xx, no, sv/int_fp_mv
68 fcvttg(s), ls006, high, 10, yes, EXT0xx, no, sv/int_fp_mv
69 fcvtstg(s), ls006, high, 10, yes, EXT0xx, no, sv/int_fp_mv
70 # Big-Integer Chained 3-in 2-out (64-bit Carry)
71 dsld, ls003, high, 5, yes, EXT0xx, no, sv/biginteger
72 dsrd, ls003, high, 5, yes, EXT0xx, no, sv/biginteger
73 maddedu ls003, high, 6, yes, EXT0xx, no, sv/biginteger
74 maddedus ls003, high, 6, yes, EXT0xx, no, sv/biginteger
75 divmod2du ls003, high, 6, yes, EXT0xx, no, sv/biginteger
76 # FP DCT/FFT Butterfly (2/3-in 2-out)
77 ffadd(s), TBD, med, 10, yes, EXT2xx, no, isa/svfparith
78 ffsub(s), TBD, med, 10, yes, EXT2xx, no, isa/svfparith
79 ffmul(s), TBD, med, 10, yes, EXT2xx, no, isa/svfparith
80 ffdiv(s), TBD, med, 10, yes, EXT2xx, no, isa/svfparith
81 fdmadd(s), TBD, med, 5, yes, EXT2xx, no, isa/svfparith
82 ffmadd(s), TBD, med, 5, yes, EXT2xx, no, isa/svfparith
83 ffmsub(s), TBD, med, 5, yes, EXT2xx, no, isa/svfparith
84 ffnmadd(s), TBD, med, 5, yes, EXT2xx, no, isa/svfparith
85 ffnmsub(s), TBD, med, 5, yes, EXT2xx, no, isa/svfparith
86 # Trigonometric (1-arg)
87 fsin(s), TBD, high, 10, yes, EXT0xx, no, transcendentals
88 fcos(s), TBD, high, 10, yes, EXT0xx, no, transcendentals
89 ftan(s), TBD, high, 10, yes, EXT0xx, no, transcendentals
90 fasin(s), TBD, low, 10, yes, EXT2xx, no, transcendentals
91 facos(s), TBD, low, 10, yes, EXT2xx, no, transcendentals
92 fatan(s), TBD, low, 10, yes, EXT2xx, no, transcendentals
93 fsinpi(s), TBD, high, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
94 fcospi(s), TBD, high, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
95 ftanpi(s), TBD, high, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
96 fasinpi(s), TBD, high, 10, yes, EXT2xx, no, transcendentals
97 facospi(s), TBD, high, 10, yes, EXT2xx, no, transcendentals
98 fatanpi(s), TBD, high, 10, yes, EXT2xx, no, transcendentals
99 fsinh(s), TBD, low, 10, yes, EXT2xx, no, transcendentals
100 fcosh(s), TBD, low, 10, yes, EXT2xx, no, transcendentals
101 ftanh(s), TBD, low, 10, yes, EXT2xx, no, transcendentals
102 fasinh(s), TBD, low, 10, yes, EXT2xx, no, transcendentals
103 facosh(s), TBD, low, 10, yes, EXT2xx, no, transcendentals
104 fatanh(s), TBD, low, 10, yes, EXT2xx, no, transcendentals
105 # Transcendentals (1-arg)
106 frsqrt(s), TBD, high, 10, yes, EXT0xx, no, transcendentals
107 fcbrt(s), TBD, low, 10, yes, EXT2xx, no, transcendentals
108 frecip(s), TBD, high, 10, yes, EXT0xx, no, transcendentals
109 fexp2m1(s), TBD, high, 10, yes, EXT0xx, no, transcendentals
110 flog2p1(s), TBD, high, 10, yes, EXT0xx, no, transcendentals
111 fexp2(s), TBD, high, 10, yes, EXT0xx, no, transcendentals
112 flog2(s), TBD, high, 10, yes, EXT0xx, no, transcendentals
113 fexpm1(s), TBD, med, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
114 flogp1(s), TBD, med, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
115 fexp(s), TBD, med, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
116 flog(s), TBD, med, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
117 fexp10m1(s), TBD, med, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
118 flog10p1(s), TBD, med, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
119 fexp10(s), TBD, med, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
120 flog10(s), TBD, med, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
121 # Transcendentals (2-arg)
122 fatan2(s), TBD, low, 10, yes, EXT2xx, no, transcendentals
123 fatan2pi(s), TBD, low, 10, yes, EXT2xx, no, transcendentals
124 fpow(s), TBD, low, 10, yes, EXT2xx, no, transcendentals
125 fpown(s), TBD, low, 10, yes, EXT2xx, no, transcendentals
126 fpowr(s), TBD, low, 10, yes, EXT2xx, no, transcendentals
127 frootn(s), TBD, low, 10, yes, EXT2xx, no, transcendentals
128 fhypot(s), TBD, TBD, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
129 fminnum08(s), TBD, TBD, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
130 fmaxnum08(s), TBD, TBD, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
131 fmin19(s), TBD, TBD, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
132 fmax19(s), TBD, TBD, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
133 fminnum19(s), TBD, TBD, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
134 fmaxnum19(s), TBD, TBD, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
135 fminc(s), TBD, TBD, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
136 fmaxc(s), TBD, TBD, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
137 fminmagnum08(s), TBD, TBD, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
138 fmaxmagnum08(s), TBD, TBD, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
139 fminmag19(s), TBD, TBD, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
140 fmaxmag19(s), TBD, TBD, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
141 fminmagnum19(s), TBD, TBD, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
142 fmaxmagnum19(s), TBD, TBD, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
143 fminmagc(s), TBD, TBD, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
144 fmaxmagc(s), TBD, TBD, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
145 fmod(s), TBD, TBD, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals
146 fremainder(s), TBD, TBD, 10, yes, TBD, no, transcendentals