added more code to shader compiler and split into seperate files
authorJacob Lifshay <>
Tue, 20 Nov 2018 09:57:32 +0000 (01:57 -0800)
committerJacob Lifshay <>
Tue, 20 Nov 2018 09:57:32 +0000 (01:57 -0800)
shader-compiler/src/ [new file with mode: 0644]
shader-compiler/src/ [new file with mode: 0644]

index 2e1a4767b610b5725a7b34bbd1110b19e01a53a8..bd668c7781b2b57889afcf847aff16bcafd203ad 100644 (file)
@@ -4,17 +4,25 @@
 extern crate shader_compiler_backend;
 extern crate spirv_parser;
-use spirv_parser::{
-    BuiltIn, Decoration, ExecutionMode, ExecutionModel, IdRef, Instruction, StorageClass,
+mod parsed_shader_compile;
+mod parsed_shader_create;
+use parsed_shader_compile::ParsedShaderCompile;
+use shader_compiler_backend::Module;
+use spirv_parser::{BuiltIn, Decoration, ExecutionMode, ExecutionModel, IdRef, Instruction};
 use std::cell::RefCell;
 use std::collections::HashSet;
 use std::fmt;
 use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
-use std::mem;
+use std::iter;
 use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut};
 use std::rc::Rc;
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
+pub enum CompiledFunctionKey {
+    ComputeShaderEntrypoint,
 pub struct Context {
     types: pointer_type::ContextTypes,
     next_struct_id: usize,
@@ -522,6 +530,7 @@ enum IdKind {
+    Function(Option<ParsedShaderFunction>),
@@ -580,6 +589,12 @@ impl IdProperties {
 struct Ids(Vec<IdProperties>);
+impl Ids {
+    pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (IdRef, &IdProperties)> {
+        (1..self.0.len()).map(move |index| (IdRef(index as u32), &self.0[index]))
+    }
 impl fmt::Debug for Ids {
     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
@@ -613,6 +628,7 @@ impl IndexMut<IdRef> for Ids {
 struct ParsedShaderFunction {
     instructions: Vec<Instruction>,
+    decorations: Vec<Decoration>,
 impl fmt::Debug for ParsedShaderFunction {
@@ -628,7 +644,6 @@ impl fmt::Debug for ParsedShaderFunction {
 struct ParsedShader {
     ids: Ids,
-    functions: Vec<ParsedShaderFunction>,
     main_function_id: IdRef,
     interface_variables: Vec<IdRef>,
     execution_modes: Vec<ExecutionMode>,
@@ -641,584 +656,12 @@ struct ShaderEntryPoint {
 impl ParsedShader {
-    #[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(clippy::cyclomatic_complexity))]
     fn create(
         context: &mut Context,
         stage_info: ShaderStageCreateInfo,
         execution_model: ExecutionModel,
     ) -> Self {
-        let parser = spirv_parser::Parser::start(stage_info.code).unwrap();
-        let header = *parser.header();
-        assert_eq!(header.instruction_schema, 0);
-        assert_eq!(header.version.0, 1);
-        assert!(header.version.1 <= 3);
-        let instructions: Vec<_> =;
-        println!("Parsing Shader:");
-        print!("{}", header);
-        for instruction in instructions.iter() {
-            print!("{}", instruction);
-        }
-        let mut ids = Ids((0..header.bound)
-            .map(|_| IdProperties {
-                kind: IdKind::Undefined,
-                decorations: Vec::new(),
-                member_decorations: Vec::new(),
-            })
-            .collect());
-        let mut entry_point = None;
-        let mut current_function: Option<ParsedShaderFunction> = None;
-        let mut functions = Vec::new();
-        let mut execution_modes = Vec::new();
-        let mut workgroup_size = None;
-        for instruction in instructions {
-            match current_function {
-                Some(mut function) => {
-                    current_function = match instruction {
-                        instruction @ Instruction::FunctionEnd {} => {
-                            function.instructions.push(instruction);
-                            functions.push(function);
-                            None
-                        }
-                        instruction => {
-                            function.instructions.push(instruction);
-                            Some(function)
-                        }
-                    };
-                    continue;
-                }
-                None => current_function = None,
-            }
-            match instruction {
-                instruction @ Instruction::Function { .. } => {
-                    current_function = Some(ParsedShaderFunction {
-                        instructions: vec![instruction],
-                    });
-                }
-                Instruction::EntryPoint {
-                    execution_model: current_execution_model,
-                    entry_point: main_function_id,
-                    name,
-                    interface,
-                } => {
-                    if execution_model == current_execution_model
-                        && name == stage_info.entry_point_name
-                    {
-                        assert!(entry_point.is_none());
-                        entry_point = Some(ShaderEntryPoint {
-                            main_function_id,
-                            interface_variables: interface.clone(),
-                        });
-                    }
-                }
-                Instruction::ExecutionMode {
-                    entry_point: entry_point_id,
-                    mode,
-                }
-                | Instruction::ExecutionModeId {
-                    entry_point: entry_point_id,
-                    mode,
-                } => {
-                    if entry_point_id == entry_point.as_ref().unwrap().main_function_id {
-                        execution_modes.push(mode);
-                    }
-                }
-                Instruction::Decorate { target, decoration }
-                | Instruction::DecorateId { target, decoration } => {
-                    ids[target].decorations.push(decoration);
-                }
-                Instruction::MemberDecorate {
-                    structure_type,
-                    member,
-                    decoration,
-                } => {
-                    ids[structure_type]
-                        .member_decorations
-                        .push(MemberDecoration { member, decoration });
-                }
-                Instruction::DecorationGroup { id_result } => {
-                    ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::DecorationGroup);
-                }
-                Instruction::GroupDecorate {
-                    decoration_group,
-                    targets,
-                } => {
-                    let decorations = ids[decoration_group].decorations.clone();
-                    for target in targets {
-                        ids[target]
-                            .decorations
-                            .extend(decorations.iter().map(Clone::clone));
-                    }
-                }
-                Instruction::GroupMemberDecorate {
-                    decoration_group,
-                    targets,
-                } => {
-                    let decorations = ids[decoration_group].decorations.clone();
-                    for target in targets {
-                        ids[target.0]
-                            .member_decorations
-                            .extend(decorations.iter().map(|decoration| MemberDecoration {
-                                member: target.1,
-                                decoration: decoration.clone(),
-                            }));
-                    }
-                }
-                Instruction::TypeFunction {
-                    id_result,
-                    return_type,
-                    parameter_types,
-                } => {
-                    ids[id_result.0].assert_no_decorations(id_result.0);
-                    let kind = IdKind::FunctionType {
-                        return_type: ids[return_type].get_type().map(Clone::clone),
-                        arguments: parameter_types
-                            .iter()
-                            .map(|argument| ids[*argument].get_nonvoid_type().clone())
-                            .collect(),
-                    };
-                    ids[id_result.0].set_kind(kind);
-                }
-                Instruction::TypeVoid { id_result } => {
-                    ids[id_result.0].assert_no_decorations(id_result.0);
-                    ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::VoidType);
-                }
-                Instruction::TypeBool { id_result } => {
-                    ids[id_result.0].assert_no_decorations(id_result.0);
-                    ids[id_result.0]
-                        .set_kind(IdKind::Type(Rc::new(Type::Scalar(ScalarType::Bool))));
-                }
-                Instruction::TypeInt {
-                    id_result,
-                    width,
-                    signedness,
-                } => {
-                    ids[id_result.0].assert_no_decorations(id_result.0);
-                    ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::Type(Rc::new(Type::Scalar(
-                        match (width, signedness != 0) {
-                            (8, false) => ScalarType::U8,
-                            (8, true) => ScalarType::I8,
-                            (16, false) => ScalarType::U16,
-                            (16, true) => ScalarType::I16,
-                            (32, false) => ScalarType::U32,
-                            (32, true) => ScalarType::I32,
-                            (64, false) => ScalarType::U64,
-                            (64, true) => ScalarType::I64,
-                            (width, signedness) => unreachable!(
-                                "unsupported int type: {}{}",
-                                if signedness { "i" } else { "u" },
-                                width
-                            ),
-                        },
-                    ))));
-                }
-                Instruction::TypeFloat { id_result, width } => {
-                    ids[id_result.0].assert_no_decorations(id_result.0);
-                    ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::Type(Rc::new(Type::Scalar(match width {
-                        16 => ScalarType::F16,
-                        32 => ScalarType::F32,
-                        64 => ScalarType::F64,
-                        _ => unreachable!("unsupported float type: f{}", width),
-                    }))));
-                }
-                Instruction::TypeVector {
-                    id_result,
-                    component_type,
-                    component_count,
-                } => {
-                    ids[id_result.0].assert_no_decorations(id_result.0);
-                    let element = ids[component_type].get_nonvoid_type().get_scalar().clone();
-                    ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::Type(Rc::new(Type::Vector(VectorType {
-                        element,
-                        element_count: component_count as usize,
-                    }))));
-                }
-                Instruction::TypeForwardPointer { pointer_type, .. } => {
-                    ids[pointer_type].set_kind(IdKind::ForwardPointer(Rc::new(Type::Scalar(
-                        ScalarType::Pointer(PointerType::unresolved()),
-                    ))));
-                }
-                Instruction::TypePointer {
-                    id_result,
-                    type_: pointee,
-                    ..
-                } => {
-                    ids[id_result.0].assert_no_decorations(id_result.0);
-                    let pointee = ids[pointee].get_type().map(Clone::clone);
-                    let pointer = match mem::replace(&mut ids[id_result.0].kind, IdKind::Undefined)
-                    {
-                        IdKind::Undefined => Rc::new(Type::Scalar(ScalarType::Pointer(
-                            PointerType::new(context, pointee),
-                        ))),
-                        IdKind::ForwardPointer(pointer) => {
-                            if let Type::Scalar(ScalarType::Pointer(pointer)) = &*pointer {
-                                pointer.resolve(context, pointee);
-                            } else {
-                                unreachable!();
-                            }
-                            pointer
-                        }
-                        _ => unreachable!("duplicate id"),
-                    };
-                    ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::Type(pointer));
-                }
-                Instruction::TypeStruct {
-                    id_result,
-                    member_types,
-                } => {
-                    let decorations = ids[id_result.0].decorations.clone();
-                    let struct_type = {
-                        let mut members: Vec<_> = member_types
-                            .into_iter()
-                            .map(|member_type| StructMember {
-                                decorations: Vec::new(),
-                                member_type: match ids[member_type].kind {
-                                    IdKind::Type(ref t) => t.clone(),
-                                    IdKind::ForwardPointer(ref t) => t.clone(),
-                                    _ => unreachable!("invalid struct member type"),
-                                },
-                            })
-                            .collect();
-                        for member_decoration in &ids[id_result.0].member_decorations {
-                            members[member_decoration.member as usize]
-                                .decorations
-                                .push(member_decoration.decoration.clone());
-                        }
-                        StructType {
-                            id: StructId::new(context),
-                            decorations,
-                            members,
-                        }
-                    };
-                    ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::Type(Rc::new(Type::Struct(struct_type))));
-                }
-                Instruction::TypeRuntimeArray {
-                    id_result,
-                    element_type,
-                } => {
-                    ids[id_result.0].assert_no_member_decorations(id_result.0);
-                    let decorations = ids[id_result.0].decorations.clone();
-                    let element = ids[element_type].get_nonvoid_type().clone();
-                    ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::Type(Rc::new(Type::Array(ArrayType {
-                        decorations,
-                        element,
-                        element_count: None,
-                    }))));
-                }
-                Instruction::Variable {
-                    id_result_type,
-                    id_result,
-                    storage_class,
-                    initializer,
-                } => {
-                    ids[id_result.0].assert_no_member_decorations(id_result.0);
-                    if let Some(built_in) =
-                        ids[id_result.0]
-                            .decorations
-                            .iter()
-                            .find_map(|decoration| match *decoration {
-                                Decoration::BuiltIn { built_in } => Some(built_in),
-                                _ => None,
-                            }) {
-                        let built_in_variable = match built_in {
-                            BuiltIn::GlobalInvocationId => {
-                                for decoration in &ids[id_result.0].decorations {
-                                    match decoration {
-                                        Decoration::BuiltIn { .. } => {}
-                                        _ => unimplemented!(
-                                            "unimplemented decoration on {:?}: {:?}",
-                                            built_in,
-                                            decoration
-                                        ),
-                                    }
-                                }
-                                assert!(initializer.is_none());
-                                BuiltInVariable { built_in }
-                            }
-                            _ => unimplemented!("unimplemented built-in: {:?}", built_in),
-                        };
-                        assert_eq!(
-                            built_in_variable.get_type(context),
-                            ids[id_result_type.0]
-                                .get_nonvoid_type()
-                                .get_nonvoid_pointee()
-                        );
-                        ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::BuiltInVariable(built_in_variable));
-                    } else {
-                        let variable_type = ids[id_result_type.0].get_nonvoid_type().clone();
-                        match storage_class {
-                            StorageClass::Uniform => {
-                                let mut descriptor_set = None;
-                                let mut binding = None;
-                                for decoration in &ids[id_result.0].decorations {
-                                    match *decoration {
-                                        Decoration::DescriptorSet { descriptor_set: v } => {
-                                            assert!(
-                                                descriptor_set.is_none(),
-                                                "duplicate DescriptorSet decoration"
-                                            );
-                                            descriptor_set = Some(v);
-                                        }
-                                        Decoration::Binding { binding_point: v } => {
-                                            assert!(
-                                                binding.is_none(),
-                                                "duplicate Binding decoration"
-                                            );
-                                            binding = Some(v);
-                                        }
-                                        _ => unimplemented!(
-                                            "unimplemented decoration on uniform variable: {:?}",
-                                            decoration
-                                        ),
-                                    }
-                                }
-                                let descriptor_set = descriptor_set
-                                    .expect("uniform variable is missing DescriptorSet decoration");
-                                let binding = binding
-                                    .expect("uniform variable is missing Binding decoration");
-                                assert!(initializer.is_none());
-                                ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::UniformVariable(
-                                    UniformVariable {
-                                        binding,
-                                        descriptor_set,
-                                        variable_type,
-                                    },
-                                ));
-                            }
-                            StorageClass::Input => unimplemented!(),
-                            _ => unimplemented!(
-                                "unimplemented OpVariable StorageClass: {:?}",
-                                storage_class
-                            ),
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                Instruction::Constant32 {
-                    id_result_type,
-                    id_result,
-                    value,
-                } => {
-                    ids[id_result.0].assert_no_decorations(id_result.0);
-                    #[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(clippy::cast_lossless))]
-                    let constant = match **ids[id_result_type.0].get_nonvoid_type() {
-                        Type::Scalar(ScalarType::U8) => {
-                            let converted_value = value as u8;
-                            assert_eq!(converted_value as u32, value);
-                            Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::U8(Undefable::Defined(
-                                converted_value,
-                            )))
-                        }
-                        Type::Scalar(ScalarType::U16) => {
-                            let converted_value = value as u16;
-                            assert_eq!(converted_value as u32, value);
-                            Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::U16(Undefable::Defined(
-                                converted_value,
-                            )))
-                        }
-                        Type::Scalar(ScalarType::U32) => {
-                            Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::U32(Undefable::Defined(value)))
-                        }
-                        Type::Scalar(ScalarType::I8) => {
-                            let converted_value = value as i8;
-                            assert_eq!(converted_value as u32, value);
-                            Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::I8(Undefable::Defined(
-                                converted_value,
-                            )))
-                        }
-                        Type::Scalar(ScalarType::I16) => {
-                            let converted_value = value as i16;
-                            assert_eq!(converted_value as u32, value);
-                            Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::I16(Undefable::Defined(
-                                converted_value,
-                            )))
-                        }
-                        Type::Scalar(ScalarType::I32) => {
-                            Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::I32(Undefable::Defined(value as i32)))
-                        }
-                        Type::Scalar(ScalarType::F16) => {
-                            let converted_value = value as u16;
-                            assert_eq!(converted_value as u32, value);
-                            Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::F16(Undefable::Defined(
-                                converted_value,
-                            )))
-                        }
-                        Type::Scalar(ScalarType::F32) => Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::F32(
-                            Undefable::Defined(f32::from_bits(value)),
-                        )),
-                        _ => unreachable!("invalid type"),
-                    };
-                    ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::Constant(Rc::new(constant)));
-                }
-                Instruction::Constant64 {
-                    id_result_type,
-                    id_result,
-                    value,
-                } => {
-                    ids[id_result.0].assert_no_decorations(id_result.0);
-                    let constant = match **ids[id_result_type.0].get_nonvoid_type() {
-                        Type::Scalar(ScalarType::U64) => {
-                            Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::U64(Undefable::Defined(value)))
-                        }
-                        Type::Scalar(ScalarType::I64) => {
-                            Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::I64(Undefable::Defined(value as i64)))
-                        }
-                        Type::Scalar(ScalarType::F64) => Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::F64(
-                            Undefable::Defined(f64::from_bits(value)),
-                        )),
-                        _ => unreachable!("invalid type"),
-                    };
-                    ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::Constant(Rc::new(constant)));
-                }
-                Instruction::ConstantFalse {
-                    id_result_type,
-                    id_result,
-                } => {
-                    ids[id_result.0].assert_no_decorations(id_result.0);
-                    let constant = match **ids[id_result_type.0].get_nonvoid_type() {
-                        Type::Scalar(ScalarType::Bool) => {
-                            Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::Bool(Undefable::Defined(false)))
-                        }
-                        _ => unreachable!("invalid type"),
-                    };
-                    ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::Constant(Rc::new(constant)));
-                }
-                Instruction::ConstantTrue {
-                    id_result_type,
-                    id_result,
-                } => {
-                    ids[id_result.0].assert_no_decorations(id_result.0);
-                    let constant = match **ids[id_result_type.0].get_nonvoid_type() {
-                        Type::Scalar(ScalarType::Bool) => {
-                            Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::Bool(Undefable::Defined(true)))
-                        }
-                        _ => unreachable!("invalid type"),
-                    };
-                    ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::Constant(Rc::new(constant)));
-                }
-                Instruction::ConstantComposite {
-                    id_result_type,
-                    id_result,
-                    constituents,
-                } => {
-                    let constant = match **ids[id_result_type.0].get_nonvoid_type() {
-                        Type::Vector(VectorType {
-                            ref element,
-                            element_count,
-                        }) => {
-                            assert_eq!(element_count, constituents.len());
-                            let constituents = constituents
-                                .iter()
-                                .map(|id| *ids[*id].get_constant().get_scalar());
-                            match *element {
-                                ScalarType::U8 => {
-                                    VectorConstant::U8(|v| v.get_u8()).collect())
-                                }
-                                ScalarType::U16 => {
-                                    VectorConstant::U16(|v| v.get_u16()).collect())
-                                }
-                                ScalarType::U32 => {
-                                    VectorConstant::U32(|v| v.get_u32()).collect())
-                                }
-                                ScalarType::U64 => {
-                                    VectorConstant::U64(|v| v.get_u64()).collect())
-                                }
-                                ScalarType::I8 => {
-                                    VectorConstant::I8(|v| v.get_i8()).collect())
-                                }
-                                ScalarType::I16 => {
-                                    VectorConstant::I16(|v| v.get_i16()).collect())
-                                }
-                                ScalarType::I32 => {
-                                    VectorConstant::I32(|v| v.get_i32()).collect())
-                                }
-                                ScalarType::I64 => {
-                                    VectorConstant::I64(|v| v.get_i64()).collect())
-                                }
-                                ScalarType::F16 => {
-                                    VectorConstant::F16(|v| v.get_f16()).collect())
-                                }
-                                ScalarType::F32 => {
-                                    VectorConstant::F32(|v| v.get_f32()).collect())
-                                }
-                                ScalarType::F64 => {
-                                    VectorConstant::F64(|v| v.get_f64()).collect())
-                                }
-                                ScalarType::Bool => VectorConstant::Bool(
-                          |v| v.get_bool()).collect(),
-                                ),
-                                ScalarType::Pointer(_) => unimplemented!(),
-                            }
-                        }
-                        _ => unimplemented!(),
-                    };
-                    for decoration in &ids[id_result.0].decorations {
-                        match decoration {
-                            Decoration::BuiltIn {
-                                built_in: BuiltIn::WorkgroupSize,
-                            } => {
-                                assert!(
-                                    workgroup_size.is_none(),
-                                    "duplicate WorkgroupSize decorations"
-                                );
-                                workgroup_size = match constant {
-                                    VectorConstant::U32(ref v) => {
-                                        assert_eq!(
-                                            v.len(),
-                                            3,
-                                            "invalid type for WorkgroupSize built-in"
-                                        );
-                                        Some((v[0].unwrap(), v[1].unwrap(), v[2].unwrap()))
-                                    }
-                                    _ => unreachable!("invalid type for WorkgroupSize built-in"),
-                                };
-                            }
-                            _ => unimplemented!(
-                                "unimplemented decoration on constant {:?}: {:?}",
-                                Constant::Vector(constant),
-                                decoration
-                            ),
-                        }
-                    }
-                    ids[id_result.0].assert_no_member_decorations(id_result.0);
-                    ids[id_result.0]
-                        .set_kind(IdKind::Constant(Rc::new(Constant::Vector(constant))));
-                }
-                Instruction::MemoryModel {
-                    addressing_model,
-                    memory_model,
-                } => {
-                    assert_eq!(addressing_model, spirv_parser::AddressingModel::Logical);
-                    assert_eq!(memory_model, spirv_parser::MemoryModel::GLSL450);
-                }
-                Instruction::Capability { .. }
-                | Instruction::ExtInstImport { .. }
-                | Instruction::Source { .. }
-                | Instruction::SourceExtension { .. }
-                | Instruction::Name { .. }
-                | Instruction::MemberName { .. } => {}
-                Instruction::SpecConstant32 { .. } => unimplemented!(),
-                Instruction::SpecConstant64 { .. } => unimplemented!(),
-                Instruction::SpecConstantTrue { .. } => unimplemented!(),
-                Instruction::SpecConstantFalse { .. } => unimplemented!(),
-                Instruction::SpecConstantOp { .. } => unimplemented!(),
-                instruction => unimplemented!("unimplemented instruction:\n{}", instruction),
-            }
-        }
-        assert!(
-            current_function.is_none(),
-            "missing terminating OpFunctionEnd"
-        );
-        let ShaderEntryPoint {
-            main_function_id,
-            interface_variables,
-        } = entry_point.unwrap();
-        ParsedShader {
-            ids,
-            functions,
-            main_function_id,
-            interface_variables,
-            execution_modes,
-            workgroup_size,
-        }
+        parsed_shader_create::create(context, stage_info, execution_model)
@@ -1227,8 +670,31 @@ pub struct GenericPipelineOptions {
     pub optimization_mode: shader_compiler_backend::OptimizationMode,
-pub struct PipelineLayout {}
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub enum DescriptorLayout {
+    Sampler { count: usize },
+    CombinedImageSampler { count: usize },
+    SampledImage { count: usize },
+    StorageImage { count: usize },
+    UniformTexelBuffer { count: usize },
+    StorageTexelBuffer { count: usize },
+    UniformBuffer { count: usize },
+    StorageBuffer { count: usize },
+    UniformBufferDynamic { count: usize },
+    StorageBufferDynamic { count: usize },
+    InputAttachment { count: usize },
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct DescriptorSetLayout {
+    pub bindings: Vec<Option<DescriptorLayout>>,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct PipelineLayout {
+    pub push_constants_size: usize,
+    pub descriptor_sets: Vec<DescriptorSetLayout>,
 pub struct ComputePipeline {}
@@ -1252,17 +718,68 @@ pub struct ShaderStageCreateInfo<'a> {
 impl ComputePipeline {
-    pub fn new(
-        _options: &ComputePipelineOptions,
+    pub fn new<C: shader_compiler_backend::Compiler>(
+        options: &ComputePipelineOptions,
         compute_shader_stage: ShaderStageCreateInfo,
+        pipeline_layout: PipelineLayout,
+        backend_compiler: C,
     ) -> ComputePipeline {
-        let mut context = Context::default();
+        let mut frontend_context = Context::default();
         let parsed_shader = ParsedShader::create(
-            &mut context,
+            &mut frontend_context,
         println!("parsed_shader:\n{:#?}", parsed_shader);
+        struct CompilerUser {
+            frontend_context: Context,
+            parsed_shader: ParsedShader,
+        }
+        #[derive(Debug)]
+        enum CompileError {}
+        impl shader_compiler_backend::CompilerUser for CompilerUser {
+            type FunctionKey = CompiledFunctionKey;
+            type Error = CompileError;
+            fn create_error(message: String) -> CompileError {
+                panic!("compile error: {}", message)
+            }
+            fn run<'a, C: shader_compiler_backend::Context<'a>>(
+                self,
+                context: &'a C,
+            ) -> Result<
+                shader_compiler_backend::CompileInputs<'a, C, CompiledFunctionKey>,
+                CompileError,
+            > {
+                let backend_context = context;
+                let CompilerUser {
+                    mut frontend_context,
+                    parsed_shader,
+                } = self;
+                let mut module = backend_context.create_module("");
+                let function =
+                    parsed_shader.compile(&mut frontend_context, backend_context, &mut module);
+                Ok(shader_compiler_backend::CompileInputs {
+                    module: module.verify().unwrap(),
+                    callable_functions: iter::once((
+                        CompiledFunctionKey::ComputeShaderEntrypoint,
+                        function,
+                    ))
+                    .collect(),
+                })
+            }
+        }
+        let compile_results = backend_compiler
+            .run(
+                CompilerUser {
+                    frontend_context,
+                    parsed_shader,
+                },
+                shader_compiler_backend::CompilerIndependentConfig {
+                    optimization_mode: options.generic_options.optimization_mode,
+                }
+                .into(),
+            )
+            .unwrap();
diff --git a/shader-compiler/src/ b/shader-compiler/src/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..06af957
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
+// Copyright 2018 Jacob Lifshay
+use super::{Context, IdKind, IdProperties, ParsedShader, ParsedShaderFunction};
+use spirv_parser::{FunctionControl, IdRef, IdResult, IdResultType, Instruction};
+use std::collections::hash_map;
+use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
+use std::hash::Hash;
+pub(crate) trait ParsedShaderCompile {
+    fn compile<'a, C: shader_compiler_backend::Context<'a>>(
+        self,
+        frontend_context: &mut Context,
+        backend_context: &C,
+        module: &mut C::Module,
+    ) -> C::Function;
+struct Worklist<T> {
+    set: HashSet<T>,
+    list: Vec<T>,
+impl<T: Eq + Hash + Clone> Worklist<T> {
+    fn get_next(&mut self) -> Option<T> {
+        self.list.pop()
+    }
+    fn add(&mut self, v: T) -> bool {
+        if self.set.insert(v.clone()) {
+            self.list.push(v);
+            true
+        } else {
+            false
+        }
+    }
+impl<T: Eq + Hash + Clone> Default for Worklist<T> {
+    fn default() -> Self {
+        Self {
+            set: HashSet::new(),
+            list: Vec::new(),
+        }
+    }
+impl ParsedShaderCompile for ParsedShader {
+    fn compile<'a, C: shader_compiler_backend::Context<'a>>(
+        self,
+        frontend_context: &mut Context,
+        backend_context: &C,
+        module: &mut C::Module,
+    ) -> C::Function {
+        let ParsedShader {
+            mut ids,
+            main_function_id,
+            interface_variables,
+            execution_modes,
+            workgroup_size,
+        } = self;
+        let mut reachable_functions = HashMap::new();
+        let mut reachable_function_worklist = Worklist::default();
+        reachable_function_worklist.add(main_function_id);
+        while let Some(function_id) = reachable_function_worklist.get_next() {
+            let function = match &mut ids[function_id].kind {
+                IdKind::Function(function) => function.take().unwrap(),
+                _ => unreachable!("id is not a function"),
+            };
+            let mut function = match reachable_functions.entry(function_id) {
+                hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => entry.insert(function),
+                _ => unreachable!(),
+            };
+            let (function_instruction, instructions) = function
+                .instructions
+                .split_first()
+                .expect("missing OpFunction");
+            struct FunctionInstruction {
+                id_result_type: IdResultType,
+                id_result: IdResult,
+                function_control: FunctionControl,
+                function_type: IdRef,
+            }
+            let function_instruction = match *function_instruction {
+                Instruction::Function {
+                    id_result_type,
+                    id_result,
+                    ref function_control,
+                    function_type,
+                } => FunctionInstruction {
+                    id_result_type,
+                    id_result,
+                    function_control: function_control.clone(),
+                    function_type,
+                },
+                _ => unreachable!("missing OpFunction"),
+            };
+            let mut current_basic_block: Option<IdRef> = None;
+            for instruction in instructions {
+                if let Some(basic_block) = current_basic_block {
+                    match instruction {
+                        _ => unimplemented!("unimplemented instruction:\n{}", instruction),
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    match instruction {
+                        Instruction::Label { id_result } => {
+                            ids[id_result.0].assert_no_decorations(id_result.0);
+                            current_basic_block = Some(id_result.0);
+                        }
+                        _ => unimplemented!("unimplemented instruction:\n{}", instruction),
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        unimplemented!()
+    }
diff --git a/shader-compiler/src/ b/shader-compiler/src/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c1a226e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
+// Copyright 2018 Jacob Lifshay
+use super::{
+    ArrayType, BuiltInVariable, Constant, Context, IdKind, IdProperties, Ids, MemberDecoration,
+    ParsedShader, ParsedShaderFunction, PointerType, ScalarConstant, ScalarType, ShaderEntryPoint,
+    ShaderStageCreateInfo, StructId, StructMember, StructType, Type, Undefable, UniformVariable,
+    VectorConstant, VectorType,
+use spirv_parser::{BuiltIn, Decoration, ExecutionModel, IdRef, Instruction, StorageClass};
+use std::mem;
+use std::rc::Rc;
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(clippy::cyclomatic_complexity))]
+pub(super) fn create(
+    context: &mut Context,
+    stage_info: ShaderStageCreateInfo,
+    execution_model: ExecutionModel,
+) -> ParsedShader {
+    let parser = spirv_parser::Parser::start(stage_info.code).unwrap();
+    let header = *parser.header();
+    assert_eq!(header.instruction_schema, 0);
+    assert_eq!(header.version.0, 1);
+    assert!(header.version.1 <= 3);
+    let instructions: Vec<_> =;
+    println!("Parsing Shader:");
+    print!("{}", header);
+    for instruction in instructions.iter() {
+        print!("{}", instruction);
+    }
+    let mut ids = Ids((0..header.bound)
+        .map(|_| IdProperties {
+            kind: IdKind::Undefined,
+            decorations: Vec::new(),
+            member_decorations: Vec::new(),
+        })
+        .collect());
+    let mut entry_point = None;
+    let mut current_function: Option<(IdRef, ParsedShaderFunction)> = None;
+    let mut execution_modes = Vec::new();
+    let mut workgroup_size = None;
+    for instruction in instructions {
+        match current_function {
+            Some(mut function) => {
+                current_function = match instruction {
+                    instruction @ Instruction::FunctionEnd {} => {
+                        function.1.instructions.push(instruction);
+                        ids[function.0].set_kind(IdKind::Function(Some(function.1)));
+                        None
+                    }
+                    instruction => {
+                        function.1.instructions.push(instruction);
+                        Some(function)
+                    }
+                };
+                continue;
+            }
+            None => current_function = None,
+        }
+        match instruction {
+            Instruction::Function {
+                id_result_type,
+                id_result,
+                function_control,
+                function_type,
+            } => {
+                ids[id_result.0].assert_no_member_decorations(id_result.0);
+                let decorations = ids[id_result.0].decorations.clone();
+                current_function = Some((
+                    id_result.0,
+                    ParsedShaderFunction {
+                        instructions: vec![Instruction::Function {
+                            id_result_type,
+                            id_result,
+                            function_control,
+                            function_type,
+                        }],
+                        decorations,
+                    },
+                ));
+            }
+            Instruction::EntryPoint {
+                execution_model: current_execution_model,
+                entry_point: main_function_id,
+                name,
+                interface,
+            } => {
+                if execution_model == current_execution_model && name == stage_info.entry_point_name
+                {
+                    assert!(entry_point.is_none());
+                    entry_point = Some(ShaderEntryPoint {
+                        main_function_id,
+                        interface_variables: interface.clone(),
+                    });
+                }
+            }
+            Instruction::ExecutionMode {
+                entry_point: entry_point_id,
+                mode,
+            }
+            | Instruction::ExecutionModeId {
+                entry_point: entry_point_id,
+                mode,
+            } => {
+                if entry_point_id == entry_point.as_ref().unwrap().main_function_id {
+                    execution_modes.push(mode);
+                }
+            }
+            Instruction::Decorate { target, decoration }
+            | Instruction::DecorateId { target, decoration } => {
+                ids[target].decorations.push(decoration);
+            }
+            Instruction::MemberDecorate {
+                structure_type,
+                member,
+                decoration,
+            } => {
+                ids[structure_type]
+                    .member_decorations
+                    .push(MemberDecoration { member, decoration });
+            }
+            Instruction::DecorationGroup { id_result } => {
+                ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::DecorationGroup);
+            }
+            Instruction::GroupDecorate {
+                decoration_group,
+                targets,
+            } => {
+                let decorations = ids[decoration_group].decorations.clone();
+                for target in targets {
+                    ids[target]
+                        .decorations
+                        .extend(decorations.iter().map(Clone::clone));
+                }
+            }
+            Instruction::GroupMemberDecorate {
+                decoration_group,
+                targets,
+            } => {
+                let decorations = ids[decoration_group].decorations.clone();
+                for target in targets {
+                    ids[target.0]
+                        .member_decorations
+                        .extend(decorations.iter().map(|decoration| MemberDecoration {
+                            member: target.1,
+                            decoration: decoration.clone(),
+                        }));
+                }
+            }
+            Instruction::TypeFunction {
+                id_result,
+                return_type,
+                parameter_types,
+            } => {
+                ids[id_result.0].assert_no_decorations(id_result.0);
+                let kind = IdKind::FunctionType {
+                    return_type: ids[return_type].get_type().map(Clone::clone),
+                    arguments: parameter_types
+                        .iter()
+                        .map(|argument| ids[*argument].get_nonvoid_type().clone())
+                        .collect(),
+                };
+                ids[id_result.0].set_kind(kind);
+            }
+            Instruction::TypeVoid { id_result } => {
+                ids[id_result.0].assert_no_decorations(id_result.0);
+                ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::VoidType);
+            }
+            Instruction::TypeBool { id_result } => {
+                ids[id_result.0].assert_no_decorations(id_result.0);
+                ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::Type(Rc::new(Type::Scalar(ScalarType::Bool))));
+            }
+            Instruction::TypeInt {
+                id_result,
+                width,
+                signedness,
+            } => {
+                ids[id_result.0].assert_no_decorations(id_result.0);
+                ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::Type(Rc::new(Type::Scalar(
+                    match (width, signedness != 0) {
+                        (8, false) => ScalarType::U8,
+                        (8, true) => ScalarType::I8,
+                        (16, false) => ScalarType::U16,
+                        (16, true) => ScalarType::I16,
+                        (32, false) => ScalarType::U32,
+                        (32, true) => ScalarType::I32,
+                        (64, false) => ScalarType::U64,
+                        (64, true) => ScalarType::I64,
+                        (width, signedness) => unreachable!(
+                            "unsupported int type: {}{}",
+                            if signedness { "i" } else { "u" },
+                            width
+                        ),
+                    },
+                ))));
+            }
+            Instruction::TypeFloat { id_result, width } => {
+                ids[id_result.0].assert_no_decorations(id_result.0);
+                ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::Type(Rc::new(Type::Scalar(match width {
+                    16 => ScalarType::F16,
+                    32 => ScalarType::F32,
+                    64 => ScalarType::F64,
+                    _ => unreachable!("unsupported float type: f{}", width),
+                }))));
+            }
+            Instruction::TypeVector {
+                id_result,
+                component_type,
+                component_count,
+            } => {
+                ids[id_result.0].assert_no_decorations(id_result.0);
+                let element = ids[component_type].get_nonvoid_type().get_scalar().clone();
+                ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::Type(Rc::new(Type::Vector(VectorType {
+                    element,
+                    element_count: component_count as usize,
+                }))));
+            }
+            Instruction::TypeForwardPointer { pointer_type, .. } => {
+                ids[pointer_type].set_kind(IdKind::ForwardPointer(Rc::new(Type::Scalar(
+                    ScalarType::Pointer(PointerType::unresolved()),
+                ))));
+            }
+            Instruction::TypePointer {
+                id_result,
+                type_: pointee,
+                ..
+            } => {
+                ids[id_result.0].assert_no_decorations(id_result.0);
+                let pointee = ids[pointee].get_type().map(Clone::clone);
+                let pointer = match mem::replace(&mut ids[id_result.0].kind, IdKind::Undefined) {
+                    IdKind::Undefined => Rc::new(Type::Scalar(ScalarType::Pointer(
+                        PointerType::new(context, pointee),
+                    ))),
+                    IdKind::ForwardPointer(pointer) => {
+                        if let Type::Scalar(ScalarType::Pointer(pointer)) = &*pointer {
+                            pointer.resolve(context, pointee);
+                        } else {
+                            unreachable!();
+                        }
+                        pointer
+                    }
+                    _ => unreachable!("duplicate id"),
+                };
+                ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::Type(pointer));
+            }
+            Instruction::TypeStruct {
+                id_result,
+                member_types,
+            } => {
+                let decorations = ids[id_result.0].decorations.clone();
+                let struct_type = {
+                    let mut members: Vec<_> = member_types
+                        .into_iter()
+                        .map(|member_type| StructMember {
+                            decorations: Vec::new(),
+                            member_type: match ids[member_type].kind {
+                                IdKind::Type(ref t) => t.clone(),
+                                IdKind::ForwardPointer(ref t) => t.clone(),
+                                _ => unreachable!("invalid struct member type"),
+                            },
+                        })
+                        .collect();
+                    for member_decoration in &ids[id_result.0].member_decorations {
+                        members[member_decoration.member as usize]
+                            .decorations
+                            .push(member_decoration.decoration.clone());
+                    }
+                    StructType {
+                        id: StructId::new(context),
+                        decorations,
+                        members,
+                    }
+                };
+                ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::Type(Rc::new(Type::Struct(struct_type))));
+            }
+            Instruction::TypeRuntimeArray {
+                id_result,
+                element_type,
+            } => {
+                ids[id_result.0].assert_no_member_decorations(id_result.0);
+                let decorations = ids[id_result.0].decorations.clone();
+                let element = ids[element_type].get_nonvoid_type().clone();
+                ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::Type(Rc::new(Type::Array(ArrayType {
+                    decorations,
+                    element,
+                    element_count: None,
+                }))));
+            }
+            Instruction::Variable {
+                id_result_type,
+                id_result,
+                storage_class,
+                initializer,
+            } => {
+                ids[id_result.0].assert_no_member_decorations(id_result.0);
+                if let Some(built_in) =
+                    ids[id_result.0]
+                        .decorations
+                        .iter()
+                        .find_map(|decoration| match *decoration {
+                            Decoration::BuiltIn { built_in } => Some(built_in),
+                            _ => None,
+                        }) {
+                    let built_in_variable = match built_in {
+                        BuiltIn::GlobalInvocationId => {
+                            for decoration in &ids[id_result.0].decorations {
+                                match decoration {
+                                    Decoration::BuiltIn { .. } => {}
+                                    _ => unimplemented!(
+                                        "unimplemented decoration on {:?}: {:?}",
+                                        built_in,
+                                        decoration
+                                    ),
+                                }
+                            }
+                            assert!(initializer.is_none());
+                            BuiltInVariable { built_in }
+                        }
+                        _ => unimplemented!("unimplemented built-in: {:?}", built_in),
+                    };
+                    assert_eq!(
+                        built_in_variable.get_type(context),
+                        ids[id_result_type.0]
+                            .get_nonvoid_type()
+                            .get_nonvoid_pointee()
+                    );
+                    ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::BuiltInVariable(built_in_variable));
+                } else {
+                    let variable_type = ids[id_result_type.0].get_nonvoid_type().clone();
+                    match storage_class {
+                        StorageClass::Uniform => {
+                            let mut descriptor_set = None;
+                            let mut binding = None;
+                            for decoration in &ids[id_result.0].decorations {
+                                match *decoration {
+                                    Decoration::DescriptorSet { descriptor_set: v } => {
+                                        assert!(
+                                            descriptor_set.is_none(),
+                                            "duplicate DescriptorSet decoration"
+                                        );
+                                        descriptor_set = Some(v);
+                                    }
+                                    Decoration::Binding { binding_point: v } => {
+                                        assert!(binding.is_none(), "duplicate Binding decoration");
+                                        binding = Some(v);
+                                    }
+                                    _ => unimplemented!(
+                                        "unimplemented decoration on uniform variable: {:?}",
+                                        decoration
+                                    ),
+                                }
+                            }
+                            let descriptor_set = descriptor_set
+                                .expect("uniform variable is missing DescriptorSet decoration");
+                            let binding =
+                                binding.expect("uniform variable is missing Binding decoration");
+                            assert!(initializer.is_none());
+                            ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::UniformVariable(UniformVariable {
+                                binding,
+                                descriptor_set,
+                                variable_type,
+                            }));
+                        }
+                        StorageClass::Input => unimplemented!(),
+                        _ => unimplemented!(
+                            "unimplemented OpVariable StorageClass: {:?}",
+                            storage_class
+                        ),
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            Instruction::Constant32 {
+                id_result_type,
+                id_result,
+                value,
+            } => {
+                ids[id_result.0].assert_no_decorations(id_result.0);
+                #[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(clippy::cast_lossless))]
+                let constant = match **ids[id_result_type.0].get_nonvoid_type() {
+                    Type::Scalar(ScalarType::U8) => {
+                        let converted_value = value as u8;
+                        assert_eq!(converted_value as u32, value);
+                        Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::U8(Undefable::Defined(converted_value)))
+                    }
+                    Type::Scalar(ScalarType::U16) => {
+                        let converted_value = value as u16;
+                        assert_eq!(converted_value as u32, value);
+                        Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::U16(Undefable::Defined(converted_value)))
+                    }
+                    Type::Scalar(ScalarType::U32) => {
+                        Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::U32(Undefable::Defined(value)))
+                    }
+                    Type::Scalar(ScalarType::I8) => {
+                        let converted_value = value as i8;
+                        assert_eq!(converted_value as u32, value);
+                        Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::I8(Undefable::Defined(converted_value)))
+                    }
+                    Type::Scalar(ScalarType::I16) => {
+                        let converted_value = value as i16;
+                        assert_eq!(converted_value as u32, value);
+                        Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::I16(Undefable::Defined(converted_value)))
+                    }
+                    Type::Scalar(ScalarType::I32) => {
+                        Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::I32(Undefable::Defined(value as i32)))
+                    }
+                    Type::Scalar(ScalarType::F16) => {
+                        let converted_value = value as u16;
+                        assert_eq!(converted_value as u32, value);
+                        Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::F16(Undefable::Defined(converted_value)))
+                    }
+                    Type::Scalar(ScalarType::F32) => Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::F32(
+                        Undefable::Defined(f32::from_bits(value)),
+                    )),
+                    _ => unreachable!("invalid type"),
+                };
+                ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::Constant(Rc::new(constant)));
+            }
+            Instruction::Constant64 {
+                id_result_type,
+                id_result,
+                value,
+            } => {
+                ids[id_result.0].assert_no_decorations(id_result.0);
+                let constant = match **ids[id_result_type.0].get_nonvoid_type() {
+                    Type::Scalar(ScalarType::U64) => {
+                        Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::U64(Undefable::Defined(value)))
+                    }
+                    Type::Scalar(ScalarType::I64) => {
+                        Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::I64(Undefable::Defined(value as i64)))
+                    }
+                    Type::Scalar(ScalarType::F64) => Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::F64(
+                        Undefable::Defined(f64::from_bits(value)),
+                    )),
+                    _ => unreachable!("invalid type"),
+                };
+                ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::Constant(Rc::new(constant)));
+            }
+            Instruction::ConstantFalse {
+                id_result_type,
+                id_result,
+            } => {
+                ids[id_result.0].assert_no_decorations(id_result.0);
+                let constant = match **ids[id_result_type.0].get_nonvoid_type() {
+                    Type::Scalar(ScalarType::Bool) => {
+                        Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::Bool(Undefable::Defined(false)))
+                    }
+                    _ => unreachable!("invalid type"),
+                };
+                ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::Constant(Rc::new(constant)));
+            }
+            Instruction::ConstantTrue {
+                id_result_type,
+                id_result,
+            } => {
+                ids[id_result.0].assert_no_decorations(id_result.0);
+                let constant = match **ids[id_result_type.0].get_nonvoid_type() {
+                    Type::Scalar(ScalarType::Bool) => {
+                        Constant::Scalar(ScalarConstant::Bool(Undefable::Defined(true)))
+                    }
+                    _ => unreachable!("invalid type"),
+                };
+                ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::Constant(Rc::new(constant)));
+            }
+            Instruction::ConstantComposite {
+                id_result_type,
+                id_result,
+                constituents,
+            } => {
+                let constant = match **ids[id_result_type.0].get_nonvoid_type() {
+                    Type::Vector(VectorType {
+                        ref element,
+                        element_count,
+                    }) => {
+                        assert_eq!(element_count, constituents.len());
+                        let constituents = constituents
+                            .iter()
+                            .map(|id| *ids[*id].get_constant().get_scalar());
+                        match *element {
+                            ScalarType::U8 => {
+                                VectorConstant::U8(|v| v.get_u8()).collect())
+                            }
+                            ScalarType::U16 => {
+                                VectorConstant::U16(|v| v.get_u16()).collect())
+                            }
+                            ScalarType::U32 => {
+                                VectorConstant::U32(|v| v.get_u32()).collect())
+                            }
+                            ScalarType::U64 => {
+                                VectorConstant::U64(|v| v.get_u64()).collect())
+                            }
+                            ScalarType::I8 => {
+                                VectorConstant::I8(|v| v.get_i8()).collect())
+                            }
+                            ScalarType::I16 => {
+                                VectorConstant::I16(|v| v.get_i16()).collect())
+                            }
+                            ScalarType::I32 => {
+                                VectorConstant::I32(|v| v.get_i32()).collect())
+                            }
+                            ScalarType::I64 => {
+                                VectorConstant::I64(|v| v.get_i64()).collect())
+                            }
+                            ScalarType::F16 => {
+                                VectorConstant::F16(|v| v.get_f16()).collect())
+                            }
+                            ScalarType::F32 => {
+                                VectorConstant::F32(|v| v.get_f32()).collect())
+                            }
+                            ScalarType::F64 => {
+                                VectorConstant::F64(|v| v.get_f64()).collect())
+                            }
+                            ScalarType::Bool => {
+                                VectorConstant::Bool(|v| v.get_bool()).collect())
+                            }
+                            ScalarType::Pointer(_) => unimplemented!(),
+                        }
+                    }
+                    _ => unimplemented!(),
+                };
+                for decoration in &ids[id_result.0].decorations {
+                    match decoration {
+                        Decoration::BuiltIn {
+                            built_in: BuiltIn::WorkgroupSize,
+                        } => {
+                            assert!(
+                                workgroup_size.is_none(),
+                                "duplicate WorkgroupSize decorations"
+                            );
+                            workgroup_size = match constant {
+                                VectorConstant::U32(ref v) => {
+                                    assert_eq!(
+                                        v.len(),
+                                        3,
+                                        "invalid type for WorkgroupSize built-in"
+                                    );
+                                    Some((v[0].unwrap(), v[1].unwrap(), v[2].unwrap()))
+                                }
+                                _ => unreachable!("invalid type for WorkgroupSize built-in"),
+                            };
+                        }
+                        _ => unimplemented!(
+                            "unimplemented decoration on constant {:?}: {:?}",
+                            Constant::Vector(constant),
+                            decoration
+                        ),
+                    }
+                }
+                ids[id_result.0].assert_no_member_decorations(id_result.0);
+                ids[id_result.0].set_kind(IdKind::Constant(Rc::new(Constant::Vector(constant))));
+            }
+            Instruction::MemoryModel {
+                addressing_model,
+                memory_model,
+            } => {
+                assert_eq!(addressing_model, spirv_parser::AddressingModel::Logical);
+                assert_eq!(memory_model, spirv_parser::MemoryModel::GLSL450);
+            }
+            Instruction::Capability { .. }
+            | Instruction::ExtInstImport { .. }
+            | Instruction::Source { .. }
+            | Instruction::SourceExtension { .. }
+            | Instruction::Name { .. }
+            | Instruction::MemberName { .. } => {}
+            Instruction::SpecConstant32 { .. } => unimplemented!(),
+            Instruction::SpecConstant64 { .. } => unimplemented!(),
+            Instruction::SpecConstantTrue { .. } => unimplemented!(),
+            Instruction::SpecConstantFalse { .. } => unimplemented!(),
+            Instruction::SpecConstantOp { .. } => unimplemented!(),
+            instruction => unimplemented!("unimplemented instruction:\n{}", instruction),
+        }
+    }
+    assert!(
+        current_function.is_none(),
+        "missing terminating OpFunctionEnd"
+    );
+    let ShaderEntryPoint {
+        main_function_id,
+        interface_variables,
+    } = entry_point.unwrap();
+    ParsedShader {
+        ids,
+        main_function_id,
+        interface_variables,
+        execution_modes,
+        workgroup_size,
+    }
index 41836c28644e5a8332a46966fa408a3bba25936d..8068c34cba802f5d294a074d0e2e45dd2d493c4e 100644 (file)
@@ -4061,17 +4061,79 @@ pub unsafe extern "system" fn vkCreatePipelineLayout(
         create_info.pushConstantRangeCount as usize,
-    *pipeline_layout = OwnedHandle::<api::VkPipelineLayout>::new(PipelineLayout {
-        push_constants_size: push_constant_ranges
-            .iter()
-            .map(|v| v.size as usize + v.offset as usize)
-            .max()
-            .unwrap_or(0),
-        push_constant_ranges: push_constant_ranges.into(),
-        descriptor_set_layouts: set_layouts
+    let push_constants_size = push_constant_ranges
+        .iter()
+        .map(|v| v.size as usize + v.offset as usize)
+        .max()
+        .unwrap_or(0);
+    let descriptor_set_layouts: Vec<_> = set_layouts
+        .iter()
+        .map(|v| SharedHandle::from(*v).unwrap())
+        .collect();
+    let shader_compiler_pipeline_layout = shader_compiler::PipelineLayout {
+        push_constants_size,
+        descriptor_sets: descriptor_set_layouts
-            .map(|v| SharedHandle::from(*v).unwrap())
+            .map(
+                |descriptor_set_layout| shader_compiler::DescriptorSetLayout {
+                    bindings: descriptor_set_layout
+                        .bindings
+                        .iter()
+                        .map(|binding| {
+                            Some(match *binding.as_ref()? {
+                                DescriptorLayout::Sampler {
+                                    count,
+                                    immutable_samplers: _,
+                                } => shader_compiler::DescriptorLayout::Sampler { count },
+                                DescriptorLayout::CombinedImageSampler {
+                                    count,
+                                    immutable_samplers: _,
+                                } => shader_compiler::DescriptorLayout::CombinedImageSampler {
+                                    count,
+                                },
+                                DescriptorLayout::SampledImage { count } => {
+                                    shader_compiler::DescriptorLayout::SampledImage { count }
+                                }
+                                DescriptorLayout::StorageImage { count } => {
+                                    shader_compiler::DescriptorLayout::StorageImage { count }
+                                }
+                                DescriptorLayout::UniformTexelBuffer { count } => {
+                                    shader_compiler::DescriptorLayout::UniformTexelBuffer { count }
+                                }
+                                DescriptorLayout::StorageTexelBuffer { count } => {
+                                    shader_compiler::DescriptorLayout::StorageTexelBuffer { count }
+                                }
+                                DescriptorLayout::UniformBuffer { count } => {
+                                    shader_compiler::DescriptorLayout::UniformBuffer { count }
+                                }
+                                DescriptorLayout::StorageBuffer { count } => {
+                                    shader_compiler::DescriptorLayout::StorageBuffer { count }
+                                }
+                                DescriptorLayout::UniformBufferDynamic { count } => {
+                                    shader_compiler::DescriptorLayout::UniformBufferDynamic {
+                                        count,
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                DescriptorLayout::StorageBufferDynamic { count } => {
+                                    shader_compiler::DescriptorLayout::StorageBufferDynamic {
+                                        count,
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                DescriptorLayout::InputAttachment { count } => {
+                                    shader_compiler::DescriptorLayout::InputAttachment { count }
+                                }
+                            })
+                        })
+                        .collect(),
+                },
+            )
+    };
+    *pipeline_layout = OwnedHandle::<api::VkPipelineLayout>::new(PipelineLayout {
+        push_constants_size,
+        push_constant_ranges: push_constant_ranges.into(),
+        descriptor_set_layouts,
+        shader_compiler_pipeline_layout,
index 702bfabfeb594b0ca2f6d6d6f7dd426d8b2b000e..279dc11f31c17f764793fb242603b16e0b3f862d 100644 (file)
@@ -12,11 +12,16 @@ use std::iter;
 use std::ops::Deref;
 use util;
+pub fn get_shader_compiler_backend() -> impl shader_compiler_backend::Compiler {
+    shader_compiler_backend_llvm_7::LLVM_7_SHADER_COMPILER
 pub struct PipelineLayout {
     pub push_constants_size: usize,
     pub push_constant_ranges: Vec<api::VkPushConstantRange>,
     pub descriptor_set_layouts: Vec<SharedHandle<api::VkDescriptorSetLayout>>,
+    pub shader_compiler_pipeline_layout: shader_compiler::PipelineLayout,
 pub trait GenericPipeline: fmt::Debug + Sync + 'static {}
@@ -132,12 +137,18 @@ impl GenericPipelineSized for ComputePipeline {
             compute_stage = VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE_BIT,
+        let pipeline_layout = SharedHandle::from(create_info.layout)
+            .unwrap()
+            .shader_compiler_pipeline_layout
+            .clone();
         Self {
             pipeline: shader_compiler::ComputePipeline::new(
                 &shader_compiler::ComputePipelineOptions {
                     generic_options: get_generic_pipeline_options(create_info.flags),
+                pipeline_layout,
+                get_shader_compiler_backend(),