add indices output to MultiPriorityPicker
[nmutil.git] / src / nmutil /
1 """ Priority Picker: optimised back-to-back PriorityEncoder and Decoder
2 and MultiPriorityPicker: cascading mutually-exclusive pickers
4 PriorityPicker: the input is N bits, the output is N bits wide and
5 only one is enabled.
7 MultiPriorityPicker: likewise except that there are M pickers and
8 each output is guaranteed mutually exclusive. Optionally:
9 an "index" (and enable line) is also outputted.
11 MultiPriorityPicker is designed for port-selection, when there are
12 multiple "things" (of width N) contending for access to M "ports".
13 When the M=0 "thing" requests a port, it gets allocated port 0
14 (always). However if the M=0 "thing" does *not* request a port,
15 this gives the M=1 "thing" the opportunity to gain access to port 0.
17 Given that N may potentially be much greater than M (16 bits wide
18 where M may be e.g. only 4) we can't just ok, "ok so M=N therefore
19 M=0 gets access to port 0, M=1 gets access to port 1" etc.
20 """
22 from nmigen import Module, Signal, Cat, Elaboratable, Array, Const, Mux
23 from nmigen.cli import verilog, rtlil
24 import math
26 class PriorityPicker(Elaboratable):
27 """ implements a priority-picker. input: N bits, output: N bits
28 """
29 def __init__(self, wid):
30 self.wid = wid
31 # inputs
32 self.i = Signal(wid, reset_less=True)
33 self.o = Signal(wid, reset_less=True)
34 self.en_o = Signal(reset_less=True) # true if any output is true
36 def elaborate(self, platform):
37 m = Module()
39 res = []
40 ni = Signal(self.wid, reset_less = True)
41 m.d.comb += ni.eq(~self.i)
42 for i in range(0, self.wid):
43 t = Signal(reset_less = True)
44 res.append(t)
45 if i == 0:
46 m.d.comb += t.eq(self.i[i])
47 else:
48 m.d.comb += t.eq(~Cat(ni[i], *self.i[:i]).bool())
50 # we like Cat(*xxx). turn lists into concatenated bits
51 m.d.comb += self.o.eq(Cat(*res))
52 m.d.comb += self.en_o.eq(self.o.bool()) # true if 1 input is true
54 return m
56 def __iter__(self):
57 yield self.i
58 yield self.o
60 def ports(self):
61 return list(self)
64 class MultiPriorityPicker(Elaboratable):
65 """ implements a multi-input priority picker
66 Mx inputs of N bits, Mx outputs of N bits, only one is set
68 Each picker masks out the one below it, such that the first
69 gets top priority, the second cannot have the same bit that
70 the first has set, and so on. To do this, a "mask" accumulates
71 the output from the chain, masking the input to the next chain.
73 Also outputted (optional): an index for each picked "thing".
74 """
75 def __init__(self, wid, levels, indices=False):
76 self.levels = levels
77 self.wid = wid
78 self.indices = indices
80 # create array of input and output (unary)
81 self.i = [] # store the array of picker inputs
82 self.o = [] # store the array of picker outputs
83 for j in range(self.levels):
84 i = Signal(self.wid, name="i_%d" % j, reset_less=True)
85 o = Signal(self.wid, name="o_%d" % j, reset_less=True)
86 self.i.append(i)
87 self.o.append(o)
88 self.i = Array(self.i)
89 self.o = Array(self.o)
91 if not self.indices:
92 return
94 # add an array of "enables" and indices
95 self.en_o = Signal(self.levels, name="en_o", reset_less=True)
96 lidx = math.ceil(math.log2(self.levels+1))
97 idx_o = [] # store the array of indices
98 for j in range(self.levels):
99 i = Signal(lidx, name="idxo_%d" % j, reset_less=True)
100 idx_o.append(i)
101 self.idx_o = Array(idx_o)
103 def elaborate(self, platform):
104 m = Module()
105 comb = m.d.comb
107 prev_pp = None
108 p_mask = None
109 pp_l = []
110 for j in range(self.levels):
111 o, i = self.o[j], self.i[j]
112 pp = PriorityPicker(self.wid)
113 pp_l.append(pp)
114 setattr(m.submodules, "pp%d" % j, pp)
115 comb += o.eq(pp.o)
116 if prev_pp is None:
117 comb += pp.i.eq(i)
118 p_mask = Const(0, self.wid)
119 else:
120 mask = Signal(self.wid, name="m_%d" % j, reset_less=True)
121 comb += mask.eq(prev_pp.o | p_mask) # accumulate output bits
122 comb += pp.i.eq(i & ~mask) # mask out input
123 p_mask = mask
124 prev_pp = pp
126 if not self.indices:
127 return m
129 # for each picker enabled, pass that out and set a cascading index
130 lidx = math.ceil(math.log2(self.levels+1))
131 en_l = []
132 prev_count = None
133 for j in range(self.levels):
134 en_o = pp_l[j].en_o
135 en_l.append(en_o)
136 count1 = Signal(lidx, name="count_%d" % j, reset_less=True)
137 if prev_count is None:
138 comb += self.idx_o[j].eq(Mux(en_o, 1, 0))
139 else:
140 comb += count1.eq(prev_count + Const(1, lidx))
141 comb += self.idx_o[j].eq(Mux(en_o, count1, prev_count))
142 prev_count = self.idx_o[j]
144 # concat accumulated enable bits
145 comb += self.en_o.eq(Cat(*en_o))
147 return m
149 def __iter__(self):
150 yield from self.i
151 yield from self.o
153 def ports(self):
154 return list(self)
157 if __name__ == '__main__':
158 dut = MultiPriorityPicker(5, 4, True)
159 vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=dut.ports())
160 with open("", "w") as f:
161 f.write(vl)