[sifive-blocks.git] / src / main / scala / ip / xilinx / vc707mig / vc707mig.scala
1 // See LICENSE for license details.
2 package sifive.blocks.ip.xilinx.vc707mig
4 import Chisel._
5 import chisel3.experimental.{Analog,attach}
6 import freechips.rocketchip.util.GenericParameterizedBundle
7 import freechips.rocketchip.config._
9 // IP VLNV: xilinx.com:customize_ip:vc707mig:1.0
10 // Black Box
12 class VC707MIGIODDR(depth : BigInt) extends GenericParameterizedBundle(depth) {
13 require((depth==0x40000000L) || (depth==0x100000000L),"VC707MIGIODDR supports 1GB and 4GB depth configuraton only")
14 val ddr3_addr = Bits(OUTPUT,if(depth==0x40000000L) 14 else 16)
15 val ddr3_ba = Bits(OUTPUT,3)
16 val ddr3_ras_n = Bool(OUTPUT)
17 val ddr3_cas_n = Bool(OUTPUT)
18 val ddr3_we_n = Bool(OUTPUT)
19 val ddr3_reset_n = Bool(OUTPUT)
20 val ddr3_ck_p = Bits(OUTPUT,1)
21 val ddr3_ck_n = Bits(OUTPUT,1)
22 val ddr3_cke = Bits(OUTPUT,1)
23 val ddr3_cs_n = Bits(OUTPUT,1)
24 val ddr3_dm = Bits(OUTPUT,8)
25 val ddr3_odt = Bits(OUTPUT,1)
27 val ddr3_dq = Analog(64.W)
28 val ddr3_dqs_n = Analog(8.W)
29 val ddr3_dqs_p = Analog(8.W)
30 }
32 //reused directly in io bundle for sifive.blocks.devices.xilinxvc707mig
33 trait VC707MIGIOClocksReset extends Bundle {
34 //inputs
35 //"NO_BUFFER" clock source (must be connected to IBUF outside of IP)
36 val sys_clk_i = Bool(INPUT)
37 //user interface signals
38 val ui_clk = Clock(OUTPUT)
39 val ui_clk_sync_rst = Bool(OUTPUT)
40 val mmcm_locked = Bool(OUTPUT)
41 val aresetn = Bool(INPUT)
42 //misc
43 val init_calib_complete = Bool(OUTPUT)
44 val sys_rst = Bool(INPUT)
45 }
47 //scalastyle:off
48 //turn off linter: blackbox name must match verilog module
49 class vc707mig(depth : BigInt)(implicit val p:Parameters) extends BlackBox
50 {
51 private val oneGB : BigInt = 0x40000000L
52 private val fourGB : BigInt = 0x100000000L
53 require((depth==oneGB) || (depth==fourGB),"vc707mig supports 1GB and 4GB depth configuraton only")
55 override def desiredName = if(depth==fourGB) "vc707mig4gb" else "vc707mig"
57 val io = new VC707MIGIODDR(depth) with VC707MIGIOClocksReset {
58 // User interface signals
59 val app_sr_req = Bool(INPUT)
60 val app_ref_req = Bool(INPUT)
61 val app_zq_req = Bool(INPUT)
62 val app_sr_active = Bool(OUTPUT)
63 val app_ref_ack = Bool(OUTPUT)
64 val app_zq_ack = Bool(OUTPUT)
65 //axi_s
66 //slave interface write address ports
67 val s_axi_awid = Bits(INPUT,4)
68 val s_axi_awaddr = Bits(INPUT,if(depth==oneGB) 30 else 32)
69 val s_axi_awlen = Bits(INPUT,8)
70 val s_axi_awsize = Bits(INPUT,3)
71 val s_axi_awburst = Bits(INPUT,2)
72 val s_axi_awlock = Bits(INPUT,1)
73 val s_axi_awcache = Bits(INPUT,4)
74 val s_axi_awprot = Bits(INPUT,3)
75 val s_axi_awqos = Bits(INPUT,4)
76 val s_axi_awvalid = Bool(INPUT)
77 val s_axi_awready = Bool(OUTPUT)
78 //slave interface write data ports
79 val s_axi_wdata = Bits(INPUT,64)
80 val s_axi_wstrb = Bits(INPUT,8)
81 val s_axi_wlast = Bool(INPUT)
82 val s_axi_wvalid = Bool(INPUT)
83 val s_axi_wready = Bool(OUTPUT)
84 //slave interface write response ports
85 val s_axi_bready = Bool(INPUT)
86 val s_axi_bid = Bits(OUTPUT,4)
87 val s_axi_bresp = Bits(OUTPUT,2)
88 val s_axi_bvalid = Bool(OUTPUT)
89 //slave interface read address ports
90 val s_axi_arid = Bits(INPUT,4)
91 val s_axi_araddr = Bits(INPUT,if(depth==oneGB) 30 else 32)
92 val s_axi_arlen = Bits(INPUT,8)
93 val s_axi_arsize = Bits(INPUT,3)
94 val s_axi_arburst = Bits(INPUT,2)
95 val s_axi_arlock = Bits(INPUT,1)
96 val s_axi_arcache = Bits(INPUT,4)
97 val s_axi_arprot = Bits(INPUT,3)
98 val s_axi_arqos = Bits(INPUT,4)
99 val s_axi_arvalid = Bool(INPUT)
100 val s_axi_arready = Bool(OUTPUT)
101 //slave interface read data ports
102 val s_axi_rready = Bool(INPUT)
103 val s_axi_rid = Bits(OUTPUT,4)
104 val s_axi_rdata = Bits(OUTPUT,64)
105 val s_axi_rresp = Bits(OUTPUT,2)
106 val s_axi_rlast = Bool(OUTPUT)
107 val s_axi_rvalid = Bool(OUTPUT)
108 //misc
109 val device_temp = Bits(OUTPUT,12)
110 }
111 }
112 //scalastyle:on