Make sure to translate Debug RAM addresses also.
[riscv-isa-sim.git] / riscv /
1 // See LICENSE for license details.
3 #include "sim.h"
4 #include "mmu.h"
5 #include "htif.h"
6 #include <map>
7 #include <iostream>
8 #include <sstream>
9 #include <climits>
10 #include <cstdlib>
11 #include <cassert>
12 #include <signal.h>
14 volatile bool ctrlc_pressed = false;
15 static void handle_signal(int sig)
16 {
17 if (ctrlc_pressed)
18 exit(-1);
19 ctrlc_pressed = true;
20 signal(sig, &handle_signal);
21 }
23 sim_t::sim_t(const char* isa, size_t nprocs, size_t mem_mb, bool halted,
24 const std::vector<std::string>& args)
25 : htif(new htif_isasim_t(this, args)), procs(std::max(nprocs, size_t(1))),
26 current_step(0), current_proc(0), debug(false), gdbserver(NULL)
27 {
28 signal(SIGINT, &handle_signal);
29 // allocate target machine's memory, shrinking it as necessary
30 // until the allocation succeeds
31 size_t memsz0 = (size_t)mem_mb << 20;
32 size_t quantum = 1L << 20;
33 if (memsz0 == 0)
34 memsz0 = (size_t)((sizeof(size_t) == 8 ? 4096 : 2048) - 256) << 20;
36 memsz = memsz0;
37 while ((mem = (char*)calloc(1, memsz)) == NULL)
38 memsz = (size_t)(memsz*0.9)/quantum*quantum;
40 if (memsz != memsz0)
41 fprintf(stderr, "warning: only got %lu bytes of target mem (wanted %lu)\n",
42 (unsigned long)memsz, (unsigned long)memsz0);
44 /* Copy Debug ROM into the end of the allocated block, because we surely
45 * didn't succeed in allocating 0xfffffffff800 bytes. */
46 /* TODO: Once everything uses the new memory map, just put this at the
47 * address that it actually belongs at. */
48 memcpy(mem + memsz - DEBUG_SIZE + DEBUG_ROM_START - DEBUG_START,
49 debug_rom_raw, debug_rom_raw_len);
51 debug_mmu = new mmu_t(this, NULL);
53 for (size_t i = 0; i < procs.size(); i++) {
54 procs[i] = new processor_t(isa, this, i);
55 if (halted)
56 procs[i]->enter_debug_mode(DCSR_CAUSE_HALT);
57 }
59 rtc.reset(new rtc_t(procs));
60 make_config_string();
61 }
63 sim_t::~sim_t()
64 {
65 for (size_t i = 0; i < procs.size(); i++)
66 delete procs[i];
67 delete debug_mmu;
68 free(mem);
69 }
71 int sim_t::run()
72 {
73 if (!debug && log)
74 set_procs_debug(true);
75 while (htif->tick())
76 {
77 if (debug || ctrlc_pressed)
78 interactive();
79 else
80 step(INTERLEAVE);
81 if (gdbserver) {
82 gdbserver->handle();
83 }
84 }
85 return htif->exit_code();
86 }
88 void sim_t::step(size_t n)
89 {
90 for (size_t i = 0, steps = 0; i < n; i += steps)
91 {
92 steps = std::min(n - i, INTERLEAVE - current_step);
93 procs[current_proc]->step(steps);
95 current_step += steps;
96 if (current_step == INTERLEAVE)
97 {
98 current_step = 0;
99 procs[current_proc]->yield_load_reservation();
100 if (++current_proc == procs.size()) {
101 current_proc = 0;
102 rtc->increment(INTERLEAVE / INSNS_PER_RTC_TICK);
103 }
105 htif->tick();
106 }
107 }
108 }
110 bool sim_t::running()
111 {
112 for (size_t i = 0; i < procs.size(); i++)
113 if (procs[i]->running())
114 return true;
115 return false;
116 }
118 void sim_t::set_debug(bool value)
119 {
120 debug = value;
121 }
123 void sim_t::set_log(bool value)
124 {
125 log = value;
126 }
128 void sim_t::set_histogram(bool value)
129 {
130 histogram_enabled = value;
131 for (size_t i = 0; i < procs.size(); i++) {
132 procs[i]->set_histogram(histogram_enabled);
133 }
134 }
136 void sim_t::set_procs_debug(bool value)
137 {
138 for (size_t i=0; i< procs.size(); i++)
139 procs[i]->set_debug(value);
140 }
142 bool sim_t::mmio_load(reg_t addr, size_t len, uint8_t* bytes)
143 {
144 if (addr + len < addr)
145 return false;
146 return bus.load(addr, len, bytes);
147 }
149 bool sim_t::mmio_store(reg_t addr, size_t len, const uint8_t* bytes)
150 {
151 if (addr + len < addr)
152 return false;
153 return, len, bytes);
154 }
156 void sim_t::make_config_string()
157 {
158 reg_t rtc_addr = EXT_IO_BASE;
159 bus.add_device(rtc_addr, rtc.get());
161 const int align = 0x1000;
162 reg_t cpu_addr = rtc_addr + ((rtc->size() - 1) / align + 1) * align;
163 reg_t cpu_size = align;
165 uint32_t reset_vec[8] = {
166 0x297 + DRAM_BASE - DEFAULT_RSTVEC, // reset vector
167 0x00028067, // jump straight to DRAM_BASE
168 0x00000000, // reserved
169 0, // config string pointer
170 0, 0, 0, 0 // trap vector
171 };
172 reset_vec[3] = DEFAULT_RSTVEC + sizeof(reset_vec); // config string pointer
174 std::vector<char> rom((char*)reset_vec, (char*)reset_vec + sizeof(reset_vec));
176 std::stringstream s;
177 s << std::hex <<
178 "platform {\n"
179 " vendor ucb;\n"
180 " arch spike;\n"
181 "};\n"
182 "rtc {\n"
183 " addr 0x" << rtc_addr << ";\n"
184 "};\n"
185 "ram {\n"
186 " 0 {\n"
187 " addr 0x" << DRAM_BASE << ";\n"
188 " size 0x" << memsz << ";\n"
189 " };\n"
190 "};\n"
191 "core {\n";
192 for (size_t i = 0; i < procs.size(); i++) {
193 s <<
194 " " << i << " {\n"
195 " " << "0 {\n" << // hart 0 on core i
196 " isa " << procs[i]->isa_string << ";\n"
197 " timecmp 0x" << (rtc_addr + 8*(1+i)) << ";\n"
198 " ipi 0x" << cpu_addr << ";\n"
199 " };\n"
200 " };\n";
201 bus.add_device(cpu_addr, procs[i]);
202 cpu_addr += cpu_size;
203 }
204 s << "};\n";
206 config_string = s.str();
207 rom.insert(rom.end(), config_string.begin(), config_string.end());
208 rom.resize((rom.size() / align + 1) * align);
210 boot_rom.reset(new rom_device_t(rom));
211 bus.add_device(DEFAULT_RSTVEC, boot_rom.get());
212 }