spi: SPIParamsBase param needs to be public
[sifive-blocks.git] / src / main / scala / util / Timer.scala
1 // See LICENSE for license details.
2 package sifive.blocks.util
4 import Chisel._
5 import Chisel.ImplicitConversions._
6 import freechips.rocketchip.regmapper._
7 import freechips.rocketchip.util.WideCounter
9 class SlaveRegIF(private val w: Int) extends Bundle {
10 val write = Valid(UInt(width = w)).flip
11 val read = UInt(OUTPUT, w)
13 def toRegField(dummy: Int = 0): RegField = {
14 def writeFn(valid: Bool, data: UInt): Bool = {
15 write.valid := valid
16 write.bits := data
17 Bool(true)
18 }
19 RegField(w, RegReadFn(read), RegWriteFn((v, d) => writeFn(v, d)))
20 }
21 }
24 abstract class GenericTimer extends Module {
25 protected def countWidth: Int
26 protected def cmpWidth: Int
27 protected def ncmp: Int
28 protected def countAlways: Bool
29 protected def countEn: Bool
30 protected def feed: Bool
31 protected def ip: UInt
32 protected def countAwake: Bool = Bool(false)
33 protected def unlocked: Bool = Bool(true)
34 protected def rsten: Bool = Bool(false)
35 protected def deglitch: Bool = Bool(false)
36 protected def sticky: Bool = Bool(false)
37 protected def oneShot: Bool = Bool(false)
38 protected def center: UInt = UInt(0)
39 protected def extra: UInt = UInt(0)
40 protected def gang: UInt = UInt(0)
41 protected val scaleWidth = 4
42 protected val regWidth = 32
43 val maxcmp = 4
44 require(ncmp <= maxcmp)
46 class GenericTimerIO extends Bundle {
47 val regs = new Bundle {
48 val cfg = new SlaveRegIF(regWidth)
49 val countLo = new SlaveRegIF(regWidth)
50 val countHi = new SlaveRegIF(regWidth)
51 val s = new SlaveRegIF(cmpWidth)
52 val cmp = Vec(ncmp, new SlaveRegIF(cmpWidth))
53 val feed = new SlaveRegIF(regWidth)
54 val key = new SlaveRegIF(regWidth)
55 }
56 val ip = Vec(ncmp, Bool()).asOutput
57 }
59 def io: GenericTimerIO
61 protected val scale = RegEnable(io.regs.cfg.write.bits(scaleWidth-1, 0), io.regs.cfg.write.valid && unlocked)
62 protected lazy val zerocmp = RegEnable(io.regs.cfg.write.bits(9), io.regs.cfg.write.valid && unlocked)
63 protected val cmp = io.regs.cmp.map(c => RegEnable(c.write.bits, c.write.valid && unlocked))
65 protected val count = WideCounter(countWidth, countEn, reset = false)
66 when (io.regs.countLo.write.valid && unlocked) { count := Cat(count >> regWidth, io.regs.countLo.write.bits) }
67 if (countWidth > regWidth) when (io.regs.countHi.write.valid && unlocked) { count := Cat(io.regs.countHi.write.bits, count(regWidth-1, 0)) }
69 // generate periodic interrupt
70 protected val s = (count >> scale)(cmpWidth-1, 0)
71 // reset counter when fed or elapsed
72 protected val elapsed =
73 for (i <- 0 until ncmp)
74 yield Mux(s(cmpWidth-1) && center(i), ~s, s) >= cmp(i)
75 protected val countReset = feed || (zerocmp && elapsed(0))
76 when (countReset) { count := 0 }
78 io.regs.cfg.read := Cat(ip, gang | UInt(0, maxcmp), extra | UInt(0, maxcmp), center | UInt(0, maxcmp),
79 UInt(0, 2), countAwake || oneShot, countAlways, UInt(0, 1), deglitch, zerocmp, rsten || sticky,
80 UInt(0, 8-scaleWidth), scale)
81 io.regs.countLo.read := count
82 io.regs.countHi.read := count >> regWidth
83 io.regs.s.read := s
84 (io.regs.cmp zip cmp) map { case (r, c) => r.read := c }
85 io.regs.feed.read := 0
86 io.regs.key.read := unlocked
87 io.ip := io.ip.fromBits(ip)
88 }
91 object GenericTimer {
92 def timerRegMap(t: GenericTimer, offset: Int, regBytes: Int): Seq[(Int, Seq[RegField])] = {
93 val regs = Seq(
94 0 -> t.io.regs.cfg,
95 2 -> t.io.regs.countLo,
96 3 -> t.io.regs.countHi,
97 4 -> t.io.regs.s,
98 6 -> t.io.regs.feed,
99 7 -> t.io.regs.key)
100 val cmpRegs = t.io.regs.cmp.zipWithIndex map { case (r, i) => (8 + i) -> r }
101 for ((i, r) <- (regs ++ cmpRegs))
102 yield (offset + regBytes*i) -> Seq(r.toRegField())
103 }
104 }